

主页 > 陕西省 > 西北工业大学


姓名 赵张龙
教师编号 6081
学校 西北工业大学
部门 材料学院
学位 博士
学历 博士研究生毕业
职称 副高
联系方式 【发送到邮箱】
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急速申请 包写包过 办事快、准、稳

个人经历 Personal experience 工作经历 教育经历 (1) 2017.11-至今, 西北工业大学, 材料学院, 副教授 (2) 2016.11-2017.10, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 机械系, 访问学者 (3) 2015.5-2016.10, 西北工业大学, 材料学院, 副教授 (4) 2013.10-2015.4, 西北工业大学, 材料学院, 讲师 (5) 2013.7-2013.9, 香港理工大学, 机械系, 助理研究员 (6) 2010.5-2013.6, 西北工业大学, 材料学院, 讲师 2000~2004年,西北工业大学,材料学院材料成型与控制工程,大学/本科 2004~2005年,西北工业大学,材料学院材料加工工程,研究生/硕士 2005~2010年,西北工业大学,材料学院材料加工工程,研究生/博士


教育教学 Education and teaching 招生信息 有志于从事钛合金、高温合金、粉末合金等航空航天用难变形材料塑性成形研究的博士生和硕士生


科学研究 Scientific Research 主要从事钛合金、高温合金、粉末合金等航空航天用难变形材料的塑性变形研究工作。主要研究方向:1. 航空、航天关键盘件和结构件的精密锻造成形技术及模具、工艺优化应用研究;2. 新型材料热变形中的微观组织与性能控制基础研究;3. 材料热变形过程中的宏观及微观组织演变模拟研究。主持和参加的项目有国家ZB专项、ZF预研和快速支持、国家自然科学基金、XXX基础科研、合作配套、省自然科学基金等20余项,已发表sci论文40余篇。


学术成果 Academic Achievements Xuemei Yang; Zhanglong Zhao*; Yongquan Ning; Hongzhen Guo; Hui Li; Shichong Yuan; Shewei Xin. Microstructural evolution and mechanical property of isothermally forged BT25y titanium alloy with different double-annealing processes, Materials Science & Engineering A, 2019, 745:240-241(sci、ei收录)Hui Li; Zhanglong Zhao*; Hongzhen Guo; Yongquan Ning; Zekun Yao. Dislocation Density-Based Model for Flow Behavior of a Near- Titanium Alloy Considering Effects of Initial Lamellar Thickness, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2019, 28: 2477-2487(sci、ei收录)Hui Li, Zhanglong Zhao*, Yongquan Ning, Hongzhen Guo and Zekun Yao,  Characterization of Microstructural Evolution for a Near Titanium Alloy with Different Initial Lamellar Microstructures, Metals, 2018, 8, 1045:1-17(sci、ei收录)Jingyuan Shen, Zhanglong Zhao*, Zekun Yao, Yongquan Ning, Yuhang Xiong, M.W. Fu. A Two-Stage Physical-Based Model for Predicting Flow Stress of As-cast TiAl Alloy Under Hot Deformation Conditions, JMEPEG (2018) 27:5384–5394(sci、ei收录)Hui Li, Zhanglong Zhao*, Hongzhen Guo, Zekun Yao, Yongquan Ning, Xiaopu Miao, Miaomiao Ge, Effect of initial alpha lamellar thickness on deformation behavior of a near-α high-temperature alloy during thermomechanical processing, Materials Science & Engineering A, (2017) 682: 345-353(sci、ei收录)Hui Li, Zhanglong Zhao*, Hongzhen Guo, et al, Dependence of α-phase size on flow stressduring dynamic recrystallization steady state in Ti60 alloy, Rare Metals, (2017) 36(11): 851-857(sci、ei收录)Z.L. Zhao, h. li, m.w. fu, h.z. guo, z.k. yao. effect of the initial microstructure on the deformation behavior of ti60 titanium alloy at high temperature processing, journal of alloys and compounds, 2014, 617: 525~533(sci、ei收录)Z.L. Zhao, h.z. guo, t. wang, z.k. yao. enhanced superplasticity of ultra-fine grained ti-17 powder compact prepared through hip/if. journal of alloys and compounds, 2013, 577: 152~157(sci、ei收录)Z.L. Zhao, y.q. ning, h.z. guo, z.k. yao, m.w. fu. discontinuous yielding in ni-base superalloys during high-speed deformation, materials science and engineering a, 2014, 620: 383~389(sci、ei收录)Z.L. Zhao, h. z. guo, z. k. yao. the deformation instability and stability analysis of ti-17 powder compact during thermo-mechanical processing. materials science and engineering a, 2012, 549: 193~199(sci、ei收录)Z.L. Zhao, h.z. guo, z.k. yao, z.f. shi, x.n. peng, c. qin. the microstructure and properties of ultra-fine grained ti-17 powder compact improved through isothermal forging. journal of materials processing technology, 2012, 212: 1495~1500(sci、ei收录)Z.L. Zhao, h.z. guo, z.k. yao. microstructure and properties of ti-17 powder compact prepared through powder sintering and isothermal forging, powder metallurgy, 2012, 55: 368~373 (sci、ei收录)Z.L. Zhao, h.z. guo, x.c. wang, z.k. yao. deformation behavior of isothermally forged ti-5al-2sn-2zr-4mo-4cr powder compact. journal of materials processing technology. 2009, 209: 5509~5513(sci、ei收录)Z.L. Zhao, h.z. guo, c.y. duan, z.k. yao. high strain rate superplasticity of ultrafined ti-10v-2fe-3al compact prepared by sintering and isothermal forging. materials science and technology. 2009, 25(4): 511-514(sci、ei收录)Z.L. Zhao, h.z. guo, l. chen, z.k. yao. superplastic behaviour and microstructure evolution of a fine-grained ta15 titanium alloy. rare metals. 2009, 28(5): 523-527(sci、ei收录)


