
主页 > 广东省 > 华南理工大学


姓名 吴青华
学校 华南理工大学
部门 华南理工大学
学位 教授
学历 教授
职称 教授
联系方式 实用新型1875包写包过
邮箱 wuqh@scut.edu.cn
集群智慧云企服 / 知识产权申请大平台
急速申请 包写包过 办事快、准、稳

更新日期:2021年6月25日 姓 名 吴青华 性 别 男 出生年月 1953年9月 籍贯 武汉 民 族 汉族 政治面貌 无党派 最后学历 最后学位 技术职称 教授 导师类别 硕导 行政职务 Email wuqh@scut.edu.cn 工作单位 华南理工大学 邮政编码 通讯地址 单位电话 个人简介 吴青华教授作为文革后的第一批研究生,1981年获华中科技大学工学电力系统及其自动化专业硕士学位,随后留校任教三年。1984年赴英,1987年获英国贝尔法斯特女皇大学博士学位,已在英学习工作二十九年。吴青华教授是改革开放后第一位从中国大陆地区学者中聘任的英国名牌大学教授,他长期从事电网和智能工程的科学研究工作。 曾任英国利物浦大学电力工程荣誉教授及国家仪器公司e自动化实验室主任,多年从事智能电网的科学研究工作,先后获得美国国家半导体公司先进技术奖,英国工程物理科学研究委员会优秀科学工作者奖,英国机械工程师学会最佳论文奖和英国测量与控制学会最佳论文奖。他曾在英国大学一流数学系担任讲师和高级讲师,既有坚实的数学理论基础又有丰富的实际应用经验,长期从事电力系统及其自动化领域的科学研究工作,并做了大量交叉学科的研究工作。吴青华教授数十年来从事电力系统及其自动化、信息化方面的学术研究,在人工智能、智能计算、计算机学习、多代理系统、数学形态学、非线性控制理论、片上系统、电力电子、复杂系统的仿真和优化计算以及它们在电力和能源系统的应用研究方面作了很多创新的工作,国内外电力工作者在以上领域的研究都可以追溯到吴青华教授最早的科学成果。他集智能计算、系统工程与电力系统知识为一体,是智能电网科学研究的先行者,是世界上多学科和交叉学科在电力系统应用的先行者。他已发表国际权威期刊杂志论文300多篇,国际会议论文320多篇,著书章节20篇,世界最权威出版社Springer出版的科研专著4本,注册专利35项,Google学术引用次数超过1600次/2018年度。吴青华教授先后培养博士后30余名,博士生80余名,硕士生多人,中国访问学者28人,教育成就卓著。吴青华教授先后承担主持了英国工程与物理科学研究委员会、英国电信公司、阿尔斯通公司、西门子公司、英国国家电力公司、英国国家电网公司、美国国家仪器公司、英国通用电缆公司、国家自然科学基金重点项目、973课题、广东省引进创新团队、南方电网、国家电网等多项科研课题,获大量科研资金。 工作经历 1987.10-1991.09  英国贝尔法斯特女王大学  博士后研究员1991.10-1995.09  英国罗夫堡大学 讲师/高级讲师1995.09-2013.06  英国利物浦大学 讲座教授2011.06至今        华南理工大学       教授 教育经历 1978.09-1981.03  华中科技大学 硕士1984.08-1987.09  英国贝尔法斯特女王大学  博士 获奖、荣誉称号 1981年            华中科技大学优秀论文奖1986年            美国国家半导体公司先进技术奖1991年            英国科学与工程研究学会特殊贡献奖1994年            机械工程师协会《系统与控制工程》期刊最佳论文奖 2010年            测量与控制协会《测量与控制学报》最佳论文奖 社会、学会及学术兼职 电气与电子工程师学会会士(IEEE Fellow)、电气工程师学会会士(IEE Fellow)、中国电机工程学会外籍会士、华南理工大学能源研究院院长、浙江大学光彪教授,曾任中国科学院海外评审专家、中国科学技术奖评审专家、上海交大国家能源智能电网研究中心顾问、多所中国大学的客座和顾问教授、多所电力公司的高级技术顾问、中国电机工程学会《CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems》期刊副主编,并多次担任国际学术会议组委会和技术委员会委员和主席团成员。 研究领域 多学科和交叉学科在电力系统应用,主要包括电力系统及其自动化、信息化,人工智能、智能计算、计算机学习、多代理系统、数学形态学、非线性控制理论、片上系统、电力电子、复杂系统的仿真和优化计算以及其在电力和能源系统的应用研究。 科研项目 先后主持英国EPSRC项目、国家自然科学基金重点项目、国家973项目、广东省引进创新科研团队项目等多项,累计科研经费9千万元。1. 远距离大规模风电的有功/无功功率控制与电力系统频率及电压稳定, 973计划项目子课题2. 综合能源网规划和运行的基础理论和方法研究, 国家自然科学基金重点项目3. 具有交直流互联的电力系统能量协调暂态稳定控制研究, 国家自然科学基金-国家电网联合基金重点项目4. 智能能源网核心技术, 广东省引进创新团队项目5. 广东省节能发电调度优化方案研究, 企事业单位合作项目6. 基于资源优化配置的广州电网运营能力提高研究, 企事业单位合作项目7. 考虑新能源的机组群联合调度优化算法及评估体系研究及软件开发, 企事业单位合作项目8. 具有系统自复性的大电网分层多目标无功电压实时优化及智能决策方法研究, 企事业单位合作项目9. 全球能源互联网电力生产模拟关键技术研究及可视化平台研发, 企事业单位合作项目 发表论文 在国际权威期刊杂志论文260余篇(几乎全部为SCI收录)、国际会议论文300多篇(全部为EI收录)、著书章节20篇。近五年发表SCI收录论文包括:1. Hong, D.Y., Ji, T.Y.*, Li, M.S., Wu, Q.H., Ultra-short-term forecast of wind speed and wind power based on morphological high frequency filter and double similarity search algorithm, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 104, January 2019,  pp. 868-879. 2. Huang, J.B., Li, Z.G.*, Wu, Q.H., Fully decentralized multiarea reactive power optimization considering practical regulation constraints of devices, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 105, February 2019, pp. 351-364. 3. Ji, T.Y., Yi, L., Tang, W.H.*, Shi, M.J., Wu, Q.H., Multi-mapping fault diagnosis of high voltage circuit breaker based on mathematical morphology and wavelet entropy, CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems 4. Li, M.S., Yu, D., Chen, Z.M., Xiahou, K.S., Ji, T.Y.*, Wu, Q.H., A data-driven residual-based method for fault diagnosis and isolation in wind turbines, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy5. Jiang, C.X., Jing, Z.X.