
主页 > 广东省 > 华南理工大学


姓名 李军荣
学校 华南理工大学
部门 华南理工大学轻工科学与工程学院
学位 副研究员
学历 副研究员
职称 副研究员
联系方式 广州市天河区五山路381号
邮箱 lljrr@scut.edu.cn
集群智慧云企服 / 知识产权申请大平台
急速申请 包写包过 办事快、准、稳

更新日期:2022年11月8日 姓 名 李军荣 性 别 男 出生年月 1972年12月 籍贯 甘肃甘谷县 民 族 汉族 政治面貌 群众 最后学历 博士研究生毕业 最后学位 理学博士 技术职称 副研究员 导师类别 硕导 行政职务 Email lljrr@scut.edu.cn 工作单位 华南理工大学轻工科学与工程学院 邮政编码 510640 通讯地址 广州市天河区五山路381号 单位电话 020-87111770 个人简介 主要从事制浆造纸及功能性纸基复合材料方面的研究,主持十三五国家重点研发计划项目子课题、广东省科技计划项目、国家重点实验室项目、企业横向项目等十余项,发表SCI论文30 余篇,获国家发明专利授权6项。 工作经历 1998-2001在中科院成都地奥制药公司新药研发部从事小分子多肽化合物的研究;2004-至今在华南理工大学轻工科学与工程学院工作;2010赴加拿大新布伦斯维克大学做短期访问学者。 教育经历 1991.9-1995.6,西北师范大学化学系学习,获理学学士学位;1995.9-1998.6,兰州大学化学系高分子化学与物理专业学习,获理学硕士学位;2001.9-2004.6,中山大学化学与化工学院高分子化学与物理专业学习,获理学博士学位。 社会、学会及学术兼职 近年来,担任cellulose,Materials Chemistry and Physics,Polymers,《精细化工》,《造纸科学与技术》等期刊审稿人 研究领域 功能性纸基复合材料(纸基气敏材料、纸基电致动材料、纸基光致发光材料、纸基导电材料等),功能性高分子合成、植物生物质分离与转化、纤维素溶解与再生、Lyocell溶解浆粕制备等。 科研项目 近几年主要主持的项目:  1. 生物源纤维制造技术国家重点实验室开放课题,SKL202206,甘蔗渣乙醇辅助预水解硫酸盐法制备Lyocell溶解浆,2023/01-2024/12,13万元,主持。 2. 新型电子元器件关键材料与工艺国家重点实验室开放课题,FHS- JS-202011015,PVB树脂溶解特性及PVB树脂胶水稳定性、均匀性研究,2021/01-2022/12,25万元,主持。 3. 企业横向项目,YD/YF-(HT)2019-004(BC),生物基材料(Lyocell纤维用浆粕)工艺技术开发,2019/09-2021/12,20万元,主持。 4. 十三五国家重点研发计划专题,2017YFB0309501-2,高品质浆粕制备基础研究,2017/07-2021/06,64.3万元,主持。 5. 企业横向项目,2017440002000753,一种环保型耐水砂纸研发项目,2017/09-2018/09,20万元,主持。 6. 广东省科技计划项目,2014A010105012,基于纤维素/石墨烯的电场驱动型智能材料研究,2015/06-2017/12,30万元,主持。 7. 制浆造纸工程国家重点实验室基金面上项目,2016C06,负载石墨烯量子点的纸基导电荧光材料研究,2016/01-2017/12,10万元,主持。 8. 企业横向项目,D9152610,无限极(营口)有限公司实验研究,2015/03-2017/03,26.27万元,主持。 9. 制浆造纸工程国家重点实验室开放基金,201425,电致动纸基复合材料的制备及其致动行为,2014/08-2016/08,2万元,主持。10. 制浆造纸工程国家重点实验室开放基金,201114,气敏导电功能性纸基复合材料的制备及其逾渗行为,2012/01-2013/12,2万元,主持。 发表论文 近年来主要发表论文:31.Liying Qian, Chaoli Chen, Yidong Lv, Junrong Li*, Xiuhua Cao b, Haidong Ren, Mohammad L. Hassan,Preparation and electrochemical application of porous carbon materials derived from extraction residue of Ganoderma lucidum,Biomass and Bioenergy 166 (2022) 106593,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biombioe.2022.10659330. Duoduo He, Haiming Qin, Liying Qian, Luyi Sun & Junrong Li*,Conductive Chitosan Nonwoven Fabrics by Electroless Plating with Excellent Laundering Durability for Wearable Electronics,JOURNAL OF NATURAL FIBERS,2022,5,https://doi.org/10.1080/15440478.2022.206919029. 何朵朵,钱丽颖,王丽,何北海,李军荣.用于心电信号捕捉的高耐用性复合棉织物电极[J/OL].2022,精细化工. https://doi.org/10.13550/j.jxhg.2022029928. Liying Qian, Duoduo He, Xiuhua Cao, Jun Huang, Junrong Li*, Robust conductive polyester fabric with enhanced multi-layer silver deposition for textile electrodes, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 644 (2022) 128857. Doi.org/10.1016/j.colsurfa.2022.128857  27.  