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姓名 甘礼华
教师编号 107666
性别 邮箱 : ganlh@tongji.edu.cn
学校 同济大学
部门 化学科学与工程学院
学位 发明专利包写包过 特惠申请
学历 工作电话 : 021-65982674
职称 软件著作权666包写包过
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急速申请 包写包过 办事快、准、稳

个人简介 Personal Profile 甘礼华,博士,教授,博士生导师;男,汉族,1964 年生,浙江常山人。1985 年 7 月毕业于浙江师范大学化学系;1992 年 6 月在华东师范大学获得物理化学专业理学硕士学位;2005 年 5 月在同济大学获得材料物理与化学专业工学博士学位;2013 年 1-2 月英国剑桥大学化学系高级访问学者。1992年7月至1995年6月 同济大学化学系助教;1995年7月至1999年5月 同济大学化学系讲师;1999年6月至2005年5月 同济大学化学系副教授;2005年6月至2016年4月 同济大学化学系正教授;2016年5月至今 同济大学化学科学与工程学院正教授。研究方向为界面化学与能源材料(能源与环境纳米材料,胶体与界面化学)。中国化学会胶体与界面化学专业委员会委员;材料复合及先进分散技术教育部工程研究中心技术委员会委员;上海市颗粒学会理事;上海市创造学会理事; 上海资源环境新材料及应用工程技术研究中心技术委员会委员;上海光固化先进材料应用工程技术研究中心技术委员会主任委员;浙江省在沪人才联合会理事。《无机材料学报》第五届编委;《Chinese Chemical Letters》第一届通讯编委;《Molecules》编委。2021 年入选科睿唯安(Clarivate Analytics)全球高被引科学家称号;入选英国皇家化学会 TOP 1 % 高被引中国作者(2021)、全球  2 % 顶尖科学家榜单(2021);获得上海市教学成果奖三等奖;获得上海市研究生(博士学位论文)优秀成果奖(指导教师);获得 2019 年度上海市自然科学奖(第一完成人)。 研究方向Research Directions 界面化学与能源材料 2. 机电结构优化与控制 研究内容:在对机电结构进行分析和优化的基础上,运用控制理论进行结构参数的调整,使结构性能满足设计要求。1. 仿生结构材料拓扑优化设计, 仿生机械设计 研究内容:以仿生结构为研究对象,运用连续体结构拓扑优化设计理论和方法,对多相仿生结构(机构)材料进行2. 机电结构优化与控制 研究内容:在对机电结构进行分析和优化的基础上,运用控制理论进行结构参数的调整,使结构性能满足设计要求。1. 仿生结构材料拓扑优化设计, 仿生机械设计 研究内容:以仿生结构为研究对象,运用连续体结构拓扑优化设计理论和方法,对多相仿生结构(机构)材料进行整体布局设计。 整体布局设计。 科研项目 目前承担的科研项目:1. 国家自然科学基金项目,与高电压电解质匹配的富微孔分级孔碳基材料的设计合成,批准号:22172111;2. 上海市自然科学基金项目,面向高效能源存储的多孔碳材料的设计合成,批准号:20ZR1460300. 研究成果 List of all PublicationsPublished  academic/scientific research papers2023[1] Mulati Mansuer, Ling Miao, Yang Qin, Ziyang Song, Dazhang Zhu, Hui Duan, Yaokang Lv, Liangchun Li, Mingxian Liu, Lihua Gan, Trapping precursor-level functionalities in hierarchically porous carbons prepared by a pre-stabilization route for superior supercapacitors, Chinese Chem. Lett., 2023, 34(3), 107304.[2] Ling Miao, Yaokang Lv, Dazhang Zhu, Liangchun Li, Lihua Gan, Mingxian Liu, Recent advances in zinc-ion hybrid energy storage: Coloring high-power capacitors with battery-level energy, Chinese Chem. Lett., 2023, 34(7), 107784. [3] Ling Miao, Jinmao Zhang, Yaokang Lv, Lihua Gan, Mingxian Liu, Dendrite-free engineering toward efficient zinc storage: Recent progress and future perspectives, Chem. Eur. J., 2023, 29(20), e202203973.[4] Ziyang Song, Ling Miao, Laurent Ruhlmann, Yaokang Lv, Liangchun Li, Lihua Gan, Mingxian Liu, Proton-conductive supramolecular hydrogen-bonded organic superstructures for high-performance zinc−organic batteries, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2023, 62(13), e202219136.[5] Ziyang Song, Ling Miao,Yaokang Lv, Lihua Gan, Mingxian Liu, Versatile carbon superstructures for energy storage, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2023,11,  12434–12455.[6] Yehui Zhang, Ziyang Song, Ling Miao, Yaokang Lv, Liangchun Li, Lihua Gan, Mingxian Liu, A crystal splitting growth and self-assembly route to carbon superstructures with high energy and superstable Zn-ion storage, Chem. Eng. J., 2023, 467, 143497. [7] Ling Miao, Ziyang Song,Wenyan Du, Xunwen Zheng, Yaokang Lv, Lihua Gan, Mingxian Liu, Advances in organic cathode materials for aqueous multivalent metal-ion storage, Mater.Chem. Front., 2023, DOI: 10.1039/D3QM00297G.[8] Yang Qin, Ziyang Song, Ling Miao, Chengmin Hu,Yumin Chen, Pingxuan Liu, Yaokang Lv, Lihua Gan, Mingxian Liu, Hydrogen-bond-mediatedmicelle aggregating self-assembly towards carbon nanofiber networks forhigh-energy and long-life zinc ion capacitors, Chem. Eng. J., 2023, 470, 144256.2022[1] Xunwen Zheng, Ling Miao, Ziyang Song, Wenyan Du, Dazhang Zhu, Yaokang Lv, Liangchun Li, Lihua Gan, Mingxian Liu, In-situ nanoarchitecturing of conjugated polyamide network derived carbon cathodes toward high energy-power Zn-ion capacitors, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2022, 10(2), 611–621. [2] Jingjing Yan, Ling Miao, Hui Duan, Dazhang Zhu, Yaokang Lv, Liangchun Li, Lihua Gan, Mingxian Liu, High-energy aqueous supercapacitors enabled by N/O codoped carbon nanosheets and “water-in-salt” electrolyte, Chinese Chem. Lett., 2022, 33(5), 2681–2686. [3] Hui Duan, Ziyang Song, Ling Miao, Liangchun Li, Dazhang Zhu, Lihua Gan, Mingxian Liu, Unraveling the role of solvent–precursor interaction in fabricating heteroatomic carbon cathode for high-energy Zn-ion storage, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2022, 10(18), 9837–9847. [4] Wenyan Du, Ling Miao, Ziyang Song, Xunwen Zheng, Yaokang Lv, Dazhang Zhua, Lihua Gan, Mingxian Liu, Kinetics-driven design of 3D VN/MXene composite structure for superiorzinc storage and charge transfer, J. Power Sources, 2022, 536, 231512.