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姓名 段春晖
学校 华南理工大学
部门 材料科学与工程学院
学位 教授
学历 教授
职称 教授
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更新日期:2020年5月17日 姓 名 段春晖 性 别 男 出生年月 1986年2月 籍贯 湖南常宁市 民 族 汉族 政治面貌 中国共产党党员 最后学历 博士研究生 最后学位 工学博士 技术职称 教授 导师类别 博、硕导 行政职务 Email duanchunhui@scut.edu.cn 工作单位 材料科学与工程学院 邮政编码 510640 通讯地址 广州市五山路381号华南理工大学北区科技园1号楼 单位电话 15800227599 个人简介 段春晖博士,华南理工大学发光材料与器件国家重点实验室、材料科学与工程学院教授,博士生导师。2008年本科毕业于大连理工大学高分子材料与工程专业,2013年12月博士毕业于华南理工大学材料学专业,2014年3月至2017年6月在荷兰埃因霍温理工大学从事博士后研究工作。入选国家级高层次人才项目和广东省“青年珠江学者”。主持和参加国家重点研发计划项目、国家自然科学基金面上项目等,总经费近1000万元。曾获2014年高等学校科学研究优秀成果一等奖、2013年中国青少年科技创新奖等奖励。      段春晖博士长期致力于有机/高分子光电材料与器件,特别是聚合物太阳电池领域的研究。在有机/聚合物太阳电池的给/受体材料与高效率器件、水/醇溶性有机半导体材料与界面修饰调控方面取得了系列创新成果。至今在Chem. Soc. Rev.、J. Am. Chem. Soc.、Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.、Adv. Mater.、Energy Environ. Sci.、Adv. Energy Mater.、Chem. Sci.、Chem. Mater.等学术期刊发表SCI论文70多篇,出版中文专著1部、英文专著4章,论文获他人引用3800多次,h因子29,12篇论文入选Web of Science高被引论文。申请中国专利6项,获授权1项。回国工作两年多来,所指导的硕/博研究生获国家奖学金/校长奖学金4人次。 工作经历 2017年7月至今:华南理工大学,教授2014年3月至2017年6月:荷兰埃因霍温理工大学,博士后 教育经历 2008年09月至2013年12月:华南理工大学,博士2004年09月至2008年06月:大连理工大学,学士 获奖、荣誉称号 2018年:国家级高层次人才项目2017年:广东省“青年珠江学者”2014年:高等学校优秀科研成果自然科学一等奖2013年:中国青少年科技创新奖2013年:广东省“感动南粤校园”大学生年度人物2011年:教育部学术新人奖2008年:辽宁省大学生优秀毕业生 研究领域 有机/高分子光电材料与器件;有机/聚合物太阳电池;近红外光探测器 科研项目 8)国家重点研发计划变革性技术关键科学问题专项,2019YFA0705900,可隔热发电的新一代有机光伏材料与应用研究,2020/01-2024/12,2655万元,在研,参加7)大连理工大学精细化工国家重点实验室开放基金,KF1901,高吸光系数聚合物受体材料的设计合成及其全聚合物太阳电池,2019/12-2022/03,10万元,在研,主持6)北京分子科学国家研究中心开放课题,BNLMS201901,光、电或磁调控的单分子自旋电子器件研究,2019/08-2021/07,40万元,在研,主持5)华南理工大学中央高校基本科研业务费杰出青年项目,D2190310,发展新型聚合物受体实现高效稳定全聚合物太阳电池,2019/01-2020/12,50万元,在研,主持4)国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,21875072,高介电常数有机半导体材料与太阳电池器件研究,2019/01-2022/12,65万元,在研,主持3)国家“海外高层次人才引进计划”,青年项目(A类),2018/01-2020/12,500万元(中组部300万元,学校配套200万元),在研,主持2)国家重点研发计划纳米科技专项,2017YFA0206600,高效稳定大面积有机太阳电池关键材料与制备技术,2017/07-2022/06,2782万元,在研,参加1)国家自然科学基金委员会,重点项目,21634004,水醇溶有机/聚合物光电材料的研究,2017/01-2021/12,296万元,在研,参加 发表论文 第一/通讯作者论文:50. Duan CH,* Ding LM.* “The new era for organic solar cells: Polymer donors”, Science Bulletin 2020, DOI: 10.1016/j.scib.2020.04.044.49. Duan CH,* Ding LM.* “The new era for organic solar cells: Non-fullerene small molecular acceptors”, Science Bulletin 2020, DOI: 10.1016/j.scib.2020.04.030.48. Zhang B, Yu YG, Liu ZT,* Liu X,* Duan CH,* Huang F. “Design and Synthesis of Wide-Bandgap Conjugated Polymers Based on 3,4-Dicyanothiophene for Efficient Organic Solar Cells”, Acta Polymerica Sinica 2020, DOI: 10.11777/j.issn1000-3304.2020.20011.47. Liu X,* Zhang CH, Pang ST, Li N, Brabec CJ, Duan CH,* Huang F,* Cao Y. “Ternary All-Polymer Solar Cells with 8.5% Power Conversion Efficiency and Excellent Thermal Stability”, Frontiers in Chemistry 2020, DOI: 10.3389/fchem.2020.00302.46. Pang ST, Zhou X, Zhang S, Tang HR, Dhakal S, Gu X, Duan CH,* Huang F,* Cao Y. “Nonfused Nonfullerene Acceptors with an A–D–A'–D–A Framework and a Benzothiadiazole Core for High-Performance Organic Solar Cells”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2020, 12, 16531-16540.45. Zhang B, Yu YG, Zhou JD, Wang ZF, Xie SK, Xie ZQ, Hu LY, Yip HL, Ye L,* Liu ZT,* Duan