*, Ji, T.Y., Wu, Q.H., Optimal location of public electric vehicle charging stations using multi-agent system and evidential reasoning approach, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 6. Ji, T.Y., Ye, X.Z., Shi, M.J., Li, M.S.∗, Wu, Q.H., Typical current modeling of high voltage circuit breaker and feature extraction towards condition analysis and fault diagnosis, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 7. Xie, C.X., Ji, T.Y.*, Lei, Z., Li, M.S., Wu, Q.H., PQ disturbance identification and parameter estimation using mathematical morphology and numerical integral, International Journal of Electrical Engineering8. Ji, T.Y., Hong, D.Y., Zheng, J.H.*, Wu, Q.H., Wind Power Forecast with Error Feedback and Its Economic Benefit in Power System Dispatch IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution9. Liu, Y., Xiahou, K.S., Lin, X., Wu, Q.H., Switching fault ride-through of GSCs via observer-based bang-bang funnel control, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. PP, no. 99, 2018.10. Xiahou, K.S., Wu, Q.H.*, Fault-tolerant control of doubly-fed induction generators under voltage and current sensor faults, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 98, January 2018, pp. 48-61. 11. Zhang, A.Q., Ji, T.Y.*, Li, M.S., Wu, Q.H., Zhang, L.L., An identification method based on mathematical morphology for sympathetic inrush, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 33(1), February 2018, pp. 12-21. 12. Xie, Z.Q., Ji, T.Y.*, Li, M.S., Wu, Q.H., Quasi-Monte Carlo based probabilistic optimal power flow considering the correlation of wind speeds, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 33(2), March 2018, pp. 2239-2247. 13. Han, X.L., Wu, Q.H., Li, M.S., Zhang., L.L.*, Mathematical morphology-based single phase-to-ground fault feeder selector for a resonant grounded distribution system, IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 13(3), March 2018, pp. 517-518. 14. Liu, L., Ji, T.Y.*, Li, M.S., Chen, Z.M., Wu, Q.H., Short-term local prediction of wind speed and wind power based on singular spectrum analysis and locality-sensitive hashing, Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, 6(2), March 2018, pp. 317-329. 15. Xiahou, K.S., Li, M.S., Liu, Y., Wu, Q.H.*, Sensor fault tolerance enhancement of DFIG-WTs via perturbation observer-based DPC and two-stage Kalman filters, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 33(2), June 2018, pp. 483-495. 16. Liu, Y., Zheng, J.H., Shi, K., Jiang, L., Ni, K.*, Wu, Q.H., Open-end transformer-based power tap for interconnection of AC/DC micro-grids, IET Power Electronics, 11(7), 14 June 2018, pp. 1169-1177. 17. Yu, D., Chen, Z. M., Xiahou, K.S., Li, M.S.*, Ji, T.Y., Wu, Q.H., A radically data-driven method for fault detection and diagnosis in wind turbines, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 99, July 2018, pp. 577-584. 18. Jiang, C.X., Jing, Z.X.*, Cui, X.R., Ji, T.Y., Wu, Q.H., Multiple agents and reinforcement learning for modelling charging loads of electric taxis, Applied Energy, 222, 15 July 2018, pp. 158-168. 19. Li, Z.G.