姓名 | 任振波 |
教师编号 | 4752 |
性别 | 男 |
学校 | 西北工业大学 |
部门 | 物理科学与技术学院 |
学位 | 哲学博士学位 |
学历 | 博士研究生毕业 |
职称 | 副高 |
联系方式 | 【发送到邮箱】 |
邮箱 | 【发送到邮箱】 |
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综合介绍 General Introduction 个人相册 教育教学个人经历 personal experience 工作经历 教育经历 2023年5月 - 至今,西北工业大学,物理科学与技术学院,光电信息科学与工程系,副教授2020年6月,硕士研究生导师;2019年2月 - 2023年4月,西北工业大学,物理科学与技术学院,光电信息科学与工程系,助理教授 学校名称 起始时间 结束时间 学历 学位 香港大学 博士研究生毕业 哲学博士 清华大学 硕士研究生毕业 工程硕士 华中科技大学 大学本科毕业 工学学士 荣誉获奖教育教学 Education and teaching 招生信息 教育信息 招收光学工程学术型和光电信息工程专业型硕士研究生,欢迎具有物理、光电子、电子信息等专业背景的学生报考。 研究生课程:《计算光学成像》本科生课程:《大学物理实验》学术竞赛(1)指导本科生获得大学生创新创业项目4项(2)指导本科生获得全国光电设计竞赛国家级三等奖及西北赛区二等奖1项,校赛一等奖1项(3)指导本科生获得院级优秀毕业设计2项 科学研究科学研究 Scientific Research 隶属于赵建林教授团队计算光学成像课题组,主要研究方向:(1) 计算光学成像,包括但不限于:数字全息成像,显微成像,散射介质成像主要研究通过成像系统和重建算法的联合设计,提高成像系统的光学性能,如分辨率提高、自动聚焦、相位畸变补偿、景深扩展、多聚焦图像融合等目的。(2) 深度学习与光学成像技术的交叉热点1. 通过设计深度神经网络,实现数字全息术中的自动聚焦、全息重建、定量相位成像、三维成像、超分辨率成像等;针对显微成像系统实现快速自动聚焦和清晰图像采集。2. 针对高维多模态传感器(如偏振、可见光光谱、红外光等),实现目标有效光学信息的提取和融合,提高成像系统对目标的光学表征能力。(3) 基于多模态光学信息探测的目标特征提取、信息融合、目标检测和跟踪研究利用多模态探测手段,获得目标可见光、中长波红外、光谱信息等多源光学信息,建立复杂环境下弱小目标检测模型,针对数字病理学样本、遥感成像、飞行器目标等应用场景实现特定目标的快速、自动检测,研究复杂环境下超快弱小目标的检测和跟踪。主持的科研项目(纵向)(7) 国家自然科学基金面上项目 (2023/01-2026/12)(6) 西北工业大学基础研究创新能力专项 (2023/04-2025/03)(5) 广东省自然科学基金面上项目 (2023/01-2025/12)(4) 中国博士后科学基金面上项目 (2023/01-2024/12)(3) 国家重点实验室开放课题 (2020/12-2022/12)(2) 国家自然科学基金青年项目 (2020/01-2022/12)(1) 中央高校基本科研业务费 (2019/03-2021/12)主持的科研项目(横向)(2) 多传感器信息识别及融合模块,中国工程物理研究院流体物理研究所(1) 大气湍流像差自适应双闭环校正验证模块,中国工程物理研究院流体物理研究所 学术成果学术成果 Academic Achievements 期刊论文(Academic Journals): 35. Kaiqiang Wang, Li Song, Chutian Wang, Zhenbo Ren, Guangyuan Zhao, Jiazhen Dou, Jianglei Di, George Barbastathis, Renjie Zhou, Jianlin Zhao, and Edmund Y Lam, “On the use of deep learning for phase recovery,” under review, 2023. 34. Ju Tang, Ji Wu, Jiawei Zhang, Mengmeng Zhang, Zhenbo Ren, Jianglei Di, Liusen Hu, Guodong Liu, and Jianlin Zhao, “High robust spatio-temporal wavefront prediction with mixed graph neural network in adaptive optics,” Photonics Research, 11(10): X-X, 2023. 33. Jiawei Zhang, Ju Tang, Jiale Zuo, Ji Wu, Kunying Li, Jiwei Zhang, Zhenbo Ren, Jiazhen Dou, Jianglei Di, and Jianlin Zhao, “Rapid quantitative measurement of internal ultrasonic field in acousto-optic modulator via off-axis digital holography,” Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 171:107793, 2023. 32. Ju Tang, Jiawei Zhang, Zhenbo Ren, Jianglei Di, and Jianlin Zhao, “Single-shot image restoration via a model-enhanced network with unpaired supervision in an optical sparse aperture system,” Optics Letters, 48(18):4849-4852, 2023. 31. Kewei Liu, Zhenbo Ren, Xiaoyan Wu, Jianglei Di, and Jianlin Zhao, “SSG-Net: A Robust Network for Adaptive Multi-Source Image Registration Based on SuperGlue,” Digital Signal Processing, 104128, 2023. 30. Ju Tang, Jiawei Zhang, Sijia Zhang, Shan Mao, Zhenbo Ren, Jianglei Di, and Jianlin Zhao, “Phase aberration compensation via a self-supervised sparse constraint network in digital holographic microscopy,” Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 168:107671, 2023. 