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姓名 陈夫刚
教师编号 28380
性别 发明专利4999代写全部资料
学校 江苏科技大学
部门 陈夫刚,副教授,材料科学与工程学院
学位 陈夫刚,副教授,材料科学与工程学院
学历 材料楼322
职称 陈夫刚,副教授,材料科学与工程学院
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陈夫刚 副教授 材料科学与工程学院 个人邮箱: chenfugang@just.edu.cn 办公地点: 材料楼322 通讯地址: 江苏省镇江市丹徒区长晖路666号 邮政编码: 212100 传真: 您是第9874 位访问者 个人简介 陈夫刚,江苏邳州人,1988年生,工学博士,副教授,硕士研究生导师,2018年毕业于上海交通大学,主要从事磁性材料的研究工作,江苏省“双创博士”(世界名校类),“江苏省技术能手”,江苏省“科技副总”,江苏科技大学“深蓝杰出人才”。主持完成国家自然科学基金青年项目、中国博士后基金面上项目、江苏省自然科学基金青年项目、江苏省产学研合作项目、企业委托技术开发课题等多项课题。近年来在Acta Materialia、Scripta Materialia、 Journal of Applied Physics、Journal of Alloys and Compounds、Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials、Materials Characterization等期刊上共发表SCI论文50余篇,其中,第一作者(通讯作者)20篇,第一发明人获国家授权发明专利7项。现为Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials、Journal of Alloys and Compounds、Journal of Non-crystalline Solids等刊物的审稿人。2023年指导学生获得材料热处理创新创业赛全国二等奖,2022年指导学生获得第五届全国大学生冶金科技竞赛一等奖。2021年获江苏科技大学“优秀学业导师”,江苏科技大学“优秀共产党员”称号。2022-2023学年获江苏科技大学“教学优秀奖”。 研究方向 稀土永磁钕铁硼材料,包括钕铁硼磁体的晶界扩散技术、含Ce、Y等元素的低成本钕铁硼磁体的性能优化及生产过程控制 教育经历 课程教学 材料科学基础A1/A2、金属熔铸工艺学 论文著作 Jie Wang, Fugang Chen*, Zhong Lei, et al., Synergistic effects of the surface grain coarsening and the grain boundary phase magnetism on the magnetic properties of Re-Fe-B (Re: Rare earth elements) magnets after the grain boundary diffusion, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 593 (2024) 171871.Ruipeng Qian, Yuxuan Ma, Fugang Chen* et al., Effect of annealing temperature on magnetic properties of a sintered Nd-Fe-B magnet after grain boundary diffusion with Dy70Cu30 alloy, Journal of Rare Earths, 42 (2024) 116-120.Fugang Chen*, Suxin Lu, Yong Zhao, Wenqiang Zhao, Zhi Xu, Influence of the grain boundary phase characteristics on the magnetic properties of Nd-Fe-B magnets. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 582 (2023) 171017.Fugang Chen*, Suxin Lu, Jie Wang, Yong Zhao, Wenqiang Zhao, Zhi Xu, Design and preparation of a sintered Nd-Y-Fe-B magnet with high magnetic properties via multi-main-phase process and subsequent grain boundary diffusion, Journal of Rare Earths, 2023, In Press.Ruipeng Qian, Hechang Han, Fugang Chen* et al., Improving the magnetic properties of sintered Nd-Ce-Fe-B magnets via grain boundary diffusion with Pr60Tb10Cu30 alloy, Intermetallics, 154 (2023) 107818.Fugang Chen, Hechang Han, Tieqiao Zhang, Yong Zhao, Xiaoli Wang, Wenqiang Zhao, Effect of Ce content on the magnetic properties and microstructure of sintered Nd-Ce-Fe-B magnets after Pr70Cu30 alloy diffusion, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 918 (2022) 165661.Fugang Chen, Hechang Han, Tieqiao Zhang, Sihan Liu, Yong Zhao, Xiaoli Wang, Dongpeng Wang, Wenqiang Zhao, Investigation of the magnetic properties, microstructure and corrosion resistance of sintered Nd-Ce-Fe-B magnets with different Ce contents,Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 557 (2022) 169477.Fugang Chen, Yong Zhao, Xiaoli Wang, Caiping Zhang, Jinlu Chen, Wenqiang Zhao, The orientation dependence of grain boundary diffusion process of a sintered Nd-Fe-B magnet under pressure,Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 530 (2021) 167947.Fugang Chen, Tieqiao Zhang, Yong Zhao, Xiaoli Wang, Caiping Zhang, Jinlu Chen, Wenqiang Zhao, A novel strategy to design