
主页 > 广东省 > 华南理工大学


姓名 吴晓玲
学校 华南理工大学
部门 食品科学与工程学院
学位 副教授
学历 副教授
职称 副教授
联系方式 广州市天河区五山路381号华南理工大学13号楼
邮箱 wuxl90@126.com
集群智慧云企服 / 知识产权申请大平台
急速申请 包写包过 办事快、准、稳

更新日期:2023年2月27日 姓 名 吴晓玲 性 别 女 出生年月 籍贯 民 族 汉族 政治面貌 最后学历 博士研究生 最后学位 工学博士 技术职称 副教授 导师类别 博、硕导 行政职务 Email wuxl90@126.com 工作单位 食品科学与工程学院 邮政编码 通讯地址 广州市天河区五山路381号华南理工大学13号楼 单位电话 个人简介 清华大学工学博士。研究课题围绕纳米材料-生物分子表界面展开,主要从事天然酶及仿生酶的设计与改造、生物医学检测、食品安全检测等方面的研究。已发表SCI论文30余篇,SCI引用1000余次,其中以第一/通讯作者发表SCI论文20篇,包括Nature Communications (Nature子刊)、Small(IF= 13.281)、Journal of Hazardous Materials和Chemical Communications( 3篇,其中1篇连续4年入选ESI高被引论文,SCI引用200余次)等,担任ACS Nano等多个国际期刊审稿人。 工作经历 2021 华南理工大学 食品科学与工程学院 副教授 硕导/博导2018-2021 华南理工大学 食品科学与工程学院 助理研究员 教育经历 2013-2018 清华大学 化学工程系 工学博士 (导师:戈钧 长聘教授)2016-2018 北京大学 国家发展研究院 经济学双学位2009-2013 清华大学 化学工程系 工学学士 获奖、荣誉称号 2022年 获得广东省杰青项目资助2018年 入选博士后创新人才支持计划在校期间获研究生国家奖学金、北京市优秀毕业生、清华大学研究生特等奖学金(全校每年评选10名)等荣誉 社会、学会及学术兼职 ACS Nano等多个国内外SCI期刊审稿人 研究领域 (1)生物催化剂挖掘与改造(2)仿生酶构建及应用(3)生物医学检测(4)食品安全检测 科研项目 (1)国家自然科学基金面上项目(主持)(2)国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(主持)(3)广东省自然科学基金杰出青年项目(主持)(4)国家重点研发计划项目子课题(主持)(5)博士后创新人才支持计划项目(主持)(6)广州市科技计划项目(主持)(7)博士后科学基金面上项目(主持)(8)中央高校基本科研业务费项目(主持) 发表论文 [1] Wu, X.#, Yue, H.#, Zhang, Y. #, Gao, X., Li, X., Wang, L., Cao, Y., Hou, M., An, H., Zhang, L., Li, S., Ma, J., Lin, H., Fu, Y., Gu, H., Lou, W., Wei, W., Zare, N.R. and Ge, J. Packaging and delivering enzymes by amorphous metal-organic frameworks. Nature Communications, 2019, 10, 5165. (共同一作,Nature子刊,SCI,JCR一区,IF=14.919)[2] Wu, X. #*, Xiong, J.#, Liu, S., Zong, M., and Lou, W.*, A versatile competitive coordination strategy for tailoring bioactive zeolitic imidazolate framework composites. Small., 2021, 2007586. (共同一作/共同通讯,SCI,JCR一区,IF=13.281)[3] Wu, X., Ge, J., Yang, C., Hou, M., and Liu, Z. Facile synthesis of multiple enzyme-containing metal-organic frameworks in a biomolecule-friendly environment. Chemical Communications, 2015, 51 (69), 13408-13411. (SCI,JCR一区,IF=5.996,连续三年入选ESI高被引论文,SCI引用200余次)[4] Wu, X., Yang, C., Ge, J., and Liu, Z. Polydopamine tethered enzyme/metal-organic framework composites with high stability and reusability. Nanoscale, 2015, 7 (45), 18883-18886. (SCI,JCR一区,IF=6.895,封面文章,SCI引用100余次)[5] Wu, X., Xiong, J., Liu, S., Cheng, J., Zong, M., and Lou, W.*, Investigation of hierarchically porous zeolitic imidazolate frameworks for highly efficient dye removal. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 417, 126011. (SCI,JCR一区, IF=9.038)[6] Zhang, J.#, Wu, X.#, Chen, K.*, Zhou, D., Song, M. Experimental and numerical studies on an efficient transient heat transfer model for air-cooled battery thermal management systems, Journal of Power Sources, 2021, 490, 229539. (共同一作,SCI,JCR一区, IF=8.247)[7] Chen, K., Hou, J., Wu, X.*, Chen, Y., Song, M., Wang, S.*, Design of flow pattern in air-cooled battery thermal management system, International Journal of Energy Research, 2021, 45(6) :9541-9554. (SCI,JCR一区,IF=3.741)[8] Wu, X., Liu, S., Xiong, J., Chen, B., Zong, M., Yang, J., and Lou, W., In-situ construction of enzyme-copper nucleotide composite for efficient chemo-enzymatic cascade reaction. Applied Catalysis A, General.2020, 608, 117899. (SCI,JCR一区,IF=5.006)[9] Wu, X.#, Xiong, J.#, Huang, Z., Cao, S., Zong, M. and Lou, W. Improving biocatalysis of cefaclor with penicillin acylase immobilized on magnetic nanocrystalline cellulose in deep eutectic solvent based co-solvent. Bioresource Technology, 2019, 288, 121548. (共同一作,SCI,JCR一区,IF=7.539)[10] Wu, X.#, Ou, G.#, Yang, C., Ge, J., and Wu, H. Enhanced enzymatic reactions by solar-to-thermal conversion nanoparticles. Chemical Communications, 2017, 53 (36), 5048-5051. (共同一作,SCI,JCR一区,IF=5.996)[11] Wu, X., Ge, J., Zhu, J., Zhang, Y., Yong, Y., and Liu, Z. A general method for synthesizing enzyme-polymer conjugates in reverse emulsions using pluronic as a reactive surfactant. Chemical Communications, 2015, 51 (47), 9674-9677. (SCI,JCR一区,IF=5.996)[12] Wu, X., Jun, X., Liu, S., Chen, B., Liang, S., Lou, W., Zong, M. Peroxidase encapsulated in peroxidase mimics via in situ assembly with enhanced catalytic performance. ChemCatChem, 2020, 12, 1996-1999. (SCI,JCR二区,IF=4.853)[13] Ou, X.#, Wu, X.#, Peng, F., Xu, P., Zhang, S., Zong, M. and Lou, W. Highly efficient asymmetric reduction of 2-octanone in biphasic system by immobilized Acetobacter sp. CCTCC M209061 cells. Journal of Biotechnology, 2019, 299, 37-43. (共同一作,SCI,JCR二区,IF=3.503)[14] Wu, X., Hou, M., and Ge, J. Metal-organic frameworks and inorganic nanoflowers: a type of emerging inorganic crystal nanocarrier for enzyme immobilization. Catalysis Science & Technology, 2015, 5 (12), 5077-5085. (SCI,JCR二区,IF=5.721,SCI引用100余次)[15] Xiong, J., Cao, S., Zong, M., Lou, W.*, and Wu, X.*. Biosynthesis of alanyl-histidine dipeptide catalyzed by papain immobilized on magnetic nanocrystalline cellulose in deep eutectic solvents. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2020, 192, 573-584. (共同通讯,SCI,JCR三区,IF=2.277) [16] Chen, B. Wu, X.*, Xiong, J., Zong, M., Cheng, J., Ge, J. and Lou, W.*, Biomimetic mineralization of Prussian blue analogue-incorporated glucose oxidase hybrid catalyst for glucose detection. Catalysis Letters, 2021. (共同通讯,SCI, doi: 0.1007/s10562-021-03668-8, JCR三区, IF=2.482 )[17] Wu, X., and Ge, J. Enzymatic catalysis in melted polymer as green and reusable solvent. Catalysis Letters, 2015, 145 (7), 1510-1513. (SCI,JCR三区,IF=2.482)[18] Wu, X., Yang, C., and Ge, J. Green synthesis of enzyme/metal-organic framework composites with high stability in protein denaturing solvents. Bioresources and Bioprocessing, 2017, 4 (1), 24-31. [19] Liang, S., Wu, X., Xiong, J., Zong, M., and Lou, W. Metal-organic frameworks as novel matrices for efficient enzyme immobilization: an update review. Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 2020, 406, 213149. (SCI,JCR一区,IF=15.367)[20] Ou, X., Peng, F., Wu, X., Xu, P., Zong, M., and Lou, W. Efficient protein expression in a robust Escherichia Coli strain and its application for kinetic resolution of racemic glycidyl o-methylphenyl ether in high concentration. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 158, 107573. (SCI,JCR一区,IF=3.475)[21] Zhang, S., Guo, Z., Wu, X., Ou, X., Zong, M., and Lou, W. Recombinant expression and characterization of a novel cold-adapted type i pullulanase for efficient amylopectin hydrolysis. Journal of Biotechnology, 2020, 313, 39-47. (SCI,JCR二区,IF=3.503)[22] Ou, X., Wu, X., Peng, F., Zeng, Y., Li, H., Xu, P., Chen, G., Guo, Z., Yang, J., Zong, M. and Lou, W. Metabolic engineering of a robust Escherichia Coli strain with a dual protection system. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 2019, 116, 3333-3348. (SCI,JCR一区,IF=4.002)[23] Su, H., Peng, F., Xu, P., Wu, X., Zong, M., Yang, J., and Lou, W. Enhancing the thermostability and activity of uronate dehydrogenase from Agrobacterium Tumefaciens LBA4404 by semi-rational engineering. Bioresources and Bioprocessing, 2019, 6, 36.[24] Zhang, C., Wang, X., Hou, M., Li, X., Wu, X., and Ge, J. Immobilization on metal-organic framework engenders high sensitivity for enzymatic electrochemical detection. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2017, 9 (16), 13831-13836. (SCI,JCR一区,IF=7.145)[25] Li, Z., Ding, Y., Wu, X., Ge, J., Ouyang, P., and Liu, Z. An enzyme-copper nanoparticle hybrid catalyst prepared from disassembly of an enzyme-inorganic nanocrystal three-dimensional nanostructure. RSC Advances, 2016, 6 (25), 20772-20776. (SCI,JCR二区,IF=3.108)[26] Hou, M., Wang, R., Wu, X., Zhang, Y., Ge, J., and Liu, Z. Synthesis of lutein esters by using a reusable lipase-pluronic conjugate as the catalyst. Catalysis Letters, 2015, 145 (10), 1825-1829. (SCI,JCR二区,IF=2.799)[27] Chulkaivalsucharit, P., Wu, X., and Ge, J. Synthesis of enzyme-embedded metal-organic framework nanocrystals in reverse micelles. RSC Advances, 2015, 5 (123), 101293-101296. (SCI,JCR二区,IF=3.108) 科研创新 (1) 娄文勇; 吴晓玲; 熊隽; 刘姝利; 梁珊; 宗敏华 ; 一种普鲁士蓝结构-酶复合物及其制备方法, 2022-12-6, 中国, ZL201910853629.3 (授权专利)(2) 戈钧; 吴晓玲; 侯淼 ; 一种蛋白质与无定形金属有机骨架复合物及其制备方法, 2022-7-29, 中国,ZL201910384718.8 (授权专利)(3) 娄文勇; 吴晓玲; 刘姝利; 宗敏华; 熊隽 ; 一种酶-金属核苷酸复合物及其可控构建方法与应用,2021-7-20, 中国, ZL202010367283.9 (授权专利)(4) 戈钧; 张原宇; 吴晓玲 ; 基于酶-无定形金属有机骨架复合物的活细胞胞内葡萄糖浓度的检测方法,2021-6-29, 中国, ZL201910384187.2 (授权专利)(5) 戈钧; 吕凤姣; 吴晓玲; 侯淼; 王瑞; 刘铮 ; 一种蛋白质与金属有机骨架化合物复合材料及其制备方法, 2016-11-30, 中国, ZL201410309718.9 (授权专利)(6) 娄文勇; 区晓阳; 宗敏华; 吴晓玲 ; 一种能抗杂菌污染和噬菌体侵染的加强型大肠杆菌及其构建方法与应用, 2022-11-18, 中国, ZL201910582255.6 (授权专利)(7) 娄文勇; 崔华玲; 李梦帆; 徐培; 吴晓玲 ; 一株降胆固醇副干酪乳杆菌及其应用, 2023-2-14, 中国,ZL202110911715.2 (授权专利)(8) 娄文勇; 赵莹; 彭飞; 宗敏华; 吴晓玲 ; 一种利用微生物不对称拆分制备(S)-苯基乙二醇的方法,2018-12-7, 中国, ZL201811493239.1 (授权专利) 指导学生情况 协助指导多名硕士和博士研究生,其中2名硕士继续攻读博士学位,1人获研究生国家奖学金。毕业学生就业去向:生物诊断试剂公司研发岗、高校教师、事业单位等。 我的团队 所在科研团队教师包括宗敏华教授、娄文勇教授、吴虹教授和李宁教授。
