
主页 > 陕西省 > 西北工业大学


姓名 何峰
学校 西北工业大学
部门 材料学院
学位 工学博士学位
学历 博士研究生毕业
职称 正高
联系方式 实用新型1875包写包过
邮箱 fenghe1991@nwpu.edu.cn
集群智慧云企服 / 知识产权申请大平台
急速申请 包写包过 办事快、准、稳

个人经历 Personal experience 工作经历 教育经历 2021.10——至今        西北工业大学        准聘教授2019.10—2021.09       香港城市大学        博士后       2014.09—2019.06        西北工业大学        材料加工工程                   工学博士(导师王锦程教授)2018.01—2019.01         麻省理工学院        材料科学与工程                联合培养(合作导师C.Cem Tasan教授)2010.09—2014.06        西北工业大学        材料成型及控制工程         工学学士


教育教学 Education and teaching 教育教学 招生信息 本科生课程《材料科学热点解析》,主讲教师本科生课程《材料热力学实验》,主讲教师本科生课程《材料科技最前沿》,主讲教师 欢迎材料、力学、机械及其相关专业的优秀学生保送、报考硕士和博士研究生。


荣誉获奖 Awards Information 陕西省优秀博士论文(2021)西北工业大学优秀博士论文(2021)国家奖学金(2015、2016、2018)工信部创新奖学金一等奖(2017)


