姓名 | 王智 |
教师编号 | 80267 |
性别 | 男 |
学校 | 华南理工大学 |
部门 | 机械与汽车工程学院国家金属材料近净成形工程技术研究中心 |
学位 | 教授 |
学历 | 教授 |
职称 | 教授 |
联系方式 | 【发送到邮箱】 |
邮箱 | 【发送到邮箱】 |
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更新日期:2023年2月22日 姓 名 王智 性 别 男 出生年月 1982年11月 籍贯 湖南新化县 民 族 汉族 政治面貌 中国共产党党员 最后学历 博士研究生 最后学位 工学博士 技术职称 教授 导师类别 博、硕导 行政职务 Email wangzhi@scut.edu.cn 工作单位 机械与汽车工程学院国家金属材料近净成形工程技术研究中心 邮政编码 510640 通讯地址 天河区五山路381号 单位电话 个人主页 http://yanzhao.scut.edu.cn/Open/TeacherOpen/TeacherOpen.aspx 个人简介 博士,教授,博导/硕导,华南理工大学2016年杰出人才计划高层次引进人才。分别获得德国德累斯顿工业大学(德国11所精英大学之一)和华南理工大学的双博士学位,先后在德国亥姆霍兹柏林能源材料中心(HZB)、德国固体材料研究所(IFW Dresden)和日本東北大学原子分子材料科学高等研究机构(WPI-AIMR)从事科研工作。发表SCI索引论文共计70余篇,其中以第一作者或通讯作者SCI论文30余篇,近五年Google Scholar引用3100余次,H因子达到31,包括Acta Materialia 3篇,Nature Communication 1篇,NPG Asia Materials 2篇,International Journal of Plasticity 1篇。出版编著1本共上下两册(两名共同编辑之一),担任5个SCI期刊编委或青年编辑,近5年国内外重要会议邀请报告25余次,40余个国际SCI期刊审稿专家。主持项目来自国家自然科学基金、科技部高端外专人才计划、科技创新特区、日本学术振兴会、挪威教育研究部、国家重点研发子课题、广东省基础与应用基础研究基金、广东省省级科技计划项目国际科技合作领域、广州市科技创新发展专项、澳大利亚核科学和技术组织 (ANSTO) 等。 与国内外知名单位建立了广泛的合作关系,包括德国IFW, TU Dresden, TU Berlin、日本东北大学、美国威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校、美国中佛罗里达大学、英国剑桥大学、奥地利施密特材料研究所、挪威科技大学、爱沙尼亚塔林工业大学等著名研究机构和院校。 工作经历 2014.04-2014.09 日本东北大学 Researcher2014.10-2016.10 日本东北大学 Research Associate2016.11至今 华南理工大学 教授 教育经历 2014 德国德累斯顿工业大学 博士2015 华南理工大学 博士 社会、学会及学术兼职 美国MS&T2020,MS&T2021,MS&T2022会议增材制造分会召集人,中国材料研究学会高级会员,日本金属学会会员 研究领域 铝合金、钛合金、3D打印、粉末冶金、金属基复合材料、金属玻璃 科研项目 主持国家自然科学基金、科技部高端外专人才计划、科技创新特区、日本学术振兴会、挪威教育研究部、国家重点研发子课题、广东省基础与应用基础研究基金、广东省省级科技计划项目国际科技合作领域基金、广州市科技创新发展专项、广西省重大专项课题。作为核心成员参与国家自然科学基金委员会联合基金项目(重点支持项目)、国家重点研发国际合作项目、广东省‘激光与增材制造’重大专项、广东省基础与应用基础研究重大项目。 发表论文 2020年1. Wang, Zhi*, Meishen Xie*, Yuanyuan Li, Weiwen Zhang, Chao Yang, Lauri Kollo, Jürgen Eckert, and Konda Gokuldoss Prashanth*. Premature failure of an additively manufactured material. NPG Asia Materials 12, no. 1 (2020): 1-10.2. Z. Wang*,S.Y. Tang, S. Scudino, Yu.P. Ivanov, R.T. Qu, D. Wang, C. Yang, W.W. Zhang, A.L. Greer, J. Eckert, K.G. Prashanth*, Additive manufacturing of a martensitic Co-Cr-Mo alloy: towards circumventing the strength‒ductility trade-off, Additive Manufacturing, 37,101725.3. Z. Wang*, Ummethala, R., Singh, N. , Tang, S. , & Prashanth, K. G*. Selective Laser Melting of Aluminum and Its Alloys. Materials, 2020, 13(4564).4. Wang, Z., Scudino, S., Eckert, J., & Prashanth, K. G. (2020). Selective laser melting of nanostructured Al-Y-Ni-Co alloy. Manufacturing Letters, 25, 21-25.5. Xie, M.S., Suryanarayana, C., Zhao, Y.L., Zhang, W.W., Yang, C., Zhang, G.Q., Fu, Y.N. and Wang Z*, Abnormal hot deformation behavior in a metallic-glass-reinforced Al-7075 composite. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2020. 