*, Yu, J.Y., Wu, Q.H., Approximate linear power flow using logarithmic transform of voltage magnitudes with reactive power and power loss consideration, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 33(4), July 2018, pp.4593-4603. 20. Yang, Y.H., Tang, W.H.*, Liu, Y., Xin, Y.L., Wu, Q.H., Quantitative resilience assessment for power transmission systems under typhoon weather, IEEE Access, 6, 15 August 2018, pp. 40747-40756.21. Lin, X., Xiahou, K.S., Liu, Y., Wu, Q.H.*, Design and hardware-in-the-loop experiment of multiloop adaptive control for DFIG-WT, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 65(9), September 2018, pp. 7049-7059. 22. Li, M.S., Lin, Z.J., Ji, T.Y.*, Wu, Q.H., Risk constrained stochastic economic dispatch considering dependence of multiple wind farms using pair-copula, Applied Energy, 226, 15 September 2018, pp. 967-978. 23. Wang, L.X., Jing, Z.X., Zheng, J.H.*, Wu, Q.H., Wei, F., Decentralized optimization of coordinated electrical and thermal generations in hierarchical integrated energy systems considering competitive individuals, Energy, 158, September 2018, pp. 607-622. 24. Liu, Y., Jiang, L., Smith, J.S., Wu, Q.H.*, Primary frequency control of DFIG-WTs using bang-bang phase angle controller, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, 12(11),  2018, pp. 2670-2678. 25. Feng, Z.Y., Tang, W.H., Niu, Z.W., Wu, Q.H., Bi-level allocation of carbon emission permits based on clustering analysis and weighted voting: A case study in China, Applied Energy, 228, 15 October 2018, pp. 1122-1135. 26. Liu, Y., Xiahou, K.S., Wang, L., Wu, Q.H.*, Switching control of GSC of DFIGWTs for disturbance rejection based on bang-bang control, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 33(6), December 2018, pp. 3256-3259. 27. Liu, Y., Jiang, L., Wu, Q. H.*, Zhou, X. X., Frequency control of DFIG based wind power penetrated power systems using switching angle controller and AGC, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 32(2), February 2017, pp. 1553-1567. 28. Li, B., Tang, W.H.*, Xiahou, K.S., Wu, Q.H., Development of novel robust regulator to for maximum wind energy extractions based on perturb and observe algorithm, Energies, 10(569), April 2017, pp. 1-21. 29. Zheng, J.H., Wu, Q.H.*, Jing, Z.X., Coordinated scheduling strategy to optimize conflicting benefits for daily operation of integrated electricity and gas networks, Applied Energy, 192, April 2017, pp. 370-381.30. Kou, Y.N., Zheng, J.H.*, Li, Z.G., Wu, Q.H., Many-objective optimization for the coordinated operation of integrated electricity and gas network, Journal of Modern Power systems and Clean Energy, 5(3), May 2017, pp. 350-363. 31. Zhang, L.L., Wu, Q.H.*, Ji, T.Y., Zhang, A.Q., Identification of inrush currents in power transformers based on higher-order statistics, Electric Power Systems Research, 146, May 2017, pp. 161-169. (SCI: )JCR:332. Ji, T.Y., Shi, M.J., Li, M.S.*, Zhang, L.L., Wu, Q.H., Current transformer saturation detection using morphological gradient and morphological decomposition and its hardware implementation, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 64(6), June 2017, pp. 4721-4729. 33. Lin, H., Zhang, Z.W., Tang, W.H.*, Wu, Q.H., Yan, J. D., Equivalent gradient area based fault interpretation for transformer winding using binary morphology, IEEE Transaction on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 24(3), June 2017, pp. 1947-1956. 