[5] Yang Qin, Ling Miao, Mulati Mansuer, Chengmin Hu, Yaokang Lv, Lihua Gan, Mingxian Liu, Spatial confinement strategy for micelle-size-mediated modulation of mesopores in hierarchical porous carbon nanosheets with efficient capacitive response, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2022, 14(29), 33328−33339.[6] Ziyang Song, Ling Miao, Hui Duan, Laurent Ruhlmann, Yaokang Lv, Dazhang Zhu, Liangchun Li, Lihua Gan, Mingxian Liu, Anionic Co-insertion charge storage in dinitrobenzene cathodes for high-performance aqueous zinc−organic batteries, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2022, 61(35), e202208821.[7] Ziyang Song, Ling Miao, Laurent Ruhlmann, Yaokang Lv, Dazhang Zhu, Liangchun Li, Lihua Gan, Mingxian Liu, Lewis pair interaction self-assembly of carbon superstructures harvesting high-energy and ultralong-life zinc-ion storage, Adv. Funct. Mater., 2022, 32(48), 202208049. 2021[1] Ling Miao, Hui Duan, Dazhang Zhu, Yaokang Lv, Lihua Gan, Liangchun Li, Mingxian Liu, Boron “gluing” nitrogen heteroatoms in prepolymerized ionic liquid-based carbon scaffold for durable supercapacitive activity, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2021,9, 2714–2724. [2] Mulati Mansuer, Ling Miao, Dazhang Zhu, Hui Duan, Yaokang Lv, Liangchun Li, Mingxian Liu, Lihua Gan, Facile construction of highly redox active carbons with regular micropores and rod-like morphology towards high-energy supercapacitors, Mater. Chem. Front., 2021, 5, 3061–3072. [3] Ling Miao, Ziyang Song, Dazhang Zhu, Liangchun Li, Lihua Gan, Mingxian Liu, Ionic liquids for supercapacitive energy storage: A mini-review, Energy Fuels, 2021, 35, 8443−8455.[4] Ziyang Song, Ling Miao, Liangchun Li, Dazhang Zhu, Lihua Gan, Mingxian Liu, A robust strategy of solvent choice to synthesize optimal nanostructured carbon for efficient energy storage. Carbon, 2021, 180, 135–145. [5] Cheng Long, Ling Miao, Dazhang Zhu, Hui Duan, Yaokang Lv, Liangchun Li, Mingxian Liu, Lihua Gan, Adapting kinetics-enhanced carbon nanostructure to Li/Na hybrid water-in-salt electrolyte for high-energy aqueous supercapacitors, ACS Appl. Energy Mater., 2021, 4, 5727−5737.[6] Ziyang Song, Ling Miao, Laurent Ruhlmann, Yaokang Lv, Dazhang Zhu, Liangchun Li, Lihua Gan, MingxianLiu, Self-assembled carbon superstructures achieving ultra-stable and fast proton-coupled charge storage kinetics, Adv. Mater., 2021, 33(49), 2104148. [7] Yangyi Gu, Ling Miao, Ying Yin, Mingxian Liu, Lihua Gan, Liangchun Li, Highly N/O co-doped ultramicroporous carbons derived from nonporous metal-organic framework for high performance supercapacitors, Chinese Chem. Lett., 2021, 32(4), 1491–1496.[8] Zhenlian Yang, Yangyi Gu, Baoling Yuan, Yuanmeng Tian, Jin Shang, Daniel C. W. Tsang, Mingxian Liu, Lihua Gan, Shun Mao, Liangchun Li, Thio-groups decorated covalent triazine frameworks for selective mercury removal, J. Hazard. Mater., 2021, 403, 123702.[9] Guchuan Ping, Ling Miao, Abuduheiremu Awati, Xiaoyu Qian, Ting Shi, Yaokang Lv, Yafei Liu, Lihua Gan, Mingxian Liu, Dazhang Zhu, Porous carbon globules with moss-like surfaces from semi-biomass interpenetrating polymer network for efficient charge storage, Chinese Chem. Lett., 2021, 32(12), 3811–3816. [10] Yawei Wang, Lina Hao, Yang Zeng, Xiaohua Cao, Huanan Huang, Jinhang Liu, Xiudong Chen, Shunhang Wei, Lihua Gan, Pinghua Yang, Mingxian Liu, Dazhang Zhu, Three-dimensional hierarchical porous carbon derived from resorcinol formaldehyde-zinc tatrate/poly(styrene-maleicanhydride) for high performance supercapacitor electrode, J. Alloys Comp., 2021, 886, 161176. 