姓名 | 魏莹 |
教师编号 | 28997 |
性别 | 女 |
学校 | 暨南大学 |
部门 | 管理学院 |
学位 | 副教授 |
学历 | 管理学院 |
职称 | 副教授 |
联系方式 | 【发送到邮箱】 |
邮箱 | 【发送到邮箱】 |
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导航 个人简介 学习经历 工作经历 研究方向 主要论文 主要著作 承担课题,个人信息 姓名: 魏莹 部门: 管理学院 直属机构: 管理学院 性别: 女 职务: 副教授 职称: 副教授 学位: 博士 毕业院校: 香港中文大学 电子邮箱: yingwei@jnu.edu.cn 办公地址: 惠全楼722 通讯地址: 广州天河黄埔大道西601号惠全楼722室 邮编: 510632 联系方式 个人简介 暨南大学博士生导师、副教授。 魏莹博士的研究领域为运营和供应链管理,她主持多项国家级、省部厅级研究项目。论文发表在European Journal of Operational Research,International Journal of Production Economics,OR Spectrum,Decision Support System, Annals of Operations Research等国际期刊以及国内管理领域领先期刊,发表中英文论文数十篇。研究成果获“教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(人文社科)三等奖”。她承担本科、硕士、MBA、博士各级别授课。获暨南大学“本科教学校长奖”,获暨南大学“杰出青年学者”称号,获暨南大学“卓越导师”计划资助。指导研究生获国家奖学金,指导学生毕业论文多次被评为暨南大学优秀毕业论文。她同时具有电子消费品行业供应链咨询项目、电商零售企业项目咨询经验。Dr. Ying Wei is an Associate Professor in the School of Management at Jinan University, Guangzhou, China. She studied and worked at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Université catholique de Louvain (UCL, Belgium), and visited Columbia University. She is a Member of Informs and board member of International Journal of Inventory Research. Her research interests include inventory management, operations management and the interface with marketing, behavioral science and data science. 学习经历 香港中文大学,博士学位(系统工程与工程管理)华中科技大学,硕士学位(系统工程)华中科技大学,学士学位(电力系统自动化)EDUCATION Ph.D, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Master, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China Bachelor, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China 工作经历 2011.1-至今 暨南大学,副教授2015.9-2016.10 哥伦比亚大学,访问学者2008.7-2010.9 比利时(法语)鲁汶大学运筹与计量经济研究中心(CORE),博士后2008.4-2008.7 香港理工大学,博士后2007.1-2018.1 香港中文大学,博士后RESEARCH EXPERIENCE Associate Professor Jinan University, 01/2011 – Present Visiting scholar Columbia University, 09/2015 – 10/2016 Postdoctoral Fellow CORE,Université catholique de Louvain, 07/2008 – 09/2010 Postdoctoral Fellow The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 04/2008 – 07/2008 Postdoctoral Fellow The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 01/2007 – 01/2008 主要论文 (Selected)[11] Wei, Y. 2018. "Optimizing constant pricing and inventory decisions for a periodic review system with batch ordering", Annals of Operations Research, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10479-018-305.[10] Liu., G., Wei.,Y*. Li, F. 2018. “Understanding consumer preferences --- Eliciting topics from online Q&A community”. InProceedings of The 18th International Conference on Electronic Business. ICEB, Guilin, CHINA, December 2-6, 2018.(Best Paper Award)[9] Wei. Y., Xiong, S., F. Li. 2017. "Newsvendor Decision with Two Reference Profits: Minimum Requirement and Status Quo", 9th International workshop on Behavioral Operations Management. Shenyang,2017-12. (Best Paper Nominee Award)[8] Wei, Y., Xiong, L., Y. Wang. 2015. “Service and price competition in a variety seeking market”.Proceeding of 12th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management. Guangzhou. (Best Paper Award)[7] Choi, T-M, Li, J, and Wei, Y. 2013. “Will a Supplier Benefit from Sharing Good Information with a Retailer?” Decision Support System. 56, 131-139. 2013.