29. Shan Mao, Zhenbo Ren, and Jianlin Zhao, “An off-axis flight vision display system design using machine learning,” IEEE Photonics Journal, 14(2):1-6, 2022. 28. Ju Tang, Ji Wu, Jiawei Zhang, Zhenbo Ren, Jianglei Di, and Jianlin Zhao, “Single-shot diffraction autofocusing: Distance prediction via an untrained physics-enhanced network,” IEEE Photonics Journal, 14(1):1-6, 2021. 27. Yanmin Zhu, Tianjiao Zeng, Kewei Liu, Zhenbo Ren, and Edmund Y. Lam, “Full scene underwater imaging with polarization and an untrained network,” Optics Express, 29(25):41864-41881, 2021. 26. Ju Tang, Zhenbo Ren, Xiaoyan Wu, Jianglei Di, Guodong Liu, and Jianlin Zhao, “Object-independent tilt detection for optical sparse aperture system with large-scale piston erro via deep convolution neural network,” Optics Express, 29(25):41670-41684, 2021. 25. Ju Tang, Ji Wu, Kaiqiang Wang, Zhenbo Ren, Xiaoyan Wu, Liusen Hu, Jianglei Di, Guodong Liu, and Jianlin Zhao, “RestoreNet-Plus: Image restoration via deep learning in optical synthetic aperture imaging system,” Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 146:106707, 2021. 24. 邸江磊,唐雎,吴计,王凯强,任振波,张蒙蒙,赵建林,“卷积神经网络在光学信息处理中的应用研究进展,”激光与光电子学进展, 58(16): 1600001, 2021. 23. 柯宝生,李颖,任振波,邸江磊,赵建林,“基于深度学习的活体细胞有丝分裂检测方法,” 光学学报, 41(15), 2021. 22. Zhenbo Ren, Peiyan Guan, Edmund Y. Lam and Jianlin Zhao, “Extended focused imaging in microscopy using structure tensor and guided filtering,” Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 140:106549, 2021. 21. Ju Tang, Kaiqiang Wang, Zhenbo Ren, Wei Zhang, Xiaoyan Wu, Jianglei Di, Guodong Liu, and Jianlin Zhao, “RestoreNet: a deep learning framework for image restoration in optical synthetic aperture imaging system,” Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 139:106463, 2021. 20. Kaiqiang Wang, Jianglei Di, Ying Li, Zhenbo Ren, Qian Kemao and Jianlin Zhao, “Transport of intensity equation from a single intensity image via deep learning,” Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 134:106233, 2020. 19. Zhenbo Ren, Edmund Y. Lam and Jianlin Zhao, “Real-Time Target Detection in Visual Sensing Environments Using Deep Transfer Learning and Improved Anchor Box Generation,” IEEE Access, 8:193512-193522, 2020. 18. Zhenbo Ren, Jianlin Zhao, and Edmund Y. Lam, “Acceleration of autofocusing with improved edge extraction using structure tensor and Schatten norm,” Optics Express, 28(10):14712-14728, 2020. 17. 任振波,林彥民,“光学扫描全息术研究进展,” 光学学报, 40(1), 2020. 特邀综述(Invited review paper) 16. Zhenbo Ren, Jianlin Zhao, and Edmund Y. Lam, “Automatic phase aberrations compensation for digital holographic microscopy using sparse inverse imaging,” APL Photonics, 4(11):110808(1-10), 2019. 15. Zhenbo Ren, Hayden K.-H. So, and Edmund Y. Lam, “Fringe pattern improvement and super-resolution using deep learning in digital holography,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 15(11):6179-6186, 2019. 