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姓名 LimingLiu
性别 发明专利4999代写全部资料
学校 南方科技大学
部门 |School of Business, Division of Information Systems & Management Engineering
学位 发明专利包写包过 特惠申请
学历 版权登记666包过 代写全部资料
职称 Chair Professor
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邮箱 liulm3@sustech.edu.cn
集群智慧云企服 / 知识产权申请大平台
急速申请 包写包过 办事快、准、稳

Home Research Research Publications Teaching Protocol Sharing News Center for Pain Medicine Research Brief Info Software Alumni Join us Contact us Liming Liu Chair Professor |School of Business, Division of Information Systems & Management Engineering Personal Profile POSITION   Southern University of Science and Technology     Department of Information Systems and Management Engineering, College of Business       Chair Professor2021 - Present   Lingnan University     Faculty of Business       Chair Professor2011 - 2020   Hong Kong Polytechnic University     Faculty of Business       Professor2006 - 2011   Hong Kong University of Science and Technology     Department of Industrial Engineering and Logistics Management       Assistant/Associate Professor1993 - 2006   Huazhong University of Science and Technology(HUST)     School of Management       Lecturer1990 - 1991   EDUCATION   University of Toronto     Ph.D. Industrial Engineering/Operations Research1990   Huazhong Institute of Technology (Now HUST)     M.Eng. Engineering Management1983     B.Eng. Ship Building Engineering1980   Personal Profile Research Logistics, supply chain management, stochastic models, service system management Teaching Hong Kong University of Science and Technology  Undergraduate Courses  Operations Research II (Stochastic Models); Integrated Production Systems; Financial Engineering; Service Management and Operations Analysis; Introduction to Industrial Engineering and Model Logistics; Introduction to Operations Research  Postgraduate Courses  Stochastic Models in Operations Research; Reliability and Maintenance; Advanced Production Systems; Special Topics in Systems Engineering; Financial Engineering; Operations Management; Enterprise Resource Planning (2-day short course)    Hong Kong Polytechnic University and Lingnan University  Undergraduate Courses  Operations Management, Management Science  Postgraduate Courses  Supply Chain Management Publications Read More   Price Delegation or Not? The Effect of Heterogeneous Sales Agents under Asymmetric Information     Production and Operations Management. 2021 30 (5), 1350-1364 (with Chen J, Huang H, Xu H)   Push vs. Pull: Inventory-Leadtime Tradeoff for Managing System Variability     European Journal of Operational Research. 2020 287 (1), 119-132 (with Xu, H., Zhu X)   Procurement Auctions with Uncertain Satisfaction Risk     Production and Operations Management. 2019 28 (5), 1206-1221        (with Huang H., Parker, G. K., Tan, R., Xu H.)   Effects of Downstream Entry in a Supply Chain with a Spot Market     IIE Trans. 2019 51 (10), 1110-1127 (with Xing W., Zhang Q., Zhao X.)   The multi-criteria constrained shortest path problem     Transportation Research Part E. 2017 101, 13-29 (with Shi, N., Zhou, S., Wang, F., Tao, Y.)   Evolving competition between Hong Kong and Shenzhen ports     Maritime Policy & Management. 2015 42, 1-17 (with Tian, X., Wang, S.)   Lead-lag relationship between new-building and second-hand ship prices     Maritime Policy & Management. 2014 41, 303-327 (with Kou, Y., Luo, M.)   Development of a container port system in Pearl River Delta: path to multi-gateway ports     Journal of Transport Geography. 2013 28 (1), 30-38 (with Wang, K. T., Yip T.L.)   Service and price competitions facing pragmatic customers     Production and Operations Management. 2012 21 (4), 747-760 (with Li, L., Jiang, L.)   Post-entry container port capacity expansion     Transportation Research B. 2012 46(1), 120-138 (with Luo, M., Gao, F.)    An Optimal policy for dynamic joint price and leadtime quotation     Operations Research. 2011 59 (6), 1523-1527 (with Feng, Liu, X.)   Promised delivery time and capacity games in time competition     Management Science. 2011 57(3), 599-610 (with Shang, W.)   Markovian iterative method for degree distributions of growing networks     Physical. Review E. 2010 82 (3), 031105 (with Shi, D., Zhou, H.)   An econometric analysis of the container shipping market     Maritime Policy and Management. 2009 36 (5), 507-523 (with Luo, M., Fan)   VPeers: a peer-to-peer service discovery framework for virtual manufacturing organizations     Computer in Industry. 2008 59, 411-419 (with Xiang, A, Luo, Q.)       Pricing and leadtime decisions in a decentralized supply chain     Management Science. 2007 53, 713–725 (with Parlar, M., Zhu, X.)   Dynamic competitive newsvendors with service sensitive demands     Manufacturing and Service Operations Management. 2007 9, 84-93 (with Shang, W., Wu, S.)   Degree distributions of evolving networks     Europhysics Letters. 2006 76 (4), 731-737 (with Shi, D., Zhu, S. X., Zhou. H.)    Discrete-time models for common lifetime inventory systems     Mathematics of Operations Research. 2005 30, 718-732 (with Lian, Z., Neuts, M.)   An Markov chain-based numerical method for calculating network degree distributions     Physical Review E. 2005 71, 036140 (1-9) (with Shi, D., Chen, Q.)    Dynamic traffic control for web-server networks     Computer Networks. 2004 45 (4), 523-536 (with Lu, Y.)     Analysis and optimization of multi-stage inventory-queues     Management Science. 2004 50, 365-380 (with Liu, X., and Yao, D. D.)    Resource allocation in multi-site service systems with inter-site customer flow     Management Science. 2003 49, 1739-1752 (with Chao, X., Zheng, S.)   Commonality and postponement in multi-stage assembly systems     European Journal of Operational Research. 2002 142, 523-538 (with Ma, S., Wang, W.)     Throughput, flow time, and service level in an unreliable assembly system     European Journal of Operational Research. 2001 135, 602-615 (with Yuan, X.M.)     Coordinated replenishment in inventory systems with correlated demands     European Journal of Operational Research. 2000 123, 490-50 (with Yuan, X.M.)     (s, S) continuous review models for inventory with fixed lifetimes     Operations Research. 1999 47, 150-158 (with Lian, Z.)   Dynamic and static job allocation for multi-server systems     IIE Transactions. 1998 30, 845-854 (with Liu, X.)     Busy period in  Gx/G/∞     Journal of Applied Probability. 1996 33, 815-829 (with Shi, D.) ),   Departures in GXn/Gn/∞     Queueing Systems 19. 1995 399-419 (with Templeton, J.G.C.)    Autocorrelations in infinite server batch arrival queues     Queueing Systems. 1993 13, 571-595 (with Templeton, J.G.C.)    On the  Gx/G/∞ system     Journal of Applied Probability. 1990 27, 671-683 (with Kashyap, B.R.K., Templeton, J.G.C.)    (s, S) continuous review models for inventory with random lifetimes     Operations Research Letters. 1990 9, 161-167 Join us Read More Contact Us Contact Address Office Phone Email liulm3@sustech.edu.cn
