姓名 | 方习奎 |
教师编号 | 91251 |
性别 | 方习奎 |
学校 | 哈尔滨工业大学 |
部门 | 化工与化学学院 |
学位 | 方习奎 |
学历 | 方习奎 |
职称 | 教授 |
联系方式 | 【了解更多】 |
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基本信息 (Xikui Fang) 科学研究 (Research Interests) 论文著作 (Selected Publications) 信息发布 (News) 资源链接 (Resources) 新建主栏目 基本信息 (Xikui Fang) 名称 方习奎,男,汉族,安徽池州人。1998年本科毕业于东北师范大学化学系。后保送进入本校无机化学专业学习并于2001年获硕士学位,导师刘景福教授;2006年于美国Emory大学获博士学位,导师Craig L. Hill教授;2007–2009年在美国能源部Ames Laboratory做博士后研究,之后在Ames Laboratory任助理研究员(2009–2012),副研究员(2012–2015)。2016年任哈尔滨工业大学化工与化学学院教授,博士生导师。主要研究领域:分子和纳米磁性材料的合成、晶体结构和磁学性质研究。 工作经历 标题 哈尔滨工业大学,教授 起讫时间 2016.01– 职位/职称 工作单位 简单介绍 标题 US DOE Ames Laboratory, 副研究员, PI 起讫时间 2012.12–2015.11 职位/职称 工作单位 简单介绍 标题 US DOE Ames Laboratory, 助理研究员 起讫时间 2009.12–2012.11 职位/职称 工作单位 简单介绍 标题 US DOE Ames Laboratory, 博士后 起讫时间 2007.01–2009.11 职位/职称 工作单位 简单介绍 教育经历 标题 美国Emory大学, 理学博士 起讫时间 2001.08–2006.12 所学专业 无机化学 学习机构 学历 简单介绍 标题 东北师范大学,理学硕士 起讫时间 1998.09–2001.07 所学专业 无机化学 学习机构 学历 简单介绍 标题 东北师范大学,理学学士 起讫时间 1994.09–1998.07 所学专业 化学 学习机构 学历 简单介绍 荣誉称号 称号名称 Harold S. Johnston Award 获奖时间 2006 颁奖机构 Emory大学 简单介绍 称号名称 Osborne R. Quayle Fellowship 获奖时间 2005 颁奖机构 Emory大学 简单介绍 研究方向 (Research Interests) 名称 研究方向: 分子笼材料、多金属氧酸盐、晶体结构 论文著作(Selected Publications) 名称 Gao, Y.; Guo, J.; Lai, Y.; Lin, J.; Liu, J.; Ji, J.; Yin, P.; Wang, W.; Zhao, H.; Chen, G.; Wang, L.;* Fang, X.;* Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2023, e202315691. Jia, T.; Du, J.; Yang, J.; Li, Y.; Ohulchanskyy, T.; Fang, X.; Chen, G.* Metalloporphyrin MOFs-based nanoagent enabling tumor microenvironment responsive sonodynamic therapy of intracranial glioma signaled by NIR-IIb luminescence Imaging. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2023, 2307816. Liu, F.; Lin, J.; Ji, J.; Na, Y.; Uchida, S.; Fang, X.,* A macrocyclic polyoxomolybdate with phosphate and phosphonate linkers: synthesis, structure, and proton conductivity. Inorg. Chem. 2023, 62, 15340-15345. Jia, T.; Du, J.; Yang, J.; Li, F.; Fang, X., Chen, G.* Near-infrared upconversion photosensitizer enabling photodynamic production and in situ dynamic monitoring of hydroxyl radical in live mice. Nano Today 2023, 51, 101932. Zhu, M.; Han, S.; Liu, J.; Tan, M.; Wang, W.; Suzuki, K.; Yin, P.; Xia, D.; Fang, X.,* {Mo126W30}: Polyoxometalate cages shaped by pi-pi interactions. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2022, 61, e202213910 (VIP paper). Highlighted in ChemistryViews. Guo, J.; Liu, J.; Cui, Y.; Liu, C.; Wang, Y.; Wang, M.; Huang, D.; Chen, G.; Wang, W.;* Xia, D.; Fang, X.,* Timing matters: pre-assembly versus post-assembly functionalization of a polyoxovanadate-organic cuboid. Chem. Sci. 2022, 13, 5718-5725. Jiang, X.; Fan, R.;* Zhang, J.; Fang, X.;* Sun, T.; Zhu, K.; Zhou, X.; Xu, Y.; Yang, Y.,* Sequentially epitaxial growth multi-guest encapsulation strategy in MOF-on-MOF platform: Biogenic amine detection and systematic white light adjustment. Chem. Eng. J. 2022, 436,135236. Zhu, M.; Iwano, T.; Tan, M.; Akutsu, D.; Uchida, S.;* Chen, G.; Fang, X.,* Macrocyclic polyoxometalates: selective polyanion binding and ultrahigh proton conduction. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2022, 61, e202200666 (Hot paper). Jia, T.; Li, D.; Du, J.; Fang, X.; Gerasimov, V.; Agren, H.; Chen, G.,* A bimodal type of AgPd plasmonic blackbody nanozyme with boosted catalytic efficacy and synergized photothermal therapy for efficacious tumor treatment in the second biological window. J. Nanobiotechnol. 2022, 20, 424. Chang, Q.; Meng, X.; Ruan, W.; Feng, Y.; Li, R.; Zhu, J.; Ding, Y.;* Lv, H.; Wang, W.; Chen, G.; Fang, X.,* Metal-organic cages with {SiW9Ni4} polyoxotungstate nodes. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2022, 61, e202117637 (Hot paper). Liu, Z.; Chang, Q.; Wu, W.; Yin, W.; Chu, Y.; Wang, W.; Fang, X.,* Bridging polyoxometalate-based Mn4 cubane clusters with inorganic phosphates: structural transformation and magnetic properties. Inorg. Chem. 2021, 60, 219-224. Wang, X.; Zhang, X.; Huang, D.; Zhao, T.; Zhao, L.; Fang, X.; Yang, C.; Chen, G.,* High-sensitivity sensing of divalent copper ions at the single upconversion nanoparticle level. Anal. Chem. 2021, 93, 11686-11691. Sun, T.; Hao, S.; Fan, R.;* Zhang, J.; Chen, W.; Zhu, K.; Wang, P.; Fang, X.; Yang, Y.,* In situ self-assembled cationic lanthanide metal organic framework membrane sensor for effective MnO4- and ascorbic acid detection. Anal. Chim. Acta 2021, 1142, 211-220. Guo, J.; Chang, Q.; Liu, Z.; Wang, Y.; Liu, C.; Wang, M.; Huang, D.; Chen, G.; Zhao, H.; Wang, W.;* Fang, X.,* How to not build a cage: endohedral functionalization of polyoxometalate-based metal-organic polyhedra. Chem. Sci. 2021, 12, 7361-7368 (Pick of the Week). Cui, T.; Qin, L.; Fu, F.; Xin, X.; Li, H.; Fang, X.; Lv, H.,* Pentadecanuclear Fe-containing polyoxometalate catalyst for visible-light-driven generation of hydrogen. Inorg. Chem. 2021, 60, 4124-4132. Ye, T.;* Wang, Q.; Tian, C.; Singh, R.; Zhang, Y.; Liu, Z.; Fang, X.; He, D., Multifunctional electronic skin based on perovskite intermediate gels. Adv. Electron. Mater. 2020, 6, 1901291. Gai, S.; Zhang, J.; Fan, R.;* Xing, K.; Chen, W.; Zhu, K.; Zheng, X.; Wang, P.; Fang, X.; Yang, Y.,* Highly stable zinc-based metal-organic frameworks and corresponding flexible composites for removal and detection of antibiotics in water. ACS Appl. Mater. Inter. 2020, 12, 8650-8662. Liu, Z.; Wang, W.; Tang, J.; Li, W.; Yin, W.; Fang, X.,* Chain length effect in the functionalization of polyoxometalates with alpha,omega-alkyldiphosphonates. Chem. Commun. 2019, 55, 6547-6550. Fang, X.;* Hansen, L.; Haso, F.; Yin, P.; Pandey, A.; Engelhardt, L.; Slowing, I.; Li, T.; Liu, T.; Luban, M.; Johnston, D. C., {Mo24Fe12} macrocycles: anion templation with large polyoxometalate guests. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 10500-10504. Fang, X.;* Koegerler, P.;* Furukawa, Y.; Speldrich, M.; Luban, M., Molecular growth of a core-shell polyoxometalate. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2011, 50, 5212-5216. Fang, X.; Koegerler, P.,* PO43--mediated polyoxometalate supercluster assembly. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2008, 47, 8123-8126. Fang, X.; Hill, C. L.,* Multiple reversible protonation of polyoxoanion surfaces: direct observation of dynamic structural effects from proton transfer. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2007, 46, 3877-3880. Fang, X.; Anderson, T. M.; Hill, C. L.,* Enantiomerically pure polytungstates: chirality transfer through zirconium coordination centers to nanosized inorganic clusters. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2005, 44, 3540-3544. Fang, X.; Koegerler, P.;* Isaacs, L.; Uchida, S.; Mizuno, N., Cucurbit[n]uril-polyoxoanion hybrids. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2009, 131, 432-433. Fang, X.;* Koegerler, P.;* Speldrich, M.; Schilder, H.; Luban, M., A polyoxometalate-based single-molecule magnet with an S=21/2 ground state. Chem. Commun. 2012, 48, 1218-1220. Fang, X.;* Luban, M., {Mn14W48} aggregate: the perspective of isopolyanions as ligands. Chem. Commun. 2011, 47, 3066-3068. Fang, X.;* Speldrich, M.; Schilder, H.; Cao, R.; O'Halloran, K. P.; Hill, C. L.; Koegerler, P.,* Switching slow relaxation in a MnIII3MnIV cluster: an example of grafting single-molecule magnets onto polyoxometalates. Chem. Commun. 2010, 46, 2760-2762. Fang, X.; Koegerler, P.,* A polyoxometalate-based manganese carboxylate cluster. Chem. Commun. 2008, 3396-3398. Fang, X.; Anderson, T. M.; Hou, Y.; Hill, C. L.,* Stereoisomerism in polyoxometalates: structural and spectroscopic studies of bis(malate)-functionalized cluster systems. Chem. Commun. 2005, 5044-5046. Fang, X.; Anderson, T. M.; Benelli, C.; Hill, C. L.,* Polyoxometalate-supported Y- and YbIII-hydroxo/oxo clusters from carbonate-assisted hydrolysis. Chem.-Eur. J. 2005, 11, 712-718. Fang, X.; Anderson, T. M.; Neiwert, W. A.; Hill, C. L.,* Yttrium polyoxometalates. Synthesis and characterization of a carbonate-encapsulated sandwich-type complex. Inorg. Chem. 2003, 42, 8600-8602. Fang, X.;* McCallum, K.; Pratt, H. D., III; Anderson, T. M.; Dennis, K.; Luban, M., A co-crystal of polyoxometalates exhibiting single-molecule magnet behavior: the structural origin of a large magnetic anisotropy. Dalton Trans. 2012, 41, 9867-9870. LIST OF JOURNALS 名称 Nature Science Nature Chemistry Nature Communications JACS Angewandte Chemie International Edition Chem PNAS Chemical Science Chemical Communications Chemistry - A European Journal Inorganic Chemistry Dalton Transactions European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry |