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姓名 高文朋
教师编号 92228
性别 高文朋
学校 哈尔滨工业大学
部门 生命科学和医学学部
学位 高文朋
学历 高文朋
职称 副教授
联系方式 【发送到邮箱】
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Research Education Positions Publications Codes & datasets About ...en About 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 高文朋,哈尔滨工业大学 生命科学与技术学院副教授,博士生导师。主要研究方向医学影像处理与分析,计算机辅助手术计划和导航,微创手术机器人虚拟仿真,医疗机器人视觉伺服等。 目前,主持国家自然科学基金项目1项,中国博士后特别资助1项,教育部博士点基金1项,中国博士后基金1项,黑龙江省博士后基金1项,黑龙江省博士后科研启动基金1项,黑龙江省自然科学基金1项,哈工大科研创新基金1项,重点实验室自主课题2项;作为科技骨干参加国家自然科学基金4项,国家重点研发计划1项,国防科技创新特区项目3项。 Wenpeng Gao, associate professor with School of Life Science & Technology, Harbin institute of technology. Work and research experiences 名称 Time Experiences 2010- Harbin Institute of Technology 2006-2007 Visiting student, Brainimaging Lab, A*STAR, Singapore 2015-2016 Visiting scholar at Surgical Planning Lab, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School Education 名称 1999-2003, B.E., Mechanical manufacturing and automation, Harbin Institute of Technology 2003-2005, B.S., Mechatronic Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology 2005-2010, Ph.D., Biomedical Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology Awards 名称 手部创伤康复机器人关键技术研究. 黑龙江省科学技术三等奖, 2018. "Outstanding Reviewers of 2019" IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement Professional activities 名称 Associate Editor: International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery 黑龙江生物医学工程学会理事,副秘书长 Editor Board of Interntional Journal of Radiology 国家自然科学基金外审专家 中国人工智能学会智能机器人专业委员会会员 Reviewer of International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, Journal of Medical Robotics Research, IEEE Transactions on Instrument and Measurement Research Interests 名称 1. Multi-modal data driven DBS Parkinson's disease (PD) is a chronic and progressive movement disorder that affects the nervous system and the parts of the body controlled by the nerves. The cause of PD is still unkonwn. Its symptoms, such as tremors, stiffness or slow movement, etc., can be improved by deep brain stimulation (DBS), which is a minimall invasive neurosurgery to implant an electrode into the deep brain target and the electrode produce electrical impulses can affect certain cells chemical within the brain. However, owing to the existence of inter individual variability, accurate localization of the sweet spot and programming of the stimulation is a big challenge for neurosurgeons. Now, we are engaging in the analysis of deep brain stimulation (DBS) with multimodality MR images, microelectrode recording (MER) and EEG to help neurosurgeon locate the target preoperatively, confirm the target intraoperatively, and adjust the stimulation parameters postoperatively. STN-DBS for Parkinson's disease Thalamus-DBS for Epilepsy Morphometric analysis of the human brain can be used to explore the biomarker for neurodegenerative disease diagnosis, such as, Alzheimer's disease (AD). We had carried out VBM analysis of the brain in the early stage of Alzheimer's disease (AD). 