
主页 > 浙江省 > 浙江工业大学


姓名 范丽莎
性别 发明专利4999代写全部资料
学校 浙江工业大学
部门 机械工程学院
学位 博士
学历 机械工程学院
职称 教授
联系方式 机械楼A324
邮箱 lfan@zjut.edu.cn
集群智慧云企服 / 知识产权申请大平台
急速申请 包写包过 办事快、准、稳

个人简介 范丽莎教授现就职于浙江工业大学机械工程学院,曾在美国内布拉斯加州大学林肯分校激光纳米工程实验室和美国橡树岭国家实验室工作。担任激光绿色制造技术创新引智基地(国家111计划)副主任。长期致力于激光复合微纳制造技术研究,入选浙江省海外高层次引进人才计划;主持国家自然科学优秀青年基金(海外)、国家青年基金、浙江省自然科学基金探索项目等多项项目。在激光应用和先进材料领域的国际知名期刊上发表论文共近40篇,包括Science Advances、Light Science & Applications、Advanced Science等国际知名学术期刊,论文共计被引600余次。获橡树岭国家实验室表现突出奖(Supporting Performance Award;获浙江省高层次拔尖人才称号。美国光电子工程学会(SPIE)、美国材料研究协会 ((MRS)、美国激光协会( LIA)会员;担任十多个国际SCI期刊审稿人。 教学与课程 《再制造技术/Remanufacturing Technology(全英)》 专业选修课 32学时 2学分 每学年第一学期 本科留学生三年级《绿色制造技术(双语)》 专业选修课 32学时 2学分 每学年第二学期 硕士研究生一年级《增材制造》 专业选修课 32学时 2学分 每学年第二学期 硕士研究生一年级《先进制造技术(双语)》 专业选修课 32学时 2学分 每学年第一学期 本科三年级《专业英语》 专业选修课 32学时 2学分 每学年第一学期 硕士研究生一年级 育人成果 校级研究生双语课程建设教改项目,绿色制造技术教育部第一批产学合作协同育人项目,激光绿色制造技术教学实践与探索协助指导研究生获教育部国家奖学金,获校级优秀研究生一等奖 科研项目 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,激光共振激发复合化学气相沉积的氮化硅化学计量比调控机理研究,项目编号52205502浙江省高校基本科研业务费项目,激光外延自组装忆阻材料单晶纳米结构机理和应用研究,项目编号RF-C2022001浙江省自然科学基金探索项目,基于激光光量子调控的掺硼金刚石掺杂结晶机理研究,项目编号 LQ22E050019杭州星辰三比齿科器材有限公司横向项目,陶瓷医械激光微加工工艺试验开发 科研成果 2023年J. Yao, L. Liu, S. Zhang, L. Wu, J. Tang, Y. Qiu,  S. Huang, H. Wu, L Fan*,”Metal-incorporated laser-induced graphene for high performance supercapacitors” Electrochimica Acta, 441, 141719 (2023) (IF=5.166)2022年L Fan, Qingyu Yan, Qiangqiang Qian, Shuowen Zhang, Ling Wu, Yang Peng, Shibin Jiang, Lianbo Guo, Jianhua Yao* ,and Huaping Wu*,”Laser-induced fast assembly of wettability-finely-tunable superhydrophobic surfaces for lossless droplet transfer” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, (2022) (IF=10.4)(1区TOP)J. H. Yao, Q. Yan, Q. Qian, S. Zhang, L. Wu, S. Jiang, L. Guo, L. Fan*, H. Wu*, “Directional droplet transfer on micropillar-textured superhydrophobic surfaces fabricated using a ps laser” Applied Surface Science 594, 153414 (2022) (IF=6.707) (2区TOP)S.W. Zhang, L. Wu, J.Y. Tang, V.S. Kovalenko, L. Fan*, J.H. Yao*, “Optical-field-induced surface nanobumps in near-infrared laser direct cleaning of nanoparticles on silicon” Optics, Letters, 47, 5638-5641 (2022) (IF=3.776)H Zhang, S Huang,* J Sheng,L Fan, J Zhou, M Shan, J Wei, C Wang, H Yang, and J Lu,” 4D Printing of Ag Nanowire-Embedded Shape Memory Composites with Stable and Controllable Electrical Responsivity: Implications for Flexible Actuators”, ACS Applied Nano Materials 5 (5), 6221-6231(2022) (IF=4.86)2021年L. Fan#, L. Constantin#, Z.P. Wu, K.A. McElveen, X.G. Chen, T. He, F. Wang, C. Debiemme-Chouvy, B. Cui, R. Y. Lai, X. Li, J. F. Silvain, Y. F. Lu*, “Laser vibrational excitation of radicals to prevent crystallinity degradation caused by boron doping in diamond” Science Advances 7(4), eabc7547, 2021 (IF=12.477)(1区TOP)S Zhang, Q. Yan, J. Lin, Q. Zhang, X. Ding, Y.  Lu, L. Guo, V.S. Kovalenko, L. Fan*, J. Yao*, “Blind zone formation in laser shockwave nano-cleaning”, Optics Express 29(17/16) 27587 (2021) (IF=3.833 ) (2区)S Zhang#, Q. Yan, J. Lin, Q. Zhang, Y. Lu, J. Yao*, L. Fan*, “Elimination of blind zone in nanoparticle removal on silicon wafers using a double-beam laser shockwave cleaning process” Applied Surface Science 539, 148057 (2021) (IF=6.707)(2区TOP)2020年LFan#,X. Gao#, T. O. Farmer D. K. Lee, E. J. Guo, S. Mu, K Wang, M. R. Fitzsimmons, M. F.Chisholm, T. Z. Ward, G. Eres, H. N. Lee* “Vertically-aligned single-crystalline CoFe2O4 nanopillar architectures with high magnetization and tailored magnetic anisotropy”, Nanomaterials, 10,472 (2020). (IF=4.324)(2区)L Constantin#, Z Wu, N. Li,L. Fan*, J.F. Silvain*, Y. F. Lu*, “Laser 3D printing of complex copper structures”, Additive Manufacturing 35, 101268 (2020). (IF=7.088) (1区TOP)L. Constantin#, L. Fan#, Q. Zou, B. Thomas, J. Roger, J. M. Heintz, C.Debeimme-Couvy, B. Mortainage, Y. F. Lu, J. F*. Silvain*, “Design of tailored oxide-carbide coating on carbon fibers for a robust copper/carbon interphase” Carbon, 158, 607-614 (2020) (IF=7.789)(1区TOP)D. Lee, X Gao, L Sun, Y. Jee, J. Poplawsky, T.O. Farmer, L. Fan, E.J.Guo, Q. Lu, W. T. Heller, Y. Choi, D Haskel, M. R. Fitzsimmons, M. F. Chisholm, K. Huang, B. Yildiz, H. N. Lee*, “Colossal oxygen vacancy formation at a fluorite-bixbyite interface”, Nature Communications 11,1371, (2020) (IF=12.112)(1区TOP)G. Yang#, L. Liu, T. Wang,L. S. Fan, X. Huang, D. Tian, L. Jiang, J. F. Silvain, Y. F. Lu*, “Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy of ammonia gas with resonant vibrational excitation” Optics Express 28(2), 1197-1205 (2020) (IF=3.669)(2区)L. Constantin#, L. Fan, M. Pontoreau, F. Wang, B. Cui, J.L. Battaglia, J. F. Silvain*, Y. F. Lu*, “Additive manufacturing of copper/diamond composites for thermal management applications”, Manufacturing Letters, 24, 61-66 (2020) (IF=3.417)(1区)2019年Y. Liu#, W. Xiong, Y. Lu, X. Huang, H. Liu,L.S. Fan, L. Jiang, J. F. Silvain, Y.F. Lu*, “Precise assembly and jointing of silver nanowires in three dimensions for highly conductive composite structures” International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing 1(2), 025001(2019) (IF=10.036)Q. M. Zou#, L. M. Deng, P. X. Fan, D. W. Li, C. F. Zhang, L. S. Fan, L. Jiang, J. F. Silvain, Y. F. Lu*, ”Refractory Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotube-Boron Nitride Nanocomposites for Scalable Electrical Anisotropic Interconnects” ACS Applied Nano Materials 2(1), 100-108 (2019) (IF=3.939)2018年L. Fan#, L. Constantin#, D. W. Li, L. Liu, K. Keramantnejad, X. Huang, H. R. Golgir, Y. Lu, Ahmadi, F. Wang, J. Shield, B. Cui, J. F. Silvain*, Y. F. Lu*, “Ultraviolet laser photolysis of hydrocarbons for nondiamond carbon suppression in chemical vapor deposition of diamond films” Light: Science & Applications, 2018,7,e17177. (IF=13.78)(1区TOP)L. Constatntin#,L. Fan#, C. Azina, J. F. Silvain*, Y. F. Lu*, “Effects of laser photolysis of hydrocarbons at 193 and 248 nm on chemical vapor deposition of diamond films” Crystal Growth & Design, 18(4), 2458-2466 (2018). (IF=4.089)(2区)L Constantin#, L. Fan#, B. Mortaigne, K. Keramatnejad, Q. Zou, C. Azina, Y.F. Lu*, J. F. Silvain*, “Laser sintering of cold-pressed Cu powder without binder use” Materialia 3, 178-181 (2018). (IF=0.784)2017年 L. Fan#, X. Gao#, D. K. Lee, E. J. Guo, S. B. Lee, P. C. Snijders, T. Z. Ward, M. F. Chisholm, Eres, H. N. Lee* “Kinetic controlled fabrication of single-crystalline TiO2 nanobrush architecture”, Advanced Sciences 4(8), 1700045 (2017). (IF=14.695)(1区TOP)L. Fan#,C. B. Jacobs, C. M. Rouleau, G. Eres*, “Stabilization of Ir (001) epitaxial on yttria-stabilized zirconia using a thin Ir seed layer grown by pulsed laser deposition”, CrystalGrowth Design 17, 89 (2017). (IF=4.089)(2区)L. Fan#,Y. S. Zhou, M. M. Wang, J. F. Silvain, Y. F. Lu*, “Seed-free deposition of large-areaadhesive diamond films on copper surfaces processed and patterned by femtosecond lasers”, Thin Solid Films 636, 499-505 (2017). (IF=2.03)(4区)Z. Chen, Z. Chen, Z. Q. Liu*, M. E. Holtz, C. J. Li, X. R. Wang, W. M. Lu, M. Motapothula, L. Fan, J. A. Turcaud, L. R. Dedon, C. Frederick, R. J. Xu, R. Gao, A. T. N’Diaye, E. Arenholz, J. A. Mundy, T. Venkatesan, D. A. Muller, L. W. Wang, J. Liu*, L. W. Martin*, “Electron accumulation and emergent magnetism in LaMnO3/SrTiO3 heterostructures” PhysicsReview Letter 119, 156801, (2017) (IF=8.817)(1区TOP)Q. M. Zou#, L. M. Deng#, D. W*. Li, Y. S. Zhou, H. R. Golgir, K. Keramatnejad, L. S. Fan, L. Jiang, J. F. Silvain, Y. F. Lu*, “Thermal stable and electrically conductive, vertically aligned carbon nanotube/silicon infiltrated composite structures for high-temperature electrodes” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 9(42), 37340-37349 (2017) (IF=8.758)(1区TOP)D. W. Li, Q. M. Zhou, H. Rabiee-Golgir, K. Keramatnejad, X. Huang, J. Song, Z. Xiao, L. Fan, X. Hong, L. Jiang, J. F. Silvain, S. Sun, Y. F. Lu*, “Controlled