
主页 > 广东省 > 南方科技大学


姓名 卞均操
性别 发明专利4999代写全部资料
学校 南方科技大学
部门 前沿与交叉科学研究院
学位 发明专利包写包过 特惠申请
学历 版权登记666包过 代写全部资料
职称 研究副教授(副研究员)
联系方式 广东省深圳市南山区学苑大道1088号南方科技大学创园9栋502
邮箱 bianjc@sustech.edu.cn
集群智慧云企服 / 知识产权申请大平台
急速申请 包写包过 办事快、准、稳

教师主页 团队成员 科研项目 研究领域 学术成果 教学 科研分享 新闻动态 疼痛医学中心 成果介绍 软件 毕业去向 加入我们 联系我们 卞均操 研究副教授(副研究员) 前沿与交叉科学研究院 卞均操博士研究领域包括全固态电池、固态电解质合成及其离子传输机制、原位表征技术、前沿电池材料与器件技术。擅长结合理论计算与实验研究材料的物理化学性质,建立材料结构与性能之间的构效关系。在二维有机半导体薄膜材料生长与光电催化特性方面积累了一系列原创成果。代表性工作为提出常压热气固化沉积法制备石墨相氮化碳薄膜(美国专利授权号: US 15/049,435),实验与理论模拟确定了材料的微观结构单元,发现并阐明了它的纳米尺寸效应,实现薄膜物理化学性质及光电性能的有效调控,拓宽了该族材料在功能器件中的应用。迄今已在Advanced Energy Materials、Nano Energy、Journal of Materials Chemistry A、NPG Asian Materials 等杂志发表SCI论文30余篇。申请美国专利2项,授权1项。申请国家发明专利3项。长期担任Advanced Materials、Advanced Energy Materials、Advanced Functional Materials等杂志审稿人。  教育背景 2012.9 – 2015.8 博士 香港城市大学 应用物理与材料科学 2009.9 – 2012.3 硕士 浙江大学 材料科学与工程 2005.9 – 2009.6 学士 济南大学 材料科学与工程   代表作: 1. S. Ling, B. Deng, R. Zhao, H. Lin, L. Kong, R. Zhang, Z. Lu, J. Bian,* Y. Zhao*, Revisiting the Role of Hydrogen in Lithium-Rich Antiperovskite Solid Electrolytes: New Insight in Lithium Ion and Hydrogen Dynamics, Adv. Energy Mater. 2022, 2202847. 2. J. Bian, Q. Li, C. Huang, J. Li, Y. Guo, M. Zaw, R. Q. Zhang*, Thermal vapor condensation of uniform graphitic carbon nitride films with remarkable photocurrent density for photoelectrochemical applications, Nano Energy 2015, 15, 353-361. 3. J. Bian, L. Xi, C. Huang, K. M. Lange, R.-Q. Zhang*, M. Shalom*, Efficiency enhancement of carbon nitride photoelectrochemical cells via tailored monomers design, Adv. Energy Mater. 2016, 6, 1600263. 4. J. Bian#, J. Li#, S. Kalytchuk, Y. Wang, Q. Li, T. Lau, T. A. Niehaus, A. L. Rogach, R. Q. Zhang*, Efficient emission facilitated by multiple energy level transitions in uniform graphitic carbon nitride films deposited by thermal vapor condensation, ChemPhysChem 2015, 16, 954-959. 5. J. Bian, L. Xi, J. Li, Z. Xiong, C. Huang, K.M. Lange, J. Tang, M. Shalom*, R.-Q. Zhang*, C=C π bond modified graphitic carbon nitride films for enhanced photoelectrochemical cell performance, Chem. Asian J. 2017, 12, 1005. 6. J. Bian*, C. Huang, R. Q. Zhang*, Graphitic carbon nitride film: an emerging star for catalytic and optoelectronic applications, ChemSusChem, 2016, 9, 2723. 7. J. Bian, C. Huang, L. Wang, T. Hung, W. A. Daoud, R. Q. Zhang*, Carbon dot loading and TiO2 nanorod length dependence of photoelectrochemical properties in carbon dot/TiO2 nanorod array nanocomposites, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2014, 6, 4883-4890.    科研项目 1. 高安全350Wh/kg动力电池关键技术研发, 市级,深圳市科技创新委员会,技术攻关面上项目,JSGG20191129111001820,2020.9-2022.8,300万,参与。 2. 富锂反钙钛矿固体电解质的掺杂及其全固态锂电池器件研究,省级,广东省基础与应用研究基金委员会,面上项目,10万, 2021-2022,主持。 3. 基于石墨相氮化碳薄膜的异质结构筑及其在高效光解水制氢中的应用研究,深圳市基础研究项目,50万,参与,2016.7-2018.6. 4. Design of a system for abundant H2 production by graphitic carbon nitride films, Applied Research Grants of Hong Kong, 20万,参与,2016.5-2018.4.   专利 1. J. Bian, S. Lu, C. Liu, W. Wong, H. Zhao, High Energy Density Fast Charge Li ion battery and the method of preparing the same, Chinese Patent, 2020-6-2, Publication No.:CN111224099A. 2. J. Bian, S. Lu, C. Liu, W. Wong, H. Zhao, High Energy Density Fast Charge Li ion battery and the method of preparing the same, US patent, 2018-5-18,Publication No.:US2020/0044236A1. 