34. Wu, Z.L., Ding, J. Y.*, Wu, Q. H., Jing, Z.X., Zheng, J.H., Reserve constrained dynamic economic dispatch with valve-point effect: A two-stage mixed integer linear programming approach, CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems, 3(2), June 2017, pp. 203-322. 35. Chen, J. J., Zheng, J. H., Wu, P. Z., Zhang, L. L.*, Wu, Q. H., Dynamic particle swarm optimizer with escaping prey for solving constrained non-convex and piecewise optimization problems, Expert Systems with Applications, 86, November 2017,  pp. 208-223. 36. Huang, J.B., Li, Z.G.*, Wu, Q.H., Coordinated dispatch of electric power and district heating networks: A decentralized solution using optimality condition decomposition, Applied Energy, 206, November 2017, 1508-1522. 37. Shang, X.Y., Li, Z.G.*, Ji, T.Y., Wu, P.Z., Wu, Q.H., Online area load modeling in power systems using enhanced reinforcement learning, Energies, 10(1852), November 2017, pp. 1-17. 38. Wang, L., Wu, Q. H., Tang, W.H.*, Energy balance control of a cascaded multilevel inverter for standalone solar photovoltaic applications, Energies, 10(11), 2017, pp. 1-17. 39. Zhang, A.Q., Zhang, L.L.*, Li, M.S., Wu, Q.H., Ji, T.Y., Identification of dominant low frequency oscillation modes based on blind source separation, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 32(6), November 2017, pp. 4774-4782. 40. Zhang, L.L., Li, M.S., Ji, T.Y.*, Zeng, J., Identifying magnetizing inrush in power transformers based on symmetry of current waveforms, IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 12(6), November 2017, pp. 959-960. 41. Chen, J.J., Wu, Q. H., Zhang, L.L.*, Wu, P.Z., Multi-objective mean-variance-skewness model for nonconvex and stochastic optimal power flow considering wind power and load uncertainties, European Journal of Operational Research, 263(2), December 2017, pp. 719-732. 42. Wang, L., Wu, Q.H., Tang, W.H., Novel cascaded switched-diode multilevel inverter for renewable energy integration, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 32(4), December 2017, pp. 1574-1582. 43. Jing, Z.X, Zhu, J.S., Hu, R.X., Sizing optimization for island microgrid with pumped storage system considering demand response, Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, December 2017, pp. 1-11. 44. Chen, J.J., Wu, Q.H., Ji, T.Y., Wu, P.Z., Li, M.S.*, Evolutionary predator and prey strategy for global optimization, Information Sciences, Vol. 327, January 2016, pp. 217-232. 45. Yang, B., Jiang, L., Wang, L., Yao, W.*, Wu, Q.H., Nonlinear maximum power point tracking control and modal analysis of DFIG based wind turbine, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Vol. 74, January 2016, pp. 429-436.46. Wu, W.C., Ji, T.Y.*, Li, M.S., Wu, Q.H., Using mathematical morphology to discriminate between internal fault and inrush current of transformers, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, Vol. 10(1), January 2016, pp. 73-80. 47. Liu, Y., Wu, Q.H.*, Zhou, X.X., Co-ordinated multiloop switching control of DFIG for resilience enhancement of wind power penetrated power systems, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, vol. 7, no. 3, July, 2016, pp. 1089-1099. 48. Li, Y. Z., Wu, Q. H.