姓名 | 白旭东 |
教师编号 | 4239 |
性别 | 男 |
学校 | 西北工业大学 |
部门 | 微电子学院 |
学位 | 工学博士学位 |
学历 | 博士研究生毕业 |
职称 | 副高 |
联系方式 | 【发送到邮箱】 |
邮箱 | 【发送到邮箱】 |
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个人经历 Personal experience 教育经历 工作经历 2012.3—2016.9 上海交通大学 电子科学与技术 博士2009.9—2012.2 上海交通大学 电磁场与微波技术 硕士2005.9—2009.6 上海交通大学 电子科学与技术 学士 2021.12 —至今 西北工业大学微电子学院(太仓校区) 副教授2017.9—2021.12 中国航天科技集团第九研究院 高级工程师2016.10—2017.8 中国航天科技集团第九研究院 工程师 教育教学荣誉获奖 Awards Information 工作阶段:2018年度航天科技集团第九研究院“青年岗位能手”荣誉称号,上海航天电子第四届“杰出青年”提名等;学生阶段:上海交通大学优秀班主任,上海交通大学优秀毕业生,上海交通大学博士研究生国家奖学金,上海交通大学董氏东方奖学金等。 荣誉获奖科学研究 Scientific Research 研究方向:研究方向包括:低成本数字超表面相控阵、超表面吸波隐身、共形自激励数字超表面、时间调制数字超表面及超表面涡旋波激励等。主持与参与项目:1、“高精度数字超表面雷达测向系统”,来源:航天科技集团八院(横向),2022.09 ~ 2023.12,90.0万元,主持,在研;2、“透射可重构超表面大规模天线系统研究”,来源:上海市科委基础研究课题(纵向),2023.01 ~ 2025.12,60.0万元,单位负责人,在研; 3、“时间调制数字超表面相控阵”,来源:上海航天局前沿基础研究项目(横向),2020.03 ~ 2021.09,84.9万元,主持,已结题;4、“基于数字编程超表面的多模综合电磁调控技术”,来源:上海航天电子基金项目(横向),2018.10 ~ 2021.06,202.7万元,主持,已结题;5、“基于超材料与超表面××××××天线技术”,来源:中央某部委(纵向),2017.01 ~ 2019.04,48.0万元,主持,已结题。 科学研究学术成果 Academic Achievements 2022年度:l Xudong Bai, Fuli Zhang*, et al., “Time-modulated transmissive programmable metasurface for low side-lobe beam scanning,” Research, vol. 2022, p. 9825903, 2022.(JCR Q1,IF: 11.036)l Xudong Bai, Fuli Zhang*, et al., “Radiation-type programmable metasurface for direct manipulation of electromagnetic emission,” Laser & Photonics Reviews, vol. 2022, p. 2200140, 2022.(JCR Q1,IF: 10.947)l Xudong Bai, Fuli Zhang*, et al., “Dynamic millimeter-wave OAM beam generation through programmable metasurface,” Nanophotonics, vol. 11, no. 7, pp. 1389–1399, 2022.(JCR Q1,IF: 7.923)l X. Song, Xudong Bai*, W. Zhu*, “Reconfigurable metasurface for nearly full-range and continuous modulation of reflection, transmission, and absorption,” ACS Applied Electronic Materials, vol. 4, pp. 1225–1231, 2022.(JCR Q2,IF: 4.494)l M. Sun, J. Qian, Xudong Bai*, et al., “Compact hybrid choke rings for dual-band circularly polarized GPS antenna,” IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 2022.(JCR Q2,IF: 3.825)——————————入职西工大前:l X. Song, W. Yang, K. Qu, Xudong Bai, K. Chen, Y. Feng, W. Zhu, “Switchable metasurface for nearly perfect reflection, transmission, and absorption using PIN diodes,” Optics Express, vol. 29, pp. 29320–29328, 2021.(JCR Q1)窗体顶端l L. Liu, X. Liang, H. Fan, R. Jin, Xudong Bai, J. Geng, “Compact wideband bandstop filter with directly controlled rejection,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, vol. 68, no. 7, pp. 2282–2286, 2021.(JCR Q2)l L. Liu, X. Liang, R. Jin, H. Fan, Xudong Bai, H. Zhou, J. Geng, W. Zhu, “A design approach for compact wideband transformer with frequency-dependent complex loads and its application to wilkinson power divider,” IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 69, no. 3, pp. 1611–1624, 2021.(JCR Q2)l Xudong Bai, et al., “High-efficiency transmissive programmable metasurface for multi-mode OAM generation,” Advanced Optical Materials, vol. 8, pp. 2000570, 2020. (JCR Q1,IF: 10.050)l Xudong Bai, “High-efficiency transmissive metasurface for dual-polarized dual-mode OAM generation,” Results in Physics, vol. 18, p. 103334, 2020.(JCR Q1)l Xudong Bai, “Polarization-insensitive reflective metasurfaces for highly efficient generation of OAM beams,” Frontiers in Physics, vol. 8, p. 244, 2020.(JCR Q2)l L. Liu, X. Liang, R. Jin, Xudong Bai, H. Fan, J. Geng, “A compact and high-selectivity tri-band bandpass filter based on symmetrical stub-loaded square ring resonator,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 62, pp. 630–636, 2020. (JCR Q4)l J. Chen, C. He, X. Liang, L. Bai, Xudong Bai, W. Zhu, R. Jin, “Direction finding of linear frequency modulation signal in time modulated array with pulse compression,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 68, no. 1, pp. 509–520, 2020.