姓名 | 胡大年(DanianHu) |
教师编号 | 21074 |
性别 | 发明专利4999代写全部资料 |
学校 | 南方科技大学 |
部门 | |人文社会科学学院, 社会科学中心 |
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职称 | 教授 |
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教师主页 团队成员 科研项目 研究领域 学术成果 教学 科研分享 新闻动态 疼痛医学中心 成果介绍 软件 毕业去向 加入我们 联系我们 胡大年 (Danian Hu) Google Scholar ResearcherID 教授 |人文社会科学学院, 社会科学中心 胡大年先后毕业于北京清华附中(1980)和北方交通大学(1984)。此后,他任职于国家计划委员会,工作三年后,考入中国科学院自然科学史研究所,师从许良英先生和董光璧先生攻读近现代物理学史。1989年秋,他赴美留学,先后就读于Case Western Reserve University (M.A., 1991)和Yale University(M.Phil., 1997; Ph.D., 2001),师从Alan J. Rocke,Carroll Pursell, Martin J. Klein, Frederic L. Holmes, Beatrice S. Bartlett, 和Jonathan D. Spence (史景迁)等美国教授继续学习科学、技术与医学史以及近现代中国史。 自2001年起,胡大年开始在美国从事科技史和中国史的教学与研究工作,先后任教于University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Morgan State University, 以及The City College of The City University of New York。在纽约市立大学(The City University of New York),胡大年获得终身教职并荣升正教授。2022年春,胡大年从纽约市立大学提前退休,全职回国,任教于南方科技大学社科中心。 个人简介 学历: 耶鲁大学(Yale University)历史系, 1993-2001: 获哲学硕士(M.Phil., 1997年)与哲学博士(Ph.D., 2001年) 凯斯西储大学(Case Western Reserve University)历史系, 1989-1993: 获得硕士(M.A.)学位(1991年),博士候选人(1992年) 中国科学院自然科学史研究所, 1987-1989: 师从许良英教授与董光璧教授攻读现代物理学史硕士学位(肄业) 北方交通大学(今北京交通大学)铁道建筑系, 1980-1984: 工学学士学位 (1984) 任教和工作经历: 2022年--:南方科技大学社科中心, 教授 2003年~2022年春:纽约市立大学城市学院(The City College of The City University of New York)历史系,2010年升任副教授并获终身教职(Tenured),2018年升任教授。 2004~2014年:北京大学国家发展研究院“北京国际MBA (BiMBA)”的夏季现地教学项目,客座教师。 2002-2003年,摩根州立大学(Morgan State University, Baltimore, MD)历史与地理系, 助理教授 (Tenure-track) 2001-2002年,麻省大学艾默斯特分校(University of Massachusetts—Amherst)历史系, 访问助理教授(Visiting Assistant Professor) 1984-1987年:中华人民共和国国家计划委员会,助理工程师 个人简介 研究领域 胡大年教授的研究工作专注于20世纪中国科技史,重点是中国现代物理学史。他的第一部英文专著China and Albert Einstein 于2005年由哈佛大学出版社出版,2017年被美国物理学会会刊Physics Today的编辑遴选为五部基本的物理史著作之一。该书的中文增订版《爱因斯坦在中国》出版于2006年,被《中华读书报》评选为当年的全国十佳图书之一。迄2021年,他已经在海内外的专业杂志上发表了30余篇研究论文,并主编了两种英文期刊关于中国现代科技史的专刊。 教学 胡大年教授目前在南科大开设的主要课程包括 “20世纪中国物理学与物理学家”、“爱因斯坦及其所生活的世界”。 学术成果 查看更多 Books: Ai yin si tan zai zhong guo《爱因斯坦在中国》 [Einstein in China] (Shanghai Science & Technology Education Press, July 2006). This is an expanded Chinese edition of China and Albert Einstein and was elected as one of the ten best books published in China in 2006 by the influential Zhonghua Dushu Bao [Chinese Readers’ Weekly] (2006年《中华读书报》年度10佳图书之一). China and Albert Einstein: The Reception of the Physicist and His Theory in China, 1917-1979, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 25 April This is praised in 2016 by the Book Editor at Physics Today as one of the “Five essential history of physics books.” Guest-edited Journal Issues: The Transnational Dimensions of Science, Technology, and Medicine in Modern China, Chinese Annals of History of Science and Technology 3 (2), 2019. China’s impressive scientific accomplishments in recent years have aroused a widespread public interest in the contemporary Chinese development of science, technology, and medicine. Such intense attention also triggered various kinds of myth, often due to misunderstanding or ignorance of relevant historical development, which calls for more and thorough historical study. Hoping to help dispel some myths and clarify misunderstanding, we, a group of historians of science in Canada, China, Singapore, and the United States, join hands to present this special issue, exploring “The Transnational Dimensions of Science, Technology, and Medicine in Modern China.” In this issue, each of the six contributors presents a fresh and original case study concerning twentieth-century Chinese developments, covering topics such as gender and scientific education, innovative mechanical study of phonetics, the emergence of modern physics research in China, mathematicians and mathematics at the juncture of the country’s great historical transition, politics and knowledge transmission, and knowledge exchanges under Chinese political system. This issue has no intention to offer a comprehensive picture of Chinese scientific development in the last century. Rather, aiming at catching a whale by throwing out a minnow, we hope that this special issue will attract more historians’ attention to this field and lead to better and more profound historical study on relevant Chinese development over the twentieth century, revealing long and bumpy historical paths to their resent success and drawing important lessons