CH,* Huang F, Cao Y. “3,4-Dicyanothiophene – A Versatile Building Block for Efficient Non-Fullerene Polymer Solar Cells”, Advanced Energy Materials 2020, 10, 1904247.44. Zhang L, Deng WY, Wu BQ, Ye L, Sun XF, Wang ZF, Wu HB, Duan CH,* Huang F,* Cao Y. “Reduced Energy Loss in Non-Fullerene Organic Solar Cells with Isomeric Donor Polymers Containing Thiazole π–Spacers”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2020, 12, 753-762.43. Liu X,* Deng WY, Wang JY, Zhang RW, Zhang S, Galuska L, Pang ST, Gu XD, Qiao XF, Ma DG, Wu HB, Duan CH,* Huang F,* Cao Y. “Energy Level Modulation of Donor–Acceptor Alternating Random Conjugated Copolymers for Achieving High-Performance Polymer Solar Cells”, Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2019, 7, 15335-15343.42. Jia XE, Liu GC, Chen SS,* Li ZC, Wang ZF, Yin QW, Yip H-L, Yang C, Duan CH,* Huang F,* Cao Y. “Backbone Fluorination of Polythiophenes Improves Device Performance of Non-Fullerene Polymer Solar Cells”, ACS Applied Energy Materials 2019, 2, 7572-7583. (Front cover)41. Pang ST, Zhang RW, Duan CH,* Zhang S, Gu XD,* Liu X, Huang F,* Cao Y. “Side Chain Length Effects of Polymer Donors on the Morphology and Device Performance of Polymer Solar Cells with Different Acceptors”, Advanced Energy Materials 2019, 9, 1901740.40. Zhang L, Liu X, Sun XF, Duan CH,* Wang ZF, Liu XC, Dong S, Huang F,* Cao Y. “4-Methylthio substitution on benzodithiophene-based conjugated polymers for high open-circuit voltage polymer solar cells”, Synthetic Metals 2019, 254, 122-127.39. Yin QW, Zhang K,* Zhang L, Jia JC, Zhang X, Pang ST, Xu QH, Duan CH,* Huang F,* Cao Y. “An Efficient Binary Cathode Interlayer for Large-Bandgap Non-Fullerene Organic Solar Cells”, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2019, 7, 12426-12433.38. Pang ST, Liu LQ, Sun XF, Dong S, Wang ZF, Zhang RW, Guo YT, Li WW, Duan CH,* Huang F,* Cao Y. “A Wide Bandgap Conjugated Polymer Based on Quinoxalino[6,5‐f]quinoxaline for Fullerene and Non-fullerene Polymer Solar Cells”, Macromolecular Rapid Communications 2019, 40, 1900120.37. Zhang RW, Wang JY, Liu X, Pang ST, Duan CH,* Huang F,* Cao Y. “High open-circuit voltage organic solar cells enabled by a difluorobenzoxadiazole-based conjugated polymer donor”, SCIENCE CHINA Chemistry 2019, 62, 829-836.36. Duan CH,* Peng ZX, Colberts FJM, Ye L, Awartani OM, Hendriks KH, Ade H,* Wienk MM, Janssen RAJ.* “Efficient Thick-Film Polymer Solar Cells with Enhanced Fill Factors via Increased Fullerene Loading”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2019, 11, 10794-10800.35. Jia XE, Chen ZM, Duan CH,* Wang ZF, Yin QW, Huang F,* Cao Y. “Polythiophene derivatives compatible with both fullerene and non-fullerene acceptors for polymer solar cells”, Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2019, 7, 314-323.34. Pang ST, Más-Montoya M,* Xiao MJ, Duan CH,* Liu X, Wang ZF, Janssen RAJ,* G. Yu, Huang F,* Cao Y. “Adjusting Aggregation Modes, Photophysical and Photovoltaic Properties of Diketopyrrolopyrrole-Based Small Molecules by Introducing B←N Bonds”, Chemistry–A European Journal 2019, 25, 564-572.33. Zhang L, Wang ZL, Duan CH,* Wang ZF, Deng YF,* Xu JT, Huang F,* Cao Y. “Conjugated Polymers Based on Thiazole Flanked Naphthalene Diimide for Unipolar n-Type Organic Field-Effect Transistors”, Chemistry of Materials 2018, 30, 8343-8351.32. Duan CH,* Li ZJ, Pang ST, Zhu YL, Lin BJ, Colberts FJM, Leenaers PJ, Wang EG,* Sun ZY,* Ma W,* Meskers SC, Janssen RAJ.