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姓名 HuanhuanLiu
性别 发明专利4999代写全部资料
学校 南方科技大学
部门 Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
学位 发明专利包写包过 特惠申请
学历 版权登记666包过 代写全部资料
职称 Research Associate Professor
联系方式 ContactAddress 201TaizhouBuilding,SouthernUniversityofScienceandTechnology
邮箱 liuhh@sustech.edu.cn
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Home People Research Research Publications Teaching Protocol Sharing News Center for Pain Medicine Research Brief Info Software Alumni Join us Contact us Huanhuan Liu Research Associate Professor Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Huanhuan Liu obtained the doctorate degree from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore in 2014. Her research interest focuses mainly on fiber lasers, fiber sensors, and low-dimensional nanomaterial optical devices. She published more than 40 academic papers in Nanophotonics, Applied Physics Letters, Optics Letters, etc. She has published 15 peer-reviewed journal papers as the first author (7 papers with impact factor> 3, two cover articles). She presided over 1 fund supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China, and mainly participated in 6 national-level scientific research projects. She has been authorized 9 national invention patents, co-edited 1 English book. She won the excellent paper of the Photonics Global Conference in 2010, the “National Outstanding Self-Financed International Student Scholarship" in 2014, "Shanghai Young Oriental Scholar" talent honor in 2016, and the second prize of Shanghai Science and Technology Progress Award in 2020. Personal Profile Personal Profile Research fiber lasers fiber sensors low-dimensional nanomaterial optical devices Publications Read More 1. H. Liu, Z. Li, Y. Yu, J. Lin, S. Liu, F. Pang, T. Wang, “Nonlinear Optical Properties of Anisotropic 2D Layered Materials for Ultrafast Photonics,” Nanophotonics, 9(7): 1651-1673, 2020. 2. H. Liu, Z. Li, W. Song, Y. Yu, F. Pang, and T. Wang, “MoS2/Graphene heterostructure incorporated passively mode-locked fiber laser: from anomalous to normal average dispersion,” Optical Materials Express, 10(1):46-56, 2020. 3. Z. Guo, H. Liu, L. Xiang, L. Chen, J. Yang, J. Wen, Y. Shang, T. Wang, and F. Pang, “Generation of perfect vortex beams with polymer-based phase plate,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 32(10), 565-568, 2020. 4. Z. Chen, L. Zhang, H. Liu, P. Peng, Z. Liu, S. Shen, N. Chen, S. Zheng, J. Li, and F. Pang, “3D Printing Technique-Improved Phase-Sensitive OTDR for Breakdown Discharge Detection of Gas-Insulated Switchgear,” Sensors, 20(4): 1045, 2020. 5. Z. Wang, J. Chen, H. Wei, H. Liu, Z. Ma, N. Chen, Z. Chen, T. Wang, and F. Pang, “A Sapphire Fabry–Perot Interferometer for High-Temperature Pressure Sensing,” Applied Optics, 59(17):5189-5196, 2020. 6. H. Liu, Y. Yu, W. Song, Q. Jiang, and F. Pang, “Recent development of flat supercontinuum generation in specialty optical fibers,” Opto-Electronic Advances, 2(2):180020, 2019. 【封面文章】 7. H. Liu, F. Pang, L. Hong, Z. Ma, L. Huang, Z. Wang, J. Wen, Z. Chen, and T. Wang, “Crystallization-induced refractive index modulation on sapphire-derived fiber for ultrahigh temperature sensing,” Optics Express, 27(5): 6201-6209, 2019. 8. J. Yang, H. Liu, J. Wen, L. Chen, Y. Shang, N. Chen, S. Huang, T. Wang, and F. Pang, “Cylindrical vector modes based Mach-Zehnder interferometer with vortex fiber for sensing applications”, Applied Physics Letters, 115:051103, 2019. 9. Z. Wang, H. Liu, Z. Ma, Z. Chen, T. Wang, and F. Pang, “High temperature strain sensing with alumina ceramic derived fiber based Fabry-Perot interferometer,” Optics Express, 27(20): 27691-27701, 2019. (IF: 3.488) 10. H. Liu, Y. Yu, W. Song, Q. Jiang, F. Pang, and T. Wang, “Spectrally Flat Supercontinuum Generation in a ZBLAN Fiber Pumped by Erbium-Doped Mode-Locked Fiber Laser,” Photonics Sensors, 9(4):302-308, 2019. 11. F. Pang, H. Zheng, H. Liu, J. Yang, N. Chen, Y. Shang, S. Ramachandran, and T. Wang, “The Orbital Angular Momentum Fiber Modes for Magnetic Field Sensing” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 31(11), 893-896, 2019. 12. Z. Ma, Z. Wang, H. Liu, F. Pang, Z. Chen, and T. Wang, “Tensile Strength and Failure Behavior of Bare Single Mode Fibers,” Optical Fiber Technology, 52:101966, 2019. 13. H. Liu, W. Song, Y. Yu, Q. Jiang, F. Pang, and T. Wang, “Black Phosphorus-Film with Drop-Casting Method for High-Energy Pulse Generation from Q-Switched Er-Doped Fiber Laser,” Photonics Sensors, 9(3):239-245, 2019. 