from their setbacks in the past. Science, Technology, and Medicine in China’s Cultural Revolution, Endeavour 41(3) September 2017 I have organized and guest-edited this special issue, which comprises six scholarly papers, presenting refreshing discoveries of both Chinese and Western historians. The articles examine and analyze significant contemporary developments in agriculture, medicine (artemisinin), healthcare system (barefoot doctors), machine building, mathematics, and space technology. This project intends not merely to introduce some recent works on this subject, but also to call for more active and further research and dialogue concerning Chinese scientific and technological developments during the China’s Cultural Revolution (1966-1976). Book Chapters and Articles: “A Cradle of Chinese Physics Researchers: The Master of Science Program in the Physics Department of Yenching University, 1927-1941” in Ku-Ming (Kevin) Chang and Alan Rocke, eds., A Global History of Research Education: Disciplines, Institutions, and Nations, 1840-1950. History of Universities, Vol. XXXIV/1, 2021, The Oxford University Press. (DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780192844774.001.0001) “马丁·克莱茵与许良英:两位著名爱因斯坦学者之间的友谊 [Martin J. Klein and Xu Liangying: the friendship between two eminent Einstein scholars],” 《知识分子》[The Intellectual], Nov. 21, 2020. “The Emergence of Modern Physics Research in China: The Yenching Department of Physics and The Rockefeller Foundation,” Chinese Annals of History of Science and Technology 3 (2), 004-061 (2019) (DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1461.2019.02004) “From Liverpool to Beijing and Chongqing: William Band’s Adventure in Wartime China,” Physics in Perspective, Volume 21, Issue 3 (2019): 222-251. (DOI: 10.1007/s00016-019-00241-0) “‘文革’中的‘无产阶级科学革命’——中国科学院‘相对论批判组’再考 [‘The Proletarian Scientific Revolution’ in the Cultural Revolution: The CAS ‘Relativity Criticism Group’ Reexamined],” 《自然科学史研究》 [Studies in the History of Natural Sciences], 37, No.3 (2018): 327-363. “相对论在中国的启蒙 [The Enlightenment of Relativity in China]” in 《纪念广义相对论百年专辑》 [An Album Celebrating the Centennial Anniversary of the General Theory of Relativity], 《数学与人文》第25辑 [Mathematics and Humanities Book Series, Vol. 25], eds. Shing-Tung Yau et al (Beijing: Higher Education Press, October ] “英籍物理学家班威廉的在华传奇 [British physicist William Band’s legend in wartime China],” 《知识分子》[The Intellectual], Oct. 14, 2018. “Barefoot Doctors and the ‘Health Care Revolution’ in Rural China: A Study Centered on Shandong Province,” Endeavour, 41(3) 2017: (DOI: 10.1016/j.endeavour.2017.06.004): 136-145. (with Dr. Sanchun Xu) “Manufacturing in the Eye of the Storm: Shen Hong and the Nine Great Installations Project during China’s Cultural Revolution,” Endeavour, 41(3) 2017 (DOI: 10.1016/j.endeavour.2017.06.010): 116-126. (with Lie Sun) “Making Breakthroughs in the Turbulent Decade: China’s Space Technology during the Cultural Revolution,” Endeavour, 41(3) 2017 (DOI: 10.1016/j.endeavour.2017.06.007): 102-115. (with Chengzhi Li and Dehui Zhang) “Despite or Due to the Cultural Revolution: The development of Chinese Science, Technology and Medicine in the 1960s and 1970s,” Endeavour, 41(3) 2017 (DOI: 10.1016/j.endeavour.2017.06.012): 78-84. “American Influence on Chinese Physics Study in the Early Twentieth Century.” Physics in Perspective, 17(4) (2016): 268-297. doi:10.1007/s00016-015-0174-8. “Studying Physics in America,” The Institute Letter (IAS), Summer 2015: 9-11. This article has been translated into Chinese and appeared in Scientific American (Chinese edition, 《环球科学》) “The Chinese Translation [of Einstein’s Booklet: Relativity: The Special and the General Theory]” in Albert Einstein, Hanoch Gutfreund, and Jürgen Renn, Relativity: The Special & the General Theory, 100th anniversary edition (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2015), 262-266. “王竹溪留学剑桥 [Studying in Cambridge: Jwu-Shi Wang’s Story],” 自然科学史研究 [Studies in the History of Natural Sciences], 33, No.4 (2014): 445-466. (Co-authored with Dr. Xiaodong Yin) “Bridging East and West through Physics: William Band at Yenching University” in Science and Technology in Modern China, 1880s-1940s, ed Jing Tsu and Benjamin Elman (Leiden: E.J. Brill Press, April 2014). “科学史家许良英 [Historian of Science Xu Liangying: A Short Biography],” 中国科技史杂志 [The Chinese Journal for The History of Science and Technology], Vol. 35 No. 1 (2014): 49-61.