* “Improving the Device Performance of All-Polymer Solar Cells through Backbone Engineering of Both Donors and Acceptors”, Solar RRL 2018, 2, 1800247. (Top 10 most accessed paper in October 2018)31.   Lin KW, Wang SL, Wang ZF, Liu X, Jian JC, Yin QW, Jia XE, Luo P, Jiang XF, Duan CH,* Huang F,* Cao Y. “Electron acceptors with a truxene core and perylene diimide branches for organic solar cells: the effect of ring-fusion”, Frontiers in Chemistry 2018, 6, 328.30. Liu X, Du XY, Wang JY, Duan CH,* Tang XF, Heumueller T, Liu GG, Li Y, Wang ZH, Wang J, Liu F,* Li N,* Brabec CJ, Huang F,* Cao Y. “Efficient Organic Solar Cells with Extremely High Open-Circuit Voltages and Low Voltage Losses by Suppressing Non-Radiative Recombination Losses”, Advanced Energy Materials 2018, 8, 1801699.29. Liu X, Zhang CH, Duan CH,* Li MM, Hu ZC, Wang J, Liu F,* Li N, Brabec CJ, Janssen RAJ, Bazan GC, Huang F,* Cao Y. “Morphology Optimization via Side Chain Engineering Enables All-Polymer Solar Cells with Excellent Fill Factor and Stability”, Journal of the American Chemical Society 2018, 140, 8934-8943.28. Hu ZC, Zheng NN, Dong S, Liu X, Chen ZM, Ying L, Duan CH,* Huang F,* Cao Y. “Phosphonium conjugated polyelectrolytes as interface materials for efficient polymer solar cells”, Organic Electronics 2018, 57, 151-157.27. Duan CH,* Guzmán D, Colberts FJM, Janssen RAJ,* Torres T.* “Subnaphthalocyanines as electron acceptors in polymer solar cells: improving device performance via modifying peripheral and axial substituent”, Chemistry–A European Journal 2018, 24, 6339-6343.26. Liu X, Xie BM, Duan CH,* Wang ZJ, Fan BB, Zhang K, Lin BJ, Colberts FJM, Ma W,* Janssen RAJ, Huang F,* Cao Y. “A High Dielectric Constant Non-fullerene Acceptor for Efficient Bulk-Heterojunction Organic Solar Cells”, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2018, 6, 395-403.25. Lin KW, Xie BM, Wang ZF, Xie RH, Huang YP, Duan CH,* Huang F,* Cao Y. “Star-shaped electron acceptors containing a truxene core for non-fullerene solar cells”, Organic Electronics 2018, 52, 42-50.24. Wang JY, Wang SL, Duan CH,* Colberts FJM, Mai JQ, Liu X, Jia XE, Lu XH, Janssen RAJ,* Huang F,* Cao Y. “Conjugated Polymers Based on Difluorobenzoxadiazole Toward Practical Application of Polymer Solar Cells”, Advanced Energy Materials 2017, 7, 1702033.23. Jia JC, Zheng NN, Wang ZF, Huang YP, Duan CH,* Huang F,* Cao Y. “The effect of end-capping groups in A–D–A non-fullerene acceptors on device performance of organic solar cells”, SCIENCE CHINA Chemistry 2017, 60, 1458-1467.22. Duan CH, Gao K, Colberts FJM, Liu F, Meskers SCJ, Wienk MM, Janssen RAJ. “Thiophene rings improve the performance of conjugated polymers in thick-film organic solar cells”, Advanced Energy Materials 2017, 7, 1700519. 