*, Downside risk constrained probabilistic optimal power flow with wind power integrated, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 31(2), March 2016, pp. 1649-1650. 49. Chen J.J., Ji, T.Y., Wu, P.Z., Li, M.S.*, A variant of group search optimizer for global optimization, Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering, 16, March 2016, pp. 219-230. 50. Zhang, Y., Ji, T.Y.*, Li, M.S., Wu, Q.H., Identification of power disturbances using generalized morphological open-closing and close-opening wavelet, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 63(4), April 2016, pp. 2330-2339.51. Tao, Y.K., Wu, Q.H., Wang, L., Tang, W.H.*, Voltage sensorless predictive direct power control of three-phase PWM converters, IET Power Electronics, Vol. 9(5), April 2016, pp. 1009-1018.  52. Li, Y. Z., Wu, Q. H.*, Jiang, L., Yang, J. B., Xu, D. L., Optimal power system dispatch with wind power integrated using nonlinear interval optimization and evidential reasoning approach, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 31(3), May 2016, pp. 2246-2254. 53. Liu, Y., Wu, Q.H.*, Kang, H.T., Zhou, X.X., Switching power system stabilizer and its coordination for enhancement of multi-machine power system stability, CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems, 2(2), June 2016, pp.98-106.54. Chen, Y., Ji, T.Y.*, Li, M.S., Wu, Q.H., Wang, X.J., ‘Power system harmonic estimation based on Park transform’, Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology, 11(3), May 2016, pp. 560-574. 55. Wei. F., Wu, Q.H., Jing, Z.X.*, Chen, J.J., Zhou, X.X, Optimal unit sizing for small-scale integrated energy systems using multi-objective interval optimization and evidential reasoning approach, Energy, 111, September 2016, pp. 933-946. 56. Wang, L., Wu, Q.H.*, Tao, Y.K., Tang, W.H., Switching control of buck converter based on energy conservation principle, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems, 24(5), September 2016, pp. 1779-1787.  57. Liu, Y., Wu, Q.H.*, Zhou, X.X., Coordinated switching controllers for transient stability of multi-machine power systems, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 31(5), September 2016, pp. 3937-3949.58. Wu, Z. L., Ding, J. Y., Wu, Q. H., Jing, Z. X.*, Zhou, X. X., Two-phase mixed integer programming for non-convex economic dispatch problem with spinning reserve constraints, accepted by Electric Power Systems Research. 59. Xin, Y.L., Liu, B., Tang, W.H.*, Wu, Q.H., Modeling and mitigation for high frequency switching transients due to energization in offshore wind farms, Energies, 9(12), December 2016, pp. 1-16.60. Li, Y.Z., Wu, Q.H.*, Li, M.S., Group search optimizer with intraspecific competition and Levy walk, Knowledge-Based Systems, Vol. 73, January 2015, pp. 44-51. 61. Zhu, L., Li, M.S., Wu, Q.H.*, Jiang, L., Short-term natural gas demand prediction based on support vector regression with false neighbours filtered, Energy, Vol. 80, February 2015, pp. 428-436. 62. Zhan, J.P., Wu, Q.H.*, Guo, C.X., Zhou, X.X., Economic dispatch with non-smooth objectives -- Part I: Local minimum analysis, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 30(2), March 2015, pp. 710-721. 63. Zhan, J.P., Wu, Q.H.*, Guo, C.X., Zhou, X.X., Economic dispatch with non-smooth objectives -- Part II: Dimensional steepest decline method, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 30(2), March 2015, pp. 722-733. 