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姓名 方沈应
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学校 南方科技大学
部门 公共卫生及应急管理学院
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教师主页 团队成员 科研项目 研究领域 学术成果 教学 科研分享 新闻动态 疼痛医学中心 成果介绍 软件 毕业去向 加入我们 联系我们 方沈应 教授 公共卫生及应急管理学院 方沈应,南方科技大学公共卫生及应急管理学院教授、博士生导师,深圳“鹏城孔雀计划”特聘教授。获美国德克萨斯大学生物统计学博士,曾任德克萨斯大学MD安德森癌症研究中心肿瘤外科系助理教授、副教授,武汉科技大学特聘教授,广州医科大学“南山学者”特聘教授。任PLOS ONE、Advances in Public Health 及 Frontiers in Oncology杂志编辑,担任American Journal of Human Genetics、Journal of National Cancer Institute、PLOS Genetics、International Journal of Cancer、Carcinogenesis以及Scientific Reports等13本英文杂志评委,并参与National Science Center (NCN panel NZ7, Poland)和中国国家自然基金委基金评审;为美国癌症协会、遗传学会和统计学会会员。主要运用流行病学与生物统计学方法研究环境因素、遗传因素与恶性肿瘤等慢性病以及新发传染病的发生、发展及预后的关系。参与收集了北美最大的黑色素瘤病例对照研究人群并创建了北美黑色素瘤风险预测模型。目前主要运用遗传学、生物信息学及机器学习法,深度挖掘研究病人个体基因组学特征、疾病临床表现信息,包括影像学资料和病理组织学染色图片等医疗大数据,为肿瘤的早期诊断、个体化治疗、疾病复发及生存预后提供相应依据。研究成果发表于J Clin Oncol, J Invest Dermatol., Nature Genetics,Int J Cancer,The Lancet Oncology,Cancer 等国际著名刊物。近期的研究成果被Cancer network、NEJM等专业媒体报道, 于2011年美国遗传学年会及2020年全球华人统计学年会获大会报告, 在SCI等刊物发表英文论文78篇。 个人简介 教育经历 2004/08-2008/12,美国德克萨斯大学生物统计学,博士 2003/01-2004/07,美国德克萨斯大学生物统计学,硕士 1996/08-1999/07,第四军医大学流行病学,硕士 1989/09-1994/07,同济医科大学预防医学,学士   工作经历 2022/05–至今,     南方科技大学公共卫生与应急管理学院,教授、研究员、博士生导师 2019/09-2022/04,美国德克萨斯大学MD安德森肿瘤研究中心肿瘤外科系,副教授 2012/10-2019/08,美国德克萨斯大学MD安德森肿瘤研究中心肿瘤外科系,助理教授 2011/09-2012/09,美国德克萨斯大学MD安德森肿瘤研究中心遗传学系,讲师 2009/01-2011/08,  美国德克萨斯大学MD安德森肿瘤研究中心,博士后 1999/08-2002/12,军事医学科学院微生物流行病研究所,助理研究员 1994/08-1996/07,中国学校卫生杂志社,编辑   个人简介 研究领域 • 人群流行病学研究:调查研究环境因素与遗传因素在慢性病、肿瘤或新发传染病发生、发展中的作用; • 健康医疗大数据应用:应用人工智能新技术,融合医疗影像与多组学等高维数据,预测疾病的发生、发展及预后,并为精准治疗提供依据; • 生物信息学研究:评估肿瘤微环境中的免疫细胞、肿瘤细胞及间质细胞的构成演变在肿瘤转移、预后与治疗中的作用; • 疾病病因推论:孟德尔随机化研究设计及病因推论;运用加性噪声模型进行因果关联分析; • 统计学模型在遗传流行病学中的应用:多因子风险评估、基因-基因,基因-环境交互作用。 教学 医学生物统计学 学术成果 查看更多 Huang Y, Xiang Y, WZhou W, Jiang Y, Wang Z, Fang S* .Short working hours and perceived stress: Findings from a population-based nationwide study. 2023 October 31 Heliyon doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e21919 (SCI IF = 4.0) Hang Y, Xiang Y, Zhou W, Li G, Zhao C, Zhang D, Fang S*. Long working hours and all-cause mortality in China: A 26-year follow-up study. 2023 Sep 04. Scand J Work Environ Health. https://doi.org/10.5271/sjweh.4115. (SCI IF = 6.30) Li F, Liang F, Zhu B, Han X, Fang S, Huang J, Zou X, Gu D. Close Contacts, Infected Cases, and the Trends of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron Epidemic in Shenzhen, China. Healthcare (Basel). 