21. Duan CH, Zango G, Iglesias MG, Colberts FJM, Wienk MM, Martínez-Díaz MV, Janssen RAJ, Torres T. “The role of the axial substituent in subphthalocyanine acceptors for bulk-heterojunction solar cells”, Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2017, 56, 148-152. (Highly cited paper)20. Wu ZH, Zhu YX, Li W, Huang YP, Chen JW, Duan CH,* Huang F,* Cao Y. “Design, Synthesis and Photovoltaic Properties of a Series of New Acceptor-Pended Conjugated Polymers”, SCIENCE CHINA Chemistry 2016, 59, 1583-1592.19. Duan CH, van Franeker JJ, Wienk MM, Janssen RAJ. “High open circuit voltage polymer solar cells enabled by employing thiazoles in semiconducting polymers”, Polymer Chemistry 2016, 7, 5730-5738. 18. Duan CH, Gao K, van Franeker JJ, Liu F, Wienk MM, Janssen RAJ. “Toward Practical Useful Polymers for Highly Efficient Solar Cells via a Random Copolymer Approach”, Journal of the American Chemical Society 2016, 138, 10782-10785.17. Liu X, Xu RG, Duan CH,* Huang F,* Cao Y. “Non-conjugated water/alcohol soluble polymers with different oxidation states of sulfide as cathode interlayers for high-performance polymer solar cells”, Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2016, 4, 4288-4295. 16. Duan CH, Willems REM, van Franeker JJ, Bruijnaers BJ, Wienk MM, Janssen RAJ. “Effect of Side Chain Length on Charge Transport, Morphology, and Photovoltaic Performance of Conjugated Polymers in Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells”, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2016, 4, 1855-1866.15. Duan CH, Huang F, Cao Y. “Solution processed thick film organic solar cells”, Polymer Chemistry 2015, 6, 8081-8098.14. Duan CH, Furlan A, van Franeker JJ, Willems REM, Wienk MM, Janssen RAJ. “Wide Band Gap Benzodithiophene-Benzothiadiazole Copolymers for Highly Efficient Multijunction Polymer Solar Cells”, Advanced Materials 2015, 27, 4461-4468. (Highly cited paper)13. Duan CH, Zhang K, Zhong CM, Huang F, Cao Y. “Recent Advances of Water/Alcohol-Soluble π-Conjugated Materials: New Materials and Growing Applications in Solar Cells”, Chemical Society Review 2013, 42, 9071-9104. (Highly cited paper)12. Duan CH, Cai WZ, Hsu BBY, Zhong CM, Zhang K, Liu CC, Hu ZC, Huang F, Bazan GC, Heeger AJ, Cao Y. “Toward Green Solvent Processable Photovoltaic Materials for Polymer Solar Cells: The Role of Highly Polar Pendant Groups on Charge Carrier Transport and Photovoltaic Behavior”, Energy & Environmental Science 2013, 6, 3022-3034.11. Yang H,† Duan CH,† Wu YS,† Lv Y, Liu H, Lv YL, Xiao DB, Huang F, Fu HB, Tian ZY. “Conjugated polymer nanoparticles with Ag+-sensitive fluorescence emission: a new insight into the cooperative recognition mechanism”, Particle & Particle Systems Characterization 2013, 30, 972-980. (†Co-first authors)10. Liu H,† Hao X,† Duan CH,† Yang H,† Lv Y, Xu HJ, Wang HD, Huang F, Xiao DB, Tian ZY. “Al3+-induced far-red fluorescence enhancement of conjugated polymer nanoparticles and its application in live cell imaging”, Nanoscale 2013, 5, 9340-9347. (†Co-first authors) 9. Duan CH, Zhang K, Guan X, Zhong CM, Xie HM, Huang F, Chen JW, Peng JB, Cao Y. “Conjugated Zwitterionic Polyelectrolytes-Based Interface Modification Materials for High Performance Polymer Optoelectronic Devices”, Chemical Science 2013, 4, 1298-1307.8. Duan CH, Zhong CM, Liu CC, Huang F, Cao Y. “Highly Efficient Inverted Polymer Solar Cells Based on an Alcohol Soluble Fullerene Derivative Interfacial Modification Material”, Chemistry of Materials 2012, 24, 1682-1689. 