3. R. Q. Zhang, J. Bian, Semiconductor film and method of forming the same, US patent, 2018-10-2, 授权号: US 15/049,435. 4. 卞均操, 卢周广, 赵予生, 一种固态电解质及其制备方法、全固态电池, 中国发明专利, 申请日: 2021-12-30, 授权号: ZL 202011628762.8. 5. 卞均操, 卢周广, 赵予生, 一种复合固态电解质浆料、薄膜、制备方法及全固态电池, 中国发明专利, 申请日: 2021-12-21, 申请号: CN 112687945 A. 6. J. Bian, Z. Lu, Y. Zhao, Composite Solid State Electrolyte Slurry, Film, Preparation Method and All Solid State Battery, US Patent, 2021-10-25, Application No.: US17/606,132. 7. J. Bian, Z. Lu, Y. Zhao, Solid State Electrolyte, Preparation Method Thereof, and All Solid State Battery, US Patent, 2021-10-22, Application No.: US17/605,627. 8. J. Bian, Z. Lu, Y. Zhao, Composite Solid State Electrolyte Slurry, Film, Preparation Method and All Solid State Battery, PCT Patent, 2021-6-15, Application No.: PCT/CN2021/100173. 9. J. Bian, Z. Lu, Y. Zhao, Solid State Electrolyte, Preparation Method Thereof, and All Solid State Battery, PCT Patent, 2021-6-15, Application No.: PCT/CN2021/100174. 10. 卞均操, 梁一, 卢周广, 赵予生, 锂合金负极薄膜及其制备方法和二次锂金属电池,中国发明专利,申请日: 2022-02-22, 申请号: 2022101623983。 11. 凌思帆, 卞均操, 梁一, 赵若, 林海斌, 朱金龙, 赵予生, 一种低电子电导率反钙钛矿型固态电解质及其制备方法, 中国发明专利, 申请日: 2022-6-10, 申请号: 202210655373.7。 12. 赵若,宋满荣,高磊,卞均操, 朱金龙, 赵予生, 一种锂离子电池负极材料、锂离子电池及制备方法, 中国发明专利, 申请日: 2022-6-24, 申请号: 202210728451.1。 13. 赵若, 罗远益, 徐一帆, 高磊, 卞均操, 朱金龙, 赵予生, 锂硫电池正极材料、锂硫电池正极、锂硫电池及制备方法, 中国发明专利, 申请日: 2022-7-27, 申请号: 202210888932.9。   主要奖励荣誉  香港城市大学杰出学术表现奖,2014, 2015两次  香港城市大学海外研究基金,2015  通用电气创新科技奖,2010 个人简介 个人简介 研究领域 高能量密度、高安全性锂离子电池;全固态电池;原位表征技术;前沿电池材料与器件技术 教学 无 学术成果 查看更多 Ye, X. Ye, H. Zhu, J. Bian, H. Lin, J. Zhu, Y. Zhao, Elucidating the suppression of lithium dendrite growth with a void-reduced anti-perovskite solid-state electrolyte pellet for stable lithium metal anodes, J. Energy Chem. 2023, 77, 62. Gao, M. Song, R. Zhao, S. Han, J. Zhu, W. Xia, J. Bian, L. Wang, S. Gao, Y. Wang, R. Zou, Y. Zhao, Effects of fluorination on crystal structure and electrochemical performance of antiperovskite solid electrolytes, J. Energy Chem. 2023, 77, 521. S. Ling, B. Deng, R. Zhao, H. Lin, L. Kong, R. Zhang, Z. Lu,  J. Bian,* Y. Zhao*, Revisiting the Role of Hydrogen in Lithium-Rich Antiperovskite Solid Electrolytes: New Insight in Lithium Ion and Hydrogen Dynamics, Adv. Energy Mater. 2022, 2202847. Y. Xu, R. Zhao, J. Fang, Z. Liang, L. Gao, J. Bian, J. Zhu, Y. Zhao, Metal-organic framework (MOF)-incorporated polymeric electrolyte realizing fast lithium-ion transportation with high Li+ transference number for solid-state batteries, Front. Chem. 2022, 10, 1013965. Huang, Z. Li, S. Gu, J. Bian, Y. Li, J. Chen, K. Liao, Q. Gan, Y. Wang, S. Wu, Z. Wang, W. Luo, R. Hao, Z. Wang, G. Wang, Z. Lu, Dextran Sulfate Lithium as Versatile Binder to Stabilize High-Voltage LiCoO2 to 4.6 V, Adv. Energy Mater. 