(co-authored with Zuoyue Wang) “‘Actions at a Distance’: Martin Klein and Chinese Studies in the History of Modern Physics,” 自然科学史研究 [Studies in the History of Natural Sciences], Vol. 31, No.3 (2012): 343-359. “Martin J. Klein: From Physicist to Historian,” Physics in Perspective: Volume 14, Issue 4 (20 November 2012): 498-507. “科学史研究的良心—记许良英先生言传身教二十余载 [A Conscience in the Study of the History of Science— Professor Xu Liangying’s instructions and role model for more than two decades]”. “The Reception of Relativity in China,” Isis, Vol. 98, No.3 (September 2007): 539-557. “周培源与相对论:清华时期的学习与研究 [Peiyuan Chou and Relativity: Study and Research at Tsinghua University]” in 《清华大学与中国近现代科技史》 [Tsinghua University and the History of Science and Technology in Modern China], eds. Yang Jian and Dai Wusan (Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2006), 170-189. “日本对于相对论在中国传播的影响 [The Japanese Influence on the Propagation of Relativity in China],”科学 [Kexue or Science], Vol. 57, No. 6 (2005): 44-47. Kexue is a leading scientific periodical in China. An earlier English version of this article also appeared in 《多视野下的中国科学技术史研究—第十届国际中国科学史会议论文集》 [Multi-Aspects Studies on the History of Science and Technology in China: A proceedings for the 10th international conference on the history of science in China], eds. Jiang Zhenhuan (姜振寰) and Su Rongyu (苏荣誉) (Beijing: Science Press, 2009), 130-142. “Two Chinese Pioneers of Relativity,” 自然科学史研究 [Studies in the History of Natural Sciences], Vol. 24 Suppl. (July 2005): 90-110. “Einstein and Relativity in China, 1917-1979,” in Albert Einstein—Engineer of the Universe: 100 Authors for Einstein, ed. Jürgen Renn (Weinheim, Germany: Wiley-VCH, 2005), 444-447. “Organized Criticism of Einstein and Relativity in China, 1968-1976,” Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences, Volume 34, Part 2 (2004): 311-338. Other Invited Contributions: “History of Contemporary Chinese Physics,” APS Forum for History of Physics, History of Physics Newsletter, Vol. XIV, No. 9 (Spring 2019): 4. English translator of the essay “The Political Background of the Developing Pattern Transformation in the Chinese System of Science and Technology during the 20th Century” by Dong Guangbi (52 pp., 12k words), forthcoming in Chinese Annals of the History of Science and Technology—the brand new and first Chinese journal in English promoting research on the development of science and technology in China and on scientific and technological communications and interactions between China and other parts of the world. “Twentieth-Century Chinese Physicists and Physics,” APS Forum for History of Physics, History of Physics Newsletter, Vol. XII, No. 4 (Spring 2014): 4. “In memory of Xu Liangying (1920-2013),” History of Science Society Newsletter, 42, No. 3, July 2013. The leading English translator for the album, 铁马野风—野夫的木刻艺术[Iron Horse and the Wild Wind: The Woodcut Art of Yefu], ed. Luo Yiping (Guangdong Art Museum), et al., Guangzhou, Guangdong: Lingnan Art Press, September 2010. “In memory of Martin J. Klein (1924-2009),” History of Science Society Newsletter, 38, No. 3, July 2009. “二十世纪中国科技史研究有感 [Remarks on the Research in the 20th Century Chinese History of Science and Technology],” 中国科技史杂志 [The Chinese Journal for the History of Science and Technology], Vol. 28, no.4 (2007): 390-391. “相对论在中国 [Relativity in China]” in 文汇报 [Wenhui Bao], May 1, 2006. Wenhui Bao is a leading newspaper in Shanghai. “寻找通往物理学深处的新途径:马丁克莱因及其爱因斯坦研究 [Finding New Paths to the Depths of Physics: Martin J. Klein and his Einstein Studies],” 科学, Vol. 57, no.5 (2005): 49-50. Book Reviews: Book review: Chunjuan Nancy Wei and Darryl E. Brock, eds. Science and Mao’s Cultural Revolution: Science and Technology in Modern China (Lexington Books, 2013), Technology and Culture, Vol. 55 (January 2014): 270-273. Kevin MacKeown. Early China Coast Meteorology: The Role of Hong Kong (Hong Kong University Press, 2011), Isis, Vol. 103, No.1 (March 2012): 196-197. Benjamin A. Elman. A Cultural History of Modern Science in China, (Harvard, 2006), Isis, 98, No.3 (September 2007): 613-614. 加入团队 查看更多 联系我们 联系地址 中国广东省深圳市南山区学苑大道1088 (邮编:518055),南方科技大学人文社会科学学院社科中心 办公电话 Xueyuan Avenue 1088, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China 电子邮箱 danian.hu@aya.yale.edu, danian_hu@163.com |