7. Duan CH, Huang F, Cao Y. “Recent development of push-pull conjugated polymers for bulk-heterojunction photovoltaics: rational design and fine tailoring of molecular structures”, Journal of Materials Chemistry 2012, 22, 10416-10434. (Highly cited paper)6. Duan CH, Hu XW, Chen KS, Yip HL, Li W, Huang F, Jen AKY, Cao Y. “Fully visible-light-harvesting conjugated polymers with pendant donor-π-acceptor chromophores for photovoltaic applications”, Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 2012, 97, 50-58. 5. Duan CH, Cai WZ, Zhong CM, Li YH, Wang XH, Huang F, Cao Y. “Bandgap Engineering of Indenofluorene-Based Conjugated Copolymers with Pendant Donor-π-Acceptor Chromophores for Photovoltaic Applications”, Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry 2011, 49, 4406-4415.4. Duan CH, Wang L, Zhang K, Guan X, Huang F. “Conjugated Zwitterionic Polyelectrolytes and Their Neutral Precursor as Electron Injection Layer for High-Performance Polymer Light-Emitting Diodes”, Advanced Materials 2011, 23, 1665-1669. (Highlighted by Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.)3. Duan CH, Wang CD, Liu SJ, Huang F, Choy CHW, Cao Y. “Two-dimensional like conjugated copolymers for high efficiency bulk-heterojunction solar cell application: Band gap and energy level engineering”, SCIENCE CHINA Chemistry 2011, 54, 685-694. (Excellent Paper Prize) 2. Duan CH, Chen KS, Huang F, Yip HL, Liu SJ, Zhang J, Jen AKY, Cao Y. “Synthesis, Characterization, and Photovoltaic Properties of Carbazole-Based Two-Dimensional Conjugated Polymers with Donor-π-Bridge-Acceptor Side Chains”, Chemistry of Materials 2010, 22, 6444-6452. 1. Duan CH, Cai WZ, Huang F, Zhang J, Wang M, Yang TB, Zhong CM, Gong X, Cao Y. “Novel Silafluorene-Based Conjugated Polymers with Pendant Acceptor Groups for High Performance Solar Cells”, Macromolecules 2010, 43, 5262-5268. 其他论文:24. Tong Y, Xiao Z, Du XY, Zuo CT, Li YL, Lv ML, Yuan YB, Yi CY, Hao F, Hua Y, Lei T, Lin QQ, Sun K, Zhao DW, Duan CH, Shao XF, Li W, Yip H-L, Xiao ZG, Zhang B, Bian QZ, Cheng YH, Liu SJ, Cheng M, Jin ZW, Yang SF, Ding LM. “Progress of the Key Materials for Organic Solar Cells”, SCIENCE CHINA Chemistry, 2020, DOI: 10.1007/s11426-020-9726-0.23. Ke GJ, Duan CH, Huang F, Guo XF. “Electrical and Spin Switches in Single–Molecule Junctions”, InfoMat 2020, 2, 92-112.22. Wang H, Cheng GH, Xie JS, Zhao SH, Qin MC, Chan CCS, Qiu YC, Chen GX, Duan CH, Wong KS, Wang JN, Lu XH, Xu JB, Yan KY. “Bulk Heterojunction Quasi-Two-Dimensional Perovskite Solar Cell with 1.18 V High Photovoltage”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2019, 11, 2935-2943.21. Liu X, Liu T, Duan CH, Wang JY, Pang ST, Xiong WT, Sun YM, Huang F, Cao Y. “Non-planar perylenediimide acceptors with different geometrical linker units for efficient non-fullerene organic solar cells”, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2017, 5, 1713-1723.20. Liu LQ, Zhang GC, He BT, Liu SJ, Duan CH, Huang F. “Novel Donor-Acceptor Type Conjugated Polymers Based on Quinoxalino[6,5-f]quinoxaline for Photovoltaic Application”, Material Chemistry Frontiers 2017, 1, 499-506. 