姓名 | 颜美 |
教师编号 | 91252 |
性别 | 颜美 |
学校 | 哈尔滨工业大学 |
部门 | 化工与化学学院 |
学位 | 颜美 |
学历 | 颜美 |
职称 | 副教授 |
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基本信息 发表论文 教育教学 科学研究 学生培养 English Version ... English Version 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 颜美,女,副教授,博士生导师,化工学院 主要研究领域为微生物燃料电池电极材料的研究及在污水处理领域的应用,已发表SCI论文四十余篇,总引用2100余次,出版英文专著一部,参与编写英文书籍一部。授权发明专利7项。主持并参与国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划“纳米科技”重点专项、国家重大仪器专项等项目共计9项。获黑龙江省高校科学技术一等奖,日本东北大学总长奖,日本东北大学青叶理学振兴奖等。 教育经历 名称 1. 2009年-2013年, 日本东北大学理学研究科化学专业, 理学博士 2. 2006年-2009年, 大连理工大学精细化工专业, 工学硕士 3. 2002年-2006年,大庆石油学院化学专业,理学学士 工作经历 名称 时间 工作经历 2013年7月-2017年12月 哈尔滨工业大学, 讲师 2018年1月-2020年6月 哈尔滨工业大学,副教授 2020年7月-至今 哈尔滨工业大学,副教授,博导 主要获奖 名称 2023,第十六届全国大学生节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛港澳台及国际赛道银奖(指导教师) 2023,第四届全国大学生化学实验创新设计大赛“微瑞杯”全国赛区二等奖(指导教师) 2023,第四届全国大学生化学实验创新设计大赛“微瑞杯”东北赛区一等奖(指导教师) 2023,第二届零碳未来创新大赛优秀奖(指导教师) 2023,第三届科技部“驼人医疗器械科技创新奖”第二名 2022,第九届校青年教师教学基本功竞赛(本科)二等奖 2021,黑龙江省第三届医疗器械科技创新一等奖 2021,化工学院优秀共产党员 2020,“学习强国”挑战赛教工组挑战达人 2016,黑龙江省高校科学技术一等奖 2014,博士毕业论文经日本东北大学推荐刊登在世界优秀博士论文 Springer Theses 的系列丛书中 (东北大学首次推荐) 2013,日本东北大学总长奖 (毕业生最高荣誉) 2013,日本东北大学青叶理学振兴奖(理学院化学系仅奖励一人) 2012-2013,世界原子分子材料科学高等研究机构 WPI-AIMR Research Assistant 奖学金 2009-2013,CSC国家公派攻读博士学位奖学金 友情链接 链接名称 哈工大果崇申教授 链接地址 http://homepage.hit.edu.cn/Guochongshen 简单介绍 链接名称 哈工大化工与化学学院 链接地址 http://chemeng.hit.edu.cn/ 简单介绍 新闻链接 新闻标题 祝贺潘光泽,孙楠,赵小龙在第十六届全国大学生节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛港澳台及国际赛道中获银奖 发布时间 2023-8-16 全国大学生节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛官方网站 http://www.jienengjianpai.org/Article.asp?ID=359 经2023年8月2日全国大学生节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛委员会评审表决通过,“建行杯”第十六届全国大学生节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛港澳台及国际赛道共有2件作品被评为金奖、14件作品被评为银奖、24件作品被评为铜奖、40件作品被评为优秀奖。 新闻标题 祝贺丰日达,叶尔多斯 托合塔尔汗,龙彪获得全国大学生化学实验创新设计大赛东北赛区一等奖并成功晋级全国总决赛 发布时间 2023-07-15 第四届全国大学生化学实验创新设计大赛“微瑞杯”东北赛区竞赛成绩公示_【新闻】 https://cid.nju.edu.cn/redirectActionxwgl/detail/231 第四届全国大学生化学实验创新设计大赛“微瑞杯”东北赛区竞赛总决赛名单公示_【新闻】 https://cid.nju.edu.cn/redirectActionxwgl/detail/235 新闻标题 祝贺杨景惠获得“优秀毕业生”(硕士)荣誉称号 发布时间 2023-04-03 化工与化学学院2023届哈尔滨工业大学优秀毕业生候选人名单公示 http://chemeng.hit.edu.cn/2023/0403/c4283a302452/page.htm 新闻标题 祝贺潘光泽、孙楠、赵小龙,刘欣鑫“新模式有机废水的零能耗处理及产电体系”获零碳未来创新大赛优秀奖 发布时间 2023-01-17 学会新闻 | 第二届零碳未来创新大赛圆满落幕 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzU1NzQ1NjQyMA==&mid=2247506580&idx=3&sn=a1d106d7d8a0ebdb39c058559ee68c4e&chksm=fc3717dfcb409ec9c93538d069bd287669aa23af336798e555c4d44665c5a7a8b21e59347cf6&scene=27 新闻标题 祝贺邹吉祥获得国家奖学金 发布时间 2021-10-21 化工与化学学院2021年研究生国家奖学金结果公示 http://chemeng.hit.edu.cn/2021/1021/c4283a261898/page.htm 新闻标题 祝贺王睿文文章被Advanced Materials 接收,影响因子21.950 发布时间 2018-03-23 祝贺王睿文文章被AM接收,文章链接为https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/adma.201800618 相关新闻链接http://today.hit.edu.cn/article/2018/10/24/60290 新闻标题 