
主页 > 江苏省 > 扬州大学


姓名 汪圣晨
学校 扬州大学
部门 动物科学与技术学院中级
学位 在职信息:在岗
学历 办公地点:逸夫图书馆409-5
职称 中级
联系方式 shengchenwang@yzu.edu.cn
邮箱 shengchenwang@yzu.edu.cn
集群智慧云企服 / 知识产权申请大平台
急速申请 包写包过 办事快、准、稳

汪圣晨 24 个人信息Personal Information 中级 教师拼音名称:Wang Shengchen 出生日期:1994-01-02 电子邮箱: shengchenwang@yzu.edu.cn 入职时间:2022-06-21 所在单位:动物科学与技术学院 学历:博士研究生毕业 办公地点:逸夫图书馆409-5 性别:男 学位:农学博士学位 在职信息:在岗 毕业院校:东北农业大学 个人简介Personal Profile 一、基本情况 汪圣晨,扬州大学“青年百人拔尖人才”硕士生导师 二、教育经历 2012.08-2017.06 东北农业大学 专业:动物医学(五年制) 学士 2017.08-2022.06 东北农业大学 专业:临床兽医学,硕士、博士  三、教学工作 讲授本科生课程:《家畜环境卫生与牧场设计》、《饲料卫生学》 教改论文: 1. 汪圣晨,张浩,霍永久,王梦芝**. “家畜环境卫生学虚拟教研室建设初探[J]. 科教导刊, 2023. 四、科研项目 国家重点研发计划项目子课题(40万)主持 2024.1-2028.12. 中国科协青年人才托举项目(30万) 2023.2-2024.12. 国家自然科学基金青年基金(30万)主持 2024.1-2026.12. 江苏省自然科学基金青年基金(20万)主持 2023.7-2026.6. 扬州大学高层次人才科研启动项目(30万)2022.06~2026.06. 五、研究论文 1. Wang Shengchen., et al. "Polystyrene microplastics with different sizes induce the apoptosis and necroptosis in liver through the PTEN/PI3K/AKT/autophagy axis. " Science of Total Environment (2023):899 IF: 9.8(中科院1区) 2. Wang Shengchen., et al. "Polystyrene microplastics-induced macrophage extracellular traps contributes to liver fibrotic injury by activating ROS/TGF-β/Smad2/3 signaling axis. " Environmental Pollution (2023):324 IF: 8.9(中科院2区) 3. Wang Shengchen., et al. "Selenoprotein K protects skeletal muscle from damage and is required for satellite cells-mediated myogenic differentiation." Redox Biology (2022):50 IF: 11.6(中科院1区, ESI高被引) 4. Wang Shengchen., et al. "Polystyrene microplastics-induced ROS overproduction disrupts the skeletal muscle regeneration by converting myoblasts into adipocytes." Journal of Hazardous Materials (2021):417.  IF: 13.6(中科院1区) 5. Wang Shengchen., et al. "Cooperative application of transcriptomics and ceRNA hypothesis: LncRNA-107052630 /miR-205a/G0S2 crosstalk is involved in ammonia-induced intestinal apoptotic injury in chicken." Journal of Hazardous Materials (2020): 396. IF: 13.6(中科院1区) 6. Wang Shengchen., et al. "Application of transcriptome analysis: Oxidative stress, inflammation and microtubule activity disorder caused by ammonia exposure may be the primary factors of intestinal microvilli deficiency in chicken." Science of The Total Environment (2019):696 IF: 9.8(中科院1区) 7. Wang Shengchen., et al. "Atrazine hinders PMA-induced neutrophil extracellular traps in carp via the promotion of apoptosis and inhibition of ROS burst, autophagy and glycolysis." Environmental Pollution (2018):282-291. IF: 8.9 (中科院2区) 8. Wang Shengchen., et al. "Atrazine exposure triggers common carp neutrophil apoptosis via the CYP450s/ROSpathway." Fish & Shellfish Immunology 84(2018):551-557 IF: 4.7 (中科院1 区,高被引) 9. Sun Jiaxin, Wang Shengchen., et al. Cadmium exposure induces apoptosis, inflammation and immunosuppressionthrough CYPs activation and antioxidant dysfunction in common carp neutrophils[J]. Fish &ShellfishImmunology,2020, 99(12). IF: 4.7 (中科院 1 区,高被引) 10. Cao Yirong, Wang Shengchen., et al. DEHP induces neutrophil extracellular traps formation and apoptosisincarpisolated from carp blood via promotion of ROS burst and autophagy - ScienceDirect[J]. Environmental Pollution,262. IF: 8.9 (中科院 1 区) 11. Zhang Jiayong , Wang Shengchen., et al. The antagonistic effect of selenium on lead-inducednecroptosisviaMAPK/NF-κB pathway and HSPs activation in the chicken spleen[J]. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2020,204(2):111049. IF: 6.8 (中科院 2 区) 教育经历Education Background 工作经历Work Experience 2012.9 2017.6 东北农业大学 动物医学 农学学士学位 2019.9 2022.6 东北农业大学 临床兽医学 农学博士学位 暂无内容 研究方向Research Focus 社会兼职Social Affiliations 家禽矿物元素营养和畜禽环境生态毒理研究 Animal Research and One Health(AROH)青年编委