and fabricate Nd-Fe-B magnets, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 867 (2021) 159102.Fugang Chen,Recent progress of grain boundary diffusion process of Nd-Fe-B magnets, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 514 (2020) 167227.Fugang Chen, Mengqi Cong, Hongmei Chen, Ning Liu, Dongpeng Wang, Xiaoli Wang, Yong Zhao, Coercivity enhancement of a Ce-based permanent magnet by grain boundary diffusion with Re70Cu30(Re:Nd/Dy) eutectic alloys, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 819 (2020) 152965.Fugang Chen, Yunxue. Jin, Ye Cheng, Lanting Zhang, Investigation of the wettability and the interface feature of the melted Nd70Cu30 alloy on the surface of a sintered Nd-Fe-B magnet, Scripta Materialia, 157 (2018) 135-137.Fugang Chen, TieqiaoZhang, Wenhao Zhang, Lanting Zhang, Yunxue Jin, Dependence of the demagnetization behavior on the direction of grain boundary diffusion in sintered Nd-Fe-B magnets, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 465 (2018) 392-398.Fugang Chen, Lanting Zhang, Yunxue Jin, Ye Cheng, Simultaneous enhancement of the coercivity and remanence at high temperatures in a sintered Nd-Fe-B magnet after grain boundary diffusion with Dy60Co40 alloy, Materials Characterization, 144 (2018) 547-553.Fugang Chen, Lanting Zhang, Yunxue Jin, Experimental and computational analysis of the two-step demagnetization behavior of the surface grains of sintered Nd-Fe-B magnets, Journal of Applied Physics, 124 (2018) 053902. Fugang Chen, TieqiaoZhang, Jing Wang, Lanting Zhang, Gaofeng Zhou, Coercivity enhancement of a Nd–Fe–B sintered magnet by diffusion of Nd70Cu30 alloy under pressure, Scripta Materialia, 107 (2015) 38-41. Fugang Chen, TieqiaoZhang, Jing Wang, Lanting Zhang, Gaofeng Zhou, Investigation of domain wall pinning effect induced by annealing stress in sintered Nd–Fe–B magnet, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 640 (2015) 371-375.F.G. Chen, Y.G. Wang, X.F. Miao, H. Hong, K. Bi, Nanocrystalline Fe83P16Cu1 soft magnetic alloy produced by crystallization of its amorphous precursor, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 549 (2013) 26-29.F.G. Chen, Y.G. Wang, Investigation of glass forming ability, thermal stability and soft magnetic properties of melt-spun Fe83P16-xSixCu1 (x = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) alloy ribbons, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 584 (2014) 377-380.F.G. Chen, Y.G. Wang, Investigation of microstructure and magnetic properties of melt spun Fe–P–C–Si–Cu ribbons, Materials Science and Technology, 30 (2014) 888-892. Tieqiao Zhang, Fugang Chen, Jing Wang, Lanting Zhang, Zhiqiang Zou, Zihan Wang, Fengxin Lu, Boping Hu, Improvement of magnetic performance of hot-deformed Nd-Fe-B magnets by secondary deformation process after Nd-Cu eutectic diffusion, Acta Materialia 118 (2016) 374-382.Tieqiao Zhang, Fugang Chen, Yan Zheng, Hongyuan Wen, Jing Wang, Lanting Zhang, Ligang Zhou, Hot-deformed Nd-Fe-B magnets fabricated by dynamic loading with a high maximum energy product, Intermetallics, 73 (2016) 67-71.Tieqiao Zhang, Fugang Chen, Yan Zheng, Hongyuan Wen, Jing Wang, Lanting Zhang, Ligang Zhou, Anisotropic behavior of grain boundary diffusion in hot-deformed Nd-Fe-B magnet, Scripta Materialia, 129 (2017) 1-5.Bing