defect creation andremoval in graphene and MoS2 monolayers”, Nanoscale 9, 8997-9008 (2017). (IF=7.033)(1区TOP) D. K. Lee, X. Gao, L. Fan, E. Guo, T. O. Farmer, W. T. Heller, T. Z. Ward, G. Eres, M. R. Fitzsimmons, M. F. Chisholm, and H. N. Lee*, “Non-equilibrium synthesis of highly porous single-crystalline oxide nanostructures”, Advanced Material Interfaces 4, 1601034 (2017). (IF=4.948)(2区)L. Liu, L. M. Deng,L. S. Fan, X. Huang, Y. Lu, X. Shen, L. Jiang, J. F. Silvain, Y.F. Lu, “Time-resolved resonance fluorescence spectroscopy for study of chemical reactions in laser-induced plasmas” Optics Express 25(22), 27000-27007 (2017) (IF=3.669)(2区)2016年Z. Liu*, M. D. Biegalski, S. L Hsu, S. Shang, C. Maker, J. Liu, L. Li, L. Fan, T. L. Meyer, A.Wong, J. A. Nichols, D. Chen, L. You, Z. Chen, K. Wang, K. Wang, T. Z. Ward, Z. Gai, N. Lee, A. S. Sefat, V. Lauter, Z. K. Liu, H. M. Christen*, “Epitaxial growth of intermetallic MnPt films on oxides and large exchange bias”, Advanced Materials 28, 118 (2016). (IF=25.052)(1区TOP) Z. Q. Liu*, L. Li, Z. Gai, J. D. Clarkson, S. L. Hsu, A. T. Wong,L. Fan, M. W. Lin, C. M. Rouleau, T. Z. Ward, H. N. Lee, A. S. Sefat, H. M. Christen*, and R. Ramesh*, “Full electroresistance modulation in a mixed-phase metallic alloy”, Physics Review Letter 116, 097203 (2016). (IF=8.817)(1区TOP)2015年L. Fan#, Y. S. Zhou, M. X. Wang, Y. Gao, J. F. Silvain, Y. F. Lu*,“Mass spectrometricinvestigation of the roles of several chemical intermediates in diamond synthesis”, RSC Adv. 5, 4822 (2015). (IF=3.267)(3区) Y. S. Zhou#, L. Fan, Z. Q. Xie, L. Jiang, J. F. Silvain, Y. F. Lu*, “Laser-assisted vibrational control of precursor molecules in diamond synthesis”, Current Opinion in Solid State andMaterial Sciences 19, 107-114 (2015). (IF=9.571)(1区TOP)W. Xiong#, Y. Zhou, W. Hou, L Jiang, M Mahjouri-Samani, J. Park, X. He, Y. Gao, L. Fan, Baldacchini, J. F. Silvain, Y. F. Lu*, “Laser-based micro/nanofabrication in one, two and three dimensions”, Frontieres of Optoelectronics 8, 351 (2015). (IF=1.585)(3区)(IF=1.871)2014年L. Fan, Y. S. Zhou, M. X. Wang, Y. Gao, L. Liu, J. F. Silvain, Y. F. Lu,“Resonantvibrational excitation of ethylene molecules in laser-assisted diamond deposition”, LaserPhysics Letter 11, 076002 (2014). (IF=2.391)(3区)Y. Gao, Y. S. Zhou, W. Xiong, M. Wang, L. Fan, H. Rabiee-Golgir, L. Jiang, W. Hou, X. Huang, L. Jiang and Y. F. Lu*, “Highly efficient and recyclable onion-like carbon soot sponge for oil cleanup”, ACS Applied Material Interfaces 6(8) 5924-5929 (2014). (IF=8.758)(1区TOP)T. Guillemet*, A. Kusiak, L. