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姓名 郑传波
教师编号 28361
性别 发明专利4999代写全部资料
学校 江苏科技大学
部门 郑传波,教授,张家港校区
学位 郑传波,教授,张家港校区
学历 材料学院316
职称 郑传波,教授,张家港校区
联系方式 【发送到邮箱】
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郑传波 教授 张家港校区 个人邮箱: 15952802516@139.com 办公地点: 材料学院316 通讯地址: 江苏省镇江市梦溪路2号 邮政编码: 212003 传真: 您是第9102 位访问者 个人简介 郑传波,男,中科院海洋研究所博士毕业,日本东京工业大学博士后,加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学访问学者,教授,硕士生导师,江苏科技大学张家港校区冶金与材料工程学院院长,1980年1月生。中国腐蚀防护学会腐蚀电化学及测试方法专业委员会委员,中国金属学会冶金过程物理化学分会委员,国家自然科学基金评审专家,Corrosion Science, Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology,化学工程等期刊审稿专家,广西科学院学报编委。 研究方向 1.铝合金应力腐蚀机理研究及减缓和预测应力腐蚀破裂发生发展的方法研究。 2.减缓双相不锈钢氢扩散和应力腐蚀断裂的方法研究。 3. SKPFM研究氢在金属中的扩散过程,直观地对氢扩散过程进行表征。   4.微区电化学行为研究。 教育经历 2018.10-2019.10 加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学访问学者2009.9- 2010.9东京工业大学理工研究科材料学专攻博士后2003.1- 2008.7中国科学院海洋研究所腐蚀与防护专业博士2005.7-2005.12 香港浸会大学理学院生物系交换研究生1999.9-2003.7鲁东大学化学与材料科学学院本科 课程教学 主讲 博士生课程《腐蚀电化学原理》    硕士生课程《腐蚀电化学》       本科生课程《金属腐蚀试验方法》等。 科研项目 (1) 高强铝合金氢渗入与应力腐蚀开裂作用机理研究,国家自然科学基金,2011.1- 2013.12,主持(2) 阵列D-S电解池研究环境对铝合金焊接接头氢渗透影响机理, 国家自然科学基金,2013.1-2015.12, 主持(3) 氢渗入对压力容器用双相不锈钢应力腐蚀破裂影响研究, 江苏省自然科学基金, 2014.7-2017.7, 主持(4) 热处理对双相不锈钢环境敏感断裂影响机理研究, 中科院生物污损重点实验室, 2013.12-2015.12, 主持(5) 双相不锈钢在海洋环境中的腐蚀失效行为研究, 海洋新材料重点实验室, 2020.01-2021.12, 主持(6) 超超临界锅炉焊接用钢sa335 p91热轧盘条的研发,企业委托横向项目,2020.09-2021.09,主持(7) 海工装备用690级抗氢脆高强钢焊丝开发及可靠性评价,企业委托横向项目,2021.06-2022.05,主持(8) 扬州市绿扬金凤优秀博士人才项目,2011.7-2013.7,扬州市,主持(9) 海工平台用多层多管线大型钢制拖链系统研发, 2015.11- 2016.11, 海洋装备研究院,参与5/10(10) 带电化学测试系统的冲刷腐蚀试验机研制,2015.14- 2016.3,江苏科技大学自制设备,参与3/6 专利成果 证书日期名称类别授权号/登记号排名/总人数2016.5不锈钢氢渗透阻挡复合膜及其制备方法国家发明专利201410228327.41/32016.10一种用于金属材料氢渗透行为的多通道测氢装置及方法国家发明专利201410225714.21/42017.2管道内腐蚀检测装置及其检测方法国家发明专利201410229390.X1/3 2009.7   动载条件下研究大气中应力腐蚀敏感性的装置及方法国家发明专利200610134449.2  1/3  2008.6  一种海洋大气腐蚀环境监测传感器及监测方法国家发明专利 CN101191765A    3/3 科研团队 获奖动态 教学随笔 论文著作 专著:1.压力容器用双相不锈钢氢致断裂理论及应用,国防工业出版社,2017,1/32. 海洋大气腐蚀环境下钢材氢脆理论及应用,科学出版社,2016,2/2教材:1.材料化学,江苏大学出版社,2012,2/32.腐蚀科学与工程实验教程,2013,参编论文:(25) Cheng Xu, Liang-Yu Chen*, Chuan-Bo Zheng*, Hong-Yue Zhang, Cui-Hua Zhao,Ze-Xin Wang, Sheng Lu, Jin-Wei Zhang, and Lai-Chang Zhang*,Improved Wear and Corrosion Resistance of Microarc Oxidation Coatings on Ti–6Al–4V Alloy with Ultrasonic Assistance for Potential Biomedical Applications,Advanced Engineering Materials, 2021, 23, 2001433 (24) Guo Yi, Xinxin Liu, Chuanbo Zheng1*, Hongyue Zhang, Cheng Xu, Yu-Wei Cui and  Shuan Liu, Characteristics of Passive Films Formed on As-Cast Ti–6Al-4V in Hank’s Solution Before and After Transpassivation,Frontiers in Materials, 2021,7:1-11 (23) Chuanbo Zheng, Jiayan Huang and Guo Yi,Effect of hydrogen on semiconductor properties and pitting initiation of 2205 duplex stainless steel passivation film,Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials,2020,67 (3):313-320(22) Xuehan Bai, Xingling Shi, Lingli Xu, Fei Huang, Chuanbo Zheng, Lin Xu, Boxuan Li, Qingliang Wang.Effects of hydrothermal treatment on physicochemical and anticorrosion properties of titanium nitride coating on pure titanium, Applied Surface Science, 2020, 507: 145030(21) Qichao Zhang,Min Zheng,Yanliang Huang,Hans Joerg Kunte,Xiutong Wang,Yuemiao Liu,Chuanbo Zheng. Long term corrosion estimation of carbon steel, titanium and its alloy in backfill material of compacted bentonite for nuclear waste repository.2019(20) Guo Yi, Shanshan Xing, Haoyu Qi, Junhua Xu, Chuanbo Zheng*, Effect of molybdate on the