139212.6. M.S. Xie, Z. Wang*, G.Q. Zhang, C. Yang, W.W. Zhang, K.G. Prashanth, Microstructure and mechanical property of bimodal size metallic glassy particle reinforced Al alloy matrix composites, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 814 (2020) 1-67. Z.Y. Xu, C.J. Li, Z. Wang, D. Fang, P. Gao, J.M. Tao, J.H. Yi*, J. Eckert. Balancing the strength and ductility of graphene oxide-carbon nanotube hybrid reinforced aluminum matrix composites with bimodal grain distribution, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 796 (2020): 140067.8. C Zhao, Z Wang, D Li, L Kollo, Z Luo, W Zhang*, KG Prashanth*, Cu-Si-Ni alloy fabricated by melt spinning and selective laser melting: A comparative study on the microstructure and formation kinetics, Journal of Materials Research and Technology 9(2020): 13097-131059. Luo, X., L. H. Liu, C. Yang, H. Z. Lu, H. W. Ma, Z. Wang, D. D. Li, L. C. Zhang, and Y. Y. Li. Overcoming the strength–ductility trade-off by tailoring grain-boundary metastable Si-containing phase in β-type titanium alloy. Journal of Materials Science & Technology 68 (2021): 112-123. 10. Chao Z, Zhi W, Pan D, et al. Effect of Si and Ti on dynamic recrystallization of high-performance Cu− 15Ni− 8Sn alloy during hot deformation. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2019, 29(12): 2556-2565.11. Zhao C, Wang Z, Li D, et al. Comparison of additively manufacturing samples fabricated from pre-alloyed and mechanically mixed powders[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020: 154603.12. Wang, Z., Gao, C., Liu, Z., Wang, Z., Liu, X., Wong, K., Zhou, Z. and Xiao, Z.. Investigation of microstructural evolution in a selective laser melted Ti6Al4V alloy induced by an ultrasonic surface rolling process. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 772(2020): 138696.13. Song D, Wang S, Zhao Y, et al. Effect of melt holding on morphological evolution and sedimentation behavior of iron-rich intermetallic phases in Al—Si—Fe—Mn—Mg alloy[J]. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2020, 30(1): 1-13.14. Lu, H. Z., Yang, C., Li, X. X., Cheng, Q. R., Ma, H. W., Wang, Z., ... & Qu, S. G. (2020). Microstructure evolution and superelasticity of Ti-24Nb-xZr alloys fabricated by spark plasma sintering. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 153875.15. Zhao, C., Wang, Z., Li, D., Pan, D., Lou, B., Luo, Z., & Zhang, W. (2020). Optimization of strength and ductility in an as-extruded Cu–15Ni–8Sn alloy by the additions of Si and Ti. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 153759.16. Prashanth, Konda Gokuldoss, and Zhi Wang. "Additive Manufacturing: Alloy Design and Process Innovations." Materials 13 (2020): 542.2019年17. Z Wang*, MS Xie, WW Zhang, C Yang, GQ Xie, DV Louzguine-Luzgin, Achieving super-high strength in an aluminum based composite by reinforcing metallic glassy flakes, Materials Letters 262 (2020) 1-3.18. P.T. Qin, R. Damodaram, T. Maity, W.W. Zhang, C. Yang, Z. Wang*, K.G. Prashanth, Friction welding of electron beam melted Ti-6Al-4V, Materials Science and Engineering: A 761 (2019) 1–6. 19. Z. Wang*, K.G.Prashanth, W.W.Zhang, S. Scudino, J. Eckert, Removing the oxide layer in a nanostructured aluminum alloy by local shear deformation between nanoscale phases, Powder Technology 343 (2019) 733-73720. W. Zhang, P. Qin, Z. Wang*, C. Yang, L. Kollo, Superior Wear Resistance in EBM-Processed TC4 Alloy Compared with SLM and Forged Samples, Materials. 12 (2019) 2–12. 21. Y Zhao, Z Wang, C Zhang, W Zhang*. Synchrotron X-ray tomography investigation of 3D morphology of intermetallic phases and pores and their effect on the mechanical properties of cast Al-Cu alloys, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 777(2019) 1-27.22. B. Luo, D. Li, C. Zhao, Z. Wang, Z. Luo, W. Zhang, A low Sn content Cu-Ni-Sn alloy with high strength and good ductility, Materials Science and Engineering: A 746 (2019) 154–161. 23. C. Yang, Y. J. Zhao, Z. Wang, S. G. Qu, X. Q. Li, W. W. Zhang, L. C. Zhang, Tailoring Grain Boundary and Resultant Plasticity of Pure Iron by Pulsed-Electric-Current Treatment, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 2 (2019) 856–86224. Yuliang Zhao, Dongfu Song, Bo Lin, Chun Zhang, Donghai Zheng, Saikumar Inguva, Tao Li, Zhenzhong Sun, Zhi Wang, Weiwen Zhang, 3D characterization of ultrasonic melt processing on the microstructural refinement of AlCu alloys using synchrotron X-ray tomography, Materials Characterization 153 (2019) 354-36525. 罗保民, 李道喜, 赵超, 罗宗强, 王智, 杨超,张卫文*.热挤压态cu-17ni-2.5sn-1.5al合金的显微组织及强化机制. 机械工程材料, 43(04), 5-9+28,2019.2018年26. Z. Wang*, K.G. Prashanth, K.B. Surreddi, C. Suryanarayana, J. Eckert. Scudino. Pressure-assisted sintering of Al-Gd-Ni-Co amorphous alloy powders, Materialia, 2(2018) 157-166. 27. Zhi Wang, Chunlin Chen, Sergey V. Ketov, Kazuto Akagi, Andrey A. Tsarkov, Yuichi Ikuhara, Dmitri V. Louzguine-Luzgin, Local chemical ordering within the incubation period as a trigger for nanocrystallization of a highly supercooled Ti-based liquid, Materials & Design, 156 (2018) 504-513.28. W.W. Zhang, Y. Hu, Z. Wang*, C. Yang, G.Q. Zhang, K.G. Prashanth, C. Suryanarayana, A novel high-strength Al-based nanocomposite reinforced with Ti-based metallic glass nanoparticles produced by powder metallurgy, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 734, 2018, Pages 34-41.29. Di Wang, Shibiao Wu, Yongqiang Yang*, Wenhao Dou, Shishi Deng, Zhi Wang*, and Sheng Li, The effect of a scanning strategy on the residual stress of 316L steel parts fabricated by selective laser melting (SLM), Materials 11(2018) 1-1630. T Maity, KG Prashanth*, Ö Balçi, JT Kim, T Schöberl, Z Wang, J Eckert, Influence of severe straining and strain rate on the evolution of dislocation structures during micro-/nanoindentation in high entropy lamellar eutectics, International Journal of Plasticity, 201831. Z. Chen, Y. Lin, W. Lee, L. Ren, B. Liu, L. Liang, Z. Wang, L. Jiang*, Additive manufacturing of honeybee-inspired microneedle for easy skin insertion and difficult removal. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 10(2018) 29338-29346.32. Maity T, Prashanth K G*, Özge Balcı, Z Wang, YD Jia, J Eckert. Plastic deformation mechanisms in severely strained eutectic high entropy composites explained via strain rate sensitivity and activation volume. Composites Part B Engineering, 150 (2018) 7-13.33. G Geng, Z Yan*, Y Hu, Z Wang, SV Ketov, J Eckert, Correlation between the atomic configurations and the amorphous-to-icosahedral phase transition in metallic glasses, Journal of Materials Research, 33(2018) 2775-278334. I.V. Okulova⁎, M. Bönischb, A.V. Okulova, A.S. Volegovb,c, H. Attard,e, S. Ehtemam-Haghighie, M. Calinb, Z. Wang, A. Hohenwarterg, I. Kabanb, K.G. Prashanthh,i, J. Eckert, Phase formation, microstructure and deformation behavior of heavily alloyed TiNb- and TiV-based titanium alloys, Materials Science and Engineering A 733(2018) 80-8635. Zhao Y, Zhang W⁎, Meng F, Wang Z, Zhang D, Yang C. Microstructure and mechanical properties of Al–Cu alloy with 0.6%Fe produced by ultrasonic vibration and applied pressure[J]. Rare Metal Materials & Engineering, 2018, 47(2) 457-462.36. 张冠群,王智*,胡愿,张卫文,李元元,高能球磨Ti55.5Cu18.5Ni17.5Al8.5合金非晶化研究[J]. 稀有金属材料与工程, 2018(5), 1550-1554.37. 石亚, 王智, 罗宗强, 林波, 张卫文⁎. 施压熔体温度对挤压铸造al-5.0cu-0.6mn-0.5fe合金组织和性能的影响. 特种铸造及有色合金, 038(007), 734-738 (2018).2017年38. Z. Wang, S. V. Ketov, C. L. Chen, Y. Shen, Y. Ikuhara, A. A. Tsarkov, D. V. Louzguine-Luzgin, J. H. Perepezko. Nucleation and thermal stability of an icosahedral nanophase during the early crystallization stage in Zr-Co-Cu-Al metallic glasses, Acta Materialia 132(2017) 298-306.39. Z. Wang*, S. Scudino, K.G. Prashanth, J. Eckert, Corrosion properties of high-strength nanocrystalline Al84Ni7Gd6Co3 alloy produced by hot pressing of metallic glass, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 707(2017)63-67.40. Z. Wang*, K. Georgarakis, W.W. Zhang, K.G. Prashanth, J. Eckert, S. Scudino,Reciprocating sliding wear behavior of high-strength nanocrystalline Al84Ni7Gd6Co3 alloys, Wear, 382-383 (2017) 78-84.41. Zhang, W., Hu, Y., Zhang, G. and Wang, Z.*, Formation of Nanoscale Metallic Glassy Particle Reinforced Al-Based Composite Powders by High-Energy Milling. Metals, 7(10) 2017, p.425.42. Louzguine-Luzgin, D. V., Zadoroshnyy, V. Y., Ketov, S. V., Wang, Z., Tsarkov, A. A., & Greer, A. L. On room-temperature quasi-elastic mechanical behaviour of bulk metallic glasses. Acta Materialia, 129 (2017) 343-351.43. Wei Jiao, Pan Liu, Huaijun Lin, Wei Zhou, Zhi Wang, Takeshi Fujita, Akihiko Hirata, Hai-Wen Li, Mingwei Chen, Tunable nanoporous metallic glasses fabricated by selective phase dissolution and passivation for ultrafast hydrogen uptake, Chemistry of Materials, 29 (2017), 10, 4478-448344. Zhao, Chao, Weiwen Zhang, Zhi Wang, Daoxi Li, Zongqiang Luo, Chao Yang, and Datong Zhang. Improving the Mechanical Properties of Cu-15Ni-8Sn Alloys by Addition of Titanium. Materials 10, 9 (2017) 1038.45. J. Ding, A. Inoue, Y. Han, F.L. Kong, S.L. Zhu, Z. Wang, E. Shalaan, F. Al-Marzouki, High entropy effect on structure and properties of (Fe,Co,Ni,Cr)-B amorphous