祝贺孙铁东同学的文章被AM接收(IF = 18.96) 发布时间 2016-06-16 祝贺孙铁东同学的文章被Advanced Materials 接收,影响因子18.96 新闻标题 祝贺张志坤等四人获得2015级大一年度项目二等奖 发布时间 2016-07-28 祝贺2015级本科生张志坤,梅韦康,欧阳水鸣,魏国钊获大一年度项目二等奖 General Information 名称 Mei Yan,Female, Associate professor, Key Laboratory of Microsystems and Micronanostructures Manufacturing, Ministry of Education, Harbin Institute of Technology The main research fields are development of functional nanomaterials and their applicaiton in microbial fuel cells. Contact Information 名称 Mei Yan Lecturer Tel: Fax: E-mail: yanmei@hit.edu.cn Postcode: 150001 Address: Mingde Building D509, Harbin Institute of TechnologyNo. 92 Xidazhi Street. Nangang District, Harbin, Heilongjiang Province, P.R. China Education 名称 1. 2009-2013, Tohoku University, Ph.D 2. 2006-2009, The state key laboratory of fine chemicals, Dalian University of Technology, Master 3. 2002-2006, Northeast Petroleum University, Bachelor Employment Record 名称 时间 工作经历 2013, 07-2017.12 Harbin Institute of Technology, lecturer 2018.01- associate professor Awards 名称 2016,University science and technology prize of Heilongjiang Province, First prize 2014, PhD thesis is recommended to publish in Springer Theses 2013, The President's Award 2013, Aoba Society for the Promotion of Science Award 2012-2013 Research Assistant of World Premier International-Advanced Institute Materials Research (WPI-AIMR, Tohoku University) 2009-2013 CSC PhD Scholarship Links 链接名称 HIT Chongshen Guo Professor 链接地址 http://homepage.hit.edu.cn/Guochongshen 简单介绍 链接名称 Micro/Nano Technology Research Center, HIT 链接地址 http://mmm.hit.edu.cn/ 简单介绍 链接名称 School of Life Science and Technology, HIT 链接地址 http://life.hit.edu.cn/ 简单介绍 链接名称 School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, HIT 链接地址 http://chemeng.hit.edu.cn/ 简单介绍 出版的专著Book 名称 1. Mei Yan. Development of New Catalytic Performance of Nanoporous Metals for Organic Reactions. Springer Theses. 2014 ISBN: 978-4-431-54930-7 (Print) 978-4-431-54931-4 (Online) http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-4-431-54931-4 2. Mei Yan, Jixiang Zou, Chongshen Guo. Advanced nanomaterials and nanocomposites for bioelectrochemical systems (Chapter 5 Classification of nanomaterials and nanocomposites for anode material) Elsevier ISBN:978-0-323-90404-9, 2023 论文期刊paper 名称 42. Da Liu, Chaoqun Xu, Chengyu Li, Wenkai Fang, Mei Yan*, Hongwu Tang*, In-situ constructed metallic Mo decorated MoS2 nanosheets on carbon cloth as excellent anode for efficient current generation and Cr(VI) removal, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023, 428, 139534. (IF = 11.1) https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0959652623036922?CMX_ID=&SIS_ID=&dgcid=STMJ_AUTH_SERV_PUBLISHED&utm_acid=79741605&utm_campaign=STMJ_AUTH_SERV_PUBLISHED&utm_in=DM426533&utm_medium=email&utm_source=AC_ 41. Jixiang Zou, Qinghuan Chang, Chongshen Guo*, Mei