2022 Oct 26;10(11):2126. doi: 10.3390/healthcare10112126. PMID: 36360467; PMCID: PMC9690198. Wang Y#, Ramachandran V, Sui D, Xu K, Haydu LE, Fang S, McQuade JL, Fisher SB, Lucci A, Keung EZ, Wargo J, Gershenwald JE, Ross MI, Lee JE*. Evaluation of Plasma IL-6 in Patients with Melanoma as a Prognostic and Checkpoint Immunotherapy Predictive Biomarker. J Invest Dermatol. 2021 Dec 21:S0022-202X(21)02627-0. doi: 10.1016/j.jid.2021.12.012. (SCI IF = 7.14) Liu W#, Zhang R, Shu R, Yu J, Li H, Long H, Jin S, Li S, Hu Q, Yao F, Zhou C, Huang Q, Hu X, Chen M, Hu W, Wang Q*, Fang S*, Wu Q*. Study of the Relationship between Microbiome and Colorectal Cancer Susceptibility Using 16SrRNA Sequencing. BioMed Research International 2020:7828392,2020(SCI IF = 2.27) Fang S#, Hu Z, Xu T, Zhang K, Li S, Xiong M*. Mass testing and containment of Covid-19. J Emerg Med Truma Surg Care. S1:001. 6/2020. (SCI IF = 0.76) Ge Q#, Huang X, Fang S, Guo S, Liu Y, Lin W, Xiong M*. (2020). Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks for Individualized Treatment Effect Estimation and Treatment Selection. Frontiers in genetics, (2020): 585804. (SCI IF = 4.15) Feng R#, Wang Y#, Ramachandran V, Ma Q, May M, Li M, Zhou J, Xu X, Xu K, Fang S, Xia W, Sui D, Liu H, Gao X, Prieto V, Blacklow S, Lu M*, Lee J*. (2020). Characterization of novel neutralizing mouse monoclonal antibody JM1-24-3 developed against MUC18 in metastatic melanoma. Journal of experimental & clinical cancer research : CR, no. 1 (2020): 273. (SCI IF =7. 04) Fang S*#, Lu J, Zhou X, Wang Y, Ross MI, Gershenwald JE, Cormier JN, Wargo J, Sui D, Amos CI, Lee JE*. Functional annotation of melanoma risk loci identifies novel susceptibility genes. Carcinogenesis. 2020 Jun 17;41(4):452-457. doi: 10.1093/carcin/bgz173. (SCI IF = 3.92) Fang S#*, Xu T, Xiong M, Zhou X, Wang Y, Haydu LE, Ross MI, Gershenwald JE, Prieto VG, Cormier JN, Wargo J, Sui D, Wei Q, Amos CI, Lee JE*. Role of immune response, inflammation and tumor immune response–related cytokines/chemokines in melanoma progression. J Invest Dermatol. 2019 Jun 7. doi: 10.1016/j.jid.2019.03.1158. (SCI IF = 7.14) Fang S #*, Wang Y, Dang Y, Gagel A, Ross MI, Gershenwald JE, Cormier JN, Wargo J, Haydu LE, Davies MA, McQuade JL, Sui D, Bassett RL Reveille JD, Wei Q, Amos CI, Lee JE*. Association between body mass index, C-reactive protein levels and melanoma patient outcome. J Invest Dermatol. doi: 10.1016/j.jid.2017.04.007. (SCI IF = 7.14) Fang S#, Sui D, Wang Y, Liu H, Ross MI, Gershenwald JE, Cormier JN, Royal RE, Lucci A, Schacherer CW, Gardner JM, Reveille JD, Bassett RL, Wang LE, Wei Q, Amos CI, Lee JE*. Association of vitamin D levels with melanoma patient outcome after adjustment for C-reactive protein. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2016 May 20:1741-1747. PMID: 27001565 (SCI IF = 32.96) Fang S#, Wang Y, Sui D, Liu H, Ross MI, Gershenwald JE, Cormier JM, Royal RE, Lucci A, Schacherer CW, Gardner JM, Reveille JD, Bassett Jr. RL, Wang L, Wei Q, Amos CI, Lee JE*. C-reactive protein as a marker of melanoma progression. Journal of Clinical Oncology 2015 Apr 20;33(12):1389-96. Epub 2015 Mar 16. PMID: 25779565 (SCI IF = 32.96). Fang S#, Wang Y, Amos CI, Lee JE*. Reply to Z. Li et al. Journal of Clinical Oncology e-Pub 8/2015. (SCI IF = 32.96) Fang S #*, Vaysse A#, Brossard M, Wang Y, Deng D, Liu Q, Zhang P, Xu K, Li M, Feng R, Liu H, Dang Y, Chen W, Prieto V, Gershenwald JE, Ross MI, Matejka B, Malke J, Haydu LE, Reveille JD, Sui D, Bassett RL, Koshkina N, Avril MF, Lu M, Wei Q, Demenais F, Amos CI, Lee JE*. Melanoma expression genes identified through genome-wide association study of Breslow tumor thickness. J Invest Dermatol. e-Pub 8/ PMID: 27506587. (SCI IF = 7.14) Fang S*, Wang Y, Chun YS, Liu H, Ross MI, Gershenwald JE, Cormier JM, Royal RE, Lucci A, Schacherer CW, Reveille JD, Chen W, Sui D, Bassett RL, Wang L-E, Wei Q, Amos CI, Lee JE*. Association of Common Genetic Polymorphisms with Melanoma Patient IL-12p40 Blood Levels, Risk, and Outcomes. J Invest Dermatol. 2015 Sep;135(9):2266-2272 (SCI IF = 7.14) Fang S #*, Wang Y, Lu M, Dang Y, Li M,Koshkina N, Feng R, Liu H, Xu K, Sui D, Wei Q, Amos CI, Lee JE*. Association of Inflammation-related Genetic Variants with Melanoma Development. Journal of Experimental Dermatology and Research 1(3):012, 5/ 2015 (Invited article). Fang S #, Wang Y, Chun YS, Liu H, Ross MI, Gershenwald JE, Gardner JM, Schacherer CW, Reveille JD, Chen W, Sui D, Bassett Jr. RL, Wang L, Wei Q, Amos CI, Lee JE*. The relationship between blood IL-12p40 level and melanoma progression. Int J Cancer. doi: 10.1002/ijc.29182. (SCI IF = 5.14) Fang S#, Krahe R, Bachinski LL, Zhang B, Amos CI*, Strong LC*. Sex-specific effect of TP53 PIN3 polymorphism on tumor risk in a cohort study of TP53 germline mutation carriers. Human Genetic. 2011 Dec;130(6):789-94. Epub 2011 Jun 19. (SCI IF = 3.54) Fang S#, Fang X, Xiong M*. Psoriasis prediction from genome-wide SNP profiles. BMC dermatology. 2011 Jan 7; 11(1)1. (SCI IF = 1.70) Fang S#, Pinney SM, Bailey-Wilson JE, de Andrade MA, Li Y, Kupert E, You M, Schwartz AG, Yang P, Anderson MW, Amos CI*. Ordered subset analysis identifies loci influencing lung cancer risk on chromosomes 6q and 12q. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2010;19(12):3157-66. (SCI IF = 4.55) Fang S#, Krahe R, Lozano G, Han Y, Chen W, Post SM, Zhang B, Wilson CD, Bachinski LL, Strong LC, Amos CI*. Effects of MDM2, MDM4 and TP53 Codon 72 Polymorphisms on Cancer Risk in a Cohort Study of Carriers of TP53 Germline Mutations. PLoS One 2010 5(5): e10813. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0010813. (SCI IF = 2.77) Fang S#, Han J, Zhang M, Wang LE, Wei Q, Amos CI, Lee JE*. Joint effect of multiple common SNPs predicts melanoma susceptibility. PLoS One. 2013 Dec 31;8(12):e85642. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0085642. eCollection 2013. (SCI IF = 2.77) Brossard M #, Fang S#, Vaysse A, Wei Q, Chen WV, Mohamdi H, Maubec E, Lavielle N, Galan P, Lathrop M, Avril MF, Lee JE, Amos CI#, Demenais F*. Integrated pathway and epistasis analysis reveals interactive effect of genetic variants at TERF1 and AFAP1L2 loci on melanoma risk. Int J Cancer. e-Pub 4/2015. (SCI IF = 5.14) Vaysse A#, Fang S#, Brossard M#, Wei Q, Chen WV, Mohamdi H, Vincent-Fetita L, Margaritte-Jeannin P, Lavielle N, Maubec E, Lathrop M, Avril MF, Amos CI, Lee JE*, Demenais F*. A comprehensive genome-wide analysis of melanoma Breslow thickness identifies interaction between CDC42 and SCIN genetic variants. Int J Cancer 139(9):2012-20, 11/2016. e-Pub 7/2016. PMID: 27347659. (SCI IF =5.14) Landi MT#*, Bishop DT, MacGregor S, Machiela MJ, Stratigos AJ, Ghiorzo P, Brossard M, Calista D, Choi J, Fargnoli MC, Zhang T, Rodolfo M, Trower AJ, Menin C, Martinez J, Hadjisavvas A, Song L, Stefanaki I, Scolyer R, Yang R, Goldstein AM, Potrony M, Kypreou KP, Pastorino L, Queirolo P, Pellegrini C, Cattaneo L, Zawistowski M, Gimenez-Xavier P, Rodriguez A, Elefanti L, Manoukian S, Rivoltini L, Smith BH, Loizidou MA, Del Regno L, Massi D, Mandala M, Khosrotehrani K, Akslen LA, Amos CI, Andresen PA, Avril MF, Azizi E, Soyer HP, Bataille V, Dalmasso B, Bowdler LM, Burdon KP, Chen WV, Codd V, Craig JE, Debniak T, Falchi M, Fang S, Friedman E, Simi S, Galan P, Garcia-Casado Z, Gillanders EM, Gordon S, Green A, Gruis NA, Hansson J, Harland M, Harris J, Helsing P, Henders A, Hocevar M, Höiom V, Hunter D, Ingvar C, Kumar R, Lang J, Lathrop GM, Lee JE, Li X, Lubinski J, Mackie RM, Malt M, Malvehy J, McAloney K, Mohamdi H, Molven A, Moses EK, Neale RE, Novakovic S, Nyholt DR, Olsson H, Orr N, Fritsche LG, Puig-Butille JA, Qureshi AA, Radford-Smith GL, Randerson-Moor J, Requena C, Rowe C, Samani NJ, Sanna M, Schadendorf D, Schulze HJ, Simms LA, Smithers M, Song F, Swerdlow AJ, van der Stoep N, Kukutsch NA, Visconti A, Wallace L, Ward SV, Wheeler L, Sturm RA, Hutchinson A, Jones K, Malasky M, Vogt A, Zhou W, Pooley KA, Elder DE, Han J, Hicks B, Hayward NK, Kanetsky PA, Brummett C, Montgomery GW, Olsen CM, Hayward C, Dunning AM, Martin NG, Evangelou E, Mann GJ, Long G, Pharoah PDP, Easton DF, Barrett JH, Cust AE, Abecasis G, Duffy DL, Whiteman DC, Gogas H, De Nicolo A, Tucker MA, Newton-Bishop JA, GenoMEL Consortium, Q-MEGA and QTWIN Investigators, ATHENS Melanoma Study Group, 23andMe, SDH Study Group, IBD Investigators, Essen-Heidelberg Investigators, AMFS Investigators, MelaNostrum Consortium, Peris K, Chanock SJ, Demenais F, Brown KM, Puig S, Nagore E, Shi J, Iles MM, Law MH*. Genome-wide association meta-analyses combining multiple risk phenotypes provide insights into the genetic architecture of cutaneous melanoma susceptibility. Nat Genet 52(5):494-504, 5/2020. e-Pub 4/2020. PMCID: PMC7255059. (SCI IF = 21.11) McQuade JL#*, Daniel CR, Hess KR, Mak C, Wang DY, Rai RR, Park JJ, Haydu LE, Spencer C, Wongchenko M, Lane S, Lee D-Y, Kaper M, McKean M, Beckermann KE, Rubinstein SM, Rooney I, Musib L, Budha N, Hsu J, Nowicki TS, Avila A, Haas T, Puligandla M, Lee S, Fang S, Wargo JA, Gershenwald JE, Lee JE, Hwu P, Chapman PB, Sosman JA, Schadendorf D, Grob J-J, Flaherty KT, Walker D, Yan Y, McKenna E, Legos JJ, Carlino MS, Ribas A, Kirkwood JM, Long GV, Johnson DB, Menzies AM, Davies MA*: The association of BMI and outcomes in metastatic melanoma: A retrospective, multicohort analysis of patients treated with targeted therapy, immunotherapy, or chemotherapy. The Lancet Oncology.2018;19:310-322. (SCI IF = 33.80) Liu S#, Wang Y, Wu W, Zhu D, Amos CI, Fang S, Lee JE, Han J, Wei Q*. Genetic Variants in the Genes Encoding Rho GTPases and Related Regulators Predict Cutaneous Melanoma-specific Survival. Int J Cancer. 2017 May 16. doi: 10.1002/ijc.30785. Srokowski TP#, Fang S, Hortobagyi GN, Giordano SH*. Impact of diabetes mellitus on complications and outcomes of adjuvant chemotherapy in older patients with breast cancer. J Clin Oncol. 2009 May 1;27(13):2170-6. Epub 2009 Mar 23. (SCI IF = 32.96) Patt DA#, Duan Z, Fang S, Hortobagyi GN, Giordano SH*. Acute Myeloid Leukemia After Adjuvant Breast Cancer Therapy in Older Women: Understanding Risk. Clin. Oncol., 2007; 25(25): 3871 – 3876. (SCI IF = 32.96) Du XL#*, Lairson DR, Begley CE, Fang S . Temporal and Geographic Variation in the Use of Hematopoietic Growth Factors in Older Women Receiving Breast Cancer Chemotherapy: Findings From Large Population-Based Cohort. Clin. Oncol., 2005, 23(34): 8620-8628. (SCI IF = 32.96) Badgwell BD#, Giordano SH, Duan Z, Fang S , Bedrosian I, Kuerer HM, Singletary SE, Hunt KK, Hortobagyi GN, and Babiera G*. Mammography Before Diagnosis Among Women Age 80 Years and Older With Breast Cancer. J Clin Oncol;2008,26(15): 2482–2488. (SCI IF = 32.96) Chavez- MacGregor M#, Zhao H, Kroll M, Fang S ,Zhang N, Hortobagyi GN, Buchholz TA, Shih T, Giordano SH*. Risk factors and incidence of TEE in older men and women with breast cancer. Annals of Oncology. 