2021, 11, 2101864. Zhao, L. Gao, M. Song, Y. Ye, Z. Liang, J. Bian, J. Zhu, S. Li, R. Zou, Y. Zhao, Stabilization of NASICON-Type Electrolyte against Li Anode via an Ionic Conductive MOF-Incorporated Adhesive Interlayer, ACS Energy Lett. 2021, 6, 3141. J. Bian, H. Yuan, M. Li, S. Ling, B. Deng, W. Luo, X. Chen, L. Yin, L. Kong, R. Zhao, H. Lin, S. Li, W. Xia, Y. Zhao, Z. Lu, Li-rich antiperovskite/ nitrile butadiene rubber composite electrolyte for sheet-type solid-state lithium metal battery, Front. Chem. 2021, 9, 744417. Kong, L. Wang, J. Zhu, J. Bian, W. Xia, R. Zhao, H. Lin, Y. Zhao, Configuring solid-state batteries to power electric vehicles: a deliberation on technology, chemistry and energy, Chem. Comm. 2021, 57, 12587-12594. L. Kong*, L. Yin, F. Xu, J. Bian, H. Yuan, Z. Lu*, Y. Zhao*, Electrolyte solvation chemistry for lithium–sulfur batteries with electrolyte-lean conditions, J. Energy Chem., 2021, 55, 80. M. Huang, J. Bian, W. Xiong, C. Huang, R. Zhang*, Low-dimensional Mo:BiVO4 photoanodes for enhanced photoelectrochemical activity, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2018, 6, 3602.  Z. Xiong, J. Chen, J. Wang, Y. Cai, X. Liu, Z. Su, S.J. Xu, A. Khan, W. Li, J. Bian, G. Li, M. Huang, J. Tang*. Electrochemical Half-Reaction Assisted Graphene Hybrid Phototransistor, NPG Asia Mater., 2017, 9, e436.  C. Huang#, Bian#, R-Q.Zhang*, Role of Cl Ion Desorption in Photocurrent Enhancement of the Annealed Rutile Single-Crystalline TiO2 Nanorod Arrays, J. Phys. Chem. C 2017, 121, 18892. (#co-first author) J. Bian, L. Xi, J. Li, Z. Xiong, C. Huang, K.M. Lange, J. Tang, M. Shalom*, R.-Q. Zhang*, C=C π bond modified graphitic carbon nitride films for enhanced photoelectrochemical cell performance, Chem. Asian J. 2017, 12, 1005.  J. Bian*, C. Huang, R. Q. Zhang*, Graphitic carbon nitride film: an emerging star for catalytic and optoelectronic applications, ChemSusChem, 2016, 9, 2723.  J. Bian, L. Xi, C. Huang, K. M. Lange, R.-Q. Zhang*, M. Shalom*, Efficiency enhancement of carbon nitride photoelectrochemical cells via tailored monomers design, Adv. Energy Mater. 2016, 6, 1600263.  X. Cheng, J. Bian, Z. Huang, Z. Zhang, P. Dong, Q. Wang, Y. Chen, Y. Zhang, X. Zhang*, Direct Electrodeposition of Hollowed Ag Nanostructures on ITO Glass for Reproducible SERS Application, Plasmonics, 2016, 11, 1279.  J. Bian, Q. Li, C. Huang, J. Li, Y. Guo, M. Zaw, R. Q. Zhang*, Thermal vapor condensation of uniform graphitic carbon nitride films with remarkable photocurrent density for photoelectrochemical applications, Nano Energy 2015, 15, 353-361.  J. Bian#, J. Li#, S. Kalytchuk, Y. Wang, Q. Li, T. Lau, T. A. Niehaus, A. L. Rogach, R. Q. Zhang*, Efficient emission facilitated by multiple energy level transitions in uniform graphitic carbon nitride films deposited by thermal vapor condensation, ChemPhysChem 2015, 16, 954-959.  J. Bian, Q. Li, C. Huang, Y. Guo, M. Zaw, R. Q. Zhang*, Durable surface–enhanced Raman scattering substrate: ultrathin carbon layer encapsulated Ag nanoparticle arrays on indium–tin–oxide glass, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2015, 17, 14849-14855.  J. Bian, S. Shu, J. Li, C. Huang, Y. Y. Li, R. Q. Zhang*, Reproducible and recyclable SERS substrates: flower-like Ag structures with concave surfaces formed by electrodeposition, Appl. Surf. Sci. 2015, 333, 126-133.  