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姓名 HERTZJana
教师编号 20628
性别 发明专利4999代写全部资料
学校 南方科技大学
部门 数学系
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职称 教授
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教师主页 团队成员 科研项目 研究领域 学术成果 教学 科研分享 新闻动态 疼痛医学中心 成果介绍 软件 毕业去向 加入我们 联系我们 HERTZ Jana 教授 数学系 赫兹曾是乌拉圭共和国大学的数学教授。乌拉圭共和国大学是乌拉圭最古老,规模最大的大学。她本科毕业于阿根廷罗萨里奥国立大学,随后于1999年在乌拉圭共和国大学完成了博士学位,并留校任教,从助理教授一直升到正教授。 2016年,赫兹决定来深圳,到南科大数学系担任教授。 赫兹的研究方向是动力系统,研究重点是双曲线动力学。 个人简介 • Date of birth: February 11, 1970 Educational experience • Universidad Nacional de Rosario (Argentina), BSc, 1994 • Universidad de la Republica (Uruguay), PhD, 1999 Professional experience • 2016-: Full Professor (tenured), SUSTC (China) • 2011-: Full Professor, IMERL, Universidad de la Republica (Uruguay) • 2008-2011: Associate Professor, IMERL, Universidad de la Republica (Uruguay) • 2000-2008: Assistant Professor, IMERL, Universidad de Republica (Uruguay) • 1999: Assistant Professor, School of Economics, Universidad de la Republica (Uruguay) • 1994-2000: Teaching Assistant, IMERL, Universidad de la Republica (Uruguay) • 1994-1995: Teaching Assistant, CMAT, Universidad de la Republica (Uruguay) • 1992-1994: Teaching Assistant, Universidad Nacional de Rosario (Argentina) • 1991-1994: Professor, Instituto Politecnico Superior - Universidad Nacional de Rosario (Argentina) Positions in academic organizations and editorial services • 2016-2020 Vice-president for Latin-America and the Caribbean of the Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World (OWSD), depending from UNESCO • 2014-2019: Simons Associate of the International Center of Theoretical Physics - ICTP (Trieste, Italy) • 2009-: Member of the Uruguayan National System of Researchers (SNI) • Member of the Editorial Board of Publicaciones Matematicas del Uruguay. 个人简介 研究领域 Research Interests: Partially hyperbolic dynamics Smooth ergodic theory 教学 动力系统 常微分方程 学术成果 查看更多 Honors and Awards: Vice-president of the Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World (UNESCO), 2016 Evaluator for the Prize “For Women in Science” L’Oreal-Unesco, 2011 Buenos Aires Stock Exchange Foundation Prize, 1992 Selected 5 publications: 1. (with P. Carrasco, F. Rodriguez Hertz and R. Ures) Partially hyperbolic dynamics in dimension 3, to appear in Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 2. Genericity of non-uniform hyperbolicity in dimension 3, Journal of Modern Dynamics, 6,1, (2012), 121-138 3. (with F. Rodriguez Hertz, A. Tahzibi and R. Ures) Uniqueness of SRB measures for transitive diffeomorphisms, Communications in Mathematical Physics, 306, 1, (2011), 35-49 4. (with F. Rodriguez Hertz, A. Tahzibi and R. Ures) New criteria for ergodicity and non-uniform hyperbolicity, Duke Mathematical Journal, 160,3, (2011), 599-629 5. (with F. Rodriguez Hertz and R. Ures) Accessibility and stable ergodicity for partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms with 1D-center bundle, Inventiones Mathematicaes, 172, 2, (2008), 187-208. 新闻动态 更多新闻 我校树礼书院召开2019年导师工作会暨新生导师见面会 2019-12-02 动力系统国际会议 2019-12-02 雅娜·赫兹:女数学家的精彩人生 2019-12-02 团队成员 查看更多 PrevNext UpDown 加入团队 Faculty positions in Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Statistics and Financial MathematicsVisiting Assistant Professor (VAP) Positions in All Areas of MathematicsPostdoc Positions in All Areas of MathematicsSUSTech offers highly competitive salaries and benefits.Please check https://math.sustech.edu.cn/teacher.html or send an email to liuar@sustech.edu.cn to get more details. 查看更多 联系我们 联系地址 慧园3栋427 办公电话 电子邮箱 rhertz@sustc.edu.cn