2020[1] Ling Miao, Hui Duan, Zhiwei Wang, Yaokang Lv, Wei Xiong, Dazhang Zhu, Lihua Gan, Liangchun Li, Mingxian Liu, Improving the pore-ion size compatibility between poly(ionic liquid)-derived carbons and high-voltage electrolytes for high energy-power supercapacitors, Chem. Eng. J., 2020, 382, 122945. [2] Jingjing Yan, Dazhang Zhu, Yaokang Lv, Wei Xiong, Mingxian Liu, Lihua Gan, Water-in-salt electrolyte ion-matched N/O codoped porous carbons for high-performance supercapacitors, Chinese Chem. Lett., 2020, 31(2), 579–582.[3] Ziyang Song, Ling Miao, Liangchun Li, Dazhang Zhu,Yaokang Lv, Wei Xiong, Hui Duan, Zhiwei Wang, Lihua Gan, Mingxian Liu, A universal strategy to obtain high redox-active porous carbons for efficient energy storage, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2020, 8(7), 3717–3725. [4] Xiaoyu Qian, Ling Miao, Juxiang Jiang, Guchuan Ping, Wei Xiong,Yaokang Lv, Yafei Liu, Lihua Gan, Dazhang Zhu, Mingxian Liu, Hydrangea-like N/O codoped porous carbons for high-energy supercapacitors, Chem. Eng. J., 2020, 388, 124208. [5] Ziyang Zhou, Ling Miao, Hui Duan, Zhiwei Wang, Yaokang Lv, Wei Xiong, Dazhang Zhu, Liangchun Li, Mingxian Liu, Lihua Gan, Highly active N, O-doped hierarchical porous carbons for high-energy supercapacitors, Chinese Chem. Lett., 2020, 31(5), 1226–1230.[6] Ziyang Song, Hui Duan, Ling Miao, Laurent Ruhlmann, Yaokang Lv, Wei Xiong, Dazhang Zhu, Liangchun Li, Lihua Gan, MingxianLiu, Carbon hydrangeas with typical ionic liquid matched pores for advanced supercapacitors, Carbon, 2020, 168, 499–507. [7] Ling Miao, Ziyang Song, Dazhang Zhu, Liangchun Li, Lihua Gan, Mingxian Liu, Recent advances in carbon-based supercapacitors, Mater. Adv., 2020, 1(5), 945–966.[8] Jingjing Yan, Ling Miao, Hui Duan, Dazhang Zhu, Yaokang Lv, Wei Xiong, Liangchun Li, Lihua Gan, Mingxian Liu, Core-shell hierarchical porous carbon spheres with N/O doping for efficient energy storage, Electrochim. Acta, 2020, 358, 136899. 2019[1] Ziyang Song, Liangchun Li, Dazhang Zhu, Ling Miao, Hui Duan, Zhiwei Wang, Wei Xiong, Yaokang Lv, Mingxian Liu, Lihua Gan, Synergistic design of a N, O co-doped honeycomb carbon electrode and an ionogel electrolyte enabling all-solid-state supercapacitors with an ultrahigh energy density, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2019, 7, 816–826. [2] Ziyang Song, Dazhang Zhu, Liangchun Li, Tao Chen, Hui Duan, Zhiwei Wang, Yaokang Lv, Wei Xiong, Mingxian Liu, Lihua Gan, Ultrahigh energy density of a N, O codoped carbon nanosphere based all-solid-state symmetric supercapacitor, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2019, 7, 1177–1186. [3] Danfeng Xue, Dazhang Zhu, Wei Xiong, Tongcheng Cao, Zhiwei Wang, Yaokang Lv, Liangchun Li, Mingxian Liu, Lihua Gan, Template-free,self-doped approach to porous carbon spheres with high N/O contents forhigh-performance supercapacitors, ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng., 2019, 7(7), 7024–7034. [4] Ling Miao, Xiaoyu Qian, Dazhang Zhu, Ting Chen, Guchuan Ping, Yaokang Lv, Wei Xiong, Yafei Liu, Lihua Gan, Mingxian Liu, From interpenetrating polymer networks to hierarchical porous carbons for advanced supercapacitor electrodes, Chinese Chem.Lett., 2019, 30(7), 1445–1449. [5] Ziyang Song, Hui Duan, Liangchun Li, Dazhang Zhu,Tongcheng Cao, Yaokang Lv, Wei Xiong, Zhiwei Wang, Mingxian Liu, Lihua Gan, High-energy flexible solid-state supercapacitors based on O, N, S-tridoped carbon electrodes and a 3.5 V gel-type electrolyte, Chem. Eng. J., 2019, 372, 1216–1225. [6] Ziyang Song, Hui Duan, Dazhang Zhu, Yaokang Lv, Wei Xiong, Tongcheng Cao, Liangchun Li, Mingxian Liu, Lihua Gan, Ternary-doped carbon electrodes for advanced aqueous solid-state supercapacitors based on a "water-in-salt" gel electrolyte, J. Mater. Chem.A, 2019, 7, 15801–15811. [7] Danfeng Xue, Dazhang Zhu, Hui Duan, Zhiwei Wang, Yaokang Lv, Wei Xiong, Liangchun Li, Mingxian Liu, Lihua Gan, Deep-eutectic-solvent synthesis of N/O self-doped hollow carbon nanorods for efficient energy storage, Chem. Commun., 2019, 55, 11219–11222. 2018[1] Tian Lv, Mingxian Liu, Dazhang Zhu, Lihua Gan, Tao Chen, Nanocarbon-based materials for flexible all-solid-state supercapacitors, Adv. Mater., 2018, 30, 1705489. [2] Dazhang Zhu, Juxiang Jiang, Dongmei Sun, Xiaoyu Qian,Yawei Wang, Liangchun Li, Zhiwei Wang, Xiaolan Chai, Lihua Gan, Mingxian Liu, A general strategy to synthesize high-level N-doped porous carbons via Schiff-base chemistry for supercapacitors, J. Mater. Chem.A, 2018, 6, 12334–12343.