alloys, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 696 (2017) 345–352.46. Y Zhao, W Zhang*, C Yang, D Zhang, Z Wang, Effect of Si on Fe-rich intermetallic formation and mechanical properties of heat-treated Al–Cu–Mn–Fe alloys, Journal of Materials Research 33(2017), 1-142016年47. Z Wang*, K. Georgarakisa, K. Nakayama, Y. Li, G. Xie, D. Louzguine-Luzgin, A. Yavari, Microstructure and mechanical behavior of metallic glass fiber-reinforced Al alloy matrix composites, Scientific Reports, 6(2016), Article number:24384.48. Z. Wang*, S. Ketov, B. Sun, C. Chen, A. Churyumov, D. Louzguine-Luzgin. Eutectic crystallization during fracture of Zr-Cu-Co-Al metallic glass, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 657 (2016)210-214.49. Z. Wang*, S. Scudino, K.G. Prashanth, J. Eckert, Compression behavior of inter-particle regions in high-strength Al84Ni7Gd6Co3 alloy, Materials Letters, 185 (2016) 25-28.50. Q. Luo, G. Garbarino, B. Sun, D. Fan, Y. Zhang, Z. Wang, et al. Hierarchical densification and negative thermal expansion under high pressure in Ce-based metallic glass, Nature Communications, 6(2015), Article number:5703. 51. Meng, F., Wang, Z., Zhao, Y., Zhang, D., & Zhang, W. Microstructures and Properties Evolution of Al-Cu-Mn Alloy with Addition of Vanadium. Metals 7.1 (2016): 10.2015年52. Zhi Wang*, Ruitao Qu, Sergio Scudino, Baoan Sun, Konda G. Prashanth, Dmitri Louzguine-Luzgin, Mingwei Chen, Zhefeng Zhang, Jurgen Eckert. Hybrid Nanostructured Aluminum Alloy with Super-High Strength, NPG Asia Materials, 2015, 7 (12), e229:1-853. Z. Wang*, S. Scudino, M. Stoica, W.W. Zhang, J. Eckert. Al-based matrix composites reinforced with short Fe-based metallic glassy fiber, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 651(2015) 170-175.54. Z. Wang*, K. G. Prashanth, A.K. Chaubey, L. Löber, F.P. Schimansky, F. Pyczak, W.W. Zhang, S. Scudino, J. Eckert, Tensile properties of Al-12Si matrix composites reinforced with Ti-Al-based particles, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 630, (2015) 256-259. 55. A. Inoue, Z. Wang, D.V. Louzguine-Luzgin, Y. Han, F.L. Kong, E. Shalaan, F. Al-Marzouki, Effect of high-order multicomponent on formation and properties of Zr-based bulk glassy alloys, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 638, (2015) 197-2032014年56. Z. Wang, K. G. Prashanth, S. Scudino, J. He, W. W. Zhang, Y. Y. Li, M. Stoica, G. Vaughan, D. J. Sordelet, J. Eckert, Effect of ball-milling on microstructure and thermal stability of Al84Gd6Ni7Co3 glassy powders, Intermetallics, 46 (2014) 97–102.57. Z. Wang*, J. Tan, B.A. Sun, S. Scudino, K.G. Prashanth, W.W. Zhang, Y.Y. Li, J. Eckert, Fabrication and mechanical properties of Al-based metal matrix composites reinforced with Mg65Cu20Zn5Y10 metallic glass particles, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 600 (2014) 53-58.58. Z. Wang*, J. Tan, S. Scudino, B. A. Sun, R. T. Qu, J. He, K. G. Prashanth, W. W. Zhang, Y. Y. Li, J. Eckert, Mechanical