14. Zhenbo Ren, Zhimin Xu, and Edmund Y. Lam, “End-to-end deep learning framework for digital holographic reconstruction,” Advanced Photonics, 1(1):016004, 2019. Highlighted as Editors' Pick in this first issue of the journal | Top Download in 2019 | SPIE news feature | Top Cited Article on Imaging and Sensing 13. Zhenbo Ren, Zhimin Xu, and Edmund Y. Lam, “Learning-based nonparametric autofocusing for digital holography,” Optica, 5(4):337-344, 2018. 12. Zhenbo Ren, Ni Chen, and Edmund Y. Lam, “Automatic focusing for multisectional objects in digital holography using structure tensor,” Optics Letters, 42(9):1720-1723, 2017. 11. Ni Chen, Zhenbo Ren, Dayan Li, Edmund Y. Lam, and Guohai Situ, “Analysis of the noise in backprojection light field acquisition and its optimization,” Applied Optics, 56(13):F20-F26, 2017. 10. Zhenbo Ren, Ni Chen, and Edmund Y. Lam, “Extended focused imaging and depth map reconstruction in optical scanning holography,” Applied Optics, 55(5):1040-1047, 2016. Among 15 most cited articles in the journal between 2016 and 2018 9. Ni Chen, Zhenbo Ren, and Edmund Y. Lam, “High-resolution Fourier hologram synthesis from photographic images through computing the light field,” Applied Optics, 55(7):1751-1756, 2016. Top Downloaded Article on Imaging Systems from Applied Optics and Optics Express in 2015-16 8. Ni Chen, Zhenbo Ren, Haiyan Ou, and Edmund Y. Lam, “Resolution enhancement of optical scanning holography with a modulated point spread function,” Photonics Research, 4(1):1-6, 2016. 7. Ping Su, Pengli An, Jianshe Ma, Lixiang Han, Zhenbo Ren, Jie Mao, Liangcai Cao, and Guofan Jin, “Demonstration of an autostereoscopic three-dimensional light-emitting diode display using diffractive optical elements sheet,” Journal of Display Technology, 11(11):953-958, 2014. 6. Zhenbo Ren, Ping Su, Jianshe Ma, and Guofan Jin, “Secure and noise-free holographic encryption with a quick-response code,” Chinese Optics Letters, 12(1):010601, 2014. 5. Zhenbo Ren, Ping Su, and Jianshe Ma, “Information content compression and zero-order elimination of computer-generated hologram based on discrete cosine transform,” Optical Review, 20(6):469-473, 2013. 4. 马建设,任振波,苏萍,夏飞鹏,“多重计算全息水印技术,” 光学精密工程, 21(8):2111-2120, 2013. 3. 马建设,任振波,苏萍,夏飞鹏,“全息再现中几种消零级方法的像质评价及其改进,” 半导体光电, 34(4):713-718, 2013. 2. 马建设,夏飞鹏,任振波,苏萍,“压缩感知相移数字全息术,” 半导体光电, 1:130-133, 2013. 1. Jianshe Ma, Ping Su, Feipeng Xia, Zhenbo Ren, and Tong Liu, “Magnification of optical image in holography projection using lensless Fresnel holography,” Optical Engineering, 51(8):085801(1-7), 2012.会议论文(Conference Proceedings): 14. Chencen Xiong, Zhenbo Ren, Jianglei Di, and Jianlin Zhao, “Phase imaging for digital holography with deep learning,” in OSA Topical Meeting in Digital Holography and Three-Dimensional Imaging, pp. W5A. 52, August, 2022. 13. Yanmin Zhu, Tianjiao Zeng, Kewei Liu, Zhenbo Ren, Chok Hang Yeung, and Edmund Y. Lam, “Image descattering with synthetic polarization imaging and untrained network,” in SPIE/COS Photonics Asia, pp. 1189813, October 2021. 