Ruolong Gan, Junrong Li*, Xiuhua Cao, Jun Huang and Liying Qian, Mixed Solvents in Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors (MLCC) Electronic Paste and Their Effects on the Properties of Organic Vehicle, Polymers, 2022, 14, 685. Doi.org/10.3390/polym14040685 26. Li Wang, Yile Pan, Duoduo He, Liying Qian, Xiuhua Cao, Beihai He, and Junrong Li*, Conductive Polyester Fabrics with High Washability as Electrocardiogram Textile Electrodes, ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 2022 4 (2), 1440-1447, DOI: 10.1021/acsapm.1c0161925. Yan Huang, Fang Wang, Liying Qian, Xiuhua Cao, Beihai He and Junrong Li*, A fast-response electroactive actuator based on TEMPO-oxidized cellulose nanofibers, Smart Mater. Struct. 31 (2022) 025005 (11pp), Doi.org/10.1088/1361-665X/ac403724.钱丽颖,刘文涛,何北海,李军荣*,木质素改性酚醛树脂胶对耐水砂纸性能的影响,功能材料,2022,53(6):06182-0619023. Li Wang. Duoduo He. Junrong Li*. Beihai He. Liying Qian, Conductive cotton fabrics with ultrahigh washability by electroless silver plating after silane modification. Cellulose (2021) 28:5881–5893, Doi.org/10.1007/s10570-021-03882-y22. Li Wang, Duoduo He, Liying Qian, Beihai He, Junrong Li*, Preparation of conductive cellulose fabrics with durable antibacterial properties and their application in wearable electrodes, international Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 183 (2021) 651–659, Doi.org/10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2021.04.17621. Baoyu Wang, Rong Li, Jinghao Zeng, Ming He, Junrong Li*, Preparation of cellulose Nanocrystals via Successive Periodate and Bisulfite Oxidation and Mechanical and Hydrophilic Properties of the Films, BioResources, 2021,16(1)1713-1725.20. 刘文涛,向姚历,钱丽颖,何北海,李军荣 *,木质素改性酚醛树脂胶的制备及其耐水砂纸应用,2021.36(30):36-4119. 潘忆乐, 钱丽颖, 徐纪刚, 何北海, 李军荣*, Lyocell纤维纺丝浆粕溶解性的影响因素分析, 纺织学报(Journal of Textile Research),2021,42(10):28-34. DOI: 10.13475/j.fzxb.202012012.18. 潘忆乐,徐纪刚,钱丽颖,何北海,李军荣*, Lyocell纤维纺丝用溶解浆的制备及性能表征,中国造纸,2021, 40(2):13-19, DOI:10. 11980/j. issn. 0254-508X. 2021. 02. 00217. Fang Wang, Chong Xie, Liying Qian, Beihai He and Junrong Li*, Study on the Preparation of Ionic Liquid Doped Chitosan/Cellulose-Based Electroactive Composites International Journal Molecules Science. 2019, 20, 6198; doi:10.3390/ijms2024619816. Haiming Qin, Junrong Li *, Beihai He, Jingbo Sun, Lingrui Li and Liying Qian*; Novel Wearable Electrodes Based on Conductive Chitosan Fabrics and Their Application in Smart Garments, Materials, 2018, 11(3): 370-377, doi:10.3390/ma1103037015. Junrong Li, Jing Zou, Huining Xiao(*), Beihai He, Xiaobang Hou and Liying Qian(*),Preparation of Novel Nano-Sized Hydrogel Microcapsules via Layer-By-Layer Assembly as Delivery Vehicles for Drugs onto Hygiene Paper,Polymers,2018, 10, 335; doi:10.3390/polym10030335. 14. Haiming Qin , Junrong Li(*), Beihai He , Jingbo Sun , Lingrui Li  and Liying Qian(*),Novel Wearable Electrodes Based on Conductive Chitosan Fabrics and Their Application in Smart Garments,Materials,2018, 11, 370; doi:10.3390/ma11030370.13. Junrong Li, Ying Ye,  Huining Xiao ,Beihai He and Liying Qian,Microwave Assisted Preparation of Antimicrobial Chitosan with Guanidine Oligomers and Its Application in Hygiene Paper Products,Polymers,2017, 9, 633; doi:10.3390/polym9110633.12. Junrong Li, Liangjing Fang, William R. Tait, Luyi Sun, Lihong Zhao and Liying Qian(*),Preparation of conductive composite hydrogels from carboxymethyl cellulose and polyaniline with a nontoxic crosslinking agent,RSC ADVANCES,2017, 7, 54823–54828.11. Bian, Yu,He, Beihai,Li, Junrong(*),Preparation of cellulose-based fluorescent materials using Zinc sulphide quantum dot-decorated graphene by a one-step hydrothermal method,Cellulose,2016.8.01,23(4):2363~2373.10. Bian, Yu,He, Beihai,Li, Junrong(*),A One-step Hydrothermal Method of Nitrogen-doped Graphene Quantum Dots Decorated Graphene for Fabrication of Paper-based Fluorescent Composite,Bioresources,2016.8.01,11(3):6299~6308.9. Liu, Kaihua,He, Beihai,Qian, Liying,Li, Junrong(*),Chemical-vapor-sensitive materials based on a multiwalled carbon nanotube/hydroxyl propyl methylcellulose/cellulose composite,Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2015.3.15,132(11):41639~41644.8. Xiao, He,He, Beihai,Qian, Liying,Li, Junrong(*),Cationic Polystyrene Spheres for Removal of Anionic Contaminants in White Water of Papermaking,Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2015.2.5,132(5):41379~41385.7. He Xiao, Beihai He, Junrong Li(*),Surface modification of natural fibers by plasma for improving strength properties of paper sheets,Holzforschung,2015.1.10,69(8):1001~1008.6. Wang, Baoyu,Lv, Yanna,Li, Junrong(*),Qian, Liying,Separate Treatment of Long Fibres and Fines of Spruce CTMP in Laccase Mediator System Treatment,Bioresources,2015.01.01,10(1):1285~1292.5. Xiao, He, Zhao, Guanglei, Li, Junrong(*),He, Beihai,Hydrophobically associating polyethylenimine for controlling dissolved and colloidal substances of alkaline peroxide mechanical pulp,BioResources,2014.9.15,9(1):1121~1131.4. Liu, Kaihua,He, Beihai,Qian, Liying,Li, Junrong(*),Conducting Graphite/Cellulose Composite Film as a Candidate for Chemical Vapor-Sensing Material,BioResources,2014.01.01,9(3):5279~5289. 3. Xiao, He,Zhao, Guang-lei,Li, Jun-rong(*),He, Bei-hai,Hydrophobically Associating Polyethylenimine for Controlling Dissolved and Colloidal Substances of Alkaline Peroxide Mechanical Pulp,Bioresources,2014.01.01,9(1):1121~1131.2. 徐敏琪,刘凯华,何北海,李军荣(*),多壁碳纳米管/纤维素-羟丙基甲基纤维素甲醛传感器的制备及其气敏性能,造纸科学与技术,2014.12.15,(06):112~115.1. 刘凯华,李军荣(*),何北海,梁明露,MWCNTs/天然纤维素-壳聚糖导电复合材料的制备及其气敏性能,复合材料学报,2013.12.01,(04):1121~1126. 科研创新 近几年来主要授权专利:6. 李军荣,钱丽颖,何北海,一种胍盐基低共熔溶剂制备抗菌纳米纤维素的方法,中国发明专利,ZL 2021 1 0705137.75. 李军荣,王芳,钱丽颖,一种纳米纤维素基电致驱动材料及其制备方法,中国发明专利,ZL 2019 1190319.44. 李军荣,覃海明,钱丽颖,何北海,一种耐洗型导电壳聚糖织物及其制备方法,中国发明专利,ZL 2017 1 0525879.5 3. 李军荣,肖禾,何北海,一种造纸固着剂的制备方法与应用,2017.4.19,中国发明专利,CN201510080624.2. 李军荣,刘凯华,何北海,陈政,一种用于氨气检测的纤维素基复合材料及其制备方法,2016.03.02,中国发明专利,CN201310372901.91. 李军荣,刘凯华,何北海,蔡平,曹镛,纤维素基气敏导电复合材料及其制备方法,2015.09.02,中国发明专利,CN201310275206.0 教学活动 讲授《药用天然高分子》,《植物生物质科学概论》,《文献检索与科技论文写作》,《高分子物理》等课程 我的团队 硕士研究生:吕毅东,谢充,王芳,刘文涛,王丽,黄岩,向姚历,冉亚星,甘若龙,张兴,何孜孜,薛浩,陈星宇