[3] Ziyang Song, Dazhang Zhu, DanfengXue, Jingjing Yan, Xiaolan Chai, Wei Xiong, Zhiwei Wang, Yaokang Lv, Tongcheng Cao, Mingxian Liu, Lihua Gan, Nitrogen-enriched hollow porous carbon nanospheres with tailored morphology and microstructure for all-solid-state symmetric supercapacitors, ACS Appl. Energy Mater., 2018, 1, 4293−4303.[4] Danfeng Xue, Dazhang Zhu, Mingxian Liu, Hui Duan, Liangchun Li, Xiaolan Chai, Zhiwei Wang, Yaokang Lv, Wei Xiong, Lihua Gan, Schiff-base/resin copolymer under hypersaline condition to high-level N-doped porous carbon nanosheets for supercapacitors, ACS Appl. Nano Mater., 2018, 1, 4998−5007. [5] Ling Miao, Dazhang Zhu, Mingxian Liu, Hui Duan, Zhiwei Wang, Yaokang Lv, Wei Xiong, Quanjing Zhu, Liangchun Li, Xiaolan Chai, Lihua Gan, Cooking carbon with protic salt: Nitrogen and sulfur self-doped hierarchical porous carbon nanosheets for supercapacitors, Chem. Eng. J., 2018, 347, 233–242. [6] Ling Miao, Dazhang Zhu, Mingxian Liu, Hui Duan, Zhiwei Wang, Yaokang Lv, Wei Xiong, Quanjing Zhu, Liangchun Li, Xiaolan Chai, Lihua Gan, N, S co-doped hierarchical porous carbon rods derived from proticsalt: Facile synthesis for high energy density supercapacitors, Electrochim. Acta, 2018, 274, 378–388. [7] Mingxian Liu, Fangle Zhao, Dazhang Zhu, Hui Duan, Yaokang Lv, Liangchun Li, Lihua Gan, Ultramicroporous carbon nanoparticles derived from metal-organic-framework nanoparticles for high-performance supercapacitors, Mater. Chem. Phys., 2018, 211,234–241. 2017[1] Mingxian Liu, Xin Wang, Dazhang Zhu, Liangchun Li, Hui Duan, Zijie Xu, Zhiwei Wang, Lihua Gan, Encapsulation of NiO nanoparticles in mesoporous carbon nanospheres for advanced energy storage, Chem. Eng. J., 2017, 308, 240–247.[2] Mingxian Liu, Mengchen Shi, Wenjing Lu, Dazhang Zhu, Liangchun Li, Lihua Gan, Core-shell reduced graphene oxide/MnOx@carbon hollow nanospheres for high performance supercapacitor electrodes, Chem. Eng. J., 2017, 313, 518–526. [3] Ling Miao, Hui Duan, Mingxian Liu, Wenjing Lu, Dazhang Zhu, Tao Chen, Liangchun Li, Lihua Gan, Poly(ionic liquid)-derived N, S-codoped ultramicroporous carbon nanoparticles for supercapacitors, Chem. Eng. J., 2017, 317, 651–659. [4] Dazhang Zhu, Yawei Wang, Wenjing Lu, Hong Zhang, Ziyang Song, Dong Luo, Lihua Gan, Mingxian Liu, Dongmei Sun, A novel synthesis of hierarchical porous carbons from interpenetrating polymer networks for high performance supercapacitor electrodes, Carbon, 2017, 111, 667–674. [5] Dazhang Zhu, Ke Cheng, Yawei Wang, Dongmei Sun, Lihua Gan, Ting Chen, Juxiang Jiang, Mingxian Liu, Nitrogen-doped porous carbons with nanofiber-like structure derived from poly (aniline-co-p-phenylenediamine) for supercapacitors, Electrochim. Acta, 2017, 224, 17–24. [6] Wenjing Lu, Shize Huang, Ling Miao, Mingxian Liu, Dazhang Zhu, Liangchun Li, Hui Duan, Zijie Xu, Lihua Gan, Synthesis of MnO2/N-doped ultramicroporous carbon nanospheres for high-performance supercapacitor electrodes, Chinese Chem. Lett., 2017, 28, 1324–1329.[7] Mingxian Liu, Ling Miao, Wenjing Lu, Dazhang Zhu, ZijieXu, Lihua Gan, Porous carbon materials: Design, synthesis and applications in energy storage and conversion devices, Chinese Science Bulletin, 2017, 62, 590–605.[8] Ling Miao, Dazhang Zhu, Yunhui Zhao, Mingxian Liu, Hui Duan, Wei Xiong, Quanjing Zhu, Liangchun Li, Yaokang Lv, Lihua Gan, Design of carbon materials with ultramicro-, supermicro- and mesopores using solvent-and self-template strategy for supercapacitors, Micropor. Mesopor. Mat., 2017, 253, 1–9. [9] Zijie Xu, Jingya Wang, Zhonghua Hu, Rui Geng, Lihua Gan, Structure evolutions and high electrochemical performances of carbon aerogels prepared from the pyrolysis of phenolic resin gels containing ZnCl2, Electrochim. Acta, 2017, 231, 601–608.  2016[1] Wenjing Lu, Mingxian Liu, Ling Miao, Dazhang Zhu, XinWang, Hui Duan, Zhiwei Wang, Liangchun Li, Zijie Xu, Lihua Gan, Longwu Chen, Nitrogen-containing ultramicroporous carbon nanospheres for high performance supercapacitor electrodes, Electrochimi. Acta, 2016, 205, 132–141. [2] Mingxian Liu, Xiangxiang Deng, Dazhang Zhu, Hui Duan, Wei Xiong, Zijie Xu, Lihua Gan, Magnetically separated N, S co-doped porous carbon microspheres for mercury ion removal, Chinese Chem. Lett., 2016, 27(5), 795–800.