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姓名 沈朝
教师编号 92232
性别 沈朝
学校 哈尔滨工业大学
部门 建筑与设计学院
学位 沈朝
学历 沈朝
职称 教授
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基本信息 科学研究 论文著作 大会报告 指导学生 授课情况 ... 授课情况 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 沈朝,男,长聘岗教授,博士生导师,建筑学院人才专项办公室主任。2023年入选黑龙江省C类人才计划;2022年入选国际期刊Renewable Energy 执行编委;2021年获国际ASHRAE 协会创新项目;2020年黑龙江省优秀青年基金获得者;2019年入选黑龙江省“头雁计划”;2015年入选哈工大海外招聘青年拔尖人才计划。 工作经历 名称 2023.07-今 :哈尔滨工业大学建筑热能工程系;教授(长聘) 2022.12-2023.06:哈尔滨工业大学建筑热能工程系;教授(准聘) 2016.07-2022.12:哈尔滨工业大学建筑热能工程系; 副教授(青年拔尖),2018评为博士生导师 2013.07-2016.07:美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign),博士后 2012.02-2013.02:美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign),联培博士 2011.01-2012.01:香港理工大学(The Hong Kong Polytechnic University),联合培养博士 2010.03-2010.10:香港理工大学(The Hong Kong Polytechnic University),联合培养博士 教育经历 名称 2009.09-2013.07:哈尔滨工业大学/供热供燃气通风及空调工程,工学博士 2007.09-2009.07:哈尔滨工业大学/供热供燃气通风及空调工程,工学硕士 2003.09-2007.07:河北工业大学/建筑环境与设备工程系,工学学士 主要任职 名称 2023年-今:全国暖通空调产业技术创新联盟青年学术委员会副主任 2022年-今:国际期刊Renewable Energy执行编委 2022年-今:哈尔滨工业大学学报青年编委 2021年-今:国际期刊Renewable Energy特刊主编2021年-今:国际期刊Energies Topic Editor 2015年-今: 美国ASHRAE协会TC 8.5技术委员会成员 2016年-今:ASHRAE Student Branch Advisor 2014年: 国际会议The SusTEM 2015 International Conference学术委员会委员 2020年:哈尔滨市节能协会副理事长 荣誉称号 名称 2023.11: 全国暖通空调杰出青年荣誉称号 2020.06:哈尔滨工业大学大学生创新创业教育优秀指导教师奖 2019.10: 哈尔滨工业大学教学成果奖二等奖(第一完成人) 2019.06: 入选黑龙江省“头雁计划”雁阵成员 2019.10: 第三届哈工大我最喜爱的优秀班主任荣誉称号 2017.10:2017年获得黑龙江省科技进步三等奖 2017.06:首届“我最喜爱的优秀班主任”称号 2015.07:海外引进青年拔尖人才 2014.07:第十六届校优秀博士论文 2013.04:全国制冷专业优秀博士生“夏安世-西克”奖学金 2012、2014:分获国际埃尼奖“Eni Award”提名 2012.11:优秀博士生国家奖学金 2012.10:第十四批正在进行的优秀博士学位论文 供热、供燃气、通风及空调工程 名称 太阳能光谱编辑与有序利用 产能型建筑与新型热泵技术 光催化与室内空气洁净技术 月球科研站内光热环境营造 科研项目 名称 主持项目:14. 企业横向:PV/T-S型多能互补宽湿阈除湿机组研发服务 13. 国家重点研发计划政府间国际科技创新合作重点专项项目 12. 科技部国际项目(全国1项) 11. 科技部外专局项目 10. 企业横向课题7项 9. 国家自然科学基金面上项目 8. 原创前沿探索项目 7. 黑龙江省自然科学基金优秀青年项目 6. 国家自然科学基金青年项目 5. 黑龙江省自然科学基金青年项目 4. 黑龙江省留学回国人员择优资助基金 3. 哈工大青年拔尖人才科研启动基金参与项目: 2. 国家重点研发计划课题:严寒地区低冷热负荷建筑供暖供冷系统研究 1. 国家重点研发计划课题:既有居住建筑低能耗改造关键技术研究与示范 教改项目: 1. 黑龙江省高等教育教学改革项目 论文著作 名称 2023年ESI高被引论文1篇; 2022年ESI高被引论文1篇,ESI热点论文1篇; 2.特别报导论文(Featured Paper):2021年3月,1篇SCI论文成为Journal of Thermal Science的高被引论文,1篇SCI论文被Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy作为特别报道论文。 1.特别报导项目(Featuring project): 2021年8月,美国ASHRAE协会将项目 “Measurement and Prediction of Waterside Fouling Performance of Internally Enhanced Condenser Tubes Used in Cooling Tower Applications” 的研究成果在 ASHRAE Journal Newsletter进行特别报导。 著作: 1. 《换热器结垢原理与抑制技术》. 作者:沈朝, 姚杨, 王源, 高榕. 机械工业出版社. 2023.03. 2. 《Nanotechnology Applications for Solar Energy Systems》--Chapter 17 《Nanotechnology in Solar lighting》. Chao Shen*, Changyun Ruan, Guoquan LV. 2023, Wiley. 2024年 4. Pu Jihong, Han Miao, Lu Lin*, Shen Chao**, Wang Fang. Spectrally selective design and energy-saving demonstration of a novel liquid-filled window in hot and humid region. Energy, 2024, 297: 131090. 3. Liu Xingjiang, Yang Haotian, Wang Chaojie, Shen Chao*, Bo Rui, Hinkle Laura, Wang Julian. Semi-experimental investigation on the energy performance of photovoltaic double skin fa?ade with different fa?ade materials. Energy. 