Yan*, Vanadium nitride decorated carbon cloth anode promotes aniline degradation and electricity generation of MFCs by efficiently enriching electroactive bacteria and promoting extracellular electron transfer, Journal of Environmental Management, 2023, 346, 119048. (IF= 8.7) https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0301479723018364?dgcid=author 40. Hao Chen, Guangze Pan, Mei Yan, Fang Wang*, Yadong Wu*, Chongshen Guo*, Janus membrane with enhanced interfacial activation for solar, Journal of Energy Chemistry, 2023, 87, 1-11. (IF = 13.1) https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2095495623004618 39. Zhishuai Yuan, Jixiang Zou, Xiaolong Zhao, Jingyue Shi, Chongshen Guo, Mei Yan*, CdS cage photocatalysis coupled electroactive biofilm for synergistic promotion of tetracycline degradation and electricity production, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2023,166, 86-97. (IF = 10.319) https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1005030223004942?dgcid=author 38. Jixiang Zou , Qinghuan Chang , Zhishuai Yuan , Mei Yan *, Xiaojun Han , Chongshen Guo **,The promotion of Ag3PO4 photocatalysis on methylene blue removal andelectricity generation in microbial fuel cell, Journal of Powe Sources, 2022, 541, 231697. (IF = 9.127) https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0378775322006942?via=ihub 37. Da Liu, Wenkai Fang, Jiangtao Li, Liling Zhang, Mei Yan,* and Hongwu Tang,* Three-dimensional hierarchical MoO2/MoC@NC-CC free-standing anode applied in microbial fuel cells, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2022, 10, 4110-4119.(IF=12.732) https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2022/TA/D1TA09791A 36. Shuanglong Tang,# Weicheng Huang,# Yan Gao, Na An, Yadong Wu, Bin Yang, Mei Yan*, Jingyan Cao*, Chongshen Guo*, Low-work-function LaB6 for realizing photodynamic-enhanced photothermal therapy, Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2021, 9, 4380-4389. DOI: 10.1039/d1tb00544h(IF=6.331) 35. D. Liu#, W. Huang#,Q. Chang, L. Zhang, R. Wang, M. Yan*, H. Meng*, B. Yang and C. Guo*, The high enrichment of Geobacter by TiNnanoarray anode catalyst for efficient microbialfuel cells, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2021, 9, 7726-7735. DOI: 10.1039/d0ta11788a. https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2021/ta/d0ta11788a#!divAbstract (IF=12.732) 34. Weicheng Huang, Yan Gao, Jinxin Wang, Pengcheng Ding, Mei Yan, Fengmin Wu, Jian Liu, Danqing Liu,* Chongshen Guo,* Bin Yang,* and Wenwu Cao, Plasmonic Enhanced Reactive Oxygen Species Activation on Low-Work-Function Tungsten Nitride for Direct Near-Infrared Driven Photocatalysis, Small, 2020, 16, 2004557, https://doi.org/10.1002/smll.202004557 (IF = 13.281) 33.Siqi Wang#, Yan Gao#, Zhao Liu, Chunyu Yang, Na An, Hongxue Meng, Mei Yan*, Guofan