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姓名 段立伟
教师编号 24366
学校 浙江师范大学
部门 博士学位
学位 博士学位
学历 博士研究生毕业
职称 讲师
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段立伟 46 讲师 性别 : 男 毕业院校 : 浙江大学 学历 : 博士研究生毕业 学位 : 博士学位 在职信息 : 在岗 所在单位 : 物理与电子信息工程学院 入职时间 : 2020-07-15 学科 : 物理学 办公地点 : 29#427 联系方式 : 689365 (短号) Email : duanlw@gmail.com 访问量 : 0000002291 最后更新时间 : 2024.3.21 个人简介 教育经历2015.9 -- 2020.6浙江大学       凝聚态物理       博士研究生毕业       博士学位2007.9 -- 2011.6山东大学       应用物理学       大学本科毕业           学士学位研究方向量子光学与量子信息开放量子系统招生信息每年计划招收1-2名硕士研究生,欢迎对量子世界感兴趣的同学加入课题组共同探索学习。科研项目非线性相互作用下量子比特-谐振腔耦合系统的量子相变, 国家自然科学基金委员会, 青年基金, 2024/01/01-2026/12/31, 主持非线性Rabi模型的精确解及其在量子行走中的应用, 浙江省自然科学基金委员会, 探索青年, 2023/01/01-2025/12/31, 主持混合量子系统:量子多体问题的构筑单元, 国家自然科学基金委员会, 重点项目, 2019/01/01-2023/12/31, 参与多个量子比特与谐振腔在深强耦合下的多体纠缠演化和淬火动力学, 国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 2017/01/01-2020/12/31, 参与论文成果2023Liwei Duan, Periodic jumps in binary lattices with a static force, Phys. Rev. B 108, 174306 (2023).Liwei Duan, Quantum walk for SU(1,1), Phys. Rev. A, 107, 022224 (2023).Liwei Duan, Yan-Zhi Wang, Qing-Hu Chen, Quantum phase transitions in the triangular coupled-top model, Phys. Rev. B, 107, 094415 (2023).Wen Liu, Liwei Duan, Quantum Phase Transitions in a Generalized Dicke Model, Entropy, 25, 1492, (2023).2022Liwei Duan, Unified approach to the nonlinear Rabi models, New Journal of Physics, 24, 083045 (2022)Liwei Duan, Quantum walk on the Bloch sphere, Phys. Rev. A, 105, 042215 (2022)Shu He, Liwei Duan, Yan-Zhi Wang, Chen Wang, Qing-Hu Chen, Quantum phase transition in the one-dimensional Dicke-Hubbard model with coupled qubits, Phys. Rev. A, 106, 033712 (2022).Fei-Yu Wang, Jin-Cheng Liu, Zi Wang, Liwei Duan, Chen Wang, Jie Ren, Nonequilibrium thermal transport in the two-mode qubit-resonator system, Frontiers in Physics, 10, 964858 (2022)2021Xiang-You Chen, Liwei Duan, Daniel Braak, Qing-Hu Chen, Multiple ground state instabilities in the anisotropic quantum Rabi model, Phys. Rev. A, 103, 043708 (2021).Yan-Zhi Wang, Shu He, Liwei Duan, Qing-Hu Chen, Quantum tricritical point emerging in the spin-boson model with two dissipative spins in staggered biases, Phys. Rev. B, 103, 205106 (2021).2020Liwei Duan, Qing-Hu Chen, Single-photon scattering controlled by an imperfect cavity,  Chin. Phys. B, 29, 070301  (2020).Liwei Duan, Qing-Hu Chen, PT Symmetry of a Square-Wave Modulated Two-Level System, Chin. Phys. Lett. 37, 081101 (2020).Yan-Zhi Wang, Shu He, Liwei Duan, Qing-Hu Chen, Rich phase diagram of quantum phases in the anisotropic subohmic spin-boson model,  PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 101, 155147 (2020). Before 2020Liwei Duan, You-Fei Xie, Qing-Hu Chen, the mixed quantum Rabi model, Scientific Reports 9, 18353 (2019).You-Fei Xie, Liwei Duan, Qing-Hu Chen, Quantum Rabi–Stark model: solutions and exotic energy spectra, Journal of Physics A 52, 245304 (2019).Shu He, Liwei Duan, Chen Wang, Qing-Hu Chen, Quantum Zeno effect in a circuit-QED system, Physical Review A 99, 052101 (2019).Yan-Zhi Wang, Shu He, Liwei Duan, Qing-Hu Chen, Quantum phase transitions in the spin-boson model without the counterrotating terms,  PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 100, 115106 (2019).Shu He, Liwei Duan, Qing-Hu Chen, Improved Silbey-Harris polaron ansatz for the spin-boson model,  PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 97, 115157 (2018).Liwei Duan, You-Fei Xie, Daniel Braak, Qing-Hu Chen, Two-photon Rabi model: analytic solutions and spectral collapse,  Journal of Physics A 49, 464002 (2016).Liwei Duan, Shu He, Daniel Braak, Qing-Hu Chen, Solution of the two-mode quantum Rabi model using extended squeezed states,  Europhysics Letters 112, 34003 (2015)Liwei Duan, Shu He, Qing-Hu Chen, Concise analytic solutions to the quantum Rabi model with two arbitrary qubits, Annals of Physics 355, 121-129 (2015).Liwei Duan, Hui Wang, Qing-Hu Chen, Yang Zhao, Entanglement dynamics of two qubits coupled individually to Ohmic baths, J. Chem. Phys., 139, 044115 (2013).Yao Yao, Liwei Duan, Zhiguo Lv, Changqin Wu, Yang Zhao, Dynamics of the sub-Ohmic spin-boson model: A comparison of three numerical approaches, Phys. Rev. E 88, 023303 (2013).Ning Wu, Liwei Duan, Xin Li, Yang Zhao, Dynamics of the sub-Ohmic spin-boson model: A time-dependent variational study, J. Chem. Phys. 138, 084111 (2013).