2. Computer assisted surgical planning and navigation Minimally invasive surgery (MIS) has many advantages over the open surgery for small incision, fast recovery and low complication. However, the smaller incision may restrict the surgeons to inspect the anatomy directly and the field of view is limited. Computer assisted surgical planning can help the surgeon to locate the target and design the trajectory with preoperative medical image. The navigation can estabilsh the relationship between image space and physical space to superpose the virtual model on the patient for guiding the surgery. (1)Surface deformation tracking in monocular laparoscopic video (Ziteng Liu) Image-guided surgery has been proven to enhance the accuracy and safety of MIS. Surface deformation tracking of soft tissue is one of the main challenges in image-guided MIS owing to the existence of tissue deformation, homogeneous texture, smoke and instrument occlusion, etc. The source code will be available soon. The synthetic dataset can be downloaded from https://osf.io/h96su/files/osfstorage/6474476abf3d0f02d0d873e9. (2)Image guided neurosurgery using RGB-D camera (Yixian Su) Surgical instrument tracking is of importance for neurnavigation. In this work, we try to use an economic RGB-D sensor, which is widely used in the entertainment, to track the surgical instrument. (3) Laparoscopic Image Desmoking (Ziteng Liu) Due to the heterogeneous nature of smoke in laparascopic video hindering the surgeon's operation, a two-stage network is proposed to estimate the smoke distribution and reconstruct a clear, smoke-free surgical scene. The utilization of the lightness channel plays a pivotal role in providing vital information pertaining to smoke density. The reconstruction of smoke-free image is guided by a hybrid embedding, which combines the estimated smoke mask with the initial image. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method boasts a Peak Signal to Noise Ratio that is 2.79% higher than the state-of-the-art methods, while also exhibits a remarkable 38.2% reduction in run-time. Overall, the proposed method offers comparable or even superior performance in terms of both smoke removal quality and computational efficiency when compared to existing state-of-the-art methods. LIGHTNESS EMBEDDING AND HYBRID GUIDED EMBEDDING 3. Virtual surgery simulation for training the surgeon to maneuver the robot to perform the surgery (Sun Shuo, Zhu Jiahua) The system will reduce the complexity of the training curve for the surgeon maneuvering the robot to perform the surgery. Projects 名称 国家自然科学基金青年基金 基于电磁跟踪的介入手术图像导航关键技术研究 负责人 机器人技术与系统国家重点实验室自主课题 基于视觉和影像信息融合的手术图像引导关键技术研究 负责人 中国博士后特别资助 面向神经介入手术的血管三维重建方法研究 负责人 国家自然科学基金面上项目 基于磁共振影像的正常中国人脑干概率解剖图谱的研究 技术骨干 国家自然科学基金面上项目 Vim核立体定向数字化功能解剖图谱的研究 技术骨干 国家自然科学基金面上项目 基于主动表观模型的磁共振图像皮层下核团自动三维分割方法研究 技术骨干 国家自然科学基金面上项目 基于脑图谱与图像配准的T2权值MR图像自动标注研究 技术骨干 国家重点研发计划 变内径自然腔道复杂操作柔性机器人技术 子课题负责人 黑龙江省重点研发计划 旱田智能激光除草机器人关键技术及装备研发 技术骨干 Facilities 名称 硬件条件: (1)6T NAS数据存储系统1套; (2)血管介入手术机器人系统1套; (3)NDI电磁定位跟踪系统1套、光学定位跟踪系统2套; (4)仿生测力台1套; (5)脑血管硅胶模型1套,心脏血管硅胶模型1套(Shelly) (6)HP图形工作站,DELL服务器; (7) Oculus Rift dk2,Hololens 2 (8)Omega, Sigma力反馈主手 (9)Kinova机械臂, Panda 机械臂 (10)3D打印机 软件条件: (1)自行开发医学图像处理软件1套; (2)与SPL(Harvard Medical School)进行3D Slicer功能开发; (3)各类CT,MRI,SPECT,PET影像数据1000余套; (4)自有DBS临床影像数据100余套 Courses 名称 生物医学图像处理/Biomedical image processing 简介:生物医学图像处理课程旨在让学生掌握生物医学成像和图像处理方面的基本原理、方法和发展趋势,培养学生解决该方面实际问题的能力,拓宽学生的知识基础,提高学生素质,使学生具有解决一般成像和图像处理问题的能力,培养和造就与社会需求相适应的人才。 本课程主要内容包括:医学成像设备成像原理,数字图像处理基本分方法,医学图像增强方法,医学图像分割方法,医学图像配准方法,医学图像可视化方法及生物医学图像处理最新发展趋势等。 课程类型:研究生学位课 学时:32学时 开课时间:春季 科研设计与论文写作 简介:介绍如何进行选题,试验,结果发表等科研过程中涉及到的相关内容。 