Qu,* Chongshen Guo*, Cell-cargo Mediated ZrN Nanoparticle for the Synergetic Phototherapy on Both of Mice and Rabbits, European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, 2020, 149, 163-169. (IF=5.571) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejpb.2020.02.006 32. Da Liu, Qinghuan Chang, Yan Gao, Weicheng Huang, Ziyu Sun, Mei Yan*, Chongshen Guo*, High performance of microbial fuel cell afforded by metallic tungsten carbide decorated carbon cloth anode, Electrochimica Acta, 2020, 330,135243, (IF = 6.901) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.electacta.2019.135243 31. Ruiwen Wang#, Da Liu#, Mei Yan*,Lu Zhang, Wen Chang, Ziyu Sun, Shaoqin Liu and Chongshen Guo*, Three-Dimensional High Performance Free-Standing Anode by One-Step Carbonization of Pinecone in Microbial Fuel Cells, Bioresource Technology, 2019, 292, 121956 (IF = 9.642) https://authors.elsevier.com/a/1ZaJk3QUFZ8dZr 30. Yan Gao,# Siqi Wang,# Chunyu Yang, Na An, Zhao Liu,* Mei Yan* and Chongshen Guo*, Near-Infrared Responsive Germanium Complex of Ge/GeO2 for Targeted Tumor Phototherapy, Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2019, 7, 5056-5064.(IF=6.331) https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2019/TB/C9TB00548J#!divAbstract 29. Qun Zhang,# Weicheng Huang,# Chunyu Yang, Fei Wang, Chuanqi Song, Yan Gao, Yunfeng Qiu,* Mei Yan*, Bin Yang and Chongshen Guo*. Theranostic Nanoagent of Mo2C for Multi-modal Imaging-Guided Cancer Synergistic Phototherapy, Biomaterials Science, 2019,7, 2729-2739. (IF=6.843) 28. Da Liu#, Ruiwen Wang#, Wen Chang, Lu Zhang, Benqi Peng, Huidong Di, Shaoqin Liu, Mei Yan*, Chongshen Guo*. Ti3C2 MXene as an excellent anode material for high performance microbial fuel cells. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2018, 6, 20887-20895. (IF=12.732) https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2014/TA/C8TA07305H#!divAbstract 27.Chuanqi Song,# Tianchan Li,# Wei Guo, Yan Gao, Chunyu Yang, Qun Zhang, Di An, Weicheng Huang, Mei Yan*, Chongshen Guo*. Hydrophobic Cu12Sb4S13-Deposited Photothermal Film for Interfacial Water Evaporation and Thermal Antibacterial,New Journal of Chemistry, 2018, 42, 3175-3179. (IF 3.591) https://pubs.rsc.org/en/Content/ArticleLanding/2018/NJ/C7NJ04545J#!divAbstract 26. Ruiwen Wang#, Mei Yan#, Huidong Li, Lu Zhang, Benqi Peng, Jinzhi Sun, Da Liu, Shaoqin Liu*. FeS2 Nanoparticles Decorated Graphene as Microbial-Fuel-Cell Anode Achieving High Power Density. Advanced Materials. 