2011 Mar 10: mdq777v1-mdq777. (SCI IF = 18.27) Telomeres Mendelian Randomization Collaboration#, Haycock PC, Burgess S, Nounu A, Zheng J, Okoli GN, Bowden J, Wade KH, Timpson NJ, Evans DM, Willeit P, Aviv A, Gaunt TR, Hemani G, Mangino M, Ellis HP, Kurian KM, Pooley KA, Eeles RA, Lee JE, Fang S , Chen WV, Law MH, Bowdler LM, Iles MM, Yang Q, Worrall BB, Markus HS, Hung RJ, Amos CI, Spurdle AB, Thompson DJ, O’Mara TA, Wolpin B, Amundadottir L, Stolzenberg-Solomon R, Trichopoulou A, Onland-Moret NC, Lund E, Duell EJ, Canzian F, Severi G, Overvad K, Gunter MJ, Tumino R, Svenson U, van Rij A, Baas AF, Bown MJ, Samani NJ, van t’Hof FN, Tromp G, Jones GT, Kuivaniemi H, Elmore JR, Johansson M, Mckay J, Scelo G, Carreras-Torres R, Gaborieau V, Brennan P, Bracci PM, Neale RE, Olson SH, Gallinger S, Li D, Petersen GM, Risch HA, Klein AP, Han J, Abnet CC, Freedman ND, Taylor PR, Maris JM, Aben KK, Kiemeney LA, Vermeulen SH, Wiencke JK, Walsh KM, Wrensch M, Rice T, Turnbull C, Litchfield K, Paternoster L, Standl M, Abecasis GR, SanGiovanni JP, Li Y, Mijatovic V, Sapkota Y, Low SK, Zondervan KT, Montgomery GW, Nyholt DR, van Heel DA, Hunt K, Arking DE, Ashar FN, Sotoodehnia N, Woo D, Rosand J, Comeau ME, Brown WM, Silverman EK, Hokanson JE, Cho MH, Hui J, Ferreira MA, Thompson PJ, Morrison AC, Felix JF, Smith NL, Christiano AM, Petukhova L, Betz RC, Fan X, Zhang X, Zhu C, Langefeld CD, Thompson SD, Wang F, Lin X, Schwartz DA, Fingerlin T, Rotter JI, Cotch MF, Jensen RA, Munz M, Dommisch H, Schaefer AS, Han F, Ollila HM, Hillary RP, Albagha O, Ralston SH, Zeng C, Zheng W, Shu XO, Reis A, Uebe S, Hüffmeier U, Kawamura Y, Otowa T, Sasaki T, Hibberd ML, Davila S, Xie G, Siminovitch K, Bei JX, Zeng YX, Försti A, Chen B, Landi S, Franke A, Fischer A, Ellinghaus D, Flores C, Noth I, Ma SF, Foo JN, Liu J, Kim JW, Cox DG, Delattre O, Mirabeau O, Skibola CF, Tang CS, Garcia-Barcelo M, Chang KP, Su WH, Chang YS, Martin NG, Gordon S, Wade TD, Lee C, Kubo M, Cha PC, Nakamura Y, Levy D, Kimura M, Hwang SJ, Hunt S, Spector T, Soranzo N, Manichaikul AW, Barr RG, Kahali B, Speliotes E, Yerges-Armstrong LM, Cheng CY, Jonas JB, Wong TY, Fogh I, Lin K, Powell JF, Rice K, Relton CL, Martin RM, Davey Smith G. Association Between Telomere Length and Risk of Cancer and Non-Neoplastic Diseases: A Mendelian Randomization Study. JAMA Oncol. 2017 May 1;3(5):636-651. doi: 10.1001/jamaoncol.2016.5945. (SCI IF = 24.80) Law MH#*, Bishop DT, Lee JE, Brossard M, Martin NG, Moses EK, Song F, Barrett JH, Kumar R, Easton DF, Pharoah PD, Swerdlow AJ, Kypreou KP, Taylor JC, Harland M, Randerson-Moor J, Akslen LA, Andresen PA, Avril MF, Azizi E, Scarrà GB, Brown KM, D?bniak T, Duffy DL, Elder DE, Fang S, Friedman E, Galan P, Ghiorzo P, Gillanders EM, Goldstein AM, Gruis NA, Hansson J, Helsing P, Hocevar M, Höiom V, Ingvar C, Kanetsky PA, Chen WV, GenoMEL Consortium, Essen-Heidelberg Investigators, SDH Study Group, Q-MEGA and QTWIN Investigators, AMFS Investigators, ATHENS Melanoma Study Group, Landi MT, Lang J, Lathrop GM, Lubinski J, Mackie RM, Mann GJ, Molven A, Montgomery GW, Novakovic S, Olsson H, Puig S, Puig-Butille JA, Qureshi AA, Radford-Smith GL, van der Stoep N, van Doorn R, Whiteman DC, Craig JE, Schadendorf D, Simms LA, Burdon KP, Nyholt DR, Pooley KA, Orr N, Stratigos AJ, Cust AE, Ward SV, Hayward NK, Han J, Schulze HJ, Dunning AM, Bishop JA, Demenais F, Amos CI, MacGregor S, Iles MM*. Genome-wide meta-analysis identifies five new susceptibility loci for cutaneous malignant melanoma. Nat Genet. e-Pub 8/2015. (SCI IF = 21.11) Iles MM#*, Law MH, Stacey SN, Han J, Fang S, Pfeiffer R, et al.. A variant in FTO shows association with melanoma risk not due to BMI. Nat Genet. 2013 Apr;45(4):428-32, 432e1. doi: 10.1038/ng.2571. Epub 2013 Mar 3. (SCI IF = 21.11) Amos CI#*, Wang LE, Lee JE, Gershenwald JE, Chen WV, Fang S, Kosoy R, Zhang M, Qureshi AA, Vattathil S. et al 2011. Genome-wide association study identifies novel loci predisposing to cutaneous melanoma. Human Molecular Genetics. 2011 Dec 15; 20(24):5012-23. Epub 2011 Sep 17. (SCI IF = 5.10) Xiao F#, Ma J, Cai G, Fang S, Lee JE, Wei Q, Amos CI*. Natural and orthogonal model for estimating gene-gene interactions applied to cutaneous melanoma. Hum Genet. 2014 May;133(5):559-74. doi: 10.1007/s00439-013-1392-2. Epub 2013 Nov 17. Giordano SH#, Fang S, Duan Z, Kuo Y, Hortobagyi GN, and Goodwin JS*. Use of Intravenous Bisphosphonates in Older Women with Breast Cancer. Oncologist. 2008; 13: 494 – 502. Yang L#, Lu X, Deng J, Zhou Y, Huang D, Qiu F, Yang X, Yang R, Fang W, Ran P, Zhong N, Zhou Y, Fang S, Lu J*. Risk factors shared by COPD and lung cancer and mediation effect of COPD: two center case-control studies. Cancer Causes Control. 2015 Jan;26(1):11-24. doi: 10.1007/s10552-014-0475-2. Epub 2014 Dec 7. Song F#, Amos CI, Lee JE, Lian CG, Fang S, Liu H, MacGregor S, Iles MM, Lindeman NI, Montgomery GW, Duffy DL, Cust AE, Jenkins MA, Whiteman DC, Kefford RF, Giles GG, Armstrong BK, Aitken JF, Hopper JL, Brown KM, Martin NG, Mann GJ, Bishop DT, Newton Bishop JA, the GenoMEL consortium, Kraft P, Qureshi AA, Kanetsky PA, Hayward NK, Hunter DJ, Wei Q, Han J*. Identification of a melanoma susceptibility locus and somatic mutation in TET2. Carcinogenesis. e-Pub 6/2014. Park JY#, Amankwah EK, Anic GM, Lin HY, Walls B, Park H, Krebs K, Madden M, Maddox K, Marzban S, Fang S, Chen W, Lee JE, Wei Q, Amos CI, Messina JL, Sondak VK, Sellers TA, Egan KM*. Gene variants in angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis and cutaneous melanoma progression. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2013 May;22(5):827-34. doi: 10.1158/1055-9965.EPI-12-1129. Epub 2013 Mar 5. Zhang W#, Liu H, Liu Z, Zhu D, Amos CI, Fang S, Lee JE, Wei Q*. Functional Variants in Notch Pathway Genes NCOR2, NCSTN, and MAML2 Predict Survival of Patients with Cutaneous Melanoma. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. e-Pub 5/2015. Gorlov IP#*, Logothetis CJ, Fang S, Gorlova OY, Amos CI. Building a Statistical Model for Predicting Cancer Genes. PLOS One 7(11):e49175, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0049175, 2012. Du XL#*, Fang S, Coker AL, Sanderson M, Aragaki C, Cormier JN, Xing Y, Gor BJ, Chan W. 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American Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2008;31(2):125-132. 加入团队 课题组长期诚聘博士后、科研助理和访问学生,同时也通过南科大自主培养和境外联合培养项目招收博士和硕士研究生。有意应聘者请将详细简历发送至以下邮箱:fangsy@sustech.edu.cn,邮件标题请注明“方沈应课题组博士后/科研助理/研究生应聘-本人姓名-毕业院校”,来信时请注明可到岗时间,并在简历中附上成绩单,感谢您的关注!我们承诺对所接受的全部材料进行严格保密并尽快组织面试。本招聘长期有效,直至录用到合适人员为止。一、博士后岗位要求、职责及薪酬待遇1)岗位要求1. 已取得或即将取得博士学位,并在相关领域以第一作者发表(已接收)不少于1篇SCI论文;2.专业要求:流行病与卫生统计学、计算机或数学、生物信息学、人工智能与大数据等相关专业;3.具有独立数据分析处理能力,可以熟练掌握至少一种统计软件(SAS, R,STATA,SPSS,Matlab等),熟悉Linux操作系统并掌握Python等编程技术者优先;4.具有优秀的英文论文读写能力,能够独立阅读英文文献,撰写英文论文。 2)岗位职责1. 与课题负责人共同制定研究计划,相对独立地开展课题研究并发表高水平学术论文;2. 协助课题组申请经费,并积极依托课题组申请博士后科学基金、国家自然科学基金以及其他国家、省、市各级科研项目;3. 协助课题负责人指导研究生和本科生;4. 协助课题组的建设和管理。3)岗位待遇1. 博士后聘用期两年,年薪33万元起,含广东省生活补贴15万元及深圳市生活补贴6万元,并按深圳市有关规定参加社会保险及住房公积金。博士后福利费参照学校教职工标准发放;2. 特别优秀候选人可以申请校长卓越博士后,年薪可达50万元以上。(含广东省及深圳市在站生活补贴);3. 在站期间,可依托学校申请深圳市公租房,未依托学校使用深圳市公租房的博士后,可享受两年税前2800元/月的住房补贴;4. 拥有优良的工作环境和国内外合作交流与深造机会,博士后在站期间享受两年共计2.5万学术交流经费资助;5. 课题组协助符合条件的博士后申请“广东省海外青年博士后引进项目”。即在世界排名前200名的高校(不含境内,排名以上一年度泰晤士、USNEWS、QS和上海交通大学的世界大学排行榜为准)获得博士学位,在广东省博士后设站单位从事博士后研究,并承诺在站2年以上的博士后,申请成功后省财政给予每名进站博士后资助60万元生活补贴(与广东省每年15万生活补贴不同时享受,与深圳市每年6万元生活补贴同时享受情况以深圳市规定为准);对获得本项目资助,出站后与广东省用人单位签订工作协议或劳动合同,并承诺连续在粤工作3年以上的博士后,省财政给予每人40万元住房补贴;6. 博士后出站选择留深从事科研工作,且与本市企事业单位签订3年以上劳动(聘用)合同的,可以申请深圳市博士后留深来深科研资助。深圳市政府给予每人每年10万元科研资助,共资助3年(以深圳市最新申报要求为准)。二、科研教学助理岗位要求、职责及薪酬待遇1)岗位要求1. 本科以上学历,医学、流行病与卫生统计、或管理学等相关方向;2. 年龄20-35岁,性别不限;3. 具备良好的英文读写能力、有国外相关学习或工作经历者优先考虑;4. 工作积极主动,认真负责,有良好的沟通交流能力,有较强的团队精神与协作能力,能较快适应工作环境;5. 能尽快上岗。2)岗位职责1. 协助课题组成员申报国家科研项目;2. 协助课题组处理项目合作事宜;3. 协助科研课题开展及相关文书撰写;4. 协助课题组科研经费管理;5. 负责课题组财务报销等事宜;6. 其他相关工作。3)岗位待遇基本薪资根据学历和经验面议,五险一金,各项福利,补贴等参照学校标准缴纳、发放。  查看更多 联系我们 联系地址 广东省深圳市南山区学苑大道1088号 办公电话 (+86)-755-88015611 电子邮箱 fangsy@sustech.edu.cn
