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姓名 GongjinLan
性别 发明专利4999代写全部资料
学校 南方科技大学
部门 Department of Computer Science and Engineering   Research Group
学位 发明专利包写包过 特惠申请
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职称 Research Assistant Professor
联系方式 ContactAddress SouthTower,CoEBuilding,SUSTech,1088XueyuanAvenue,NanshanDistrict,Shenzhen518055,P.R.China
邮箱 langj@sustech.edu.cn
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Home Research Research Publications Teaching Protocol Sharing News Center for Pain Medicine Research Brief Info Software Alumni Join us Contact us Gongjin Lan Google Scholar Research Assistant Professor Department of Computer Science and Engineering   Research Group Dr. Gongjin Lan is a Research Assistant Professor (associate researcher) at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, China. In 2020, I received a PhD at the Department of Computer Science, Vrije University Amsterdam, the Netherlands. My research mainly focus on autonomous driving, intelligent robots and the AI applications such as AI in health. I published over 20 SCI/EI articles and was approved for 6 patents and 4 software copyrights. More than 500 citations (Google Scholar). Top Journal/conference reviewers: IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, Scientific Reports, PLOS ONE and other journals, ICRA, IROS, GECCO, CEC.  Research projects: 1. Ministry of Education Industry-University Collaborative Education Project, "Autonomous Driving Sensor Intelligent Simulation and Innovative Education Demonstration Platform", 2022-2023, host. 2. GuangDong Basic and Applied Basic Research Foundation, "The joint evolution of robot morphologies and controllers based on biological evolution," 2021-2024, host. 3. National Natural Science Foundation of China (International Cooperation), "Research on Key Technology of Credible Autonomous Driving Simulation and Testing", 2023-2025, participation. 4. Huawei 2012 Research Institute, "Autonomous Driving Virtual Simulation Technology Joint Laboratory," 2021-2026, participation. 5. Key project of Shenzhen Basic Research, "Key Technologies of Integration of Autonomous Driving Dataset and Simulation Platform," 2020~2023, participation. 6. Horizontal funding, Shenzhen Windvane Education Resources Co., Ltd., "Intelligent Connected Vehicle International Education Engineering Joint Laboratory", 2020-2025, participation. 7. National Natural Science Foundation of China, "Intelligent Binary Perception Technology for Multi-target Positioning, Motion Capture and Behavior Analysis," 2017-2021, Participation.  Patents: [1] Hao Qi, Lan Gongjin, Liang Jinhao. A human activity detection method, device and sensor. China, CN106226821B. 20180727. [2] Hao Qi, Lan Gongjin. Drones and methods of landing. China, CN106064670B. 20190531. [3] Hao Qi, Liu Guocheng, Lan Gongjin, Liang Jinhao. A sensing behavior recognition method and device. China, CN106446876B. 20191018. [4] Hao Qi, Ma Rui, Lan Gongjin. A method, device and system for moving object detection. China, CN106842352B. 20200207. [5] Hao Qi, Lan Gongjin, Ma Rui. A method and device for virtual collection of big data for automatic driving training. China, CN108268740B. 20211116.  Graduated master students: 1. Gao Rui: Southern University of Science and Technology (PhD candidate) -- Undergraduate: Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Master: Department of Computer Science, Southern University of Science and Technology (2023) 2. Wu Yu: George Washington University -- Undergraduate/Master: Department of Mathematics, Southern University of Science and Technology (2019)/Department of Computer Science (2022) 3. Gao Zhenyu: Software Engineer of ING Group -- Undergraduate: Department of Computer Science, Zhejiang University, Master: Department of Computer Science, VU University Amsterdam (2020) 4.Jiunhan CHEN: BlockChain Security Corp., Software Engineer -- Undergraduate: Department of Computer Science, National Taiwan University, Master: Department of Computer Science, VU University Amsterdam (2019) 5. Lucas de Vries: University of Amsterdam (PhD candidate) -- Undergraduate: Department of Computer Science, University of Amsterdam, Master: Department of Computer Science, VU University Amsterdam (2018)  Undergraduate students (destination): 2023: Liu Yechong (master candidate) 2022: Chen Qilong (master candidate), Jiao Dian (Huawei), Wu Di (Shenzhen Stock Exchange), Xiong Zhuochen (ByteDance), Zhang Jiayu (Tencent), Chen Songbin (Tencent), Zhou Wendi (New York University) 2021: Zhao Zhixiang (Huawei)  Recruitment: Any three types of abilities: 1) programming ability, able to manage a software project, PS: not only learned or coded small program, 2) algorithms/mathematical modeling ability, familar with various artificial intelligence algorithms and optimize their performance or even propose improved/novel algorithms. 