2018, 30, 1800618. ( IF=30.849) https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/adma.201800618 25. Danqing Liu#*, Guilian Li#, Chaoyue Zhao, Xiaoxue Wang, Menghan Sun, Xiaojun Sun, Mei Yan*, Chongshen Guo*. WO3-x for rapid adsorption and full-spectrum-responsive photocatalytic activities. J. Mater. Sci-Mater. EL. 2018, 29: 15029-15033. (IF 2.478) https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10854-018-9641-8 24. Chuanqi Song, Chunyu Yang, Fei Wang, Dandan Ding, Yan Gao, Wei Guo, Mei Yan, Shaoqin Liu*, Chongshen Guo*,MoS2-Based multipurpose theranostic nanoplatform: realizing dual-imaging-guided combination phototherapy to eliminate solid tumor via a liquefaction necrosis process, J. Mater. Chem. B, 2017, 5, 9015-9024(IF=6.331) http://pubs.rsc.org/en/Content/ArticleLanding/2017/TB/C7TB02648J#!divAbstract 23.Fei Wang,? Chuanqi Song,? Wei Guo, Dandan Ding, Qun Zhang, Yan Gao, Mei Yan* Chongshen Guo*, Shaoqin Liu, Urchin-like Tungsten Suboxide for Photoacoustic Imaging-Guided Photothermal and Photodynamic Cancer Combination Therapy, New Journal of Chemistry, 2017, 41, 14179-14187. (IF 3.591) http://pubs.rsc.org/en/Content/ArticleLanding/2017/NJ/C7NJ03078A#!divAbstract 22. Dandan Ding, Weicheng Huang, Chuanqi Song, Mei Yan*, Chongshen Guo*, Shaoqin Liu. Non-stoichiometric MoO3u0002x quantum dots as a light-harvesting material for interfacial water evaporation. Chem. Commun. 2017, 53, 6744-6747. (IF 6.222) http://pubs.rsc.org/en/Content/ArticleLanding/2017/CC/C7CC01427A 21.Dandan Ding, Wei Guo, Chongshen Guo*, Jianzhe Sun, Nannan Zheng, Fei Wang, Mei Yan, Shaoqin Liu*. MoO3?x quantum dots for photoacoustic imaging guided photothermal/photodynamic cancer treatment. Nanoscale. 2017, 9, 2020-2029. (IF=7.790) http://pubs.rsc.org/en/Content/ArticleLanding/2017/NR/C6NR09046J#!divAbstract 20.Tianchan Li, Fanjiao Zhu, Wei Guo, Hongxi Gu, Jing Zhao, Mei Yan*, Shaoqin Liu*. Selective capture and rapid identification of E. coli O157:H7 by carbon nanotube multilayer biosensors and microfluidic chip-based LAMP. RSC Adv. 2017, 7, 30446-30452. (IF 3.361) http://pubs.rsc.org/en/Content/ArticleLanding/2017/RA/C7RA04583B#!divAbstract 19. Mei Yan, Guilian Li, Chongshen Guo*,Wei Guo, Dandan Ding, Shouhao Zhang, Shaoqin Liu*. WO3-X Sensitized TiO2 Sphere with Full-spectrum-driven Photocatalytic Activities from UV to Near infrared. Nanoscale. 2016. 8,17828-17835. (IF=7.790) http://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2016/nr/c6nr06767k#!divAbstract 18. Tiedong Sun, Wei Cui, Mei Yan, Geng Qin, Wei GUO, Hhongxi Gu, Shaoqin Liu*, Qiong Wu*. Target Delivery of a Novel Antitumor Organoplatinum(IV0-Substituted Polyoxometalate complex for Safer and More Effective Colorectal Cancer Therapy In Vivo. Advanced Materials. 2016,28,7397-7404.( IF=30.849) http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/adma.201601778/full 17. Guilian Li, Chongshen Guo*, Mei Yan, Shaoqin Liu*. CsxWO3 nanorods: Realization of full-spectrum-responsive photocatalytic activities from UV, visible to near-infrared region. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental. 2016, 183, 142-148. (IF=19.503) doi:10.1016/j.apcatb.2015.10.039 16. Lei Fu, Hanqin Gao, Mei Yan, Shouzhu Li, Xinyu Li, Zhifei Dai, Shaoqin Liu*. Polyoxometalate-Based Organic-Inorgnic Hybrids as Antitumor Drugs. Small. 2015,11,2938-2945.(IF=13.281) http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/smll.201500232/abstract 15. Chongshen Guo, Haijun Yu*, Bing Feng, Weidong Gao, Mei Yan, Zhiwen Zhang, Yaping Li*, Shaoqin Liu*. Highly efficient ablation of metastatic breast cancer using ammonium-tunsten-bronze nanocube as a novel 1064 nm-laser-driven photothermal agent. Biomaterials. 2015, 52, 407-416. (IF=12.479) http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0142961215001787 14. Fu Zhu, Xinyu Li, Yuchen Li, Mei Yan*, Shaoqin Liu*. Enantioselective Circular Dichroism Sensing of Cysteine and Glutathione with Gold Nanorods. Anal. Chem. 2015, 87, 357-361. (IF=6.986)http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/ac504017f 13. Mei Yan, Hongxi Gu, Zhouzhou Liu, Chongshen Guo*, Shaoqin Liu*. Effective near-infrared absorbent: ammonium tungsten bronze nanocubes. RSC Adv. 2015, 5, 967-973. (IF 3.361) http://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2015/ra/c4ra12471e 12. Chongshen Guo, Xiaoyong Wu, Mei Yan, Qiang Dong, Shu Yin*, Tsugio Sato, Shaoqin Liu*. The visible-light driven photocatalytic destruction of NOx using mesoporous TiO2 spheres synthesized via a “water-controlled release process”. Nanoscale. 2013, 5, 8184-8191. (IF=7.790) http://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2013/nr/c3nr02352d 11. Mei Yan, Tienan Jin*, Qiang Chen, Hon Eong Ho, Takeshi Fujita, Lu-Yang Chen, Ming Bao, Ming-Wei Chen, Naoki Asao, Yoshinori Yamamoto. Unsupported Nanoporous Gold Catalyst for Highly Selective Hydrogenation of Quinolines. Org. Lett. 2013, 15, 1484-1487. ( IF 6.732 ) http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/ol400229z 10. Mei Yan, Tienan Jin*, Yoshifumi Ishikawa, Taketoshi Minato, Takeshi Fujita, Lu-Yang Chen, Ming Bao, Naoki Asao, Ming-Wei Chen, Yoshinori Yamamoto. Nanoporous Gold Catalyst for Highly Selective Semihydrogenation of Alkynes: Remarkable Effect of Amine Additives. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2012, 134, 17536-17542. ( IF 14.695) http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/ja3087592 9. Tienan Jin*, Mei Yan, Yoshinori Yamamoto*. Click Chemistry of Alkyne -Azide Cycloaddition Using Nano-structured Copper Catalysts. ChemCatChem. 2012, 4, 1217-1229. ( IF 4.724 ) http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/cctc.201200193/abstract 8. Chongshen Guo*, Shu Yin, Mei Yan, Makoto Kobayashi, Masato Kakihana, Tsugio Sato. Morphology-controlled Synthesis of W18O49 Nanostructures and Their Near-infrared Absorption Properties. Inorg. Chem. 2012. 