(JCR Q1)l Xudong Bai, et al., “Polarization-insensitive metasurface lens for efficient generation of convergent OAM beams,” IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 18, pp. 2696–2700, 2019.(JCR Q2)l Xudong Bai, et al., “Rotman lens-fed Fabry-Perot resonator antennas for generating converged multi-mode OAM beams,” IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 105768, 2019.(JCR Q2)l M. R. Akram, Xudong Bai, R. Jin, G. A. E. Vandenbosch, M. Premaratne and W. Zhu, “Photon spin Hall effect-based ultra-thin transmissive metasurface for efficient generation of OAM waves,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 67, no. 7, pp. 4650–4658, 2019.(JCR Q1)l M. R. Akram, M. Q. Mehmood, Xudong Bai, R. Jin, M. Premaratne, W. Zhu, “High efficiency ultrathin transmissive metasurfaces,” Advanced Optical Materials, vol. 7, pp. 1801628, 2019.(JCR Q1)l L. Liu, R. Jin, X. Liang, H. Fan, Xudong Bai, H. Zhou, J. Geng, W. Zhu, “A generalized approach for multifrequency transmission line transformer with frequency-dependent complex source and load,” IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 67, no. 9, pp. 3603–3616, 2019.(JCR Q2)l Xudong Bai, et al., “Experimental array for generating dual-circularly polarized dual-mode OAM radio beams,” Scientific Reports, vol. 7, p. 40099, 2017.(JCR Q1)l Xudong Bai, et al., “Rotman lens-based circular array for generating five-mode OAM radio beams,” Scientific Reports, vol. 6, p. 27815, 2016.(JCR Q1)l Y. Huang, J. Geng, X. Liang, R. Jin, Xudong Bai, “A novel CP horn antenna with switchable polarization by single port feeding,” International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, vol. 2015, p. 562521, 2015.(JCR Q4)l C. Zhang, X. Liang, Xudong Bai, J. Geng, R. Jin, “An UHF tree-lke biconical antenna with both conical and horizontal omnidirectional radiations,” IEEE Antenna and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 14, pp. 187–189, 2015.(JCR Q2)l B. Zhou, J. Geng, Xudong Bai, L. Duan, X. Liang, R. Jin, “An omnidirectional circularly polarized slot array antenna with high gain in a wide bandwidth,” IEEE Antenna and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 14, pp. 187–189, 2015.(JCR Q2)l Xudong Bai, et al., “Dual-circularly polarized conical-beam microstrip antenna,” IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 14, pp. 482–485, 2015.(JCR Q2)l Xudong Bai, et al., “Generation of OAM radio waves with three polarizations using circular horn antenna array,” International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, vol. 2015, p. 132549, 2015.(JCR Q4)l Xudong Bai, et al., “A UHF broadband spider-shaped monopole antenna,” IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol.13, pp. 782–785, 2014.(JCR Q2)l C. Zhang, X. Liang, Xudong Bai, J. Geng, R. Jin, “A broadband dual circularly polarized patch antenna with wide beamwidth,” IEEE Antenna and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 13, pp. 1457–1460, 2014.(JCR Q2)l Xudong Bai, et al., “Compact design of triple-band circularly polarized quadrifilar helix antennas,” IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 13, pp. 380–383, 2014.(JCR Q2)——————————完成发明专利、GF专利及实用新型专利申请共计31项,已授权12项。 学术成果社会兼职 Social Appointments 担任SCI源期刊Research、Nanophotonics、IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation、Optics Express、IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters、Microwave and Optical Technology Letters及Frontiers in Physics等审稿人。 综合介绍 |