behavior of Al-based matrix composites reinforced with Mg58Cu28.5Gd11Ag2.5 metallic glass, Advanced Powder Technology, 25 (2014) 635-639.59. Z. Wang*, K.G. Prashanth, S. Scudino, A. K. Chaubey, D. J. Sordelet, W. W. Zhang, Y. Y. Li, J. Eckert, Tensile properties of Al matrix composites reinforced with in-situ devitrified Al84Gd6Ni7Co3 glassy particles, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 586, (2014) S419-S422.60. K. G. Prashanth, S. Scudino, H. J. Klauss, K. B. Surreddi, L. Loeber, Z. Wang, A. K. Chaubey, U. Kuehn, J. Eckert, Microstructure and mechanical properties of Al-12Si produced by selective laser melting: Effect of heat treatment, Materials Science and Engineering A, 590 (2014) 153-160.61. K. Prashanth, B. Debalina, Z. Wang, P. Gostin, A. Gebert, M. Calin, U. Kühn, M. Kamaraj, S. Scudino, J. Eckert. Tribological and corrosion properties of Al–12Si produced by selective laser melting, Journal of Materials Research 29 (2014) 2044-2054.62. D.V. Louzguine-Luzgin, S.V. Ketov, Z. Wang, M.J. Miyama, A.A. Tsarkov, A.Y. Churyumov, Plastic deformation studies of Zr-based bulk metallic glassy samples with a low aspect ratio, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 616 (2014) 288-296.63. D. Markó, K. G. Prashanth, S. Scudino, Z. Wang, N. Ellendt, V. Uhlenwinkel, J. Eckert, Al-based metal matrix composites reinforced with Fe49.9Co35.1Nb7.7B4.5Si2.8 glassy powder: Mechanical behavior under tensile loading, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 615, (2014) S382-S385.64. K.G. Prashanth, R. Damodaram, S. Scudino, Z. Wang, K. Prasad Rao, J. Eckert, Friction welding of Al–12Si parts produced by selective laser melting, Materials Design, 57 (2014) 632-637.2013年及以前65. J. He, N. Mattern, J. Tan, J.Z. Zhao, I. Kaban, Z. Wang, L. Ratke, D.H. Kim, W.T. Kim, J. Eckert, A bridge from monotectic alloys to liquid-phase-separated bulk metallic glasses: Design, microstructure and phase evolution, Acta Materialia, 61(2013) 2102-211266. K.K. Song, S. Pauly, Z. Wang, U. Kuehn, J. Eckert, Effect of TaW particles on the microstructure and mechanical properties of metastable Cu47.5Zr47.5Al5 alloys, Materials Science and Engineering A, 587 (2013), 372-38067. J. Tan, F.S. Pan, Y. Zhang, Z. Wang, M. Stoica, B.A. Sun, U. Kuehn, J. Eckert, Effect of Fe addition on glass forming ability and mechanical properties in ZrCoAl(Fe) bulk metallic glasses, Materials Science and Engineering A 539 (2012), 124-12768. 张卫文,王智,罗宗强,李元元,2024/3003铝合金的高温退火研究,金属热处理,134(2009),921-924 69. 王智,张卫文,郑小平,王郡文,李元元,内浇包熔体温度对7075/6009复合板材组织性能的影响,锻压技术,34(2009),75-79 出版专著和教材 Prashanth, Konda Gokuldoss, Zhi Wang. Additive Manufacturing: Alloy Design and Process Innovations.上下两册,MDPI, Basel, Switzerland,2020,共同编辑. 科研创新 申请/授权发明专利10余项。 教学活动 1. 为本科生讲授 3门课程(合上):《成型技术基础》(双语课)、《材料微观分析方法》,《材料科学与工程导论》(双语课)。2. 为硕士研究生讲授1门课程(合上):《论文写作与学术规范》。3. 为博士研究生讲授1门课程(合上):《金属材料科学与工程进展》。 指导学生情况 毕业生去向:高校/科研院所(占28.5%);留学香港、新加坡等(占28.5%); 企业 (华为、广汽、比亚迪等知名企业)。 |