

主页 > 广东省 > 华南理工大学


姓名 扶雄
学校 华南理工大学
部门 华南理工大学研究生院
学位 教授
学历 教授
职称 教授
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更新日期:2018年9月2日 姓 名 扶雄 性 别 男 出生年月 1971年7月 籍贯 湖南冷水江市 民 族 汉族 政治面貌 中国共产党党员 最后学历 博士研究生毕业 最后学位 工学博士 技术职称 教授 导师类别 博、硕导 行政职务 常务副院长 Email roger1887@163.com 工作单位 华南理工大学研究生院 邮政编码 510641 通讯地址 广州市天河区五山路381号 单位电话 87112894 个人主页 http://www2.scut.edu.cn/sp/2017/0717/c11280a173289/page.htm 个人简介 博士,博士生导师,华南理工大学食品科学与工程学院教授,国家热带特色健康食品国际科技合作基地主任,中美功能糖合作研发中心主任,国家重点研发计划项目首席科学家,ESI农业科学世界前1%科学家。获省部级奖励12项,其中中国专利优秀奖1项,广东省技术发明一等奖3项;授权发明专利46件;发表SCI收录论文100多篇。 工作经历 1995.07-今  华南理工大学食品科学与工程学院2003-2006  华南理工大学  博士后 教育经历 1988-1995  四川大学 本科、硕士1997-2002  华南理工大学  博士 社会、学会及学术兼职 广东省食品学会副理事长 研究领域 植物活性多糖、多酚的生物活性研究,降血糖及降血脂健康食品研发等 科研项目 1. 国家重点研发计划项目,食品新型包装材料及智能包装关键装备研发,1703万元,2018YFD0400700,2018-2020 2. 国家支撑计划课题,烟道气利用及半碳法制糖工艺,540万元,2011BAE16B02,2011-2013 3. 广东省产学研重点项目,广东省食品绿色加工与营养调控工程技术研究中心,100万元,2014-2016 4. 广东省国际合作重点项目,甘蔗抗氧化活性物质功能性评价及特种糖品开发,2012B050500003,2012-2014 5. 广州市国际合作重大项目,中美功能糖合作研发中心,100万元,2013J450036,2012-2017 6. 企业委托项目,华工大—永鑫华糖联合研发中心,308万元,2013-2017 发表论文 1. Chen, C., You, L. J., Huang, Q., Fu, X*., Zhang, B., Liu, R. H., & Li, C. (2018). Modulation of gut microbiota by mulberry fruit polysaccharide treatment of obese diabetic db/db mice. Food & function, 9(7), 3732-3742. 2. Wang, L., Chen, C., Zhang, B., Huang, Q., Fu, X*., & Li, C. (2018). Structural characterization of a novel acidic polysaccharide from Rosa roxburghiiTratt fruit and its α-glucosidase inhibitory activity. Food & Function, 9, 3974-3985. 3. Wang, L., Zhang, B., Xiao, J., Huang, Q., Li, C., &Fu, X*. (2018). Physicochemical, functional, and biological properties of water-soluble polysaccharides from Rosa roxburghiiTratt fruit. Food chemistry, 249, 127-135. 4. Xiong, W., Zhang, B., Huang, Q., Li, C., Pletsch, E. A., &Fu, X*. (2018). Variation in the rate and extent of starch digestion is not determined by the starch structural features of cooked whole pulses. Food Hydrocolloids, 83, 340-347. 5. Zheng, R., Su, S., Zhou, H., Yan, H., Ye, J., Zhao, Z., You L&Fu, X*. (2017). Antioxidant/antihyperglycemic activity of phenolics from sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) bagasse and identification by UHPLC-HR-TOFMS. Industrial crops and products, 101, 104-114. 6. Ren, B., Chen, C., Li, C., Fu, X*., You, L., & Liu, R. H. (2017). Optimization of microwave-assisted extraction of Sargassum thunbergii polysaccharides and its antioxidant and hypoglycemic activities. Carbohydrate polymers, 173, 192-201. 7. Li, F., Zhang, B., Chen, G.*, & Fu, X*. (2017). The novel contributors of anti-diabetic potential in mulberry polyphenols revealed by uhplc-hr-esi-tof-ms/ms.Food Research International, 100, 873-884. 8. Li, F., Chen, G.*, Zhang, B., &Fu, X*. (2017). Current applications and new opportunities for the thermal and non-thermal processing technologies to generate berry product or extracts with high nutraceutical contents. Food Research International, 100, 19-30. 9. Li, C., Li, X., You, L., Fu, X*., & Liu, R. H. (2017). Fractionation, preliminary structural characterization and bioactivities of polysaccharides from Sargassum pallidum. Carbohydrate polymers, 155, 261-270. 