12. Zhenbo Ren, Edmund Y. Lam, and Jianlin Zhao, “Learning-based cell detection in digital pathology,” in CLEO, May 2021. 11. Zhenbo Ren, Tianjiao Zeng, and Edmund Y. Lam, “Digital holographic imaging via deep learning,” in OSA Topical Meeting in Computational Optical Sensing and Imaging, pp. CTu3A.4, June 2019. 10. Zhenbo Ren, Zhimin Xu, and Edmund Y. Lam, “Phase aberration compensation in digital holographic microscopy using regression analysis,” in OSA Topical Meeting in Computational Optical Sensing and Imaging, pp. JTh3B.5, June 2018. 9. Tianjiao Zeng, Zhenbo Ren, and Edmund Y. Lam, “Speckle suppression using the convolutional neural network with an exponential linear unit,” in OSA Topical Meeting in Computational Optical Sensing and Imaging, pp. CW5B.3, June 2018. 8. Zhenbo Ren, Zhimin Xu, and Edmund Y. Lam, “Autofocusing in digital holography using deep learning,” in SPIE Photonics West (BIOS Chapter), pp. 104991V, January 2018. 7. Zhenbo Ren and Edmund Y. Lam, “Edge-preserving autofocusing in digital holography,” in OSA Topical Meeting in Digital Holography and Three-Dimensional Imaging, pp. W2A.29, May 2017. 6. Chandra Jinata, Luoqin Yu, Naushad Hossain, Zhenbo Ren, Edmund Y. Lam, Marco C. Wong, Wing-Tat Chan, Hector K. Wang, Gus C. Chan, Kin-Tak Chan, Nikki P. Lee, and Kenneth K.Y. Wong, “Enhanced esophageal tumor imaging with optical coherence tomography using gold nanoparticles,” in Reporters, Markers, Dyes, Nanoparticles, and Molecular Probes for Biomedical Applications, volume 10079 of Proceedings of the SPIE, January 2017. 5. Zhenbo Ren and Edmund Y. Lam, “Super-resolution imaging in optical scanning holography using structured illumination,” in SPIE/COS Photonics Asia, pp. 1002203, October 2016. Invited Paper at the conference 4. Zhenbo Ren, Ni Chen, Antony C. Chan, and Edmund Y. Lam, “Extended focused imaging in a holographic microscopy imaging system,” in IEEE International Conference on Imaging Systems and Techniques, pp. 67-72, September 2015. 3. Zhenbo Ren and Edmund Y. Lam, “Secure and noise-free holographic encryption with a quick-response code,” in IEEE Photonics Scociety - Hong Kong Chapter, December 2015. 2. Zhenbo Ren, Ni Chen, Antony C. Chan, and Edmund Y. Lam, “Autofocusing of optical scanning holography based on entropy minimization,” in OSA Topical Meeting in Digital Holography and Three-Dimensional Imaging, pp. DT4A-4, May 2015. 1. Ni Chen, Zhenbo Ren, Antony C. Chan, Xing Sun, and Edmund Y. Lam, “Depth enhancement of optical scanning holography with a spiral phase plate,” in OSA Topical Meeting in Digital Holography and Three-Dimensional Imaging, pp. DW2A-3, May 2015.专利(Patents): 1. 任振波,贾冠伟,安鹏莉,曹聪,张长杰,毛杰。LED自由立体显示模组。中国发明专利,专利号:CN103377595 A,2013。 2.安鹏莉,任振波,贾冠伟,曹聪,张长杰,毛杰。裸眼3D LED屏幕显示效果的检测装置及其检测方法。中国发明专利,专利号:CN103512657 A,2013。 3.曹聪,林家用,任振波,安鹏莉,张长杰,毛杰。多视区裸眼3D播放系统及其播放方法。中国发明专利,专利号:CN103391448 A,2013。 综合介绍 |