Q. Li, J. Bian, N. Zhang, D. H. L. Ng*, Loading Ni(OH)2 on the Ti-doped hematite photoanode for high efficient photoelectrochemical water splitting, Electrochim. Acta 2015, 155, 383-390.  J. Bian, C. Huang, L. Wang, T. Hung, W. A. Daoud, R. Q. Zhang*, Carbon dot loading and TiO2 nanorod length dependence of photoelectrochemical properties in carbon dot/TiO2 nanorod array nanocomposites, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2014, 6, 4883-4890.  Q. Li, J. Bian, L. Zhang, R. Zhang, G. Wang, D. H. L. Ng*, Synthesis of carbon materials-TiO2 hybrid nanostructures and their visible-light photo-catalytic activity, ChemPlusChem 2014, 79, 454-461.  J. Zeng, X. Zhang*, J. Z. Y. Tan, J. Bian, Z. Li, Z. Chen, R. Peng, H. He, J. Wang, F. Yang, Full-color photoluminescence of ZnO nanorod arrays based on annealing processes, J. Lumin. 2013, 135, 201-205.  J. Bian, F. Yang, Z. Li, X. Zhang*, Z. Chen, J. Z. Y. Tan, R. Peng, J. Zeng, H. He, J. Wang. Mechanisms in photoluminescence enhancement of ZnO nanorod arrays by the localized surface plasmons of Ag nanoparticles, Appl. Surf. Sci. 2012, 258, 8548-8551.  J. Bian, Z. Chen, Z. Li, F. Yang, H. He, J. Wang, J. Z. Y. Tan, J. Zeng, R. Peng, X. Zhang*, G. Han, Electrodeposition of hierarchical Ag nanostructures on ITO glass for reproducible and sensitive SERS application, Appl. Surf. Sci. 2012, 258, 6632-6636.  J. Bian, Z. Li, Z. Chen, X. Zhang*, Q. Li, S. Jiang, J. He, G. Han, Double-potentiostatic electrodeposition of Ag nanoflowers on ITO glass for reproducible surface-enhanced (resonance) Raman scattering application, Electrochim. Acta 2012, 67, 12-17.  Z. Li, J. Bian, H. He, Z. Ren, X. Zhang*, X. Li, G. Han*, Surface plasmon enhanced blue-green photoluminescence from carbon-rich amorphous silicon carbide films, J. Alloys Compd. 2012, 513, 18-22.  Z. Y. Tan, J. Zeng, D. Kong, J. Bian, X. Zhang*, Growth of crystallized titania from amorphous tetrabutyl titanate @PVDF nanowires Core, J. Mater. Chem. 2012, 22, 18603-18608.  Z. Y. Tan, Y.F. Diez, D. Liu, M. Valer, X. Zhang*, J. Bian, Photoreduction of CO2 using copper-decorated TiO2 nanorod films with localized surface plasmon behaviour, Chem. Phys. Lett. 2012, 531, 149.  J. Bian, Z. Li, Z. Chen, H. He, X. Zhang*, X. Li, G. Han, Electrodeposition of silver nanoparticle arrays on ITO coated glass and their application as reproducible surface-enhanced Raman scattering substrate, Appl. Surf. Sci. 2011, 258, 1831-1835.  J. Bian, Z. Li, H. He, X. Zhang*, J. Lin, Q. Gao, Z. Chen, G. Han, The influence of radio frequency power on the characteristics of carbon-rich hydrogenated amorphous silicon carbide films, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2011, 276, 012156. Z. Li, J. Bian, H. He, X. Zhang, G. Han*, The effect of relatively low hydrogen dilution on the properties of carbon-rich hydrogenated amorphous silicon carbide films, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2011, 276, 012173. Z. Li, J. Zhang, H. He, J. Bian, X. Zhang*, G. Han*, Blue–green luminescence and SERS study of carbon-rich hydrogenated amorphous silicon carbide films with multiphase structure, Phys. Status Solidi (a) 2010, 207, 2543-2548.  加入团队 查看更多 联系我们 联系地址 广东省深圳市南山区学苑大道1088号南方科技大学创园9栋502 办公电话 电子邮箱 bianjc@sustech.edu.cn