2024, 295:131049. 2. Xingjiang Liu, Chao Shen*, Haotian Yang, Julian Wang, Comprehensive investigation on lighting and energy-saving performance of lightingheating coupled tubular daylighting devices integrated with nanofluids, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2024, 239: 122094 1. Jihong Pu, Chao Shen*, Lin Lu, Yi Long, Chunxiao Zhang, Yong Shuai, Soteris A. Kalogirou. Ammonia powered thermal-responsive smart window with spectral regulation of Cu2%2B and sodium copper chlorophyllin. Energy Conversion and Management, 2024, 299: 117815 2023年 10. Miao Han, Jihong Pu**, Yongdong Liu, Xingjiang Liu, Hongyuan Mei, Chao Shen*. Near-infrared blocking window based on ATO-CWO/PVB nano-lamination. Renewable Energy, 2023, 219: 119382 9. Xiaojian Duan, Chao Shen*, Dingming Liu, Yupeng Wu. The performance analysis of a photo/thermal catalytic Trombe wall with energy generation. Renewable Energy, 2023, 218: 119361 8. Xingjiang Liu, Chao Shen*, Rui Bo, Julian Wang, Neda Ghaeili Ardabili. Experimental investigation on the operation performance of photovoltaic double skin facade in winter. Energy, 2023,283: 129040 7. Jihong Pu, Chao Shen*, Lin Lu. Investigating the annual energy-saving and energy-output behaviors of a novel liquid-flow window with spectral regulation of ATO nanofluids. Energy, 2023,283: 129111 6. Xingjiang Liu, Chao Shen*, Julian Wang, Chunxiao Zhang, Yong Shuai. Static and dynamic regulations of photovoltaic double skin facades towards building sustainability A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2023,183: 113458. 5. 齐中琨,沈朝*,王芳. 基于ArcGIS的区域建筑物屋顶太阳能应用潜力评估. 低温建筑技术. 4. Jihong Pu, Chao Shen*, Julian Wang, Yingbo Zhang, Chunxiao Zhang, Soteris A. Kalogirou. Near-infrared absorbing glazing for energy-efficient windows: A critical review and performance assessments from the building requirements. Nano Energy, 2023,110:108334. 3. 阮昌运,沈朝,张春晓,潘文特,孟治国,叶罕霖. 驻人月球科研站围护结构传热性能及其对室温的影响分析. 哈尔滨工业大学学报,录用。 2. Chao Shen*, Jinqing Peng, Dengjia Wang, Gang Pei. Recent advances in multispectral solar energy technologies for the building sector. Renewable Energy, 2023, 202: 1146-1147 1. Zhang Chunxiao, Shen Chao*, Zhang Yingbo, Zheng Kaijie, Pu Jihong, Zhao Xudong, Ma Xiaoli. Experimental study of indoor light/thermal environment with spectrally selective windows using ATO nanofluids in winter. Energy and Buildings, 2023, 278:112597 2022年: 13. 孟治国,常文清,沈朝,平劲松,黄少鹏,蔡占川,张渊智. 史密斯海月球长期科研站选址与潜在科学目标分析. 深空探测学报,2022, 9(5):521-531. 12. 万志豪, 沈朝*, 王源. 疏水涂层对内螺纹强化管表面污垢生长的影响. 工程热物理学报, 2022, 9: 2457-2465. 11. 沈朝*, 计长勇, 张春晓. 外翅片强化PV/PCM系统热管理性能研究. 太阳能学报, 2022,43(9):52-56. 10. Zhihao Wan, Yuan Wang*, Chao Shen, Changyun Ruan. Influence of hydrophobic coatings on fouling mechanism of combined fouling in enhanced tubes. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2022, 216: 1190 9. Xiaojian Duan, Chao Shen*, Dongqin Chen, Zhiqiang Zhai. Effect of environmental factors on the concentration distribution of bioaerosols with different particle sizes in an enclosed space, Indoor and Built Environment, 2022, 1-17. 10.1177/1420326X221115613 8. Rong Gao, Chao Shen*, Xinlei Wang*, Yang Yao. Experimental study on the fouling and heat transfer characteristics of enhanced tubes used in a cooling tower water system with the actual water quality, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 181: 2022, 107777. 7. Chunxiao Zhang, Chao Shen*, Yingbo Zhang, Jihong Pu. Feasibility investigation of spectral splitting photovoltaic/thermal systems for domestic space heating, Renewable Energy, 2022, 192: 231-242. 6. Xingjiang Liu, Chao Shen*, Julian Wang. Investigation on the lighting/heating performance of tubular daylighting devices (TDDs) based on nanofluids, Energy and Buildings,2022, 263: 112028. 5. Jihong Pu, Chao Shen*, Chunxiao Zhang, Xu Yan. A semi-experimental investigation on the anti-frosting potential of homogenizing the uneven frosting for air source heat pumps, Energy and Buildings, 2022, 260 (1): 111939. 4. Meng Gu, Chao Shen, Lei Li. A numerical investigation of energy-saving potential of inner solarshade film: A case study of the National Aquatics Center, China. Energy for Sustainable Development, 2022, 67: 54-66. 3. Yuan Wang, Chao Shen*, Zhihao Wan, Zhong Luo, Yang Yao. Investigation on the fouling mechanism at different water velocities in internally enhanced tubes. Heat and Mass Transfer, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00231-022-03177-3. 2. Jihong Pu, Chao Shen*, Shaoxin Yang, Chunxiao Zhang, Dorota Chwieduk, Soteris A. Kalogirou. Feasibility investigation on using silver nanorods in energy saving windows for light/heat decoupling. Energy, 2022, 245: 123289 1. Chao Shen*, Kaijie Zheng, Changyun Ruan, Guoquan Lv, Mahroo Eftekhari. Operation strategy and energy-saving of the solar lighting/heating system through spectral splitting. Energy and Built Environment, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enbenv.2022.01.002 2021年: 9. Jihong Pu, Chao Shen*, Haotian Yang, Mingzhong Wen, Xingjiang Liu. Investigating heat transfer and frosting performance of air source heat pumps with the impact of particulate fouling. Energy for Sustainable Development, 2021, 65: 194-203 8. Chunxiao Zhang, Chao Shen*, Yingbo Zhang, Cheng Sun, Dorota Chwieduk, Soteris A. Kalogirou. Optimization of the electricity/heat production of a PV/T system based on spectral splitting with Ag nanofluid, Renewable Energy, 2021, 180: 30-39 7. Jihong Pu, Chao Shen*, Chunxiao Zhang, Xingjiang Liu. A semi-experimental method for evaluating frosting performance of air source heat pumps. Renewable Energy, 2021, 173: 913-925. 6. Rong Gao, Chao Shen*, Xinlei Wang*, Yang Yao, A generalized prediction model of waterside fouling for internally enhanced tubes in shell and tube condensers, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2021, 195:117150 5. Yingbo Zhang, Chao Shen*, Chunxiao Zhang. The study of heat control on PVT modules with a new leaf-like heat exchanger. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 2021, 13: 023703. 4. Yingbo Zhang, Chao Shen*, Chunxiao Zhang, Jihong Pu, Shen Wei, Yu Dong. A novel porous channel to optimize the cooling performance of PV modules. Energy and Built Environment, 2021, doi.org/10.1016/j.enbenv.2021.01.003. 