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姓名 李科
教师编号 92336
性别 李科
学校 哈尔滨工业大学
部门 数学研究院
学位 李科
学历 李科
职称 教授
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基本信息 科学研究 English Version 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 李科,男,1981年12月出生于湖南双峰,现为哈尔滨工业大学数学研究院教授,从事概率统计与量子信息的交叉研究。 教育经历 名称 2000年09月—2004年07月 中国科学技术大学 学士 2004年09月—2009年12月 中国科学技术大学 博士 2008年03月—2008年09月 英国布里斯托大学 访问学生 工作经历 名称 2010年02月—2013年07月 新加坡国立大学 Research Fellow 2013年07月—2016年07月 IBM沃森研究中心和麻省理工学院 Senior Postdoctoral Research Associate 2016年07月—2017年07月 加州理工学院 Postdoctoral Scholar 2017年09月— 哈尔滨工业大学 教授 研究兴趣 名称 我的研究兴趣为概率统计和量子信息。具体地说,我研究量子力学框架下的非交换概率、统计和信息论。这是一个数学和物理的交叉研究领域,属于量子信息科学的基础理论,同时它与算子空间理论、非交换概率论、随机矩阵理论等当今数学的主要研究方向有深刻的联系和卓有成效的互动。 发表论文 名称 1. Ke Li, Andreas Winter, XuBoZou, and GuangCan Guo, Private capacity of quantum channels is not additive.Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 120501 (2009). 2. Frederic Dupuis,Patrick Hayden, and Ke Li, A father protocol for quantum broadcast channels. IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 56 (6), 2946-2956 (2010). 3. Chuan-Feng Li, Jin-ShiXu, Xiao-Ye Xu, Ke Li, and Guang-Can Guo, Experimental investigation of theentanglement-assisted entropic uncertainty principle. Nature Phys. 7, 752-756(2011). 4. Ke Li, AndreasWinter, Relative entropy and squashed entanglement. Commun. Math.Phys. 326 (1) , 63-80 (2014). 5. Debbie Leung, Ke Li, GraemeSmith, John Smolin, Maximal privacy without coherence. Phys. Rev. Lett.113, 030502 (2014). 6. Ke Li, Second-orderasymptotics for quantum hypothesis testing. Ann. Statist. 42 (1) , 171-189(2014). 7. Ke Li, GraemeSmith, Quantum de Finetti theorem under fully-one-way adaptivemeasurements. Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 160503 (2015). 8. Ke Li, Discriminatingquantum states: the multiple Chernoff distance. Ann. Statist. 44 (4),1661-1679 (2016). 9. Andrew Cross, Ke Li,and Graeme Smith, Uniform additivity in classical and quantum information.Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 040501 (2017). 10. Ke Li and Andreas Winter,Squashed entanglement, k-extendibility, quantum Markov chains, and recoverymaps. arXiv: 1410.4184. Ke Li 名称 I am a Professor at the Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics, Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT). I have been selected into the 14th National "Thousand Young Talents" Program of China. Before joining HIT, I worked as a Postdoctoral Scholar at Caltech (mentor: Fernando Brandao), a Senior Research Associate jointly at IBM Watson Research Center and MIT (mentors: Charles Bennett, Aram Harrow, Graeme Smith, John Smolin), and a Research Fellow at NUS (mentor: Andreas Winter). I earned my Ph.D. in 2009 from the Department of Physics, University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), under the supervision of Prof. Guangcan Guo and Prof. Xubo Zou. Back in 2004, I received my B.S. degree from the School of Information Science and Technology, USTC. Contact: keli (at) hit.edu.cn; carl.ke.lee (at) gmail.com Research Interests 名称 Quantum {Probability, Statistics, Information Theory}. Publications 名称 1. Ke Li, Andreas Winter, XuBo Zou, and GuangCan Guo, Private capacity of quantum channels is not additive. Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 120501 (2009). 2. Frederic Dupuis, Patrick Hayden, and Ke Li, A father protocol for quantum broadcast channels. IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 56 (6), 2946-2956 (2010). 3. Chuan-Feng Li, Jin-Shi Xu, Xiao-Ye Xu, Ke Li, and Guang-Can Guo, Experimental investigation of the entanglement-assisted entropic uncertainty principle. Nature Phys. 7, 752-756 (2011). 4. Ke Li, Andreas Winter, Relative entropy and squashed entanglement. Commun. Math. Phys. 326 (1) , 63-80 (2014). 5. Debbie Leung, Ke Li, Graeme Smith, John Smolin, Maximal privacy without coherence. Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 030502 (2014). 6. Ke Li, Second-order asymptotics for quantum hypothesis testing. Ann. Statist. 42 (1) , 171-189 (2014). 7. Ke Li, Graeme Smith, Quantum de Finetti theorem under fully-one-way adaptive measurements. Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 160503 (2015). 8. Ke Li, Discriminating quantum states: the multiple Chernoff distance. Ann. Statist. 44 (4), 1661-1679 (2016). 9. Andrew Cross, Ke Li, and Graeme Smith, Uniform additivity in classical and quantum information. Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 040501 (2017). 10. Ke Li and Andreas Winter, Squashed entanglement, k-extendibility, quantum Markov chains, and recovery maps. arXiv: 1410.4184. Professional Services 名称 PC Member of QIP 2018, TQC 2018. Referee for Annals of Statistics, Communications in Mathematical Physics, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Physical Review Letters, Physical Review A, Journal of Mathematical Physics, QIP, ITCS, IEEE ISIT.