科学研究 Scientific Research 先进金属材料的强韧化设计与增材制造


学术成果 Academic Achievements 代表性学术论文:20228. Phase-selective recrystallization makes eutectic high-entropy alloys ultra-ductile   Q. Wu#, F. He#, J. Li, H.S. Kim*, Z. Wang*, J. Wang*, Nature Communications, 2022, 13(1): 4697. (#共同一作)7. Non-monotonous effect of pre-strain on the precipitates and strengthening mechanisms of high-entropy alloys   Z. Yang, Z. Wang*, B. Guo, R. Cao, Q. Wu, D. Cui, K. Zhang, J. Li, J. Wang, F. He*, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2022, 906: 164338.6. Concurrent Recrystallization and Precipitation for Combination of Superior Precipitation and Grain Boundary  Hardening in Co37Cr20Ni37Ti3Al3 High-Entropy Alloy    L. Xia, Q. Wu, K. Zhou, B. Han*, F. He*, Z. Wang*, Metals and Materials International, 20225. Rapid alloy design from superior eutectic high-entropy alloys   Q. Wu, Y. Jia, Z. Wang*, F. He*, Y. Wei, J. Li, J. Wang*, Scripta Materialia, 2022, 219: 114875. 4. Tailoring microstructures of CoCrFeNiNb0.25 hypoeutectic high-entropy alloy by hot deformation    X. Liu, F. He*, J. Li, Y. Dang, Z. Wang*, J. Wang, Rare Metals, 2022, 41(6): 2028-2037.3. The dual effect of grain size on the strain hardening behaviors of Ni-Co-Cr-Fe high entropy alloys    X. Liu, S. Jiang, J. Lu, J. Wei, D. Wei, F. He*, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2022, 131: 177-184.2. Cracking mechanism of Hastelloy X superalloy during directed energy deposition additive manufacturing   B. Guo, Y. Zhang, Z. Yang, D. Cui, F. He*, J. Li, Z. Wang, X. Lin, J. Wang*, Additive Manufacturing, 2022, 55: 102792.1. Deformation faulting and dislocation-cell refinement in a selective laser melted 316L stainless steel    F. He*, C. Wang, B. Han, G. Yeli, X. Lin, Z. Wang*, L.L. Wang*, J.J. Kai*, International journal of plasticity, 2022,  156:103346. (塑性加工领域顶刊)20218. Composition-dependent slip planarity in mechanically-stable face centered cubic complex concentrated alloys and its mechanical effects    F. He, S.L. Wei, J.L. Cann, Z.J. Wang, J. C. Wang, C. C. Tasan*, Acta Materialia, 2021, 117314. (冶金领域顶刊)7. Heterogeneous microstructure of the bonding zone and its dependence on preheating in hybrid manufactured Ti-6Al-4V alloy  D. Cui, Y. Zhang, F. He*, J. Ma, K. Zhang, Z. Yang, J. Li, Z. Wang, J. Kai, J. Wang*. Material Research Letter, 9(10): 422-428.6. Strain partitioning enables excellent tensile ductility in precipitated heterogenous high-entropy alloys with gigapascal yield strength    F. He*, Z. Yang, S. Liu, D. Chen, W. Lin, T. Yang, D. Wei, Z. Wang*, J. Wang*, J.J. Kai*, International journal of plasticity, 2021, 144: 103022. (塑性加工领域顶刊)5. Origins of the mechanical property heterogeneity in a hybrid additive manufactured Hastelloy X  B. Guo, Y. Zhang, F. He*, J. Ma, J. Li, Z. Wang, J. Wang*, J. Feng, W. Wang, L. Gao, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 823 (2021) 141716.4. Tailoring nanoprecipitates for ultra-strong high-entropy alloys via machine learning and prestrain aging   T. Zheng, X. Hu, F. He*, Q. Wu, B. Han, D. Chen, J. Li, Z. Wang*, J. Wang, J.-j. Kai, Z. Xia, C.T. Liu, Journal of Materials Science & Technology 69 (2021) 156-167.3. Effect of Re and Ru on the phase stability and coarsening kinetics of L12 phase in a Ni29Co27Fe27Cr3Al7Ti7 high entropy alloy   K. Zhang, F. He*, Z. Yang, D. Cui, J. Li, Z. Yang, J. Wang, Z. Wang*, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 866 (2021) 158904.2. Distinct recrystallization kinetics in Ni-Co-Cr-Fe based single phase high entropy alloys   Z. Yang, F. He*, Q. Wu, K. Zhang, D. Cui, B. Guo, B. Han, J. Li, J. Wang, Z. Wang*, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 61 (2021) 189 - 196.1. Elemental partitioning as a route to design precipitation-hardened high entropy alloys    F. He, B. Han, Z. Yang, D. Chen, G. Yeli, Y. Tong, D. Wei, J. Li, Z. Wang*, J. Wang*, J.-j. Kai*, Journal of Materials Science & Technology 72 (2021) 52-602020及之前12. Synergistic effect of Ti and Al on L12-phase design in CoCrFeNi-based high entropy alloys     D. Chen#, F. He#,  B. Han, Q. Wu, Y. Tong, Y. Zhao, Z. Wang*, J. Wang*, J. Kai*, Intermetallics, 2019 110: 106476.11. Stability of lamellar structures in CoCrFeNiNbx eutectic high entropy alloys at elevated temperatures      F. He, Z. Wang*, X. Shang, C. Leng, J. Li, J. Wang*. Materials & Design. 