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姓名 潘小青
教师编号 60564
性别 发明专利4999代写全部资料
学校 上海师范大学
部门 发明专利包写包过 加急申请
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研究方向 科研成果 教学工作 荣誉奖励 社会兼职 潘小青,上海师范大学数学系教授、上海高校特聘教授、美国数学会数学评论评论员、《Frontiers in Genetics: Statistical Genetics and Methodology》杂志的评审编委、全国卫生产业企业管理协会精准医疗分会理事。于2013年博士毕业于中国科学技术大学概率论与数理统计专业。2013年至2019年期间曾先后在中国科学技术大学、美国威斯康星医学院和美国心脏病协会做博士后研究员。主要研究方向涉及应用概率、应用统计、生物医学中的高通量测序数据分析及其在精准医疗中的应用等,在概率论与数理统计的权威杂志Bernoulli, JMVA, JAP等和医学顶级期刊Hypertension, JAMA network open, JASN, Theranostics等发表会议和期刊论文40余篇。曾作为项目负责人完成国家自然科学基金青年项目、教育部中央高校青年创新基金和人事部博士后面上项目各1项;作为项目骨干承担国家自然科学基金面上项目4项,美国“AHW-Research and Education Program”项目2项,美国心脏协会高血压战略研究项目、美国NIH R01和PPG项目。研究兴趣主要包括:1.人工智能、大数据分析及其在精准医疗中的应用2.统计理论及其在生物、医学(尤其是高血压)中的应用3.应用概率及其在金融、精算和风险理论中的应用部分论文如下:27.Williams AM., Jensen DM., Pan X., Liu P., Liu J., Huls S., Regner KR., Iczkowski KA., Wang F., LiJ., Gallan AJ., Wang T., Baker MA., Liu Y., Lalehzari N., Liang M. (2021). Histologically resolved small RNA maps in primary FSGS. Kidney International, Accepted (一区,top, IF: 10.612)26.Roberts ML.*, Kotchen TA.*, Pan X.*, Li Y., Yang C., Liu P., Wang T., Laud PW., Chelius TH., Munyura Y., Mattson DL., Liu Y., Cowley AW., Kidambi S.,Liang M. (2021). Unique Associations of DNA Methylation Regions with 24-hour Blood Pressure Phenotypes in African Americans. Hypertension, Accepted (美国心脏协会刊物, 一区,top, IF: 10.19;共同一作)25.Kidambi S.,Pan X., Yang C., Liu P., Roberts ML., Li Y., Wang T., Laud PW., LiuY.,Rubens M., Thomas R., Widlansky ME., Beyer AM., Liu Y., Cowley A., Kotchen TA., Munyura Y., Moosreiner A., Mattson DL., Liang M. (2021). Dietary Sodium Restriction Results in Tissue-Specific Changes in DNA Methylation in Humans. Hypertension, 78(2), 434-446. (High impact paper in fall collection; 美国心脏协会刊物, 一区,top, IF: 10.19)24.Pan X.*, Geng X.*, Liu Y., Yu M., Mishra M., Ding X., Liu P., Liang M. (2021).Transfer RNA Fragments in the Kidney in Hypertension. Hypertension, 77 (5),1627-1637. (Featured stories in MCW news and magazine; 美国心脏协会刊物, 一区,top, IF: 10.19;共同一作)23.Sun X., Yang J., Han Y., Qian X., Liu Y., Li J., Lu B., Zhang J., Pan X., Liu Y.,Liang M., Chen E., Liu P., Lu Y. (2021). An integrated epigenomic–transcriptomic landscape of lung cancer reveals novel methylation driver genes of diagnostic and therapeutic relevance. Theranostics. 11 (11), 5346. (一区, top, IF: 11.556)22.Sun X., Yang J., Yu M., Yao D., Zhou L., Li X., Qiu Q., Lin W., Lu B., Chen E.,Wang P., Chen W., Tao   S., Xu H., Williams A., Liu Y., Pan X., Cowley A., Lu W.,Liang M., Liu P., Lu Y. (2020). Global identification and characterization of tRNA-derived RNA fragment landscapes across human cancers. NAR Cancer. 2(4),zcaa031.21.Liu Y., Han Y., Zhou L.,  Pan X., Sun X., Liu Y., Liang M., Qin J., Liu P., Lu Y.(2020). A comprehensive evaluation of computational tools to identify differential methylation regions using RRBS data. Genomics. 