19. Cai WZ, Zhong CM, Duan CH, Hu ZC, Dong S, Cao DR, Lei M, Huang F, Cao Y. “The influence of amino group on PCDTBT-based and P3HT-based polymer solar cells: Hole trapping processes”, Applied Physics Letters 2015, 106, 233302.18. Li W, Li QD, Liu SJ, Duan CH, Ying L, Huang F, Cao Y. “Synthesis of two-dimensional π-conjugated polymers pendent with benzothiadiazole and naphtha[1,2-c:5,6-c]bis[1,2,5]thiadiazole moieties for polymer solar cells”, SCIENCE CHINA Chemistry 2015, 58, 257-266.17. Li W, Li QD, Duan CH, Liu SJ, Ying L, Huang F, Cao Y. “Design and synthesis of star-burst triphenyamine-based π-conjugated molecules”, Dyes & Pigments 2015, 113, 1-7. 16. Xue QF, Hu ZC, Liu J, Lin JH, Sun C, Chen ZM, Duan CH, Wang J, Liao C, Lau WM, Huang F, Yip H-L, Cao Y. “Highly efficient fullerene/perovskite planar heterojunction solar cells via cathode modification with an amino-functionalized polymer interlayer”, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2014, 2, 19598-19603. (Highly cited paper)15. Zhang K, Hu ZC, Duan CH, Ying L, Huang F, Cao Y. “The effect of methanol treatment on the improved performance of polymer solar cells”, Nanotechnology 2013, 484, 484003.14. Liu SJ, Zhang ZP, Chen DC, Duan CH, Lu JM, Zhang J, Huang F, Su SJ, Chen JW, Cao Y. “Synthesis and optoelectronic properties of amino-functionalized carbazole-based conjugated polymers”, SCIENCE CHINA Chemistry 2013, 56, 1119-1128. 13. Dong Y, Hu XW, Duan CH, Liu P, Liu SJ, Lan LY, Chen DC, Ying L, Su SJ, Gong X, Huang F, Cao Y. “A Series of New Conjugated Copolymers based on Naphtho[1,2-c:5,6-c]bis(2-octyl-[1,2,3]triazole) for High Performance Polymer Solar Cells”, Advanced Materials 2013, 25, 3683-3688.12. Liu CC, Cai WZ, Guan X, Duan CH, Xue QF, Ying L, Huang F, Cao Y. “Synthesis of donor-acceptor copolymers based on anthracene derivatives for polymer solar cells”, Polymer Chemistry 2013, 4, 3949-3958.11. Wang M, Hu XW, Liu LQ, Duan CH, Liu P, Ying L, Huang F, Cao Y. “Design and Synthesis of Copolymers of Indacenodithiophene and Naphtho[1,2-c:5,6-c]bis[1,2,5]thiadiazole for High Performance Solar Cells”, Macromolecules 2013, 46, 3950-3958. 10. Xie HM, Zhang K, Duan CH, Liu SJ, Huang F, Cao Y. “New Acceptor-Pended Conjugated Polymers Based on 3,6- and 2,7-Carbazole for Polymer Solar Cells”, Polymer 2012, 53, 5675-5683. 9. Yang TB, Wang M, Duan CH, Hu XW, Huang L, Peng JB, Huang F, Gong X. “Inverted polymer solar cells with 8.4% efficiency by conjugated polyelectrolyte”, Energy & Environmental Science 2012, 5, 8208-8214. (Highly cited paper)8. Zhang K, Liu SJ, Guan X, Duan CH, Zhang J, Zhong CM, Wang L, Huang F, Cao Y. “Alkali metal salts doped pluronic block polymers as electron injection/transport layers for high performance polymer light-emitting diodes”, SCIENCE CHINA Chemistry 2012, 55, 766-771. 