51, 4763-4771. ( IF 4.762 ) http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/ic300049j 7. Tienan Jin*, Mei Yan, Menggenbateer, Taketoshi Minato, Ming Bao, Yoshinori Yamamoto*. Nanoporous Copper Metal Catalyst in Click Chemistry: Nanoporosity Dependent Activity without Supports and Bases. Adv. Synth. Catal. 2011, 353, 3095-3100. ( IF 6.453) http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/adsc.201100760/abstract 6. Chongshen Guo*, Shu Yin, Mei Yan, Tsugio Sato. Facile synthesis of homogeneous CsxWO3 nanorods with excellent low-emissivity and NIR shielding property by a water controlled-release process. J. Mater. Chem. 2011, 21, 5099–5105. ( IF 6.626) http://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2011/jm/c0jm04379f 5. Xiujuan Feng*, Mei Yan, Xin Zhang, Ming Bao*. Preparation and application of SBA-15-supported palladium catalyst for Heck reaction in supercritical carbon dioxide. Chin. Chem. Lett. 2011, 22, 643-646. (IF 4.632) http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1001841710005541 4. Xiujuan Feng*, Mei Yan, Tao Zhang, Ying Liu, Ming Bao*. Preparation and Application of SBA-15-Supported Palladium Catalyst for Suzuki Reaction in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide. Green Chem. 2010, 12, 1758–1766. ( IF 9.480) http://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2010/gc/c004250a 3. Chongshen Guo, Shu Yin*, Peilin Zhang, Mei Yan, Kenji Adachi, Takeshi Chonan, Tsugio Sato. Novel synthesis of homogenous CsxWO3 nanorods with excellent NIR shielding properties by a water controlled-release solvothermal process. J. Mater. Chem. 2010, 20, 8227-8229. ( IF 6.626 ) http://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2010/jm/c0jm01972k 2. Ping Liu*, Mei Yan, Ren He. 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(IF 1.344) 讲授课程Courses 名称 《物理化学B(2)》,40学时,春季学期,本科生专业基础课 《物理化学》48学时,秋季学期,中俄联合办学化学本科生 《物理化学实验》,春秋季学期,本科生实验课 《纳米仿生材料前沿进展》,16学时,不定期开设,本科生创新研修课 招生信息 名称 博士招生:化学工程与技术专业 硕士招生:材料与化工,化学均可 研究领域 名称 微生物燃料电池 光催化 污染物降解与产电 专利patent 名称 9. 杨景惠,颜美,果崇申,一种基于太阳能驱动净化废水的蒸发器的制备方法及应用,申请号:2023104559131 8. 孙楠,刘欣鑫,潘光泽,赵小龙,颜美,一种基于松塔生物结构的多功能净水应用,申请号:2023104219515 7. 颜美,刘达,果崇申,常庆环,氮化钛纳米棒阵列在微生物燃料电池阳极中的应用,专利号:ZL201910759571.6 6. 颜美,王睿文,果崇申,一种源自球果的三维多孔生物炭的制备方法及其应用,专利号:ZL 201811582877.0 5.刘绍琴,颜美,王睿文,李惠东,一种负载石墨烯与二硫化铁复合物的微生物燃料电池阳极的制备方法,专利号:ZL 2017 1 0015899.8 4.刘绍琴,颜美,李天婵,一种肠出血性大肠杆菌O157:H7检测平台及其制备方法,专利号: ZL 2016 1 0896810.9 3.刘绍琴,果崇申,颜美,还原态铵钨青铜纳米粒子的制备方法,专利号: ZL 2013 1 0490453.2; 2.刘绍琴,果崇申,颜美,尺寸可控球状介孔二氧化钛的制备方法,专利号: ZL 2013 1 0167532.X; 1.冯秀娟,包明,张涛,颜美,一种外表面改性内表面嫁接膦配体SBA-15功能材料的制备方法,专利号:ZL 2008 1 0012421.0 学生培养 学生名称 在读学生 简介 体育爱好 性别 博士生: 21春 苑智帅 22秋 邹吉祥 硕士生: 22级 华良淼 23级 薛垚 本科生 20级 赵小龙 学生名称 毕业生 简介 体育爱好 性别 2023届毕业生 杨景惠(硕士)德州仪器半导体技术有限公司 施静月(硕士)比亚迪股份有限公司 2022届毕业生 李慧瑶(学士) 邹吉祥(硕士)继续攻读博士学位 2021届毕业生 李勋虎(学士) 常庆环(硕士)北京久芯科技有限公司 2020届毕业生 孙子玉(硕士) 深信服科技股份有限公司 2019届毕业生 刘达(硕士) 现就职于武汉理工大学 常雯(硕士) 宁德时代新能源科技股份有限公司 学生名称 2023届师生合影 简介 体育爱好 性别 学生名称 2022届师生合影 简介 体育爱好 性别 学生名称 2021届师生合影 简介 体育爱好 性别 学生名称 2020届师生合影 简介 体育爱好 性别 学生名称 2019届师生合影 简介 体育爱好 性别 |