64. Zheng, J.H., Chen, J.J., Wu, Q.H.*, Jing, Z.X., Reliability constrained unit commitment with combined hydro and thermal generation embedded using self-learning group search optimizer, Energy, Vol. 81, March 2015, pp. 245-254. 65. Wu, Q.H., Zheng, J.H., Jing, Z.X. Coordinated scheduling of energy resources for distributed DHCs in an integrated energy grid, CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems, Vol. 1(1), March 2015, pp. 95-103. 66. Guan, L.*, Fan, X. M., Liu, Y., Wu, Q. H., Dual-mode control of AC/VSC-HVDC hybrid transmission systems with wind power integrated, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol.  30(4), August 2015, pp. 1686-1693.67. Zheng, J.H., Chen, J.J., Wu, Q.H.*, Jing, Z.X., Multi-objective optimization and decision making for power dispatch of a large-scale integrated energy system with distributed DHCs embedded, Applied Energy, Vol. 154, September 2015, pp. 369-379. 68. Kang, H.T., Liu, Y., Wu, Q.H.*, Zhou, X.X., Switching excitation controller for enhancement of transient stability of multi-machine power systems, CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems, vol. 1(3), September 2015, pp. 86-93.69. Wu, J.L., Ji, T.Y.*, Li, M.S., Wu, Q.H., Multi-step wind power forecasting based on mean trend detector and mathematical morphology local predictor, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, Vol. 6(4), October 2015, pp. 1216-1223. 70. Chen J.J*, Zheng J.H., Discussion on “Short-term environmental/economic hydrothermal scheduling”,Electric Power Systems Research, 127, October 2015, pp. 347.71. Yang, B., Jiang, L., Yao, W., Wu, Q.H.*, Perturbation estimation based coordinated adaptive passive control for multimachine power systems, Control Engineering Practice, Vol. 44, November 2015, pp. 172-192.72. Chen, Y., Ji, T.Y.*, Li, M.S., Wu, Q.H., Exponentially decaying DC offset removal for phasor measurement using second-order differential, IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 10(6), November 2015, pp. 726-728. 73. Zhang, Y., Ji, T.Y.*, Li, M.S., Wu, Q.H., Application of morphological max-lifting scheme for identification of induction motor stator inter-turn short circuit, CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems, Vol. 1(4), December 2015, pp. 92-100.74. Yi, L., Ji, T.Y.*, Li, M.S., Wu, Q.H., Wu, T., ‘Application of hit-or-miss wavelet transform and principal component analysis on power disturbance identification’, International Journal of Electrical Engineering, 22(4), December 2015, pp. 127-135. 75. Jiang XS, Jing ZX, Li YZ, Wu QH*, Tang WH (2014) Modeling and operation optimization of an integrated energy based direct district water-heating system. Energy, Vol. 64, pp. 375-388.76. Tang, W.H.*, Yan, L., Yang, Z., Wu, Q.H., Improved document ranking in ontology-based document search engine using evidential reasoning algorithm, IET Software, Vol. 8, No. 1, February 2014, pp. 33-41. 77. Wei, C.H., Tang, W.H.*, Wu, Q.H., ‘A hybrid least-square support vector machine approach to incipient fault detection for oil-immersed power transformer’, Electric Power Components and Systems, February, 2014.78. Li, Y.Z.