Sun, Fugang Chen, Dan Xie, Wenda Yang, Hongqing Shen. A large domain wall pining effect on the magnetic properties of ZrO2 added Mn-Zn ferrites, Ceramics International, 40 (2014) 6351-6354. Bing Sun, Fugang Chen, Wenda Yang, Hongqing Shen, Dan Xie. Effects of Nano-TiO2 and normal size TiO2 additions on the microstructure and magnetic properties of manganese-zinc powder ferrites, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 349 (2014) 180-187. Tieqiao Zhang, Wandong Xing, Fugang Chen, Shengsheng Liu, Lanting Zhang, Rong Yu, Microstructure and Phase Evolution Mechanism in Hot-pressed and Hot-deformed Nd-Fe-B Magnets with Nd85Cu15 Addition, Acta Materialia, 204 (2021) 116493.Tieqiao Zhang, Wandong Xing, Fugang Chen, Lanting Zhang, Rong Yu, Improvement of coercivity and its thermal stability of hot-deformed Nd-Fe-B magnets processed Tb70Cu30 doping and subsequent Nd70Cu30 diffusion, Acta Materialia, 220 (2021) 117296.Tieqiao Zhang, Wandong Xing, Fugang Chen, Shengsheng Liu, Lanting Zhang, RongYu, Effect of metallic Nd on the decomposition behavior of Nd6(Fe,Co)13 Gaphase in hot-deformed Nd-Fe-B magnet, Intermetallics 145 (2022) 107558. Tieqiao Zhang, Wandong Xing, Fugang Chen, Lanting Zhang, Rong Yu, Structure and energy of the (101) twin boundary in hot-deformed Nd-Fe-B magnets, Materials Characterization 179 (2021) 111380. Shuangshuang Jiang, Fugang Chen, Li Zhu, Zhanzhan Yang, Yu Lin, Quanhui Xu, Yingang Wang, Insight into the catalytic activity of amorphous multimetallics catalysts under a magnetic field toward the oxygen evolution reaction, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 14 (2022) 10227-10236.Q.H. Xu, S.S. Jiang, F.G. Chen, Aditya Jain, Y. Lin, Y.G. Wang, Effect of Zr/B ratio on β relaxation, structural heterogeneity, and magnetic properties of Fe-Zr-B amorphous alloys, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 594 (2022) 121822.J.X. Hu, Y.G. Wang, J.R. Men, Aditya Jain, H.R. Fu, F.G. Chen, Improving the photostriction of BiFeO3-based ceramics by bandgap and domain size engineering, Ceramics International, 48 (2022) 5145-5153.Z.H. Ren, Y.G. Wang, Aditya Jain, J.X. Hu, L.N. Shi, H.Z. Zhou, F.G. Chen, Remarkable visible-light activated photostriction in Bi0.5(Na0.77K0.18Li0.05 )0.5TiO3–Sr(Nb0.5Ni 0.5 )O3 relaxor ferroelectrics, Ceramics International, 48 (2022) 35176-35184.J.X. Hu, Aditya Jain, S.S. Jiang, F.G. Chen, Y.G. Wang, Optimizing the photostrictive performance of BiFeO3-based multiferroic ceramics, Ceramics International, 48 (2022) 20516-20525.Z.Z. Yang, L. Zhu, S.S. Jiang, C. Zhu, Q.H. Xu, Y. Lin, F.G. Chen, Y.G. Wang, Nanoscale structural heterogeneity and magnetic properties of Fe-based amorphous alloys via Co and Ni additions Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 904 (2022) 164067.L.N. Shi, Y.G. Wang, Z.H. Ren, Aditya Jain, S.S. Jiang, F.G. Chen, Significant improvement in electrical characteristics and energy storage performance of NBT-based ceramics, Ceramics International, 48 (2022) 26973–26983.Cai Chen, Tianxing Lai, Xiaoping Wang, Qingsong Shu, Fugang Chen et al. Rapid construction of composition-phase-magnetic properties maps inFe-Co-Ni systems via combinatorial materials chip method, Materials Letters, 314 (2022) 131749.W.L. Liu, Y.G. Wang, F.G. Chen, Effect of Ti on glass-forming ability