3. Chao Shen*, Qianru Yang*, Shijun Ma, Chunxiao Zhang, Yu Dong. Optimized optical properties of Au nanorods with flow regulation to enhance the performance of direct absorption solar collectors. Solar Energy, 2021, 218: 611-620. 2. Chunxiao Zhang, Chao Shen*, Shen Wei, Yingbo Zhang, Cheng Sun, Flexible management of heat/electricity of novel PV/T systems with spectrum regulation by Ag nanofluids. Energy, 2021, 221: 119903. 1. Chao Shen*, Yingbo Zhang*, Chunxiao Zhang, Jihong Pu, Shen Wei, Yu Dong, A numerical investigation on optimization of PV/T systems with the field synergy theory, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2021, 185:116381. 2020年: 1. Rong Gao, Chao Shen*, Xinlei Wang, Yang Yao, Experimental investigation on the sticking probability and deposit bond strength of fouling process for enhanced tubes considering the effect of water quality, Science and Technology for the Built Environment 2. Yuan Wang, Chao Shen*, Shen Wei, Chenyu Ma, Zhenbo Tang, Yang Yao, The effect of water velocity on the sticking probability and deposit bond strength of particulate fouling. International Journal of Thermal Sciences. 3. Yuan Wang, Chao Shen*, Pengyi Sun, Chengyao Li, Utilization of Waste Heat from Commercial Kitchen Exhaust for Water Heating and Dish Drying, Journal of Building Engineering, 2020, 32: 101788 4. Rong Gao, Chao Shen*, Xinlei Wang*, Yang Yao, Experimental study on long-term fouling of enhanced tubes: Effect of water quality, Science and Technology for the Built Environment, 2020, DOI: 10.1080/23744731.2020.1790268 5. Chunxiao Zhang, Chao Shen*, Qianru Yang, Shen Wei, Cheng Sun, Ag nanofluids with optimized optical properties to regulate the performance of PV/T systems, Solar Energy, 2020, 208: 623-636. 6. Chunxiao Zhang, Chao Shen*, Qianru Yang, Shen Wei, Guoquan Lv, Cheng Sun, An investigation on the attenuation effect of air pollution on regional solar radiation, Renewable Energy, 2020, 161: 570-578. 7. Kostikov Sergei, ChaoShen*, YiqiangJiang*. A review of the current work potential of a trombe wall. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2020, 130: 109947. 8. Chunxiao Zhang, Chao Shen*, Shen Wei, Cheng Sun*. Review on recent development of cooling technologies for photovoltaic modules. Journal of Thermal Science. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11630-020-1350-y 9. Chao Shen, Guoquan Lv, Shen Wei, Chunxiao Zhang, Changyun Ruan. Investigating the performance of a novel solar lighting/heating system using spectrum-sensitive nanofluids. Applied Energy, 2020, 270: 115208 10. Chao Shen*, Junfei Ma, Jihong Pu, Yunhao Hu, Yang Yao*, Shiming Deng. The effect of PM2.5 air pollution on the frosting process of outdoor finned-tube evaporator. Energy and Buildings, 2020, 213: 109808 11. Tao Song, Jinyi Tian, Long Ni*, Chao Shen*, Yang Yao. Experimental study of de-foulant hydrocyclone performance with a conical surface. Powder Technology. 2020, 366: 283-292 12. Tao Song, Jinyi Tian, Long Ni*, Chao Shen*, Yang Yao Experimental study on liquid flow fields in de-foulant hydrocyclones with reflux ejector using particle image velocimetry. Separation and Purification Technology. 