课程类型:本科生课 学时:16学时 开课时间:夏季 医学图像处理与3D Slicer应用 简介:介绍生物医学图像处理基础知识及3D Slicer工作原理,基本操作及应用 课程类型:本科生课 学时:16学时 开课时间:春季 Team members 名称 International students: Mohamed Husssien (Egypt),Mechatronic Engineering,Research:Continuum robot PhD students:Sun Yu(孙宇),Mechatronic Engineering,Research:Human body reconstruction from monocular video Zhu Jiahua(朱佳华),Mechatronic Engineering,Research: Laparoscopic surgery simulation Liu Bainan(刘柏男),Mechatronic Engineering,Research:Minimally invasive surgical robotLiu Ziteng(刘子腾),Biomedical Engineering, Research:AR in laparooscopic surgery He Dongdong(何栋栋), Biomedical Engineering Postgraduate students: Zhang Chenghong(张程鸿), Biomedical Engineering Jiang Xiaojie(蒋晓洁), Biomedical Engineering Undergraduate students: Yu Zhi(于智), Research: Surgical instrument tracking from laparoscopic video Guest students:Ji Xiaoxi(吉晓曦),广州医科大学,影像学He Yingjie(何英杰),广州医科大学,影像学Zhang Hong(张 鸿),广州医科大学,影像学 Lai Zhijun(赖治钧),哈尔滨医科大学,神经外科 Graduates: Qiu Yue(邱月),2021,Biomedical Engineering, Research:IVUS image segmentation (优秀硕士学位论文,联影) Akram, PhD(Jordan),Mechatronic Engineering,Research:sEMG-based hand guesture recognition (大博医疗) Mohamed Hosny,PhD(Egypt),Biomedical Engineering,Research:Electrophysiological signal analysis in deep brain (Benha University, Egypt) Su Yixian(苏一贤),PhD,Mechatronic Engineering,Research:RGB-D-based image-guided neurosurgery(福州市公安局) Chen Hongtao(陈宏涛),B.E.,Research:Hand guesture recognition using digital glove(武汉深之度科技有限公司) Liu Ping(刘萍),MA,Biomedical Engineering,Research:Surgical Instrument tracking using monocular camera(中电四十五所) Kalyan, MA(Nepal),Biomedical Engineering,Research:Video servo-based object grasping(尼泊尔华为) Wang Jiye(王继野),B.E.,Biomedical Engineering,Research:Simulation model of neuro pathway stimulation Lin Yikun(林义琨),MA,Biomedical Engineering,Research:Stimuation pathway in DBS for Parkinson's disease (上海神经所) Yan Chunlin(严春林),B.E. Research:CNN-based cell segmentation during mitosisWang Xuezhan(王学占),MA, Research:AR in image guided surgery (百度)Wang Ning(王 宁),B.E. Research:Kinect-based surface reconstruction(上海交通大学硕士)Zhang Chaoyang(张朝阳),B.E. Research:Morphology of corpus callosum(毕业,商汤)Li Zaijuan(李在娟),MA. Research:Image-guided vascular intervention(德国留学)Xu Lubing(徐鲁冰),MA. Research:Morphology of cerebellum in Alzheimer's disease(北京推想科技有限公司) Sun Shuo(孙 硕),MA. Research:Reinforce learning for automatic operation in virutal surgery with minimally invasive robot(TP-link杭州)Chang Yueyan(常月妍),MA. Research:Volume of activated tissue estimation in DBS (2020届优秀毕业生,苏州景昱医疗器械有限公司) 指导学生 学生名称 简介 体育爱好 性别 2023年生命学院大一年度项目 (1)基于交互式虚拟现实的细胞有丝分裂实验探究,钟子星、欧宇婧、王思璐、苑望,一等奖 (2)人类丘脑-大脑皮质的纤维失踪,朱文宇,单一轩、秦思思、王宇栋,二等奖 Publications 名称 Journal paper (# co-first author, * corresponding author) 2024年 1. Mohamed Hosny, Minwei Zhu, Wenpeng Gao, Ahmed M. Elshenhab. STN localization using local field potentials based on wavelet packet features and stacking ensemble learning, Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 2024. 2023年 Ziteng Liu, Wenpeng Gao*, Jiahua Zhu, Zhi Yu, Yili Fu*. Surface deformation tracking in monocular laparoscopic video. Medical Image Analysis, 2023,86. Jiahua Zhu, Ziteng Liu, Wenpeng Gao*, Yili Fu*. CotepRes-Net: An efficient U-Net based deep learning method of liversegmentation from Computed Tomography images. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 2024, 88 Yu Sun, Lubing Xu, Qian Bao, Wu Liu, Wenpeng Gao, Yili Fu*. Learning monocular regression of 3D people in crowds via scene-aware blending and de-occlusion. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia. 2023. 