stress     corrosion cracking of 2205 duplex stainless steel in sulfuric acid solution, Materials and technology,     2019,53(6):23-30(SCI)(19) Guo Yi, Junhua Xu and Chuanbo Zheng*, Semiconductor  properties of passive film and corrosion resistance of 2205 duplex  stainless steel joint welded by laser hybrid welding, Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials, 2019,66(3):327-335(SCI)(18) Xiangyu Lu∗, Xingguo Feng, Yu Zuo, Pei Zhang, Chuanbo Zheng**,Improvement of protection performance of Mg-rich epoxy coating onAZ91D magnesium alloy by DC anodic oxidation, Progress in Organic Coatings, 2017,104:188-19(SCI)(17) Xingling Shi, Lingli Xu⁎, Thi Bang Le, Guanghong Zhou, Chuanbo Zheng⁎,  Kanji Tsuru, Kunio Ishikawa. Partial oxidation of TiN coating by hydrothermal treatment and ozone treatment to improve its osteoconductivity, Materials Science and Engineering C, 2016,59: 542-548(SCI)(16) Chuanbo Zheng*,Xi Chen. ZrMoN films on 2205 stainless steel as bipolar plates for PEMFC using physical vapor deposited (PVD) technology,Materials and Technology, 2017,51(4):699-705(SCI)(15) Chuanbo Zheng*, Haoyang Qu, Wei Wang. EIS and SKP Study on Improvement of the Protection performance of an Alkyd-Varnish Coating Modified with Air-Plasma Treatment on Q235 Steel, Materials and Technology, 2017,51(6).(SCI)(14) Chuanbo Zheng*,Cheng Wang. Effect of Stress on Hydrogen Permeation for X70 Carbon Steel in Seawater, Materials Performance, 2017, 56(8):54-58.(SCI)(13) Chuanbo Zheng*,Guo  Yi. Investigating the influence of hydrogen on stress corrosion  cracking of 2205 duplex stainless steel in sulfuric acid by  electrochemical impedance spectroscopy,Corrosion Reviews, 2017, 35(1): 23-33 (SCI)(12) Chuanbo Zheng*,  Lei Cai; Zhujun Tang, Xiaolan Shen, The Inhibition Effect of the  Molybdate on Hydrogen Permeation of 2205 Duplex Stainless Steel, Surface  and Coatings Technology, 2016, 287: 153-159. (SCI)(11) Chuanbo Zheng*,  Binghao Yan, Ke Zhang, Guo Yi, Electrochemical Investigation on the  Hydrogen Permeation Behavior of Al alloy and Its Influence on Stress  Corrosion Cracking, International Journal of Minerals Metallurgy and  Materials, 2015, 22(7): 729-737 (SCI)(10) Chuanbo Zheng, Yi Guo, Temperature effect on hydrogen permeation of X56 steel. Materials Performance, 2011, 50(4): 72-76(SCI)(9) Zheng, C. B.,Jiang, H. K.,Huang, Y. L.,Hydrogen permeation behaviour of X56 steel in simulated atmospheric environment under loading,Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology,2011.6.01,46(4):365~367(SCI)(8) Chuanbo zheng*,  Xi Chen, Chunling Li, Xiaolan Shen, Ke Cheng. The Effect of Heat  Treatment on Corrosion Resistance of Aluminum Alloy, International  Journal of Electrochemical Science, 2016 (11) 7254 – 7261. (SCI)(7) 卢向雨,吴静英,左禹,郑传波*. AZ91D 镁合金表面不同树脂体系富镁涂层的保护性能, 化工学报, 2015,66(11):4578-4587 (EI)(6) 郑传波等. 7075-T6铝合金在海洋环境中的氢渗透及应力腐蚀破裂. 中国有色金属学报.2013, 23(8):2118-2124 (EI)(5) 郑传波,唐祝君,申小兰。MoO42-对2205 双相不锈钢氢脆敏感性的影响,腐蚀科学与防护技术,2015(27),590-594. (4) 郑传波,申小兰,唐祝君。固溶温度对2507双相不锈钢组织与耐蚀性能的影响,金属热处理,2015(40),124-128. (3) 郑传波,黄彦良,徐岩,霍春勇,于青,侯保荣,李言涛,朱永艳. 氢渗透电流法测量海洋大气中钢材的腐蚀速度. 材料科学与工艺, 2009,17(4):574-577.(EI)(2) 郑传波,黄彦良, 霍春勇,于青,朱永艳. API X56钢在含硫化氢的海洋大气中的应力腐蚀开裂, 中国腐蚀与防护学报, 2009,29(1),19-23.(1) Chuanbo Zheng,  Yanliang Huang, Chunyong Huo, Qing Yu. Hydrogen permeation behavior and  corrosion monitoring of steel in cyclic wet-dry atmospheric  environment,materials and corrosion,2007,58(9), 716-720. (SCI)