2020, 240: 116555 13. Chao Shen*, Mohong Wang, Chunxiao Zhang, Yu Dong, Long Ni, Yiqiang Jiang. Experimental investigation on a novel sewage-resource-based system with functions of heat recovery and water purification. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2020, 165: 114580 2019年: 13. Yuan Wang, Chao Shen*, Zhenbo Tang, Yang Yao, Xinlei Wang, Benjamin Park. Interaction between particulate fouling and precipitation fouling: sticking probability and deposit bond strength. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 144: 118700. 14. Guoquan Lv, Chao Shen*, Zhitao Han*, Wei Liao, Dong Chen. Experimental investigation on the cooling performance of a novel grooved radiant panel filled with heat transfer liquid. Sustainable Cities and Society, 2019, 50: 101638. 15. Chao Shen, Rong Gao, Xinlei Wang, Yang Yao. Investigation on fouling of enhanced tubes used in a cooling tower water system based on a long-term test. International Journal of Refrigeration, 2019, 104:9-18 16. Chao Shen, Yuan Wang, Zhenbo Tang, Yang Yao, Yudong Huang, Xinlei Wang. Experimental study on the interaction between particulate fouling and precipitation fouling in the fouling process on heat transfer tubes. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 138: 1238-1250. 17. Chao Shen*, Zhuoyu Lei, Guoquan Lv, Long Ni, Shiming Deng. An experimental investigation on a novel WWSHP system with the heat recovery through the evaporation of wastewater using circulating air as a medium, Energy and Buildings, 2019, 191: 117-126. 18. Rong Gao, Chao Shen*, Xinlei Wang, Yang Yao, Experimental study on the sticking probability and deposit bond strength of fouling in enhanced tubes, International Communications of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 103: 17-23. 19. Chao Shen*, Zhuoyu Lei, Guoquan Lv, Long Ni*, Shiming Deng. Experimental performance evaluation of a novel anti-fouling wastewater source heat pump system with a wastewater tower. Applied Energy, 2019, 236: 690-699. (SCI) 20. Jinyi Tian, Long Ni*, Tao Song, Chao Shen*, Yang Yao, Jianing Zhao. Numerical study of foulant-water separation using hydrocyclones enhanced by reflux device: Effect of underflow pipe diameter. Separation and Purification Technology, 2019, 215: 10-24. 21. Tao Song, Jinyi Tian, Long Ni*, Chao Shen*, Yang Yao. Experimental study on performance of a de-foulant hydrocyclone with differentreflux devices for sewage source heat pump. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019, 149:354-365. (SCI) 22. Jinyi Tian, Long Ni*, Tao Song, Chao Shen*, Jianing Zhao. Numerical study of foulant-water separation using hydrocyclones enhanced by ejection device Effect of ejection velocity. Energy, 2018, 163: 641-659. (SCI) 23. Tao Song, Jinyi Tian, Long Ni*, Chao Shen*, Yang Yao. Experimental study on enhanced separation of a novel de-foulant hydrocyclone with a reflux ejector. Energy, 2018, 163: 490-500. (SCI) 24. Chao Shen, Yuan Wang, Rong Gao, Yang Yao, Xinlei Wang. An improved modeling method of water-side fouling in enhanced tubes of condensers in application of cooling water tower. Journal of Thermal Science, 2019, 28 (1): 30-39. (SCI) 2018年: 25. Chao Shen, Zhuoyu Lei, Yuan Wang, Chenghu Zhang, Yang Yao. A review on the current research and application of wastewater source heat pumps in China. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress. 2018(6):140-156. 26. Chao Shen, Yuan Wang, Zilong Zhao, Yiqiang Jiang, Yang Yao. Decoupling analysis on the variations of liquid velocity and heat flux in the test of fouling thermal resistance. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2018, 123: 227-238. (SCI) 2017年: 27. Chao Shen, Lin Wang, Steven E. Ford, Cancan Zhang, Xinlei Wang. A novel fouling measurement system: Part II. Commissioning. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2017,110:950-961. (SCI) 28. Chao Shen, Lin Wang, Steven E. Ford, Cancan Zhang, Xinlei Wang. A novel fouling measurement system: Part I. design evaluation and description. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2017,110:940-949. (SCI) 2015年及以前: 29. Chao Shen, Chris Cirone, Xinlei Wang. Uncertainty analysis: design of a fouling test device for the liquid-to-refrigerant heat exchangers. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2015, 85: 148-159. (SCI) 30. Chao Shen, Chris Cirone, Xinlei Wang. A method for developing the prediction model of water-side fouling on enhanced tubes. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2015, 85: 336-342. (SCI) 31. Chao Shen, Chris Cirone, Anthony M. Jacobi, Xinlei Wang. Fouling of enhanced tubes for condensers used in cooling tower systems: a literature review. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2015, 79: 74-87. (SCI) 32. Chao Shen, Liangcheng Yang, Xinlei Wang, Yiqiang Jiang, Yang Yao. Predictive performance of a wastewater source heat pump (WWSHP) using artificial neural networks. Building Services Engineering Research & Technology, 2015, 36 (3) 331-342. (SCI) 33. Chao Shen, Liangcheng Yang, Xinlei Wang, Yiqiang Jiang, Yang Yao. An experimental and numerical study of a de-fouling evaporator used in a wastewater source heat pump. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2014, 70 (1): 501-509. (SCI) 34. Chao Shen, Yiqiang Jiang, Yang Yao, Shiming Deng, Xinlei Wang. A field study of a wastewater source heat pump (WWSHP) for domestic hot water heating. Building Services Engineering Research & Technology, 2013, 34 (4): 433-448. (SCI) 35. Chao Shen, Chris Cirone, Liangcheng Yang, Yiqiang Jiang, Xinlei Wang. Characteristics of fouling development in shell-and-tube heat exchanger: Effect of velocity and relative location. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2014, 77: 439-448. (SCI) 36. Chao Shen, Yiqiang Jiang, Yang Yao, Xinlei Wang. An experimental comparison of two heat exchangers used in wastewater source heat pump: A novel dry-expansion shell-and-tube evaporator versus a conventional immersed evaporator. Energy, 2012, 47:600-608. (SCI) 37. Chao Shen, Yiqiang Jiang, Yang Yao, Shiming Deng. Experimental performance evaluation of a novel dry-expansion evaporator with de-fouling function in a wastewater source heat pump. Applied Energy, 2012, 95: 202-209. (SCI) 专利 名称 11.