112(6), 4567-4576.20.Yao D., Sun X., Zhou L., Amanullah M., Pan X., Liu Y., Liang M., Liu P., Lu Y. (2020)   OncotRF: an online resource for exploration of tRNA-derived fragments in human cancers. RNA Biology. 17(8),1081-1091.19.Han Y., Liu Y., Zhou L., Chen E., Liu P., Pan X.**, Yan L**.(2020) Epidemiological assessment of imported coronavirus COVID-19 cases in the most affected city outside of Hubei Province, Wenzhou, China. JAMA Network Open. 3(4),e206785-e206785. (一区,top, 美国医学会顶级刊物JAMA 的子刊; IF: 8.434;共同通讯作者)18.Dasinger J.H., Alsheikh J.A., Abais-Battad M.J., Pan X., Fehrenbach J.D., Lund H., Roberts L.M.,   Cowley Jr W.A., Kidambi S, Kotchen A.T., Liu P., Liang M.,Mattson L.D.   (2020). Epigenetic Modifications in T Cells: The Role of DNA Methylation in   Salt-Sensitive Hypertension. Hypertension, 75, 372-382. (美国心脏协会刊物, 一区,top, IF: 10.19)17.Abais-Battad M.J., Alsheikh J.A., Pan X., Fehrenbach J.D., Dasinger J.H., Lund H., Roberts L.   M., Kriegel J A., Cowley Jr W A., Kidambi S., Kotchen A. T., Liu L., Liang   M., Mattson L. D. (2019). Dietary Effects on Dahl Salt-Sensitive   Hypertension, Renal Damage, and the T Lymphocyte Transcriptome. Hypertension,   74, 854-863. (美国心脏协会刊物, 一区,top, IF: 10.19)16.Liu P., Liu Y., Liu H., Pan X., Li Y., Usa K., Mishra M., Nie J. and Liang M. (2018). Role of DNA de   novo (de)Methylation in the Kidney in Salt-Induced Hypertension.   Hypertension, 72 (5), 1160-1171. (美国心脏协会刊物, 一区,top, IF: 10.19)15.Li Y.*, Pan X.*, Roberts   ML, Liu P, Kotchen TA, Cowley AW Jr, Mattson DL, Liu Y, Liang M, Kidambi S. (2018). Stability of whole-blood DNA methylation profiles under different storage durations and conditions. Epigenomics, 10(6), 797-811. (IF: 4.778,共同一作)14.Sun X., Hang Y., Zhou, L., Chen E., Lv B., Liu Y.,Pan X., Cowley, J.A., Liang M.,Wu Q., Lu Y. and Liu P. (2018). A comprehensive evaluation of alignment software for reduced representation bisulfite sequencing data. Bioinformatics, 34(16),2715-2723. (IF: 5.61)13.Cheng Y.*, Song H.*, Pan X.*, Xue H.*, Wan Y., Wang T., Tian Zh., Hou E.,Lanza I.R., Liu P., Liu Y., Laud P.W., Usa K., He Y., Liang M. (2018) Urinary metabolites   associated with blood pressure on a low- or high-sodium diet.Theranostics, 8(6), 1468-1480. (一区, top, IF: 11.556;共同一作)12.Baker M.A., Davis J.S., Liu P, Pan X., Iczkowski A.K., Gallagher T. S., Bishop K., Regner R.K., Liu Y., Liang M. (2017) Tissue-specific microRNA expression patterns in four types of kidney disease. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology,28(10), 2985-2992. (美国肾脏协会刊物, 一区, top, IF: 10.121)11.Pan X.and Li X. (2017) Increasing convex order on generalized aggregations of stochastically arrangement increasing random variables with applications. Journal of Applied Probability, 54(3), 685-700.10.Pan X.and Li X. (2017) On capital allocation for stochastic arrangement increasing actuarial risks. Dependence Modelling, 5(1), 145-153.9.Pan X., Qiu G. and Hu T. (2016). Stochastic orderings for elliptical random vectors. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 148, 83-88.8.Ju S. and Pan X.** (2016). A new proof for the peakedness of linear combinations of random variables. Statistics and Probability Letters, 114, 93-98. (通讯作者)7.Yuan M.,Pan X.and Yang Y. (2015). Bayes factors based on robust TDT-type tests for family trio design. Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology, 14(3), 253-264.6.Pan X., Yuan M. and Kochar S C. (2015). Stochastic comparisons of weighted sums of arrangement increasing random variables. Statistics and Probability Letters, 102, 42-50.(通讯作者)5.Pan X., Xu M. and Hu T. (2013). Some inequalities of linear combinations of independent random variables: II. Bernoulli, 19(5A), 1776-1789. (伯努利学会刊物)4.Pan X., Leng X. and Hu T. (2013). The second-order version of Karamata’s theorem with applications. Statistics and Probability Letters, 83, 1397-1403.3.Mao T.,Pan X.and Hu T. (2013). On orderings between weighted sums of random variables. Probability in the Engineering and Informational Science, 27(1), 85-97.2.Lv W.,Pan X.and Hu T. (2013). Asymptotics of the risk concentration based on the tail distortion risk measure. Statistics and Probability Letters, 83, 2703-2710.1.Chen D., Mao T., Pan X. and Hu T. (2012). Extreme value behavior of aggregate dependent risks. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 50(1), 99-108. 论文 [1] 潘小青,Han Yi,Lu Yan. Epidemiological assessment of imported coronavirus COVID-19 cases in the most a ected city outside of Hubei Province, Wenzhou, China. JAMA network open,2020,3(4):e206785. [2] 潘小青,Srividya Kidambi. Dietary Sodium Restriction Results in Tissue-Specific Changes in DNA Methylation in Humans. Hypertension,2021,78(2):434-446. [3] 潘小青. Transfer RNA Fragments in the Kidney in Hypertension. Hypertension,2021,77(5):1627–1637. [4] 潘小青,Jonathan Katz,Pengyuan Liu,Kristie Usa,Zhongmin Tian,Mingyu Liang. Abstract P183: Human Blood Pressure On Low- Or High-sodium Intake Is Associated With Divergent Changes Of Serum And Urine Metabolites. HYPERTENSION,2020,76(Suppl_1):P183. 教职工课程信息开课学年开课学期课程名称2022-20231抽样调查2021-20222统计计算2021-20221抽样调查2020-20211抽样调查2020-20212数学应用导论2022-20232数学应用导论 2021 年指导本科生刘浩元等获得美国大学生数学建模竞赛M奖、全国大学生数学建模竞赛上海赛区三等奖;研究生(刘丹丹)获得校优秀学生2020 年入选上海高层次人才计划2019 年入选“上海高校特聘教授”2019 年获美国威斯康辛医学院“Clinical & Translational Science Institute Team Science mini-grant”2018 年获美国威斯康辛医学院“心脏研究中心摘要报告博士后组第一名”2018 年获美国威斯康辛医学院“Postdoc Travel Award”2018 年被期刊“Statistics & Probability Letters”授予杰出审稿贡献奖“Outstanding contribution in reviewing”2013 年获“中国科学院院长奖”2004-2012年多次获得校级奖学金、优秀学生干部、三好学生;研究生国家奖学金等 美国数学会数学评论评论员期刊评审编委《Frontiers in Genetics: Statistical Genetics and Methodology》全国卫生产业企业管理协会精准医疗分会理事多个期刊的审稿人:Scientific report,JMVA, SPL 等