*, Discussion of “Adaptive robust optimization for the security constrained unit commitment problem”, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 29(2), March 2014, pp. 996-997. 79. Zhan, J.P., Wu, Q.H.*, Guo, C.X., Fast λ-iteration method for economic dispatch with prohibited operating zones, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 29(2), March 2014, pp. 990-991. 80. Zhang, L.L., Wu, Q.H.*, Ji, T.Y., Jiang, L., Skewness-based differential protection for EHV/UHV transmission lines, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 29(3), June 2014, pp. 1518-1520. 81. Li, Y.Z., Wu, Q.H.*, Li, M.S., Zhan, J.P., Mean-variance model for power system economic dispatch with wind power integrated, Energy, Vol. 72, August 2014, pp. 510-520. 82. Jing, Z.X., Jiang, X.S., Wu, Q.H.*, Tang, W.H., Hua, B., Modelling and optimal operation of a small-scale integrated energy based district heating and cooling system, Energy, Vol. 73, August 2014, pp.399-415. 83. Liao, H.L., Wu, Q.H.*, Li, Y.Z., Jiang, L., Economic emission dispatching with variations of wind power and loads using multi-objective optimization by learning automata, Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 87, August 2014, pp. 990-999.84. Zhang, L.L., Li, M.S., Ji, T.Y., Wu, Q.H.*, Jiang, L., Zhan, J.P., Morphology singular entropy based phase selector using short data window for transmission lines, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 29(5), October 2014, pp. 2162-2171. 85. Li, Y.Z., Li M.S.*, Wu, Q.H., Energy saving dispatch with complex constraints: prohibited zones, valve point effect and carbon tax, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Vol. 63, December 2014, pp. 657-666. 86. Liu, Y., Wu, Q.H.*, Zhou, X.X., Jiang, L., ‘Perturbation observer based control for the DFIG-WT in multi-machine power systems, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol.29, No.6, pp.2905-2915, 2014. 87. Liu, Y., Wu, Q.H.*, Zhou, X.X., Jiang, L., Nonlinear multi-loop control of DFIG based wind turbine using sliding mode observers, accepted by Automatica. (unreachable)  88. Zhan, J.P., Wu, Q.H.*, Guo, C.X., Zhou, X.X., Economic dispatch with non-smooth objectives -- Part I: Local minimum analysis, accepted by IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2014. 89. Zhan, J.P., Wu, Q.H.*, Guo, C.X., Zhou, X.X., Economic dispatch with non-smooth objectives -- Part II: Dimensional steepest decline method, accepted by IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2014. 90. Zhang, L.L.*, Wu, Q.H., Ji, T.Y., Jiang, L., ‘Skewness based differential protection scheme for EHV/UHV transmission lines’, accepted by IEEE Power Engineering Letters, 2014.91. Zhang, Z.W., Tang, W.H.*, Ji, T.Y., Wu, Q.H., ‘Finite-element modeling for analysis of radial deformations within transformer windings’,  IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol.29, No.5, 2014.92. Wei, C.H.*, Tang, W.H. and Wu, Q.H., ‘Dissolved gas analysis method based on novel feature prioritisation and support vector machine’, Accepted, IET Electric Power Applications, pp. 1-9, 2014.93. Zhan, J.P., C. X. Guo, C.X.*, Wu, Q.H., Zhang, L.L., Fu, H.J., ‘Generation maintenance scheduling based on multiple objectives and their relationship analysis’, Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE C (Computers & Electronics), Vol.15, No.11, pp.1035-1047, 2014. 