沈朝,蒲积宏,张春晓. 一种基于纳米流体的热响应型智能变色窗.中国发明专利. 10.沈朝,张春晓,蒲积宏.一种光热光伏双效节能玻璃. 中国发明专利 9. 沈朝,毕秀新, 张春晓, 等. 一种用于光伏电池温度控制的能量利用装置.中国发明专利 8. 沈朝,吕国荃,一种基于热辐射传输管的集中供热系统,中国发明专利 7. 沈朝,张春晓,蒲积宏. 一种冬夏两用分光谱调控定向热通节能玻璃窗, 中国发明专利 6. 沈朝,吕国荃,阮昌运,朱志鹏,石含,茆庆. 高倍聚焦太阳光光纤传输照明用热双效系统,中国发明专利 5. 沈朝,姜益强,方佳民. 一种适合于既有居住建筑节能改造的可再生能源热泵系统,中国发明专利 5. 沈朝,孙鹏翼,倪龙,姜益强,姚杨,一种兼具制冷除湿制热的污水废热回收系统,中国发明专利 3. 姜益强,姚杨,马最良,沈朝,具有快速除污功能的完全可拆装的管壳式换热器,2010.06.23,中国,ZL200810064925.7 2. 姜益强,姚杨,马最良,沈朝,具有快速除污功能的干式管壳式污水源热泵机组,2010.01.27,中国,ZL200810136842.4 1. 姜益强,姚杨,马最良,沈朝,具有快速除污功能的干式管壳式换热器, 2009.11.25,中国,ZL200810136804.9 大会特约报告 名称 国内特邀报告: 2023.07:第三届华人能源与人工环境国际学术会议(2023),分论坛主席及特邀报告,上海 2023.04:第23届全国暖通空调制冷学术年会(2022),学术报告,徐州 2022.09: ROOMVENT 2022, 分会场主席 2021.07.18: 第二届华人能源与人工环境国际学术会议. 基于微纳光学的太阳能分光谱调控及有序利用, 成都,特邀报告 2021.06.28: “Investigation on Fouling of Enhanced Tubes Used in a Cooling Tower Water System Based on a Long-Term Test”, 2021 ASHRAE Virtual Annual Conference, US, Invited Speaker. 2021.06.28: "Experimental Study on the Fouling Prediction Model, Sticking Probability and Deposit Bond Strength of Fouling in Enhanced Tubes", 2021 ASHRAE Virtual Annual Conference, US, Invited Speaker. 2021.06.23: “Solar Energy Applications in Buildings”, Culture-Education-Science Conference under the auspices of Warsaw University of Technology (WUT) and Beijing Jiaotong University (BJTU) organised by Confucius Institute, WUT. Online report, Invited speaker. 2020-12-08至09: 建筑中太阳能分光谱有序利用技术研究, 2020国际可再生能源供热技术大会, 内蒙古包头, Speaker 2019.10: Design And Experimental Study of Solar Lighting-Heating System Based on Spectral Selectivity of Nanofluids, Applied Energy Symposium 2019: Low carbon cities and urban energy systems, Xiamen, Speaker. 2019.08:The Challenges and Solutions of Wastewater Source Heat Pumps, Researcher Links China-UK workshop of low-carbon heating and cooling technologies, Wuhan, Invited Speaker. 2019.07: The applications of wastewater source heat pumps, ISHVAC 2019, Harbin, China, Invited Speaker. 污水源热泵系统运行特性研究(特邀报告), 2017年中国制冷学会学术年会, 西安, 2017.11.14-2017.11.17 Chao shen, A novel anti-fouling wastewater source heat pump (特邀报告), 2018 China-UK Workshop on renewable Energy systems in Zero Carbon villages, Tibet, 2018.08.07-2018.08.08 Chao Shen, The Challenges and Solutions of Wastewater Source Heat Pumps (特邀报告), 2018 Researcher Links China-UK workshop of low-carbon heating and cooling technologies, Wuhan, 2019.08.05-2019.08.08 2014-今:参加ASHRAE国际电话会议并作主要发言讨论30多次,平均每年参加6次。Tele-conference with ASHRAE committee member, US, Speaker 2018.06: The 9th Asian Conference on Refrigeration and Air-conditioning, Sapporo, Japan, Speaker 2017.02: American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) 2016 summer Conference, Las Vegas, US, Speaker 2016.06: American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) 2016 summer Conference, St. Louis, US, Speaker 2016.01: American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) 2016 Winter Conference, Orlando, US, Speaker 2015.01: American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) 