
主页 > 广东省 > 华南理工大学


姓名 吴虹
学校 华南理工大学
部门 食品科学与工程学院
学位 教授
学历 教授
职称 教授
联系方式 13号楼409
邮箱 bbhwu@scut.edu.cn
集群智慧云企服 / 知识产权申请大平台
急速申请 包写包过 办事快、准、稳

更新日期:2023年3月7日 姓 名 吴虹 性 别 女 出生年月 1971年3月 籍贯 南宁 民 族 汉族 政治面貌 中国共产党党员 最后学历 博士研究生 最后学位 技术职称 教授 导师类别 博、硕导 行政职务 副所长 Email bbhwu@scut.edu.cn 工作单位 食品科学与工程学院 邮政编码 510641 通讯地址 13号楼409 单位电话 020-22236669 个人简介 2004年博士毕业于华南理工大学生物化工专业,获工学博士学位; 2007年5月至7月在英国Warwick University进行合作研究,2010年5月至2011年5月在美国Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute进行访问研究。2011年入选 “教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划”。近年来,主要从事食品营养与健康、脂质化学、微生物工程等方面的研究;承担过国家自然科学基金、教育部博士点新教师基金、广东省自然科学基金、广东省科技计划等项目20余项。已发表论文160余篇,其中SCI收录论文130余篇;申请中国发明专利28件,获授权中国发明专利19件,实用新型专利1件;出版教材2部;获广东省自然科学二等奖1项。现任华南理工大学食品科学与工程学院食品生物工程研究所副所长、全国白酒标准化技术委员会豉香型白酒分技术委员会委员、中国粮油学会油脂分会理事会专家组成员、广东省生物物理学会理事、美国化学学会(ACS)会员、中国微生物学会会员,担任Foods编委,Trends in Food Science and Technology, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Food Chemistry, Food Hydrocolloids, Carbohydrate Polymers, 《食品科学》等国内外学术期刊的审稿人。 工作经历 2013/09 –至今,华南理工大学,食品科学与工程学院,教授 2008/12 –2013/08,华南理工大学,轻工与食品学院,副教授 2010/05 – 2011/05,美国伦斯勒理工学院,生物化工系,访问学者 2007/05 – 2007/07,英国华威大学,生物科学系,访问学者 2004/07 – 2008/12,华南理工大学,轻工与食品学院,讲师 教育经历 2001/09 – 2004/06,华南理工大学,生物科学与工程学院,博士 1999/09 – 2001/06,华南理工大学,生物科学与工程学院,硕士 1989/09 – 1993/06,华南理工大学,生物工程系,学士 获奖、荣誉称号 1) 吴虹,教育部新世纪优秀人才,教育部,2011 2) 宗敏华,娄文勇,吴虹,李宁,李晓凤. 非水介质中生物催化的基础理论与应用研究. 广东省自然科学奖,二等奖,广东省人民政府,2013 社会、学会及学术兼职 全国白酒标准化委员会豉香型白酒分技术委员会委员广东省生物物理学会理事美国化学学会(ACS)会员广东省食品学会会员中国微生物学会会员 研究领域 食品纳米功能材料 脂质化学 微生物工程 科研项目 1. 广东省自然科学基金面上项目:负载食品功能因子的高疏水结肠靶向缓控释复合载体的构建及作用机制,2022A1515010310,主持 2. 广州市科技计划重点研发计划项目:药食同源类中草药成分与益生菌在调节肠道菌群的联用,202206010165 ,主持3. 广东省重点领域研发计划项目:食品级高酶活菌株及专用酶制剂生产关键技术及产业化示范,2020B020226007,参与4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:含益生因子的静电纺乳铁蛋白结肠靶向控释体系的构建及其作用机制,31671852,主持5. 广州市科技计划项目:负载益生元和胰岛素的静电纺结肠靶向纳米控释体系的构建及其作用机制,201804010151,主持6. 国家自然科学基金-广东省联合基金:食品加工过程中淀粉和脂肪多层次结构与营养功能变化规律及调控机制,U1501214, 参与7. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:木质纤维素水解液中抑制剂对发酵性丝孢酵母T.fermentans HWZ004细胞生长和油脂积累的影响规律及其机理研究,31071559,主持8. 广东省自然科学基金面上项目:离子液体对发酵性丝孢酵母HWZ004利用木质纤维素水解液发酵产油脂的影响研究,2015A030313217,主持9. 广东省科技计划项目:基于酶促酯交换制备速冻专用油脂的关键技术研究,2013B010404005,主持10. 广东省科技计划项目:以水稻秸杆为原料生产生物柴油的关键技术研究, 2009B080701085,主持11. 广东省科技计划项目:毛细管电泳快速检测猪肉中抗生素残留的关键技术研究, 2008B021400003,主持12. 高等学校博士点新教师基金项目:含离子液介质中酶促阿糖胞苷区域选择性反应的研究,20070561080,主持13. 广东省自然科学基金面上项目:酶促阿糖胞苷区域选择性酰化研究, 05006571,主持 发表论文 1. Yi Wu, Minhua Zong, Zhenhui Zhang, Yongtai Wu, Lin Li, Xia Zhang, Hong Wu*, Bing Li*. Selective transportation and energy homeostasis regulation of dietary advanced glycation end-products in human intestinal Caco-2 cells. Food Chemistry, 2022, 391:1332842. Jia-hui Wu, Teng-gen Hu, Hong Wang, Min-hua Zong, Hong Wu*, Peng Wen*. Electrospinning of PLA nanofibers: recent advances and its potential application for food packaging. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2022, 70: 8207-82213. Teng-Gen Hu, Hong Wu, Yuan-shan Yu, Yu-Juan Xu, Er-Na Li, Sen-Tai Liao, Peng Wen*, Yu-Xiao Zou*. Preparation, structural characterization and prebiotic potential of mulberry leaf oligosaccharides. Food & Function, 2022, 13: 52874. Yun-Shan Wei, Kun Feng, Shu-Fang Li, Teng-Gen Hu, Min-Hua Zong, Hong Wu*. Highly-hydrophobic nanofiber mat for efficient colonic delivery of lactoferrin: Preparation, characterization and release mechanism. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 2022, 78: 1030155. Bao-Lin He, Yong Xiong, Teng-Gen Hu, Min-Hua Zong, Hong Wu*. Bifidobacterium spp. as functional foods: A review of current status, challenges, and strategies. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 2022, DOI: 10.1080/10408398.2022.20549346. Yun-shan Wei, Kun Feng, Shu-fang Li, Teng-gen Hu, Robert J. Linhardt, Min-hua Zong, Hong Wu*. Oral fate and stabilization technologies oflactoferrin: a systematic review. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 2022, 62: 6341-63587. Teng-Gen Hu, Yu-Xiao Zou, Er-Na Li, Sen-Tai Liao, Hong Wu*, Peng Wen*. Effects of enzymatic hydrolysis on the structural, rheological, and functional properties of mulberry leaf polysaccharide. Food Chemistry, 2021, 355: 1296088. Ru-Meng Huang, Kun Feng, Shu-Fang Li, Min-Hua Zong, Hong Wu*, Shuang-Yan Han*. Enhanced survival of probiotics in the electrosprayed microcapsule by addition of fish oil. Journal of Food Engineering, 2021, 307: 1106509. 冯坤, 韦昀姗, 吴虹. 基于静电流体的静电纺丝/喷涂技术在食品行业中的研究进展. 食品科学, 2021, 42(15): 231-24110. Kun Feng, Shu-Fang Li, Yun-Shan Wei, Min-Hua Zong,Teng-Gen Hu, Hong Wu*, Shuang-Yan Han*. Fabrication of nanostructured multi-unit vehicle for intestinal-specific delivery and controlled release of peptide. Nanotechnology, 2021, 32: 24510111. Meng-Yu Zhai, Kun Feng, Teng-Gen Hu, Min-Hua Zong Hong Wu*. Development of a novel nano-based detection card by electrospinning for rapid and sensitive analysis of pesticide residues. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2020, 100:4400–440812. Kun Feng, Yun-shan Wei, Teng-gen Hu, Robert J. Linhardt, Min-hua Zonga, Hong Wu*. Colon-targeted delivery systems for nutraceuticals: A review of current vehicles, evaluation methods and future prospects. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 2020, 102: 203–22213. Ting-wei Zhu, Xia Zhang, Zhi-yi Chen, Bing Li*, Hong Wu*, Understanding the relationship between physical properties and crystallization behavior of interesterified blend-based fast-frozen special fat with varied triacylglycerol composition. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 2020, 131:10979914. Yun-shan Wei, Zhi-cheng Niu, Feng-qi Wang, Kun Feng, Min-hua Zong, Hong Wu*. A novel Pickering emulsion system as the carrier of tocopheryl acetate for its application in cosmetics. Materials Science & Engineering C 2020, 109: 11050315. Yan Wen, PengWen, Teng-Gen Hu, Robert J. Linhardt, Min-Hua Zong, Hong Wu*, Zhi-Yi Chen*. Encapsulation of phycocyanin by prebiotics and polysaccharides-based electrospun fibers and improved colon cancer prevention effects. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2020, 149: 672–68116. Kun Feng, Ru-meng Huang, Rui-qing Wu, Yun-shan Wei, Min-hua Zong, Robert J. Linhardt, Hong Wu*. A novel route for double-layered encapsulation of probiotics with improved viability under adverse conditions. Food Chemistry, 2020, 310: 12597717. Meng-Jing Teng, Yun-Shan Wei, Teng-Gen Hu, Yuan Zhang, Kun Feng, Min-Hua Zong, Hong Wu*. Citric acid cross-linked zein microcapsule as an efficient intestine-specific oral delivery system for lipophilic bioactive compound. Journal of Food Engineering, 2020, 281: 10999318. Ting-wei Zhu, Xia Zhang, Min-hua Zong, Robert J. Linhardt, Hong Wu*, Bing Li*. Storage stability studies on interesterified blend-based fast-frozen special fats for oxidative stability, crystallization characteristics and physical properties. Food Chemistry, 2020, 306: 12556319. Teng-Gen Hu, Peng Wen, Wei-Zhi Shen, Fan Liu, Qian Li, Er-Na Li, Sen-Tai Liao, Hong Wu*, Yu-Xiao Zou*. Effect of 1‑deoxynojirimycin isolated from mulberry leaves on glucose metabolism and gut microbiota in a streptozotocin induced diabetic mouse model. Journal of Natural Products, 2019: 82, 2189−220020. Ting-Wei Zhu, Xia Zhang, Min-Hua Zong, Robert J Linhardt, Bing Li*, Hong Wu*. Interesterified blend-based and physical blend-based special fats: storage stability under fluctuating temperatures. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2019, 99: 6219–6226 21. Peng Wen, Teng-Gen Hu, Yan Wen, Robert J. Linhardt, Min-Hua Zong, Yu-Xiao Zou, Hong Wu*. Targeted delivery of phycocyanin for the prevention of colon cancer using electrospun fibers. Food & Function, 2019, 10: 1816-182522. Kun Feng, Chen Li, Yun-Shan Wei, Min-Hua Zong, Hong Wu*, Shuang-Yan Han. Development of a polysaccharide based multi-unit nanofiber mat for colon-targeted sustained release of salmon calcitonin. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2019, 552: 186–19523. Yun-shan Wei, Kun Feng, Min-hua Zong, Hong Wu*. pH-responsive composite micro-capsule as an efficient intestinal-specific oral delivery system for lactoferrin. Food Hydrocolloids, 2019, 95: 203–21124. Peng Wen, Teng-Gen Hu, Robert J. Linhardt, Sen-Tai Liao, Hong Wu*, Yu-Xiao Zou*. Mulberry: A review of bioactive compounds and advanced processing technology. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 2019, 83: 138-15825. Ting-wei Zhu, Xia Zhang, Bing Li, Hong Wu*. Effect of interesterified blend-based fast-frozen special fat on the physical properties and microstructure of frozen dough. Food Chemistry, 2019, 272: 76–8326. Ting-wei Zhu, Xia Zhang, Hong Wu*, Bing Li*. Comparative study on crystallization behaviors of physical blend- and interesterified blend-based special fats. Journal of Food Engineering, 2019, 241: 33–4027. Peng Wen, Teng-Gen Hu, Lin Li, Min-Hua Zong, Hong Wu*. A colon-specific delivery system for quercetin with enhanced cancer prevention based on co-axial electrospinning. Food & Function, 2018, 9 (11): 5999-600928. Peng Wen, Min-Hua Zong, Teng-Gen Hu, Lin Li, Hong Wu*. Preparation and characterization of electrospun colon-specific delivery system for quercetin and its antiproliferative effect on cancer cells. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2018, 66: 11550−1155929. Kun Feng, Meng-Yu Zhai, Ying Zhang, Robert J. Linhardt, Min-Hua Zong, Lin Li, Hong Wu*. Improved viability and thermal stability of the probiotics encapsulated in a novel electrospun fiber mat. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2018, 66: 10890−1089730. Ting-wei Zhu, Qin Liu, Hao-tian Weng, Bing Li, Xia Zhang, Min-hua Zong, Hong Wu*. Effect of temperature on the crystallization behavior and physical properties of fast-frozen special fat during storage. Journal of Food Engineering, 2018, 223:53-6131. Peng Wen, Yan Wen, Min-Hua Zong, Robert J. Linhardt, Hong Wu*. Encapsulation of bioactive compound in electrospun fibers and its potential application. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2017, 65: 9161-917932. Peng Wen, Min-Hua Zong, Robert J. Linhardt, Kun Feng, Hong Wu*. Electrospinning: A novel nano-encapsulation approach for bioactive compounds. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 2017, 70: 56-6833. Ting-Wei Zhu, Ya-Li Zhao, Min-Hua Zong, Bing Li, Xia Zhang, Hong Wu*. Improvement of physical properties of palm stearin and soybean oil blends by enzymatic interesterification and their application in fast frozen food. RSC Advances, 2017, 7: 34435-3444134. Peng Wen, Yan Wen, Xiao Huang, Min-Hua Zong, Hong Wu*. Preparation and characterization of protein-loaded electrospun fiber mat and its release kinetics. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2017, 65: 4786-479635. Huan Yang, Kun Feng, Peng Wen, Min-Hua Zong, Wen-Yong Lou, Hong Wu*. Enhancing oxidative stability of encapsulated fish oil by incorporation of ferulic acid into electrospun zein mat. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 2017, 84: 82-9036. Peng Wen, Kun Feng, Huan Yang, Xiao Huang, Min-Hua Zong, Wen-Yong Lou,Ning Li, Hong Wu*. Electrospun core-shell structured nanofilm as a novel colon-specific delivery system for protein. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2017, 169: 157-16637. Li-Ping Liu, Yang Hu, Wen-Yong Lou, Ning Li, Hong Wu*, Min-Hua Zong*. Use of crude glycerol as sole carbon source for microbial lipid production by oleaginous yeasts. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2017, 182:495-51038. Li-Ping Liu, Min-Hua Zong, Yang Hu, Ning Li, Wen-Yong Lou, Hong Wu*. Efficient microbial oil production on crude glycerol by Lipomyces starkeyi AS2.1560 and its kinetics. Process Biochemistry, 2017, 58: 230-23839. 朱婷伟, 刘琴, 宗敏华, 李冰, 吴虹. 酶促酯交换对速冻专用油脂理化性质的影响. 华南理工大学学报(自然科学版), 2017, 45(3): 132-13740. Li-Ping Liu, Min-Hua Zong, Robert J. Linhardt, Wen-Yong Lou, Ning Li, Chao Huang, Hong Wu*. Mechanistic insights into the effect of imidazolium ionic liquid on lipid production by Geotrichum fermentans. Biotechnology for Biofuels, 2016, 9: 26641. Peng Wen, Ding-He Zhu, Kun Feng, Fang-Jun Liu, Wen-Yong Lou, Ning Li, Min-Hua Zong, Hong Wu*. Fabrication of electrospun polylactic acid nanofilm incorporating cinnamon essential oil/β-cyclodextrin inclusion complex for antimicrobial packaging, Food Chemistry, 2016, 196: 996-100442. Peng Wen, Ding-He Zhu, Hong Wu*, Min-Hua Zong, Yi-Ru Jing, Shuang-Yan Han*. Encapsulation of cinnamon essential oil in electrospun nanofibrous film for active food packaging. Food Control, 2016, 59: 366-376 43. Liping Liu, Yang Hu, Peng Wen, Ning Li, Minhua Zong*, Beining Ou-Yang, Hong Wu*, Evaluating the Effects of Biocompatible Cholinium Ionic Liquids on Microbial Lipid Production by Trichosporon Fermentans, Biotechnology for Biofuels, 2015, 8: 11944. Zongjun Liu, Liping Liu, Peng Wen, Ning Li, Minhua Zong*, Hong Wu*, Effects of Acetic and pH on the Growth and Lipid Accumulation of the Oleaginous Yeast Trichosporon Fermentans, BioResources, 2015, 10(3): 4152-4166 45. Chao Huang, Yuanyuan Li, Liping Liu, Hong Wu*, Minhua Zong, Wenyong Lou*, Kinetics and Mechanism Analysis on Microbial Oil Production by Trichosporon Fermentans in Rice Straw Hydrolysate, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2014, 53(49): 19034-19043 46. Chao Huang, Xiuxiu Cui, Hong Wu*, Wenyong Lou, Minhua Zong, Effect of Different Factors on Microbial Oil Production by Trichosporon Fermentans on Rice Straw Acid Hydrolysate, International Journal of Green Energy, 2014, 11: 787-795 47. Chao Huang, Dinghe Zhu, Hong Wu*, Wenyong Lou, Minhua Zong*, Evaluating the Influence of Inhibitors Present in Lignocellulosic Hydrolysates on the Cell Membrane Integrity of Oleaginous Yeast Trichosporon Fermentans by Flow Cytometry, Process Biochemistry, 2014, 49: 395-401 48. Chao Huang, Hong Wu*, Zongjun Liu, Jun Cai, Wenyong Lou, Minhua Zong*, Effect of Organic Acids on the Growth and Lipid Accumulation of Oleaginous Yeast Trichosporon Fermentans, Biotechnology for Biofuels, 2012,5: 449. Chao Huang, Hong Wu*, Liping Liu, Wenyong Lou, Minhua Zong*, Effects of Alcohol Compounds on the Growth and Lipid Accumulation of Oleaginous Yeast Trichosporon Fermentans, PLoS ONE, 2012, 7(10): e46975 50. Chao Huang, Hong Wu*, Rifeng Li, Minhua Zong*, Improving Lipid Production from Sugar Cane Bagasse Hydrolysate with Trichosporon