[3] Mingxian Liu, Lingyan Chen, Dazhang Zhu, Hui Duan, Wei Xiong, Zijie Xu, Lihua Gan, Longwu Chen, Zinc tartrate oriented hydrothermal synthesis of microporous carbons for high performance supercapacitor electrodes, Chinese Chem. Lett.,2016, 27(3), 399–404. 2015[1] Mingxian Liu, Jiasheng Qian, Yunhui Zhao, Dazhang Zhu, Lihua Gan, Longwu Chen, Core-shell ultramicroporous@microporous carbon nanospheres as advanced supercapacitor electrodes, J.Mater. Chem. A, 2015, 3(21), 11517–11526. [2] Yunhui Zhao, Mingxian Liu, Xiangxiang Deng, Ling Miao, Pranav K. Tripathi, Xiaomei Ma, Dazhang Zhu, Zijie Xu, Zhixian Hao, LihuaGan, Nitrogen-functionalized microporous carbon nanoparticles for high performance supercapacitor electrode, Electrochim. Acta, 2015, 153, 448–455. [3] Dazhang Zhu, Yawei Wang, Lihua Gan, Mingxian Liu, Ke Cheng, Yunhui Zhao, Xiangxiang Deng, Dongmei Sun, Nitrogen-containing carbon microspheres for supercapacitor electrodes, Electrochim. Acta, 2015, 158, 166–174. [4] Mingming Yao, Lihua Gan, Mingxian Liu, Pranav K.Tripathi, Yafei Liu, Zhonghua Hu, Template-engaged in-situ synthesis of carbon-doped monoclinic mesoporous BiVO4 photocatalytic treatment of Rhodamine B, J. Mater. Eng. Perform.,2015, 24(6), 2359–2367.[5] Zijie Xu, Jingya Wang, Fenfen Wang, Zhonghua Hu, Lihua Gan, The graphitization of cellular carbons and their electrochemical performances in electrical double-layer capacitors, ECS Electrochem. Lett., 2015, 4, H55–H57.[6] Yuting Hao, Huanwen Wang, Zhonghua Hu, Lihua Gan, ZijieXu, Facile synthesis of mesoporous cobalt oxide rugby balls for electrochemical energy storage, New J. Chem.,2015, 39, 68-71.2014[1] Mingxian Liu, Lihua Gan, Wei Xiong, Zijie Xu, Dazhang Zhu, Longwu Chen, Development of MnO2/porous carbon microspheres with partially graphitic structure for high performance supercapacitor electrode, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2014, 2(8), 2555–2562. [2] Mingxian Liu, Xiaomei Ma, Lihua Gan, Zijie Xu, Dazhang Zhu, Longwu Chen, A facile synthesis of novel mesoporous Ge@C sphere anode with stable and high capacity for lithium ion batteries, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2014, 2(40), 17107–17114. [3] Pranav K. Tripathi, Mingxian Liu, Yunhui Zhao, Xiaomei Ma, Lihua Gan, Owen Noonan, Chengzhong Yu, Enlargement of uniform micropores in hierarchically ordered micro-mesoporous carbon for high level decontamination of bisphenol A, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2014, 2(22), 8534–8544. [4] Xiaomei Ma, Lihua Gan, Mingxian Liu, Pranav K.Tripathi, Yunhui Zhao, Zijie Xu, Dazhang Zhu, Longwu Chen, Mesoporous size controllable carbon microspheres and their electrochemical performances for supercapacitor electrodes, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2014, 2(22), 8407–8415. [5] Xiaomei Ma, Mingxian Liu, Lihua Gan, Pranav K.Tripathi, Yunhui Zhao, Dazhang Zhu, Zijie Xu, Longwu Chen, Novel mesoporous Si@C microspheres as anode for lithium-ion batteries, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2014, 16(9), 4135–4142. [6] Yunhui Zhao, Mingxian Liu, Lihua Gan, Xiaomei Ma, Dazhang Zhu, ZijieXu, Longwu Chen, Ultramicroporous carbon nanoparticles for high performance electrical double-Layer capacitor electrode, Energy Fuels, 2014, 28(2), 1561–1568. [7] Pranav K. Tripathi, Mingxian Liu, Lihua Gan, Tuned surface area and mesopore diameter of ordered mesoporous carbon: ultrahigh decontamination of di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate, RSC Adv., 2014, 4 (45), 23853–23860.[8] Mingxian Liu, Lihua Gan, Yang Li, Dazhang Zhu, Zijie Xu, Longwu Chen, Synthesis and electrochemical performance of hierarchical porous carbons with 3D open-cell structure based on nanosilica-embedded emulsion-templated polymerization, Chinese Chem. Lett., 2014, 25 (6), 897–901. [9] Pranav K. Tripathi, Lihua Gan, Mingxian Liu, Xiaomei Ma, Yunhui Zhao, Dazhang Zhu, Zijie Xu, Longwu Chen, Nageswara N. Rao, One-pot assembly of silica@two polymeric shells for synthesis of hollow carbon porous nanospheres: adsorption of bisphenol A, Mater. Lett., 2014, 120, 108–110.