7. Hsu BBY, Duan CH, Namdas EB, Gutacker A, Yuen JD, Huang F, Cao Y, Bazan GC, Samuel IDW, Heeger AJ. “Control of Efficiency, Brightness, and Recombination Zone in Light-Emitting Field Effect Transistors”, Advanced Materials 2012, 24, 1171-1175. 6. Zhu XL, Choy WCH, Xie FX, Duan CH, Wang CD, He WL, Huang F, Cao Y. “A study of optical properties enhancement in low-bandgap polymer solar cells with embeded PEDOT:PSS gratings”, Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 2012, 99, 327-332. 5. Wang CCD, Choy WCH, Duan CH, Fung DDS, Sha WEI, Xie FX, Huang F, Cao Y. “Optical and electrical effects of gold nanoparticles in the active layer of polymer solar cells”, Journal of Materials Chemistry 2012, 22, 1206-1211. (Highly cited paper)4. Liu SJ, Zhong CM, Zhang J, Duan CH, Wang XH, Huang F. “A novel crosslinkable electron injection/transporting material for solution processed polymer light-emitting diodes”, SCIENCE CHINA Chemistry 2011, 54, 1745-1749.3. Zhang J, Cai WZ, Huang F, Wang EG, Zhong CM, Liu SJ, Wang M, Duan CH, Yang TB, Cao Y. “Synthesis of Quinoxaline-Based Donor-Acceptor Narrow-Band-Gap Polymers and Their Cyclized Derivatives for Bulk-Heterojunction Polymer Solar Cell Applications”, Macromolecules 2011, 44, 894-901. 2. Zhong CM, Duan CH, Huang F, Wu HB, Cao Y. “Materials and Devices toward Fully Solution Processable Organic Light-Emitting Diodes”, Chemistry of Materials 2011, 23, 326-340. (Highly cited paper)1. Wang EG, Wang M, Wang L, Duan CH, Zhang J, Cai WZ, He C, Wu HB, Cao Y. “Donor Polymers Containing Benzothiadiazole and Four Thiophene Rings in Their Repeating Units with Improved Photovoltaic Performance”, Macromolecules 2009, 42, 4410-4415. 出版专著和教材 4. Zhang K, Duan CH, Huang F, Cao Y. “Interface Engineering of Polymer Solar Cells”, Chapter 6, pages 179-219 in Polymer Photovoltaics: Materials, Physics, and Device Engineering, Fei Huang, Hin-Lap Yip, Yong Cao (Eds). RSC, 20163. Duan CH, Zhong CM, Huang F, Cao Y. “Development of Active Materials and Interface Materials for High Performance Bulk-Heterojunction Polymer Solar Cells”, Chapter 6, pages 191-219 in: Progress in High-Efficient Solution Process Organic Photovoltaic Devices — Fundamentals, Materials and Fabrication, Yang Yang, Gang Li (Eds). Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2015.2. Duan CH, Zhong CM, Huang F, Cao Y. “Interface Engineering for High Performance Bulk-Heterojunction Polymeric Solar Cells”, Chapter 3, pages 43-79 in: Organic Solar Cells — Materials and Device Physics, Wallace. C. H. Choy (Ed.) Springer London, 2013.1. Duan CH, Huang F, Cao Y. “Organic Materials and Chemistry for Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells”, Chapter 17, pages 643-676 in: Organic Chemistry — Breakthroughs and Perspective, Kuiling Ding, Li-Xin Dai (Eds.) Wiley - VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 2012. 科研创新 授权发明专利(1)段春晖,刘熙,黄飞,曹镛;一种单组份高介电常数光活性层的有机/聚合物太阳电池及其应用,2020-02-18,中国,ZL201810032983.5.学术奖励(1)段春晖(6/11);实现高效率有机太阳电池的新型聚合物材料及器件结构,国家教育部,高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖,自然科学一等奖,2014 (曹镛,吴宏滨,黄飞,陈军武,何志才,段春晖,王二刚,王明,夏养君,张晨,罗洁);(2)段春晖(1/1);中国青少年科技创新奖,共青团中央,2013. 指导学生情况 目前指导博士生7名,硕士生5名,指导外单位联合培养硕士生4名;已毕业博士生2名(均作为引进人才进入高校工作),硕士研究生2名(长江存储科技公司1名,东风日产乘用车公司1名);指导研究生在读期间获国家奖学金和校长奖学金4人次。