10. Chen, C., Zhang, B., Huang, Q., Fu, X*., & Liu, R. H. (2017). Microwave-assisted extraction of polysaccharides from Moringa oleifera Lam. leaves: Characterization and hypoglycemic activity. Industrial Crops and Products, 100, 1-11. 11. Chen, C., Huang, Q., You, L. J., &Fu, X*. (2017). Chemical property and impacts of different polysaccharide fractions from Fructus Mori. on lipolysis with digestion model in vitro. Carbohydrate polymers, 178, 360-367. 12. Chen, C., Huang, Q., Li, C., &Fu, X*. (2017). Hypoglycemic effects of a Fructus Mori polysaccharide in vitro and in vivo. Food & function, 8(7), 2523-2535. 13. Li, F., Chen, G., &Fu, X*. (2016). Comparison of Effect of Gear Juicer and Colloid Mill on Microstructure, Polyphenols Profile, and Bioactivities of Mulberry (Morusindica L.). Food and Bioprocess Technology, 9(7), 1233-1245. 14. Chen, C., Zhang, B., Fu, X*., You, L. J., Abbasi, A. M., & Liu, R. H. (2016). The digestibility of mulberry fruit polysaccharides and its impact on lipolysis under simulated saliva, gastric and intestinal conditions. Food Hydrocolloids, 58, 171-178. 15. Chen, C., Zhang, B., Fu, X*., & Liu, R. H. (2016). A novel polysaccharide isolated from mulberry fruits (Murus alba L.) and its selenide derivative: structural characterization and biological activities. Food & function, 7(6), 2886-2897. 16. Chen, C., You, L. J., Abbasi, A. M., Fu, X*., Liu, R. H., & Li, C. (2016). Characterization of polysaccharide fractions in mulberry fruit and assessment of their antioxidant and hypoglycemic activities in vitro. Food & function, 7(1), 530-539. 17. Chen, C., Huang, Q., Fu, X*., & Liu, R. H. (2016). In vitro fermentation of mulberry fruit polysaccharides by human fecal inocula and impact on microbiota. Food & function, 7(11), 4637-4643. 18. Li C, You L, Fu X*, Huang Q, Yu S, Liu RH. (2015). Structural characterization and immunomodulatory activity of a new heteropolysaccharide from Prunella vulgaris. Food & Function, 6(5), 1557-1567 19. Chen H-M, Fu X*, Luo Z-G. (2015). Esterification of sugar beet pectin using octenyl succinic anhydride and its effect as an emulsion stabilizer. Food Hydrocolloids, 49:53-60 20. Chen C, You L-J, Abbasi AM, Fu X*, Liu RH. (2015). Optimization for ultrasound extraction of polysaccharides from mulberry fruits with antioxidant and hyperglycemic activity in vitro. Carbohydrate Polymers,130: 122-132 21. Zhou G, Luo Z, Fu X*.(2014). Preparation of Starch Nanoparticles in a Water-in-Ionic Liquid Microemulsion System and Their Drug Loading and Releasing Properties. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 62(32): 8214-8220 22. Zhang W, Li C, You L-J, Fu X*, Chen Y-S, Luo Y-Q. (2014). Structural identification of compounds from Toonasinensis leaves with antioxidant and anticancer activities. Journal of Functional Foods, 10:427-435 23. Chen H-m, Huang Q, Fu X*, Luo F-x. (2014). Ultrasonic effect on the octenyl succinate starch synthesis and substitution patterns in starch granules. Food Hydrocolloids,35: 636-643