[10] Pranav K.Tripathi, Lihua Gan, Mingxian Liu, Nageswara N. Rao, Mesoporous carbon nanomaterials as environmental adsorbents, J. Nanosci. Nanotech., 2014, 14, 1–15. [11] Yaokang Lv, Jun Cheng, Peter D. 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Chem., 1998, 15, 77–79.1997[1] Lihua Gan, Tianyi Yue, Longwu Chen, Guangming Li, Bin Zhou, Preparation and characterization of beta-FeOOH aerogels, Acta Phys-Chim. Sin., 1997, 13, 48–51.[2] Longwu Chen, Lihua Gan, Aerogels, Chemistry, 1997, (8), 21–27.1996[1] Lihua Gan, Tianyi Yue, Guangming Li, Longwu Chen, Preparation and characterization of ultrafine γ-Al2O3 particles prepared in microemulsion, J. Tongji Univ., 1996, 24, 194–197.[2] Lihua Gan, Tianyi Yue, Longwu Chen, Stablizing conditions of water-in-oil microemulsion for Triton X-100~n-hexanol/cyclohexane/water system, Chinese J. Appl.Chem., 1996, 13, 38–40.[3] Lihua Gan, Tianyi Yue, Longwu Chen, Jisen Jiang, Yongjun Wu, Preparation and absorption spectra of uniform ultrafine particles of cadmium sulfide, J. Tongji Univ., 1996, 24, 92–96.1995[1] Longwu Chen, Lihua Gan, Tianyi Yue, Guangming Li, Jue Wang, Jun Shen, Preparation of silica aerogels by supercritical drying technique, Chem. J. Chinese Univ., 1995, 16, 840–843.[2] Longwu Chen, Lihua Gan, Tianyi Yue, Enxun Zhou, Studies on the preparation of aluminum-oxide (hydrous) ultrafine particles by the method of microemulsion reaction, Chem. J. Chinese Univ., 1995, 16, 13–16.[3] Jun Shen, Jue Wang, Lihua Gan, Longwu Chen, Preparation of SiO2 aerogels with sol-gel method and the study of their properties, J. Inorg. Mater., 1995, 10, 69–75. 1994[1] Longwu Chen, Lihua Gan, Tianyi Yue, Jisen Jiang, Xielong Yang, Studies on the preparation of alpha-Fe2O3 ultrafine particles by microemulsion reaction method, Acta Phys-Chim. Sin., 1994, 10, 750–754.[2] Jun Shen, Jue Wang, Wu Xiang, Lihua Gan, Longwu Chen, Study on structure controlling of silica aerogels, Material Science and Technology, 1994, 2, 87–93. Authorized Patent[1] Lihua Gan, Longwu Chen. Method for preparing nano silica using silica sol. Chinese invention patent, Patent number: ZL 02151276.0, Authorization date: March 23, 2005. [2] Lihua Gan, Longwu Chen, Junjie Cheng. Preparation of silver nanowires using aerogel as template. Chinese invention patent, Patent number: ZL 02151277.9, Authorization date: February 2, 2005[3] Lihua Gan, Mingxian Liu, Yingcong Pang, Longwu Chen. A preparation method of TiO2/SiO2 aerogel microspheres. Chinese invention patent, Patent number: ZL 200610027277.9, Authorization date: January 24, 2007. [4] Lihua Gan, Mingxian Liu, Gen Chen, Jinghong Wang, ZijieXu, Longwu Chen. Preparation method of two-dimensional patterned nano TiO2 thin films. Chinese invention patent, Patent number: ZL 200510111497.5, Authorizationdate: August 4, 2010.[5] Lihua Gan, Yuchen Tian, Mingxian Liu, Yaling Zeng, Longwu Chen. A method for improving the luminescence intensity of CdTe nanocomposite films. Chinese invention patent, Patent number: ZL 200810201078.4, Authorization date: June 2, 2010.[6] Lihua Gan, Fangrui Wu, Xi Wang, Mingxian Liu, Longwu Chen. A method for preparing carbon foam with aryl acetylene monomer. Chinese invention patent, Patent number: ZL 200610118307.7, Authorization date: June 24, 2009.[7] Lihua Gan, Li Zhao, Rong Fan, Mingxian Liu, Longwu Chen. A method for preparing TiO2/conductive polymer thin films. Chinese invention patent, Patent number: ZL 200910196624.4, Authorization date: May 18, 2011.[8] Lihua Gan, Rong Fan, Liuhua Chen, Mingxian Liu, Longwu Chen. A preparation method of helicid liposome. Chinese invention patent, Patent number: ZL 201010176308.3, Authorization date: December 7, 2011.[9] Lihua Gan,Yaokang Lv, Mingxian Liu, Yongjie Cao, Longwu Chen. A preparation method of carbon foam with high electrochemical performance. Chinese invention patent, Patent number: ZL 201010598503.5, Authorization date: July 25, 2012.[10] Lihua Gan, Liang Yang, MingxianLiu, Yang Li, Hongmei Zhao, Longwu Chen. A method for preparing carbon foam by O/W microemulsion method. Chinese invention patent, Patent number: ZL201110141147.9, Authorization date: December 5, 2012.