
主页 > 江苏省 > 扬州大学


姓名 高盼
性别 毕业院校:南京大学
学校 扬州大学
部门 化学化工学院中级
学位 发明专利包写包过 特惠申请
学历 学位:理学博士学位
职称 硕士生导师
联系方式 gaopan@yzu.edu.cn
邮箱 gaopan@yzu.edu.cn
集群智慧云企服 / 知识产权申请大平台
急速申请 包写包过 办事快、准、稳

高盼 155 个人信息Personal Information 硕士生导师 教师拼音名称:Gao Pan 电子邮箱: gaopan@yzu.edu.cn 所在单位:化学化工学院 学历:博士研究生毕业 性别:男 联系方式:gaopan@yzu.edu.cn 联系电话:1333 8852 592 学位:理学博士学位 毕业院校:南京大学 其他联系方式Other Contact Information 邮箱 : gaopan@yzu.edu.cn 个人简介Personal Profile          2019年毕业于南京大学获得博士学位,导师史壮志教授,主要研究方向有机合及不对称催化,同年加入扬州大学化学化工学院工作。2021年12月至2023年6月在北海道大学(Hokkaido University) Hajime Ito教授课题组从事博士后研究,主要研究方向为机械化学(Mechanochemistry)。现研究方向主要围绕超声化学(Sonochemistry)和机械化学实现有机小分子和药物中间体的绿色合成,以及高分子升级改造。 科研成果: (1)Pan Gao,* Yichen Li , Duo Zhang ,Guodong Zhang, Liuzhou Gao,* Feng Chen,* Direct Synthesis of Silylcyclopentene under Ball Milling Conditions. ChemRxiv, 2024, DOI: 10.26434/chemrxiv-2024-k4ndr. (2)Pan Gao, Julong Jiang ,Yamato Fukuzawa ,Satoshi Maeda ,Koji Kubota, Hajime Ito, Direct arylation of alkyl fluorides using in situ mechanochemically generated calcium-based heavy Grignard reagents, ChemRxiv, 2024, DOI: 10.26434/chemrxiv-2024-ts0lm. (3)Yaoyao Ban, Yuhan Liu, Shuwei Zhang, Xiaodong Jia, Pan Gao,* Yu Yuan,* Indium Promotes Direct Sulfonamidation of Unactivated Alcohols, J. Org. Chem. 2024, DOI: 10.1021/acs.joc.4c00311. (4)Xinting Fan, Duo Zhang, Xiangchuan Xiu, Bin Xu, Yu Yuan,* Feng Chen,* Pan Gao,*Nucleophilic functionalization of thianthrenium salts under basic conditions, Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2024, 20, 257–263. (5)Guodong Zhang,* Lei Wang, Liping Cui, Pan Gao* and Feng Chen,* Deaminative defluoroalkylation of α-trifluoromethylalkenes enabled by photoredox catalysis, Org. Biomol. Chem. 2023, 21, 294–299. (6)Pan Gao,* Liping Cui, Guodong Zhang,* Feng Chen,* Visible-light-induced decarboxylation/defluorosilylation protocol for synthesis of gem-difluoroalkenes, Catal. Sci. Technol. 2023,13, 1628–1632. (7)Xinyin Wu; Pan Gao,* Feng Chen,* Synthetic Applications of Sulfonium Salts as Aryl Radical Precursors, Eur. J. Org.Chem. 2023, 26, e202300864. (8)Pan Gao,* Qingzheng Zhang, Yicheng Li, Liping Cui, Xinting Fan, Guodong Zhang,* Feng Chen,* Catalyst‐Free Defluoroalkylation of Trifluoromethylated Alkenes via Photoinduced Electron Donor‐Acceptor Complex, ChemistrySelect, 2023, 8, e202300665. (9)Pan Gao,* Qingzheng Zhang, Feng Chen,* Base-Promoted Synthesis of Vinyl Sulfides from Sulfonium Triflates, Org. Lett. 2022, 24, 7769–7773. (10)Zhengzheng Zhao, Pan Gao,* Lei Meng, Qingyi Wu, Yu Yuan,* ChemistrySelect, 2022, 7, e202202939. (11)Pan Gao, JulongJiang, SatoshiMaeda, Koji Kubota,* Hajime Ito,*  MechanochemicallyGeneratedCalcium-BasedHeavyGrignardReagentsand TheirApplicationto Carbon–CarbonBond-FormingReactions, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2022, 61, e202207118. (12)Qingyi Wu, Pan Gao,* Yu Yuan,* Rhodium‐Catalyzed Selective C−H Alkenylation of Indole at C4 Position, Asian. J. Org.Chem. 2021, 10, 749–75. 博士期间工作: (13)Pan Gao, Liuzhou Gao, Longlong Xi, Zedong Zhang, Shuhua Li,* and Zhuangzhi Shi,* Enantioselective Copper-Catalysed Defluorosilylation of Trifluoromethylated Alkenes with Silylboronates. Org. Chem. Front. 2020, 7, 2618. (14)Pan Gao, Guoqiang Wang, Longlong, Minyan Wang, Shuhua Li*, and Zhuangzhi Shi.* Transition-Metal-Free Defluorosilylation of Fluoroalkenes with Silylboronates. Chin. J. Chem, 2019, 37, 1009. (15)Pan Gao, Chengkai Yuan, Yue Zhao and Zhuangzhi Shi,* Copper-Catalyzed Asymmetric Defluoroborylation of 1-(Trifluoromethyl)Alkenes, Chem. 2018. 4. 2201.  (16)Youqing Yang,§ Pan Gao,§ Yue Zhao, and Zhuangzhi Shi,* Regiocontrolled Direct C-H Arylation of Indoles at the C4 and C5 Positions, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2017, 56, 3966.(§ co-first author) (17)Pan Gao, Zhuangzhi Shi,* Yu Yuan,* Iridium(III)-Catalyzed Regioselective Direct Arylation of sp2 C-H Bonds with Diaryliodonium Salts, Org. Biomol. Chem. 2016, 14, 7109. (18)Pan Gao, Wei Guo, Jingjing Xue, Yue Zhao, Yu Yuan, Yuanzhi Xia,* and Zhuangzhi Shi,* Iridium(III)-Catalyzed Direct Arylation of C-H Bonds with Diaryliodonium Salts, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2015, 137, 12231 教育经历Education Background 工作经历Work Experience 暂无内容 暂无内容 研究方向Research Focus 社会兼职Social Affiliations 暂无内容 暂无内容
