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姓名 王晓玉
教师编号 81372
学校 华南理工大学
部门 工商管理学院
学位 副教授
学历 副教授
职称 副教授
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更新日期:2023年9月13日 姓 名 王晓玉 性 别 女 出生年月 1973年3月 籍贯 民 族 政治面貌 最后学历 最后学位 技术职称 副教授 导师类别 硕导 行政职务 Email wangxy@scut.edu.cn 工作单位 工商管理学院 邮政编码 通讯地址 单位电话 工作经历 2002.4–现在, 华南理工大学工商管理学院,副教授,硕导April 2002-Present, School of Business Administration, South China University of Technology, Lecturer, Associate Professor, master advisor2018.9-2019.9,美国佛罗里达州立大学,访问学者(营销战略与创新方向,访问教授:Ruby Lee)September 2018-September 2019, Florida State University,College of Business,Visiting Scholar(Marketing Strategy and Innovation,Professor:Ruby Lee)2016.4–2016.9, 台湾大学管理学院,访问学者(大数据营销方向,访问教授:任立中教授)April 2016–September 2016, Taiwan University, Colledge of Management, Visiting Scholar (Big Data Marketing, Professor:  Lichung Jen)2009.4-2009.8,香港城市大学,访问交流(营销实证研究方向,访问教授:游汉明教授)April 2009-August 2009, City University of Hong Kong, Visiting (Empirical study of Marketing, Professor You)1996.7–1999.9, 辽宁工业大学,助教July 1996-September 1999, Liaoning University of Technology, Assistant Teacher 教育经历 华南理工大学工商管理学院, 广州School of business administration, South China university of technology, Guangzhou企业管理Enterprise Management博士 Ph.D. 2011东北大学信息学院, 沈阳School of information, Northeastern university, Shenyang系统工程System Engineering硕士 Master 2002辽宁工业大学自动化系, 锦州Department of automation, Liaoning University of Technology, Jinzhou自动化仪表Automatic Instruments学士 Bachelor 1996 获奖、荣誉称号 [1] 2020年荣获华南理工大学优秀班主任.[2] 2015年荣获华南理工大学工商管理学院教学优秀奖二等奖.[3] 2014年荣获华南理工大学工商管理学院教学优秀奖二等奖.[4] 2007年荣获华南理工大学优秀班主任.[5] 2004年荣获华南理工大学工商管理学院教学优秀奖三等奖.[6] 1997年荣获辽宁工业大学先进个人. 社会、学会及学术兼职 广东省人才开发与管理研究会常务理事.广东省商业经济学会理事.广州先聚智能科技有限公司顾问.东莞市众凯欣工艺礼品有限公司(Ustar (HK) Industry Co., Ltd.) 顾问.《管理学报》稿件评审专家.《现代财经》稿件评审专家.《华南理工大学学报》(社科版)稿件评审专家. 研究领域 大数据营销, 协同创新,市场导向, 协同能力, 营销渠道, 物流与供应链管理(3PL), 零售等Big Data Marketing, Synergistic Innovation,Market Orientation, Synergistic Capability, Marketing Channel, Logistics and supply chain Management(3PL), Retailing. 科研项目 纵向项目-- 主持项目[1] 物流协同能力的作用机理及其模型构建研究, 国家社会科学基金项目, 主持人, 2012.6-2018.5.Research on Logistic Synergistic Capability Mechanism and Model Construction, The National Social Science Fund of China, Principal Investigator, 2012.6-2018.5.[2] 基于市场导向理论的企业人才需求与大学教学目标差距模型实证研究, 广东省教育科研十一五规划项目, 主持人, 2012.8-2014.12.An Empirical Study on the Gap Model between Enterprise Employment Requirement and University Teaching Objective based on Market Orientation Theory, Eleventh Five Year Plan of Guangdong Province Education and Research Fund, Pricipal Investigator,  2012.8-2014.12.[3] 物流协同能力对企业市场导向与绩效关系的中介效应实证研究, 华南理工大学中央高校基本科研业务费项目, 主持人, 2014.1-2015.12.The Mediating Effects of Logistical Synergistic Capabilities on Market Orientation and Performance Relationship,  the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of SCUT, Principal Investigator, 2014.1-2015.12.[4]基于物流外包的企业运作协同能力对市场导向-绩效的影响研究, 华南理工大学中央高校基本科研业务费项目, 主持人, 2012.1-2013.12.The Effects of Operational Synergistic Capabilities on Market Orientation-performance based on Logistics Outsourcing, the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of SCUT, Principal nvestigator, 2012.1-2013.12.[5] 教学和就业质量差距综合模型的实证研究, 华南理工大学教学研究项目, 主持人,2010.11-2013.10.An Empirical Study on Education and Employment Gap Model”, Teaching Research Fund of South China University of Technology, Principal Investigator, 2010.11-2013.10.[6] 《数据库营销》课程的实验和实践教学研究, 华南理工大学本科探索性实验项目, 2015-2016.Experimental and Teaching Research on 《Database Marketing》 Course, Exploratory Experimental Project of Undergraduate Students, South China University of Technology, Principal Investigator,  2015-2016.  [7] 中小企业物流外包研究,华南理工大学985工程三期建设项目,2014-2016.Logistics Outsourcing Research on Small and Middle-sized Enterprises, 985 Project Third counstruction Project of South China University of Technology, Principal Investigator, 2014-2016.[8]“大学生手机流量使用影响因素的市场调查”,华南理工大学SRP项目, 主持人, 2018.5-2019.5.Market research on influencing factors of college students' mobile data usage, Student Research Project of South China University of Technology, Principal Investigator, 2018.5-2019.5[9]“大数据营销”的企业感知状况调查,华南理工大学SRP项目, 主持人, 2017.5-2018.5.Market research on enterprises' perception on Big data marketing, Student Research Project of South China University of Technology, Principal Investigator, 2017.5-2018.5[10]企业、教师、学生对人才需求认知差距的实证研究, 华南理工大学SRP项目, 主持人, 2016.5-2017.5.An Empirical Study on Employment Requirements Gaps among Employers, Teachers and Undergraduates,  Student Research Project of South China University of Technology, Principal Investigator, 2016.5-2017.5[11]广东地区航空旅客购票渠道偏好的市场调查, 华南理工大学SRP项目, 主持人, 2015.5-2016.5.Market Research on Channel Preference of Airline Passenger Ticket Purcasing in Guangdong Area, Student Research Project of South China University of Technology, Principal Investigator, 2015.5-2016.5[12] 广东地区企业物流外包状况调查, 华南理工大学SRP项目, 主持人, 2014.5-2015.5.10ogistics Outsourcing Research on Enterprises in Guangdong Area, 985 Project Third counstruction Project of South China University of Technology, Principal Investigator, 2014.5-2015.5.[13] 广东地区企业对管理类职位的需求调查, 华南理工大学SRP项目, 主持人, 2011.5-2012.5.Research on Enterprise's Management Position Requirement in Guangdong Area, Student Research Project of South China University of Technology, Principal Investigator, 2011.5-2012.5-- 参与项目[1]基于集成文本挖掘的新兴技术演化路径与创新,国家自然科学基金项目, 主要参与人, 2017.1-2020.12;[2]“基于多种知识网络集成的组织知识系统超网络模型研究”, 国家自然科学基金项目, 主要参与人, 2009.1-2011.12;[3] “基于超网络的知识网络集成方法及核心技术研究”,中央高校基本科研业务费自主选题项目, 主要参与人, 2010.1-2011.12;[4] “基于多层次协同的复杂产品系统创新方法, 中央高校基本科研业务费自主选题项目, 主要参与人,2010.1-2011.12;[5] “零售企业扩张效率决定机制研究, 广东省自然科学基金博士启动项目, 主要参与人, 2008.7-2010.7.The Efficiency of the Retail Business Expansion Decision Mechanism”, Guangdong Natural Science Fund, Project participant, 2008.7-2010.7.[6] ”广东交通集团技术中心创新体系及运作机制研究”, 省部级项目, 主要参与人, 2004.1-2005.8.Study of Technical Center Innovation System and Operation Mechanism for Guangdong Transportation Group”, Guangdong Province, Project participant, 2004.1-2005.8.[7] ”产业集群及技术支撑体系, 省重点科技计划子项目, 主要参与人, 2004.1-2004.12.Industrial Clusters and Techn ical Support System”, Sub Project of Key Science and Technology Planning of Guangdong Province, Project participant, 2004.1-2004.12.[8] 广东省技术创新评估中心建设与运行, 省部级项目, 主要参与人, 2002.9-2003.8.Construction and Operation of Technology Innovation Assessment Center of Guangdong Province”, Guangdong Province, Project participant, 2002.9-2003.8.横向项目[1] '先聚智能公司市场导向研究', 企业咨询项目,项目负责人,2020.7-2020.12.“Research on market orientation of Xian Ju Intelligent company”, Business consulting project, 2020.7-2020.12.[2] '顾客价值的数据分析与营销规划',企业咨询项目,项目负责人,2020.5-2020.7.“Data analysis of customer value and its marketing plan', Business consulting project, 2020.5-2020.7.[3] “智能包裹柜校园市场(华工本部)运营的营销策划”,企事业委托项目, 项目负责人, 2015.7-2015.12.“Marketing Planning on Intelligent Cabinet in Campus Market (Wushan Campus) Operation”, Enterprise Fund, Principal Investigator, 2015.7-2015.12.[4]北滘港一、二期资源整合方案研究,企事业委托项目, 主要参与人,2015.7-2017.12.Research on No.1 and No.2 resources integration plans of Beijiao Port, Enterprise Fund, Project participant, 2015.7-2017.12.[5]”国际典型高技术产业发展及关键技术应用战略研究”, 企事业委托项目, 主要参与人, 2009.3-2010.6.“Study of International Typical High-Tech Industry Development and the Key Technology Application Strategies”, Enterprise Fund, Project participant, 2009.3-2010.6.[6] ”广州轻工鹰金钱健康食品产业休闲食品发展规划”, 企事业委托项目, 主要参与人, 2008.11-2009.7.“Study of Snack Food of Health Food Industry Development Plan for Guangzhou Eagle Coin Enterprises Group Corp.”, Enterprise Fund, Project participant, 2008.11-2009.7.[7] ”广州友谊五年发展战略规划”, 企事业委托项目, 主要参与人, 2006.7-2007.7.“Five-year Strategic Development Plan for Guangzhou Friendship”, Enterprise Fund, Project participant, 2006.7-2007.7.[8] ”珠江桥科技工业园建设整体策划方案协议书”, 企事业委托项目, 主要参与人, 2006.4-2007.4.“The Overall Planning of the Program Agreement for Science and Technology Industrial Park Construction of Pearl River Bridge”, Enterprise Fund, Project participant, 2006.4 -2007.4. 发表论文 [1]Wang Xiaoyu, etc. Relationship Among Reactive Market Orientation, Bricolage and Performance, CMIC 2021, EI index.[2]Wang Xiaoyu, etc. Research on the Measurement of Industry-University-Research Synergistic Innovation Capability and Its Relationship with Innovation Performance, CMIC 2021, EI index.[3]Wang Xiaoyu, etc. Scale Development of Innovation of IOT Companies, CMIC 2021, EI index.[4] Wang Xiaoyu, etc. Framework of relationships among top management team personality, CMIC 2020, EI ndex.[5] Wang Xiaoyu, etc. Promoting synergistic innovation in logistics service outsourcing. Journal of business and industrial marketing. 2020.3. SCI indexed.[6] Xiaoyu Wang etc. Scale development of synergistic capability based on logistics innovation and its effects on market orientation and performance,Summer AMA Conference, 2019.8. Peer reviewed.[7] Wang Xiaoyu, etc. Market research on the influencing factors of college students' data usage. CMIC 2019, Guangzhou. EI index.[8] 王晓玉等. 企业的物流协同能力量表开发及其对市场导向与绩效关系的影响研究. 管理科学, 2018.9Scale Development of Logistical Synergistic Capability of Enterprises and Its Effect on Market Orientation and Performance Relationship, Management Science, 2018.9.[9] Xiaoyu Wang etc. Logistics outsourcing and self-supporting: contrustive analysis of logistics synergistic capability mechanism and its model building, CMIC 2018, CPCI indexed.[10] Xiaoyu Wang etc. Market Orientation, Logistical Synergistic Capabilities and Performance- Logistics Self-supporting Firms Perspective, ICSSSM 2018, EI indexed.[11] Xiaoyu Wang etc. Market Orientation, Logistical Synergistic Capability and Performance - 3PLs User Perspective, ICSSSM 2018, EI indexed.[12] 王晓玉等. 物流外包下运作协同能力对市场导向与绩效关系影响研究, 营销科学学报, 2016.12.Mediating Effect of Operational Synergistic Capability on Market Orientation - Performance from Logistics Outsourcing Perspective, Journal of Marketing Science, 2016.12.[13] 王晓玉等.企业、教师和学生对经管类毕业生需求的认知差距实证研究, 华南理工大学学报(社科版), 2016.10.WANG Xiao-yu, et al. An Empirical Study on Economics and Managements Employment Requirements Gaps among Employers, Teachers and Undergraduates, Journal of South China University of Technology(Social Science), Volume 18, No.5,  2016.[14] An Empirical study on Employment Requirements Gaps among Employers, Teachers and Undergraduates, ICSSSM 2016,2016.6. EI indexed[15] 王晓玉. 大学教师与学生教学认知差距实证研究, 技术经济与管理研究(核心期刊), 2016.4.WANG Xiao-yu. An Empirical Study on Perception Gap between University Teachers and Undergraduates on Classroom Teaching, Technoeconomics & Management Research, 2014.5.[16] Wang Xiaoyu, et al., Logistical synergistic capability and its mediating effects on market orientation-performance: a conceptual framework, ICSSSM 2015,EI Indexed, 2015.6[17] Wang Xiaoyu, et al., An empirical Study on the Gap between Employment Requirements and Undergraduate Perception based on market orientation theory. 2015 Global Business Research Conference, 2015.5, CPCI Indexed.[18] 王晓玉等, 广东省大型零售企业物流外包模式及其影响因素调查分析. 商业时代(核心期刊), 2014.11Wang Xiaoyu, Wang Xian, Investigation on logistics outsourcing models and its factors of large retail enterprises in Guangdong Province. Commercial Times, 2014.11.[19] 王晓玉等.市场导向与绩效关系中介效应研究综述. 技术经济与管理研究(核心期刊), 2014.5.WANG Xiao-yu,CUI Li-fang,REN Zhi-qiang. Literature Review on Mediating Effects of the Relationship between Market Orientation and Performance,Technoeconomics & Management Research, 2014.5.[20] Xiaoyu Wang. Market Orientation, Operational Synergistic Capability and Performance: 3PLs User Perspective, IEMI 2012, August, 2012, EI Indexed.[21] 王晓玉. 国外市场导向对企业绩效的直接影响:实证研究综述, 技术经济与管理研究(核心期刊), 2011.11.Wang Xiao-yu. Direct Influence of Market Orientation on Firm Performance Abroad: An Empirical Literature Review, Technoeconomics & Management Research, 2011.11.[22] 王晓玉. 第三方物流的文献评述及研究启示, 企业活力, 2011.3.Wang Xiao-yu. Literature Review on Third-Party Logistics Provider and Research Implication, Enterprise Vitality, 2011.3.[23] Wang Xiaoyu, Collaborations and Operational Flexibility on StrategicOrientations-Performance: 3PLs User Perspective, ICOSCM 2010, July 2010, ISSHP Indexed.[24] Wang Xiaoyu, et al., Market Orientation, 3PLs Synergies and Performance, International Conference on Information Management and Engineering(ICIME 2010), April, 2010, EI Indexed.[25] Wang XY, et al., Strategic Orientation and Market Performance: 3PL user perspective, International Conference on Engineering and Business Management (EBM 2010), March 2010, ISSHP Indexed.[26] Kenneth Kwong, Wang Xiaoyu, John Leung, and Ricky Chan. Reaching a New Height with 3PLs: An exploratory study of companies in South China. Conference on Marketing Innovation and Strategic Management of Transition from OEM to OSM. July 2009 (MMT 2009).[27] Zhenquan Sha, Chengzhi Long, Xiaoyu Wang. An Empirical Study on Comprehensive Brand Communication Model. The Eighth Wuhan International Conference on e-business (WHICEB2009), May 2009, ISTP Indexed.[28] Sha Zhen-quan, Wen Fei, Gao Guang-wei, Wang Xiao-yu. Antecedents and Consequences of Flow Experiences in Virtual Brand Community. International Conference on e-Business and Information System Security (EBISS 2009), May 2009, EI Indexed..