[6] Wei, Y. 2012. “Optimization and Optimality of a Joint Pricing and Inventory Control Policy in Periodic-Review Systems with Lost Sales”. OR Spectrum, 34(1),243-271.2012[5] Roels, G., Chevalier, P., and Y. Wei. 2012. “United we stand? Coordinating capacity investment and allocation in joint ventures”. CORE Discussion Paper Series:2012/45.[4] Wei, Y. and Chen, Y. 2011. “Joint Determination of Inventory Replenishment and Sales Effort with Uncertain Market Responses”. International Journal of Production Economics, 134(2), 368-374, 2011[3] Chevalier,P., Van den Schrieck, J-C., and Y. Wei. 2010. “Measuring the variability in supply chains with the peakedness”. CORE Discussion Paper Series: 2010/67.[2] Wei, Y., Choi, T-M. 2010. “Mean–variance analysis of supply chains under wholesale pricing and profit sharing schemes”. European Journal of Operational Research, 204 (2), 255-262, 2010[1] Wei, Y., Chen, Y., Lee, M., Yan, H., Kong, K. and H-N Chi. 2009. “Divide and conquer: from MTO to ATO/MTO---A case study of an electronic manufacturer”. Innovative Quick Response Programmes in Logistics and Supply Chain Management, in Springer’s International Handbooks on Information Systems Series, pp.331-354. 承担课题 [1] 项目主持人,国家自然科学基金面上项目,71572070、基于多参照点的库存和供应链行为决策研究、2016/01-2019/12,在研 [2] 项目主持人,国家自然科学基金青年项目,71101063、面向随机可控需求的库存模型研究、 2012/01-2014/12、已结题 [3] 第一参与人,国家自然科学基金面上项目,71171085、基于多智能体建模与仿真的多渠道供应链协调问题研究、2012/01-2015/12、已结题 [4] 项目主持人,教育部留学回国人员科研启动资助,决策行为对库存管理的影响研究、2014/01-2015/12、已结题 [5] 项目主持人,广东省普通高校特色创新类项目(人文社科),2015WTSCX005、基于多参照利润的报童订货决策研究、2016/01-2017/12、已结题[6] 项目主持人,中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助(暨南启明星计划)、15JNQM003、2015/04-2018/03、已结题[7] 项目主持人,暨南大学中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目、11JYB2001、 2011-2013. 已结题[8] 项目主持人,暨南大学管理学院重点学科建设育题基金项目、参照点选择对随机库存优化决策的影响研究、2014/10-2016/9、已结题、优秀[9] 项目主持人, 暨南大学管理学院重点学科建设育题基金项目,基于决策行为的库存管理研究、2012/10-2014/10、2万元、已结题、优秀FUNDING Natural Science Foundation of China (PI): “Behavioral Studies of Inventory and Supply Chain Decisions Based on Multiple Reference Points”,2015-2019. Jinan University Research Innovation Fund(PI): “Behavioral Studies of Inventory and Supply Chain Decisions Based on Tri-Reference Point Theory”, 2015-2017. Scientific Research Foundation for Returned Scholars, Ministry of Education of China (PI): “Impact of decision behavior on inventory management”, 2013-2015. Natural Science Foundation of China (PI): “Study on inventory models with stochastic controllable demand”,2012-2014. Innovation fund for young scholar, Jinan University(PI): “Combined decisions of promotion and inventory management with uncertain demand” 2011-2012. 讲授课程 社会职务 美国运筹与管理科学协会(INFORMS)会员,中国运筹学会随机服务与运作管理分会理事,International Journal of Inventory Research期刊编委,多个国际国内期刊审稿专家。曾担任企业管理系物流教研室主任,受邀作暨南大学EMBA知行讲堂讲座,参加企业商业创新论坛等活动获主流媒体报道。PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONReviewer of Production and Operations Management, IIE Transactions, Omega, European Journal of Operational Research, International Journal of Production Economics, IEEE Transaction on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Part A, Transportation Research: Part E, International Journal of Production Research, Annals of Operations Research, 管理科学学报,系统工程理论与实践,系统管理学报,etc. Member of the Institute For Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS),Board member of International Journal of Inventory Research |