Fermentans Using Response Surface Methodology, New Biotechnology, 2012, 29(3): 372-378 51. Chao Huang, Hong Wu*, Thomas J. Smith, Zongjun Liu, Wenyong Lou, Minhua Zong*, In Vivo Detoxification of Furfural during Lipid Production by the Oleaginous Yeast Trichosporon Fermentans, Biotechnology Letters, 2012, 34: 1637-1642 52. Chao Huang, Peng Wen, Hong Wu*, Wenyong Lou, Minhua Zong*, Evaluating the Effect of Acetic acid, Furfural and Catechol on the Growth and Lipid Accumulation of Trichosporon Fermentans by Response Surface Methodology, African Journal of Microbiology Research, 2012, 6(24): 5266-5275 53. Chao Huang, Hong Wu*, Qiuping Liu, Yuanyuan Li, Minhua Zong*, Effects of Aldehydes on the Growth and Lipid Accumulation of Oleaginous Yeast Trichosporon Fermentans, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2011, 59(9): 4606-4613 54. Hong Wu, Yuanyuan Li, Lei Chen, Minhua Zong*, Production of Microbial Oil with High Oleic Acid Content by Trichosporon Capitatum, Applied Energy, 2011, 88 (1): 138-14255. Hong Wu, Mauricio Mora-Pale, Jianjun Miao, Thomas V. Doherty, Robert J. Linhardt, Jonathan S. Dordick*, Facile Pretreatment of Lignocellulosic Biomass at High Loadings in Room Temperature Ionic Liquids, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 2011, 108(12): 2865-2875 出版专著和教材 1. 杨汝德主编,吴虹、林晓珊副主编. 《现代工业微生物学实验技术》 “十一五”规划教材,科学出版社,2009.1 2. 吴晓英主编. 《生物制药工艺学》 “十一五”规划教材,化工出版社,2009.1 3. 杨汝德主编,林晓珊、吴虹、雷晓凌、银玉容副主编. 《现代工业微生物学实验技术》(第二版),“十二五”规划教材,科学出版社,2015.4(字数367000) 科研创新 授权发明专利1. 吴虹,吴睿晴,宗敏华. 一种肉桂叶残渣提取物及其制备方法与应用,中国发明专利, 2022.03.25,专利号:ZL202110859639.52. 吴虹,温棚,宗敏华. 一种含槲皮素和益生因子的结肠靶向纳米纤维膜及其制备方法和应用,中国发明专利,2021.11.19,专利号:ZL201811068259.43. 吴虹,韦昀姗,王枫淇,牛志程. 一种负载脂溶性活性成分的皮克林乳液及制备方法与化妆品,中国发明专利,2021.09.21,专利号:ZL201911121978.24. 吴虹,韦昀姗,宗敏华,冯坤. 一种含乳铁蛋白的pH响应型微囊及其制备方法和应用,中国发明专利,2021.07.20,专利号:ZL201811119834.95. 吴虹,温雁,温棚,宗敏华. 一种含青天葵提取物的抗氧化纳米纤维复合膜及制备方法和应用,中国发明专利,2021.07.20,专利号:ZL201811032461.16. 吴虹,冯坤,宗敏华,翟梦宇. 一种负载益生元和/或益生菌的纳米纤维膜及制备与应用,中国发明专利,2021.06.08,专利号:ZL201810314108.67. 吴虹,李晨,冯坤,韦昀姗,宗敏华. 一种含降钙素脂质体的纳米纤维膜及其制备方法和应用,中国发明专利,2020.05.22,专利号:ZL201810004105.28. 吴虹,温棚,宗敏华,朱定和. 一种核-壳结构纳米纤维膜及其制备方法和应用,中国发明专利, 2019.06.18,专利号:ZL201611186875.09. 吴虹,杨欢,宗敏华,冯坤. 一种包埋鱼油的同轴纳米纤维膜及制备与应用,中国发明专利,2018.06.22,专利号:ZL201610686926.X10. 吴虹,杨欢,宗敏华,冯坤. 一种同时包埋鱼油和阿魏酸的纳米纤维膜及制备与应用,中国发明专利,2018.05.15,专利号:ZL201610686930.611. 吴虹,温棚,宗敏华,朱定和. 一种含植物精油的疏水性纳米纤维膜及制备方法和应用,中国发明专利,2017.10.20,专利号:ZL201410234040.212. 吴虹,温棚,宗敏华,娄文勇,朱定和. 一种含植物源抗菌剂的纳米纤维复合膜及制备方法和应用,中国发明专利,2015.08.26,专利号:ZL201310198720.913. 吴虹,黄超,宗敏华. 一种发酵性丝孢酵母菌株及其生产微生物油脂的应用,中国发明专利,2012.08.22,授权号:ZL201010281869.X14. 吴虹,叶秋芳,宗敏华. 检测何首乌中二苯乙烯苷和蒽醌类成分的毛细管电泳方法,中国发明专利,2011.04.27,授权号:ZL 2009 1 0192208.715. 吴虹, 李晓凤, 宗敏华. 酶催化制备阿糖胞苷酯的方法,  中国发明专利,2007.02.14, 授权号:ZL 2004 1 0077504.X授权实用新型专利1) 吴虹,朱婷伟,赵亚丽,李冰. 用于酶促酯交换制备专用油脂基料油的流化床反应装置,2017.04.19,实用新型专利,授权号:ZL 2016 2 1108138.4 教学活动 主讲本科生课程: 《食品微生物学实验》 主讲研究生课程: 《发酵工程》 《食品生物技术专业英语》