2016, 104: 259-264. (谷歌学术引用102次)10. CoCrFeNiMo0.2高熵合金的不完全再结晶组织与力学性能    曹育菡,王理林,吴庆峰,何峰*,张忠明,王志军, 金属学报,2020, 56 (3), 333-3399. Design of D022 superlattice with superior strengthening effect in high entropy alloys     F. He, D. Chen, B. Han, Q. Wang, Z. Wang*, S. Wei, X. Wei, J. Wang*, C. T. Liu, J. J. Kai*. Acta Materialia, 2019, 167: 275-286. (冶金领域顶刊,谷歌学术引用97次)8. Phase separation of metastable CoCrFeNi high entropy alloy at intermediate temperatures     F. He, Z. Wang*, Q. Wu, J. Li, J. Wang*, C.T. Liu. Scripta Materialia. 2017, 126: 15-19. (入选高被引论文,谷歌学术引用199次)7. Solid solution island of the Co-Cr-Fe-Ni high entropy alloy system    F. He, Z. Wang*, Q. Wu, S. Niu, J. Li, J. Wang*, C.T. Liu. Scripta Materialia. 2017, 131: 42-46. (谷歌学术引用69次)6. Tuning the defects in face centered cubic high entropy alloy via temperature-dependent stacking fault energy    F. He, Z. Wang*, Q. Wu, D. Chen, T. Yang, J. Li, J. Wang*, C.T. Liu, J.-j. Kai*. Scripta Materialia. 2018, 155: 134-138. (谷歌学术引用34次)5. Abnormal γ″ - ε phase transformation in the CoCrFeNiNb0.25 high entropy alloy     F. He, Z. Wang*, J. Wang, Q. Wu, D. Chen, B. Han, J. Li, J. Wang*, J.J. Kai*. Scripta Materialia. 2018, 146: 281-285. (谷歌学术引用29次)4. Elemental partitioning as a route to design precipitation-hardened high entropy alloys   F. He, B. Han, Z. Yang, D. Chen, G. Yeli, Y. Tong, D. Wei, J. Li, Z. Wang*, J. Wang*, J.-j. Kai*, Journal of Materials Science & Technology 72 (2021) 52-60. 3. Anomalous effect of lattice misfit on the coarsening behavior of multicomponent L12 phase   F. He, K. Zhang, G. Yeli, Y. Tong, D. Wei, J. Li, Z. Wang*, J. Wang*, J.-j. Kai*, Scripta Materialia 183 (2020) 111-116. 2. Designing eutectic high entropy alloys of CoCrFeNiNbx    F. He, Z. Wang, P. Cheng, Q. Wang, J. Li, Y. Dang, J. Wang, C.T. Liu. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2016, 656: 284-289. (谷歌学术引用262次)1. Metastability in high-entropy alloys: A review    S. Wei#, F. He#, C.C. Tasan. Journal of Materials Research. 2018 33: 2924-2937. (# 共同一作,谷歌学术引用64次)部分合作论文5. Endless recrystallization of high-entropy alloys at high temperature    Q. Wu, Z. Wang*, F. He, Z. Yang, J. Li, J. Wang*, Journal of Materials Science & Technology,2022, 128: 71-81.4. Uncovering the eutectics design by machine learning in the Al-Co-Cr-Fe-Ni high entropy system   Q. Wu, Z.J. Wang, X.B. Hu, T. Zheng, Z.S. Yang, F. He, J.J. Li, J.C. Wang, Acta Materialia, 2019, 182: 278-286. (冶金领域顶刊,谷歌学术引用8次)3. Effects of temperature and microstructure on the tribological properties of CoCrFeNiNbx eutectic high entropy alloys    Y. Yu, F. He, Z. Qiao, Z. Wang, W. Liu, J. Yang, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019, 775: 1376-1385. (谷歌学术引用80次)2. Novel Co-rich high entropy alloys with superior tensile properties    D. Wei, X. Li, W. Heng, Y. Koizumi, F. He, W.-M. Choi, B.-J. Lee, H.S. Kim, H. Kato, A. Chiba, Materials Research Letters. 2018, 7: 82-88. (谷歌学术引96次)1. Composition evolution of gamma’ nanoparticles in the Ti-doped CoFeCrNi high entropy alloy    B. Han, J. Wei, Y. Tong, D. Chen, Y. Zhao, J. Wang, F. He, T. Yang, C. Zhao, Y. Shimizu, K. Inoue, Y. Nagai, A. Hu, C.T. Liu, J.J. Kai. Scripta Materialia. 2018,148: 42-46. (谷歌学术引用41次)发明专利:5. ZL201510104172.8,  一种 CrFeCoNiNbx 高熵合金及其制备方法, 何峰,王志军,李俊杰,王锦程4. CN202111182772.8,一种析出D022超点阵相的多元高温合金及制备方法,何峰,张凯威,王志军,李俊杰,王锦程3. CN113373366A, 一种多元难熔高熵合金及其制备方法, 何峰,王锦程,崔丁聪,王志军,李俊杰,张凯威,杨中晟2. CN113403520A, 一种三元难熔中熵合金及其制备方法, 何峰,王锦程,崔丁聪,王志军,李俊杰,张凯威,杨中晟 1. 202210067106.8,适用于激光增材制造的析出强化型中熵合金及其制备方法,何峰,郭博静,谢浩宇,王志军,李俊杰,王锦程学术报告:6. 2022年7月,2022第三届先进结构材料实验设计与计算模拟论坛,太原,做口头报告:Ni-Co-Cr-Fe基高熵合金的强韧化设计与机理5. 2022年7月,2022 国际有色金属新材料大会,南宁,做口头报告:激光增材制造析出强化型中熵合金的微观组织与力学性能4. 2022年5月,2022国际材料前沿大会,深圳,做邀请报告:Tuning strain hardenability through dislocation kinematics transitions in mechanically stable face centered cubic high entropy alloys3. 2022年3月,美国TMS学术会议,加州,做口头报告:Strain partitioning enables excellent tensile ductility in precipitated heterogenous high-entropy alloys with gigapascal yield strength2. 2022年3月,美国TMS学术会议,加州,做口头报告:Deformation mechanism of selective laser melted 316L stainless steel and its cellular substructure dependence1. 2018年12月,美国MRS学术会议,波士顿,做口头报告:Strain hardening of face centered cubic high-entropy alloys


社会兼职 Social Appointments 担任JMST、JMRT、Mater. Desig.、JAC、Composite B: Engineering等学术期刊审稿人。