and magnetic properties of Fe81Si4B12-xP2Cu1Tix (x=0-3) soft magnetic alloys, Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Electronics, 25 (2014) 5066-5070.W.L. Liu, Y.G. Wang, F.G. Chen, Investigation of microstructure and magnetic properties of Fe81Si4B12-xP2Cu1Mx (M = Cr, Mn and V; x=0, 1, 2, 3) melt spun ribbons, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 622 (2015) 751-755. L. Yang, G.Q. Guo, L.Y. Chen, C.L. Huang, T. Ge, D. Chen, P.K. Liaw, K. Saksl, Y. Ren, Q.S. Zeng, F.G. Chen, J.Z. Jiang, Atomic-scale mechanisms of the glass-forming ability in metallic glasses, Physical Review Letters, 109 (2012) 105502-1-5.N. Wang, Y. Li, F.L. Wang, S.D. Zhou, L. Zhu, Y.G. Wang, F.G. Chen, Structure, magnetic and ferroelectric properties of Sm and Sc doped BiFeO3 polycrystalline ceramics, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 789 (2019) 894-903. H. Zheng, L. Zhu, S.S. Jiang, Y.G. Wang, F.G. Chen, Recovering the bending ductility of the stress-relieved Fe-based amorphous alloy ribbons by cryogenic thermal cycling, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 790 (2019) 529-535. Y. Li, S.D. Zhou, H. Wu, Y.G. Wang, F.G. Chen, Effect of synthesis conditions on microstructure and multiferroic properties of magnetoelectric Ca2Bi4Ti3.5Mn1.5O18 solid solutions, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 809 (2019)151799. F.L. Wang, Y. Li, N. Wang, L. Zhu, A. Jain, Y.G. Wang, F.G. Chen, Enhanced magnetic, ferroeletric and optical properties of Sr and Co co-doped BiFeO3 powders, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 810 (2019) 151941. H. Zheng, L. Zhu, S.S. Jiang, Y.G. Wang, S.N. Liu, S. Lan, F.G. Chen, Role of Ni and Co in tailoring magnetic and mechanical properties of Fe84Si2B13P1 metallic glass, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 816 (2020) 152549. N. Wang, A. Jain, F.L. Wang, Y.L. Lu, H. Zhen, Y.G. Wang, F.G. Chen, Investigation of structure, ferroelectric and magnetic properties of Ca modified BiFeO3- BaFeO3 ceramics, Ceramics International, 46 (2020) 3855-3860.H. Zheng, L. Zhu, S.S. Jiang, Y.G. Wang, F.G. Chen, Bending ductility of stress-relieved Fe-Zr-B metallic glasses with pronounced ß-relaxation, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 834 (2020) 155068.H. Guo, Y.G. Wang, H.R. Fu, Aditya Jain, F.G. Chen, Combined negative thermal expansion and anti-reflective effects of ZrW2O8 layer on the VO2 films with an enhanced luminous transmittance, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 211 (2020) 110528.F.L. Wang, A. Jain, Y. Li, N. Wang, Y.L. Lu, L. Zhu, Y.G. Wang, F.G. Chen, Enhanced magnetic, ferroelectric, and photocatalytic properties of (1-x) BiFeO3-xBaTiO(3) (0.0 <= x <= 0.4) powders, Ceramics International, 46 (2020) 16416-16421.F.L. Wang, Y. Li, N. Wang, A. Jain, L. Zhu, Y.G. Wang, F.G. Chen, Effect of Nb substitution on magnetic, ferroelectric and photocatalytic properties of Bi0.95Sm0.05Fe1-xNbxO3 (0 <= x <= 0.1) nanoparticles, Ceramics International, 46 (2020) 6141-6145. H.R. Fu, Y.G. Wang, H. Guo, Y.L. Lu, N. Wang, H. Zheng, F.G. Chen, Boosting the photostriction properties of (K0.5Na0.5)NbO3-based ceramics modulated by introducing Ba(Ni0.5Nb0.5)O3-delta, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 8 (2020) 5904-5912. 科研项目 专利成果 科研团队 获奖动态 教学随笔