94. Chen, J., Jiang, L., Yao, W. *, Wu, Q.H., ‘Perturbation estimation based nonlinear adaptive control of a full-rated converter wind turbine for fault ride-through capability enhancement’, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol.29, No.6, pp.2733-2743, 2014.95. He, B.T., Li, M.S., Ji, T.Y., Wu, Q.H., Optimal coordinated control of PSS and SVC for transient stability improvement using PBO, International Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 21(4), August 2014, pp. 135-145.96. Li, Y.Z., Li, M.S., Wu, Q.H.*, Optimal reactive power dispatch with wind power integrated using group search optimizer with intraspecific competition and Levy walk, Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, Vol. 2(4), November 2014, pp. 308-318.  97. Li, M.S., Wu, Q.H.*, Ji, T.Y., Rao, H., Stochastic multi-objective optimization for economic-emission dispatch with uncertain wind power and distributed loads, Electric Power Systems Research, Vol. 116, November 2014, pp. 367-373. 出版专著和教材 1. Buse, D.P. and Wu, Q.H., ‘IP Network-based Multi-agent Systems for Industrial Automation: Information Management, Condition Monitoring and Control of Power Systems’, ISBN: 978-1-84628-646-9, e-ISBN: 978-1-84628-647-6, Springer-Verlag London Limited, London, New York, February 2007.2. Ji, Z. Liao, H.L. and Wu, Q.H., ‘Particle Swarm Optimization and its Applications’, Science Press, ISBN: 978-7-03-023284-7, The 1st Edition, Beijing, December 2008.3. Wu, Q.H., Lu, Z. and Ji, T.Y., ‘Protective Relaying of Power Systems Using Mathematical Morphology’, Springer-Verlag, ISSN: 1612-1287, ISBN: 978-1-84882-498-0, e-ISBN: 978-1-84882-499-7, DOI 10.1007/978-1-84882-499-7, Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg, London New York, April 2009.4. Tang, W.H. and Wu, Q.H., ‘Condition Monitoring and Assessment of Power Transformers using Computational Intelligence’, Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg, London, New York, December 2010. 科研创新 授权国际专利5项、国内发明专利31项、实用新型专利12项。1. Wu, Q.H., Buse, D.P., Sun, P., Automation platform for information management, condition monitoring and real-time control of distributed industrial systems, 2003, UK, 0220899.9.2. Wu, Q.H., Buse, D.P., Sun, P., Automation platform for information management, condition monitoring and real-time control of distributed industrial systems, 2005, International Patent No. PCT/GB2003/003918.3. Wu, Q.H., Buse, J., Ji, T.Y., Apparatus and method for measuring a phasor of an electrical power system signal, 2010, UK, 1001007.2.4. Wu, Q.H., Wang, L., Energy balance controller of electronic power converter and energy balance control method, 2017.6.6, The United States, US 9673691 B2.5. Wu, Q.H., Zhang, L.L., Ji, T.Y., Method of removing decaying DC component from power system fault signal, 2017.8.10, Canada, 2929382. 教学活动 博士生课程《现代电力系统中的前沿技术》 指导学生情况 培养博士后26名、博士生80余名、硕士生多名,共有博士生3人次获得CSC资助出国访问一年,已毕业博士生人均发表SCI论文3.71篇,已毕业硕士生人均发表SCI论文0.62篇。 我的团队 广东省引进创新团队“智能能源网及其自动化”团队负责人。团队有核心成员9人(教授3人、副教授3人、讲师2人、助理研究员1人、博士后4人),团队特聘顾问包括中国科学院院士1人; 长期从事计算机智能和交叉学科在电力和能源系统的运行、控制及信息管理研究,发表SCI论文300余篇、英文专著5本,授权专利40余项(含国际专利6项)。主持和承担国家自然科学基金重点项目、973子课题、863子课题、广东省引进创新科研团队和国家自然科学基金项目等国家级省部级项目共25项,主持其他纵向横向课题40余项,累计科研经费8500万元。2015年被评为华南理工大学“特别优秀”团队(全校前6%)筹建智能能源网及其自动化技术研究基地牵头组建华南理工大学能源研究院建成广东省智能能源网微自动化工程技术研究中心广东省引进创新团队(优秀)