3) Scientific writing ability, have published high-level journal/conferences independently or as a first author. If you are confident that you have the above three types of abilities or one of them, you are welcome to join the research group at any time. 1) Post-doctorate: Ph.D. in computer, electronics or related majors; familiar with artificial intelligence technologies related to autonomous driving, such as slam automatic driving positioning, environment perception, high-precision maps and path planning; multi-sensor data fusion, driving decision-making algorithm and control system research; automatic driving simulation and virtual reality Environment construction, etc. Published papers in top conferences or journals in the fields of ML, CV, and AI. The annual salary is about 335,000 yuan, including a subsidy of 150,000 yuan from Guangdong Province and a living subsidy of 60,000 yuan from Shenzhen, and participation in social insurance and housing provident fund according to relevant regulations of Shenzhen. Post-doctoral welfare fees are paid according to the standard of faculty members within the school; exceptionally outstanding candidates can apply for excellent post-doctoral fellows with an annual salary of more than 500,000 yuan (including subsidies from Guangdong Province and Shenzhen); 2) Engineer/Research Assistant Bachelor degree or above in computer, electronics or related majors. Research experience in autonomous driving, intelligent robots, algorithm development, and programming is preferred. 3) Visiting/guest graduate students Interested in the research of autonomous driving, intelligent robots, etc., with algorithm development and programming foundation, programming proficiency is preferred. We support the completion of master's graduation project in the research group (priority), and provide overseas cooperation and recommend domestic/foreign doctoral opportunities for those with excellent results. 4) Studying for a master's degree Recruit students with excellent academic performance, strong learning ability, and computer-related majors with a programming foundation to study for a master's degree (including postgraduate guarantee and unified examination). Students with excellent results can be provided overseas cooperation and recommended domestic/foreign doctoral opportunities. PS: Please provide your resume and the relevant materials, specify the position you are applying for, and send it to langj@sustech.edu.cn Personal Profile Personal Profile Research Autonomous Driving, Intelligent Robots, Trustworthy AI, Evolutionary Intelligence, AI in Health. Publications Read More [1] Yi, H., Liu, T., Lan, G.*, The key artificial intelligence technologies in early childhood education: a review. Artificial Intelligence Review 57, 12 (2024). (SCI-1, IF=12.0) [2] Lan, G.,  Qiangqiang Lai, Bing Bai, Zirui Zhao, Qi Hao, “A Virtual Reality Training System for Automotive Engines Assembly and Disassembly” IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, vol. 17, pp. 754-764, 2024. (SCI-2, IF=3.7) [3] Lan, G., Yu Wu, Fei Hu, Qi Hao, Vision-based Human Pose Estimation via Deep Learning: A Survey. IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems, vol. 53, no. 1, pp. 253-268, 2023.  (SCI-2, IF=4.124) [4] Lan, G., Gao, Z., Tong, L. and Liu, T., 2022. Class binarization to neuroevolution for multiclass classification. Neural Computing and Applications, pp.1-18. (SCI-2, IF=5.102) [5] Lan, G., Liu, T., Wang, X., Pan, X. and Huang, Z., 2022. A semantic web technology index. Scientific Reports, 12(1), pp.1-10. (SCI-3, IF=4.996) [6] Lan, G., Tomczak, J.M., Roijers, D.M. and Eiben, A.E., 2021. Time efficiency in optimization with a bayesian-evolutionary algorithm. Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, p.100970. (SCI-2, IF=10.267) [7] Lan, G., De Carlo, M., van Diggelen, F., Tomczak, J.M., Roijers, D.M. and Eiben, A.E., 2021. Learning directed locomotion in modular robots with evolvable morphologies. Applied Soft Computing, 111, p.107688. (SCI-2, IF=8.263) [8] Lan, G., van Hooft, M., De Carlo, M., Tomczak, J.M. and Eiben, A.E., 2021. Learning locomotion skills in evolvable robots. Neurocomputing, 452, pp.294-306. (SCI-2, IF=5.779) [9] Lan, G., Jelisavcic, M., Roijers, D.M., Haasdijk, E. and Eiben, A.E., 2018. Directed locomotion for modular robots with evolvable morphologies. In International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (pp. 476-487). CCF-B Join us Read More Contact Us Contact Address South Tower, CoE Building,SUSTech,1088 Xueyuan Avenue, Nanshan District, Shenzhen 518055, P.R. China Office Phone Email langj@sustech.edu.cn