[11] Mingxian Liu, Lihua Gan, Liuhua Chen. A method for improving the stability of liposomes. Chinese invention patent, Patent number: ZL 201210136282.9, Authorization date: June 26, 2013.[12] Mingxian Liu, Lihua Gan, Liang Xu, Yaokang Lv. A preparation method of sulfur functionalized carbon foam. Chinese invention patent, Patent number: ZL 201110433991.9, Authorization date: August 14, 2013.[13] Mingxian Liu, Jiasheng Qian, Lihua Gan. A preparation method for controllable diameter porous carbon nanospheres. Chinese invention patent, Patent number: ZL 201210465946.6, Authorization date: July 16, 2014. [14] Mingming Yao, Mingxian Liu, Lihua Gan. A method for synthesizing carbon doped monoclinic mesoporous bismuth vanadate. Chinese invention patent, Patent number: ZL 201310096318.X, Authorization date: March 4, 2015.[15] Mingxian Liu, Lihua Gan, Yang Li. A preparation method of hierarchical porous carbon foam for supercapacitor electrode. Chinese invention patent, Patent number: ZL 201210169896.7, Authorization date: June 3, 2015.[16] Chao Liu, Mingxian Liu, Lihua Gan. A preparation method for activated carbon non-woven fabric loaded with monoclinic bismuthvanadate. Chinese invention patent, Patent number: ZL 201410175385.5, Authorization date: November 25, 2015. [17] Mingxian Liu, Xiaomei Ma, Lihua Gan. A preparation method for mesoporous Si/C composite microspheres as negative electrode materials for lithium batteries. Chinese invention patent, Patent number: ZL 201310337319.9, Authorization date: November 25, 2015.[18] Xiaomei Ma, Mingxian Liu, Lihua Gan. The preparation method of Ge@C nanospheres for a negative electrode material for lithium-ion batteries. Chinese invention patent, Patent number: ZL201410175222.7, Authorization date: December 20, 2016.[19] Mingxian Liu, Xiangxiang Deng, Lihua Gan. A preparation method of nitrogen and sulfur functionalized carbon foam magnetic microspheres. Chinese invention patent, Patent number: ZL 201510359764.4, Authorization date: May 24, 2017. [20] Lihua Gan, Mengchen Shi, Mingxian Liu. A preparation method for graphene/hollow carbon nanospheres. Chinese invention patent, Patent number: ZL 201610055019.5, Authorization date: December 15, 2017.[21] Lihua Gan, Xin Wang, Mingxian Liu. A preparation method for NiO/mesoporous carbon nanospheres as electrode materials for supercapacitors. Chinese invention patent, Patent number: ZL 201610055611.5, Authorization date: December 26, 2017.[22] Mingxian Liu, Wenjing Lu, Lihua Gan. A preparation method for nitrogen doped microporous carbon nanospheres. Chinese invention patent, Patent number: ZL 201610055593.0, Authorization date: February 9, 2018.[23] Lihua Gan, Yuan Gan, Mingxian Liu. Preparation method of NiO/carbon nanospheres with core-shell structure. Chinese invention patent, Patent number: ZL 201710320025.3, Authorization date: September 14, 2018.[24] Lihua Gan, Sha Niu, Mingxian Liu. A preparation method for nitrogen functionalized hollow mesoporous carbon nanospheres. Chinese invention patent, Patent number: ZL 201710320031.9, Authorization date: September 14, 2018.[25] Mingxian Liu, Fangle Zhao, Lihua Gan. A method for preparing ultramicroporous carbon nanoparticles using metal organic framework as precursor. Chinese invention patent, Patent number: ZL201710148282.3, Authorization date: January 25, 2019. [26] Dazhang Zhu, Juxiang Jiang, Dongmei Sun, Xiaoyu Qian, Lihua Gan, Mingxian Liu. A method for preparing high nitrogen doped porous carbon materials through Schiff-base chemistry. Chinese invention patent, Patent number: ZL 201810360253.8, Authorization date: September 25, 2020.[27] Mingxian Liu, Ziyang Song, Lihua Gan. A solvent selection method for preparing carbon materials. Chinese invention patent, Patent number: ZL 202110410795.3, Authorization date: June 21, 2022.Patent application[1] Lihua Gan, Mingxian Liu, Xiaoying Zhang, Longwu Chen. Preparation method of iron doped TiO2 activated carbon composite catalyst. Chinese invention patent, application number: 200610029285.7, publication number: CN1899686.[2] Lihua Gan, Mingxian Liu, Ci Tian, Longwu Chen. A method for preparing carbon foam by O/W emulsion method. Chinese invention patent, application number: 200710040619.5, publication number: CN101088916.