[29] Zhaohui Wang, Zhenquan Sha, Guangwei Gao, Fei Wen, Xiaoyu Wang. How to Improve Brand Identification through Virtual Community: the Role of Participation and Perceived Usefulness. Proceedings of the 2008 International Seminar on Business and Information Management (ISBIM 2008). December 2008, EI Indexed.[30] Xiaoyu Wang, et al.. A theoretical framework of brand image and service quality on third-party logistics services. Proceedings of the 2008 International Seminar on Future BioMedical Information Engineering (FBIE 2008). December 2008, EI Indexed.[31] Xiaoyu Wang, et al..  Strategic orientation, operation and performance of 3PL-based retailers:  a theoretical model. Proceedings of the 2008 Management Track within WiCOM: Engineering, Services and Knowledge Management (WiCOM 2008), October 2008, EI Indexed.[32] Xiaoyu Wang, et al.. Effects of brand image and manufacture-3PL relationship on 3PL satisfaction: a theoretical framework. Proceedings of the 2008 Management Track within WiCOM: Engineering, Services and Knowledge Management (WiCOM 2008), October 2008, EI Indexed.[33] Xiaoyu Wang,et al.. Strategic Orientation, Operation and Performance of 3PL-based Retailers: Premilary Findings. Proceedings of the 2008 Global Marketing Conference, March 2008.沙振权,王静. 网上零售顾客价值初探. 商业经济文荟, 2004.11[34] Xiaoyu Wang, et al.. Competitor Orientation, Operation and Performance of 3PL-based Retailers: A theoretical Model. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management. June 2007, ISTP Indexed.[35] 唐东平, 王晓玉. 基于数据仓库的医药行业企业信息门户. 华南理工大学学报(自然科学版, EI检索), 31, 7, 2003.7.Tang Dong-ping, Wang Xiao-yu. Enterprise Information Portal Based on Data Warehouse for Medicine Trade, Journal of SouthChinaUniversity of Technology(Natural Science, EI Indexed), Volume 31, No.7, July 2003. 出版专著和教材 专著[1]《大数据营销》 王晓玉,任立中 著, 华南理工大学出版社, 2022.1. 2023.8第三次印刷《Big Data Marketing》Editor: Wang Xiaoyu, Jen Lichung, South China University of Technology Press, January 2022. 教材及译著[1] 《零售学》(参编), 主编: 沙振权, 广东高等教育出版社, 2006.6.《Retailing》(Involved in writing book), Editor: Sha Zhenquan, Guangdong High Education Press, June 2006.[2] 《电子商务概论》(参编), 主编: 吴应良, 华南理工大学出版社, 2003.8.《Fundamentals of Electronic Commerce》 (Involved in writing book), Editor: Wu Yingliang, South China University of Technology Press, August 2003. 教学活动 【1】主授课程:大数据营销、营销管理、管理沟通等【2】企业培训:中石油集团燃料油市场营销班《基于客户价值的数字化精准营销》 、中石油集团高级&中级市场营销骨干人才培训班《基于客户价值的数字化精准营销》、烟草企业《数字化营销》、《精准获客—银行数字化营销》、《基于大数据分析的精准顾客画像》、《银行数字化营销》、《基于大数据分析的客户关系管理》、《基于大数据分析的战略营销》、《银行大数据营销》、《保险市场的大数据运用》等【3】企业咨询诊断:某汽车4S店精准服务营销、某金属焊接企业大数据营销诊断等【4】大数据营销企业应用研究:汽车4S店销售大数据营销、智能焊接企业大数据营销、中药新型饮片大数据营销、银行业理财大数据营销、保险业财险大数据营销、房地产业大数据营销、智能传感器企业大数据营销、工业品贸易企业大数据营销、化妆品出口企业大数据营销、外资工业品企业大数据营销、高科技创业企业大数据营销、不锈钢家居企业大数据营销、啤酒公司大数据营销、麻辣烫连锁企业大数据营销、银行信用卡消费大数据营销、男士生活用品大数据营销、旅游公司大数据营销、地理信息企业生态平台大数据营销、酸小小餐饮公司大数据营销、办公用品出口企业大数据营销、化妆品出口企业大数据营销、民营加油站大数据营销、儿童智能手表淘宝店大数据营销、洗涤用品企业网购大数据营销、金融投资公司大数据营销、3D打印公司大数据营销、进出口公司大数据营销、学龄儿童智能穿戴大数据营销、跨境电商大数据营销、注塑解决方案提供商大数据营销、酒类经销商大数据营销、证券公司客户交易大数据营销、医药公司药品大数据营销、寻找独角兽天猫旗舰店大数据营销、旅游特产电商大数据营销、润滑油经销商零售大数据营销、灯光照明企业大数据营销、自营咖啡馆大数据营销、电子元器件制造商大数据营销、外资电子灌封胶企业大数据营销、交通企业大数据营销、保温杯大数据营销、游戏公司大数据营销、汽车保险大数据营销、啤酒企业网购大数据营销、国有有色金属企业大数据营销、美容院到店客户大数据营销、互联网广告公司大数据营销、陶瓷企业大数据营销、医疗大健康企业大数据营销、某啤酒企业多产品大数据营销、某建筑设计企业大数据营销、某翡翠企业大数据营销、某有机农场大数据营销、某制造企业大数据营销、某医疗机构大数据营销、某国外品牌天猫店大数据营销、某国内品牌天猫店大数据营销、某电信客户大数据营销、某厨电平台大数据营销等。 指导学生情况 学术型硕士研究生:累计指导21名,已毕业14名EMBA学生:累计指导15名,已毕业10名MBA学生:累计指导41名,已毕业31名 我的团队 我的研究团队共27人,包括博士生、EMBA学生、MBA学生和学术型硕士研究生