2015 Winter Conference, Chicago, US, Speaker 2014.06: American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) 2014 Summer Conference, Seattle, US, Speaker 2014.04: Annual Conference of Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Center (ACRC) in University of Illinois,Champaign, Illinois, US, Speaker 2014.01: American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) 2014 Winter Conference, New York, US, Speaker 2012.07: The 14th International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference at Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, US, Speaker 2011.11: The final report seminar for the project of “Sustainable Low Cost Residential Humidity Control in Hong Kong”, Hong Kong, SAR, Speaker 博士生 名称 10、2023.09-,陈国政:太空冷能利用与驻人月球空间环境营造 9、 2023.09-,黄玉琦:保温与遮阳独立调节建筑围护结构研究 8、 2023.09-,米文森:电致变色玻璃幕墙光热调节特性及节能分析 7、 2022.09-,刘星江:光热/光电双模式玻璃幕墙的光-热-电特性研究6、 2021.09-,蒲积宏:基于微纳光学的透明围护结构太阳能光热调控 (香港理工大学双学位) 5、 2020.09-,段骁健:基于太阳能的生态光催化室内空气洁净技术 (香港理工大学联培) 4、 2019.03-2022.12,张春晓:太阳能分光谱调控与有序利用技术 3、 2018.09-2022.07,高榕:微肋诱导场协同污垢抑制机理与污垢预测模型 (美国伊利诺伊大学联培)2、 2016.07-2020.11,王源:强化换热管表面二元混合污垢生长特性研究 1、 Kostikov Sergei(协助指导): 太阳能在建筑中的高效利用 硕士生 名称 1. 2016级:高榕(来自长安大学):强化换热管表面污垢的预测技术 2. 2017级:雷卓宇(来自同济大学):污水废热回收技术 3. 2017级:孙鹏翼(来自四川大学):厨房排烟系统余热回收技术 4. 2017级:方佳民(来自哈尔滨工业大学):既有建筑节能改造 5. 2018级:吕国荃(来自东北林业大学):太阳能在节能建筑中的高效利用 6. 2018级:马俊飞(来自哈尔滨工业大学):厨房节能技术 7. 2018级:孙婕(来自长安大学):土壤空气换热器的研究 8. 2018级:王墨红(来自太原理工大学):高效污水废热回收技术 9. 2019级:张英博(来自哈尔滨工业大学):基于场协同理论的太阳能光电光热(PV/T)系统性能优化研究 10. 2019级:蒲积宏(来自哈尔滨工业大学):空气源热泵室外机表面霜/垢作用规律及其耦合影响 11. 2019级:计常勇(来自河北工业大学):基于内外双肋片的PV/PCM(光伏/相变材料)系统热管理研究 12. 2019级:杨茜茹(来自天津商业大学):基于纳米棒流体的直接吸收式太阳能集热器的性能研究 13. 2020级:刘星江(来自哈尔滨工业大学):光导管与LED灯协同作用下室内光/热环境调控 14.2020级:高庆梅(来自哈尔滨工业大学):高效污水换热技术 15.2020级:郑凯杰(来自河北工业大学):建筑透明围护结构的光/热解耦 16.2020级:陈冬琴(来自太原理工大学):室内细菌的传播规律与紫外线杀菌洁净 17.2020级:孙宏振(来自河北工业大学):室内地毯对室内空气健康环境的影响 18.2020级:万志豪(来自东北林业大学):基于纳米涂层的强化换热管抑垢技术 19.2020级:闫 旭(来自郑州大学):严寒地区空气源热泵结霜抑制技术研究 20.2021级:韩 淼(来自哈尔滨工业大学):玻璃幕墙的光热调节特性 21.2021级:齐中琨(来自哈尔滨工业大学):区域建筑光伏功率预测与多源调控技术 22.2021级:阮昌运(来自哈尔滨工业大学):强辐射环境下极限空间的热环境调控 23.2022级:杨皓天(来自哈尔滨工业大学):BIPV建筑立面材料的光热/光电特性研究 24.2022级:卢芊芊(来自湖南大学):产能建筑的光伏产电性能预测与匹配技术25.2022级:谷亚萍(来自河北工业大学):高层建筑中光伏/光热产能建筑的通风调节技术 26. 2023级:3 名 (来自哈尔滨工业大学)直接攻读博士学位(米文森、黄玉琦、陈国政) 27. 2023级:徐 可 (来自哈尔滨工业大学)卓越工程师硕士生28. 2023级:刘艺幻(来自哈尔滨工业大学)卓越工程师硕士生 本科生 名称 2018届毕业生:赵子龙,推荐到美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校Prof. Wang课题组攻读博士学位(全额奖学金),2017.03-今,在哈工大本课题组参与科研1年多时间。 2018届毕业生:赵锡媛,推荐到加州大学伯克利分校攻读硕士学位。 2017年与王芃老师合作指导本科毕业设计: 林泽日、李树一、沈子超、钟谢华4人。其中,钟谢华获得校级优秀毕业设计。 2018年与王芃老师、范夙博老师合作指导本科毕业设计: 马俊飞、杨煜杰、秦存一、汤振博、关宏姝 课程 名称 本科生: 1.《建筑环境学》 2.《低碳建筑与环境营造技术》 3.《城市能源规划与管理A》 4.《纳米科技与太阳能建筑》 5.《Renewable Energy Systems and Applications》 (英文授课) 内容:太阳能光伏光热、地热能、生物质能、风能 等可再生能源的利用与系统设计 6. 创新研修课《传热与污垢》 7. 《绿色建筑技术创新与竞赛指导》 8. 《工程热力学》已通过校级课堂准入考核 研究生: 1. 《实验设计》 2. 《暖通专业工程伦理》 教改项目 名称 5. 黑龙江省教育科学规划领导小组办公室“新冠肺炎疫情背景下疫情防控应对策略与教育反思研究”专项课题:“疫情需求下班主任对散点式居家大学生阳光心态的影响机制及工作方法研究”,2020.04-2020.10,主持人 4. 哈尔滨工业大学研究生教改项目:基于“工程伦理”课程的研究生思政教育模式研究,2019.07-2021.07,主持人 3. 哈尔滨工业大学课程思政教学校级A类支持,2020.07-2022.07 2. 黑龙江省教育教学改革研究项目1项,“以学生需求为靶向的创新研修课新型教学模式探索”,2017.8-2019.7,主持人 1. 2017、2019年分别获得我最喜爱的优秀班主任称号