[3] Lihua Gan, Zhengbei Zai, Mingxian Liu, Jian Li, Longwu Chen. A method for improving the thermal stability of silica aerogel. Chinese invention patent, application number: 200510027544.8, publication number: CN1724354.[4] Lihua Gan, Ci Tian, Mingxian Liu, Yingcong Pang, Longwu Chen. A preparation method of iron doped TiO2/SiO2 aerogel microspheres. Chinese invention patent, application number: 200610118308.1, publication number: CN1966141.[5] Lihua Gan, Ying Sun, Mingxian Liu, Jinghong Wang, LongwuChen. Preparation method of polyelectrolyte CdTe nanocomposite film. Chinese invention patent, application number: 200710041832.8, publication number: CN101085840.[6] Lihua Gan, Liuhua Chen, Shenjing An, Rong Fan, Mingxian Liu, Longwu Chen. A flurbiprofen liposomeand its preparation method. Chinese invention patent, application number: 201010022493.0, publication number: CN101732255A.[7] Lihua Gan, Yaokang Lv, Mingxian Liu, Wei Xiong, Chao Liu, Haowen Zheng, Liang Xu, Longwu Chen. A method for preparing carbon foam from banana peel. Chinese invention patent, application number: 201110172194.X, application date: June 23, 2016.[8] Mingxian Liu, Jiasheng Qian, Lihua Gan. A preparation method for microporous carbon materials. Chinese invention patent, application number: 201210429301.7, application date: October 31, 2012.[9] Mingxian Liu, Mingming Yao, Lihua Gan. A template method for synthesizing monoclinic mesoporous bismuth vanadate. Chinese invention patent, application number: 201210429250.8, application date: October 31, 2012. [10] Mingxian Liu, Yunhui Zhao, Lihua Gan. A preparation method for regular microporous carbon. Chinese invention patent, application number: 201310359617.8, application date: 20130819.[11] Mingxian Liu, Lihua Gan. A preparation method of sulfur functionalized carbon foam with high adsorption performance. Chinese invention patent, application number: 201310446617.1, application date: 20130927.[12] Mingxian Liu, Yunhui Zhao, Lihua Gan. A preparation method of nitrogen functionalized microporous carbon nanoparticles. Chinese invention patent, application number: 201410399727.1. Application date: 20140814.[13] Mingxian Liu, Bingjie Zhang, Lihua Gan. A preparation method for nitrogen and sulfur co-doped microporous-mesoporous carbon microspheres. Chinese invention patent, application number: 201610882990.5. Application date: 20161010.[14] Lihua Gan, Yi Chen, Mingxian Liu. A preparation method for in-situ nitrogen doped porous carbon microspheres. Chinese invention patent, application number: 201810424345.8, application date: 20180507.[15] Lihua Gan, Ping Chen, Mingxian Liu. A method for preparing biomass based porous carbon materials using molten salts. Chinese invention patent, application number: 201810424356.6, application date: 20180507.[16] Mingxian Liu, Ziyang Song, Lihua Gan. A preparation method for nitrogen, oxygen, and sulfur co-doped porous carbon nanoparticles. Chinese invention patent, application number: 201910178953.X, application date:20180311.[17] Lihua Gan, Lan Wang, Ling Miao, Mingxian Liu. A method for preparing high nitrogen doped microporous mesoporous carbon materials using chitosan. Chinese invention patent, application number: 201910422026.8, application date: 20190521.[18] Lihua Gan, Linna Geng, Ling Miao, Mingxian Liu. A preparation method for nitrogen and oxygen co-doped carbon nanospheres. Chinese invention patent, application number: 201910380116.5, application date: 20190509. [19] Mingxian Liu, Ziyang Song, Lihua Gan. preparation method of porous carbon superstructure material. Chinese invention patent, application number: 202110936412.6, application date: 20210816.[20] Mingxian Liu, Ziyang Song, Lihua Gan. A method for self-assembly of carbon superstructure materials based on Lewis acid base interaction. Chinese invention patent, application number: 202210990794.5, application date: 20220818.[21] Mingxian Liu, Ziyang Song, Lihua Gan. A supramolecular organic superstructure material and its preparation method and application. Chinese invention patent, application number: 202310002503.1, application date: 20230103.  学生信息 当前位置:教师主页 > 学生信息 入学日期 所学专业 学号 学位 招生信息 当前位置:教师主页 > 招生信息 招生学院 招生专业 研究方向 招生人数 推免人数 考试方式 招生类别 招生年份