2022年 Jiahua Zhu, Yixian Su, Ziteng Liu, Bainan Liu, Yu Sun, Wenpeng Gao*, Yili Fu*. Real-time biomechanical modelling of the liver using LightGBM model. International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery, 2022 Akram Fatayer, Wenpeng Gao*, Yili Fu*. sEMG-based gesture recognition using deep learning from noisy labels. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2022,26(9):4462-4473. Mohamed Hosny, Minwei Zhu, Wenpeng Gao*, Yili Fu*. A novel deep learning model for STN localization from LFPs in Parkinson's disease. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 2022, 77:103830. Su Yixian, Sun Yu, Hosny Mohamed, Gao Wenpeng*, Fu Yili. Facial landmark-guided surface matching for image-to-patient registration with an RGB-D camera. International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery, 2022, e2373. 2021年 Mohamed Hosny, Minwei Zhu, Yixian Su, Wenpeng Gao*, Yili Fu. A novel deep recurrent convolutional neural network for subthalamic nucleus localization using local field potential signals. Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering, 2021,41(4):1561-1574. Mohamed Hosny, Minwei Zhu, Wenpeng Gao*, Yili Fu. Detection of Subthalamic nucleus using novel higher-order spectra features in microelectrode recording signals. Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering, 2021,41(2):704-716. Mohamed Hosny, Minwei Zhu, Wenpeng Gao*, Yili Fu. Deep convolutional neural network for the automated detection of Subthalamic nucleus using MER signals. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 2021, 356: 109145 2020年 Mohamed Hosny, Minwei Zhu, Wenpeng Gao*, Yili Fu. A novel deep LSTM network for arifacts detection in microelectrode recordings. Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering, 2020, 40(3):1052-1063. Yixian Su, Wenpeng Gao*, Ziteng Liu, Shuo Sun, Yili Fu. Hybrid marker-based object tracking using Kinect v2. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement. 2020, 69(9):6436-6445. Xiaoxi Ji, Hui Wang, Mingwei Zhu, Yingjie He, Hong Zhang, Xiaoguang Chen, Wenpeng Gao*, Yili Fu. Brainstem atrophy in the early stage of Alzheimer’s disease: A voxel-based morphometry study. Brain Imaging and Behavior, 2019,15(1):49-59. Wenpeng Gao, Baichuan Jiang , Daniel F. Kacher, Barry Fetics, Erez Nevo, Thomas C. Lee, Jagadeesan Jayender. Real-time probe tracking using EM-optical sensor for MRI-guided cryoablation. International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery, 2018, 14(1). Zhu Minwei, Gao Wenpeng#, Wang Xudong, et al. Progression of corpus callosum atrophy in early stage of Alzheimer@#%s disease: MRI based study. Academic Radiology, 2012,19(5):512-517. Fu Yili, Gao Wenpeng*, Xiao Yongfei, et al. A framework for automatic construction of 3D PDM from segmented volumetric neuroradiological data sets. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. 2010, 97(3):199-210. Fu Yili, Gao Wenpeng*, Chen Xiaoguang, et al. Automatic identification of the reference system based on the fourth ventricular landmarks in T1-weighted MR images. Academic Radiology. 2010, 17(1):67-74. Fu Yili, Gao Wenpeng*, Zhu Minwei, et al. Computer-assisted automatic localization of the human pedunculopontine nucleus in T1-weighted MR images: a preliminary study. International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery. 2009,5(3):309-318. Liu Jin-Min, Gao Wenpeng, Huang Su, et al. A model-based, semi-global segmentation approach for automatic 3-D point landmark localization in neuroimages. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 2008,27(8):1034-1044. Chen Xiaoguang, Hou Xiaohua, Gao Wenpeng#, et al. Morphology of the adult midsagittal brainstem in relation to the reference systems: MRI-based variability study. Academic Radiology. 2010, 17(6):708-717. Zhu Minwei, Wang Xudong, Gao Wenpeng, et al. Corpus callosum atrophy and cognitive decline in early Alzheimer@#%s disease: longitudinal MRI study. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders. 2014, 37(3-4):214-222. Conference paper Ziteng Liu, Jiahua Zhu, Bainan Liu, Hao Liu, Wenpeng Gao*, Yili Fu*. Attention-Aware Laparoscopic Image Desmoking Network with Lightness Embedding and Hybrid Guided Embedding, ISBI 2024 (Accepted) Sun Yu, Ye Yun, Liu Wu, Gao Wenpeng, Fu YiLi, Mei Tao. Human Mesh Recovery from Monocular Images via a Skeleton-disentangled Representation, 2019 ICCV. (Code:https://github.com/Arthur151/DSD-SATN) Gao Wenpeng, Jiang Baichuan, D. Kacher, B. Feltics, E. Nevo, T. Lee, J. Jayender. Kalman filter based sensor fusion for needle tracking in MR-guided cryoablation. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 2016, 11(S1):S65-S66. Baichuan Jiang, Wenpeng Gao, Daniel F. Kacher, Thomas C. Lee, Jagadeesan Jayender. Kalman filter based data fusion for needle deflection estimation using optical-EM sensor. International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), 2016, pp457-464. Gao Wenpeng, Jiang Baichuan, Kacher Dan F., et al. Real-time MR-guided needle intervention for cryoablation: A phantom study. SPIE Medical Imaging 2017, v10135. Gao Wenpeng, Chu Lili, Fu Yili, et al. A non-linear, anisotropic mass spring model based simulation for soft tissue deformation. 2014 11th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence (URAI 2014), p7-10. Gao Wenpeng, Fu Yili, Li Zaijuan, et al. A dynamic point matching for registration in image-guided minimally invasive vascular surgery: A simulation study. 2013 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetrics (ROBIO 2013), p2019-2024. Fu Yili, Gao Wenpeng*, Xiao Yongfei, et al. 3D ASM-based segmentation of the subcortical nucleus from volumetric MR images. Proceedings of SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering, v7497, 2009, MIPPR 2009. Book & chapter Multi-modal Imaging for Surgery and Interventions. Encyclopedia of Medical Robotics. volume 3, chapter 5. Patents 1. 高文朋,苏一贤,付宜利. 一种基于物理过程的间接型ToF相机对人体皮肤组织深度测量值误差的获取方法, 2024, ZL2024040701364290 2. 苏一贤, 高文朋, 付宜利. Kinect深度相机的标记物及基于该标记物的虚拟标记物跟踪方法,2020,ZL201910295827.2 3.高文朋,刘柏男,付宜利.一种适用于杆状医疗器械的三维力检测夹持机构,2021,ZL202111228949.3 软件著作权 1.高文朋等,机械臂遥操作软件V1.0,2021SR0820735. 欢迎来这里学习 名称 2022毕业季 博士招生(每年1~2个名额) 生物医学工程(偏向工程方向)、机械电子工程和计算机相关专业, 具有一定医学背景,数学基础好,英语流利,工程实践能力 具备独立思考和科研能力,性格外向 热衷于医疗器械研制或医学影像处理与分析相关研究 硕士招生(每年3个名额): 生物医学工程、机械电子工程、计算机等相关专业, 具有一定医学背景,数学基础好,英语流利 具备独立科研能力,性格外向 热衷于医学影像相关的医疗设备的研究 注:有以下任一经历者优先考虑: 熟悉SPM,FSL,FreeSurfer,AFNI等神经影像分析软件,有神经影像分析经历 熟练掌握Python编程,熟悉Pytorch框架,有深度学习网络开发调试经历 掌握机械原理,熟悉机械设计AutoCAD,Pro/E, SolidWorks,有限元分析软件Adams, Ansys,有电机驱动控制相关经验 欢迎本科生进入实验室参加毕业设计和科研创新设计,在这里你将体会体验到多学科交叉带来的科研乐趣,享受多国文化交融魅力,让你的本科经历丰富多彩。 欢迎医学院校学生来实验室进行交叉学科研究。 感兴趣同学请将个人简历发送至wpgao@hit.edu.cn Codes 名称 Human body reconstruction from monocular video by Sun Yu, codes Datasets 名称 Sythetic laparoscopic datasets for organ surface deformation tracking using monocular laparoscopy by Liu Ziteng.Dataset: https://osf.io/h96su/files/osfstorage/6474476abf3d0f02d0d873e9