14. Y. Shao, H. Liu, P. Peng, F. Pang, G. Yu, Z. Chen, N. Chen, and T. Wang, “Distributed Vibration Sensor With Laser Phase-Noise Immunity by Phase-Extraction φ-OTDR,” Photonics Sensors, 9(3):223-229, 2019. 15. G. Sui, H. Liu, F. Pang, J. Cheng, and T. Wang, “Broadband Acoustic Vibration Sensor Based on Cladding-Mode Resonance of Double-Cladding Fiber,” Photonics Sensors, 9(3):230-238, 2019. 16. 【封面文章,优秀论文】 刘奂奂,蒋巧,宋伟,喻叶,李子龙,庞拂飞,L波段可切换双波长被动锁模光纤激光器,《中国激光》,46(7),0701007, 2019. 17. H. Liu, F. F. Pang, L. Lv, X. Mei. Y. Song, J. Chen, and T. Wang, “True Phase Measurement of Distributed Vibration Sensors Based on Heterodyne φ-OTDR,” IEEE Photonics Journal, 10(1): 7101309, 2018. 18. J. Yang, H. Liu, F. Pang, J. Wen, H. Zheng, L. Chen, X. He, Y. Shang, N. Chen, Y. Li, and T. Wang, “All-Fiber Multiplexing and Transmission of High-Order Circularly Polarized Orbital Angular Momentum Modes with Mode Selective Couplers,” IEEE Photonics Journal, 11(3):7202909, 2018. 19. X. Mei, F. Pang, H. Liu, G. Yu, Y. Shao, T. Qian, C. Mou, L. Lv, and T. Wang, “Fast coarse-fine locating method for φ-OTDR,” Optics Express, 26(3): 2659-2667, 2018. 20. S. Yu, F. Pang, H. Liu, X. Li, J. Yang, and T. Wang, “Compositing orbital angular momentum beams in Bi4Ge3O12 crystal for magnetic field sensing,” Applied Physics Letters, 111(9):091107, 2017. 21. T. Tu, F. Pang, S. Zhu, J. Cheng, H. Liu, J. Wen, and T. Wang, “Excitation of Bloch surface wave on tapered fiber coated with one-dimensional photonic crystal for refractive index sensing,” Optics Express, 25(8):9019, 2017. 22. L. Hong, F. Pang, H. Liu, J. Xu, Z. Chen, Z. Zhao, and T. Wang, “Refractive Index Modulation by Crystallization in Sapphire-Derived Fiber,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 29(9):723, 2017. 23. J. Xu, H. Liu, F. Pang, L. Hong, Z. Ma, Z. Zhao, N. Chen, Z. Chen, and T. Wang, “Cascaded Mach-Zehnder interferometers in crystallized sapphire-derived fiber for temperature-insensitive filters,” Optical Material Express, 7(4):1406-1413, 2017. 24. Y. Zhang, F. Pang, H. Liu, X. Jin, S. Huang, Y. Li, J. Wen, Z. Chen, M. Wang, and T. Wang, “Generation of the first-order OAM modes in ring fibers by exerting pressure technology,” IEEE Photonics Journal, 9(2): 7101609, 2017. 25. F. Pang, M. He, H. Liu (通信作者), X. Mei, J. Tao, T. Zhang, X. Zhang, N. Chen, and T. Wang, “A fading-discrimination method for distributed vibration sensor using coherent detection of φ-OTDR,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, pp(99):1-1, 2016. 26. T. Zhang, F. Pang, H. Liu, J. Cheng, L. Lv, X. Zhang, N. Chen, and T. Wang, “A Fiber-Optic Sensor for Acoustic Emission Detection in a High Voltage Cable System,” Sensors, 16(12):2026, 2016. 27. H. Liu and K. K. Chow, “Amplified spontaneous emission pulses for high-power supercontinuum generation,” Journal of Engineering, 1(1), 2016. 28. H. Liu and K. K. Chow, “High fundamental-repetition-rate bound solitons in a carbon-nanotube-based fiber laser,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 27(8):867, 2015. 29. H. Liu and K. K. Chow, “Dark pulse generation in fiber lasers incorporating carbon nanotubes,” Optics Express, 22(24):29708, 2014. 30. H. Liu and K. K. Chow, “Operation-switchable bidirectional pulsed fiber laser incorporating carbon-nanotube-based saturable absorber,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 20(5):0901905, 2014. 31. H. Liu and K. K. Chow, “Enhanced stability of dispersion-managed mode-locked fiber lasers with near-zero net cavity dispersion by high-contrast saturable absorbers,” Optics Letters, 39(1):150, 2014. 32. H. Liu, Y. Yang, and K. K. Chow, “Enhancement of thermal damage threshold of carbon-nanotube-based saturable absorber by evanescent-field interaction on fiber end,” Optics Express, 21(16):18975, 2013. 33. H. Liu and K. K. Chow, “Flat super-continuum generation using carbon nanotube-based mode-locked laser and normal dispersion photonic crystal fibre,” Electronics Letters, 49(16):1020, 2013. 34. H. Liu, K. K. Chow, S. Yamashita, and S. Y. Set, “Carbon-nanotube-based Q-switched fiber laser for high pulse generation,” Optics and Laser Technology, 45:713, 2013. 35. H. Liu, F. Pang, H. Guo, W. Cao, Y. Liu, N. Chen, Z. Chen, and T. Wang, “In series double cladding fibers for simultaneous refractive index and temperature measurement,” Optics Express, 18(12):13072, 2010. Join us Read More Contact Us Contact Address 201 Taizhou Building, Southern University of Science and Technology Office Phone Email liuhh@sustech.edu.cn
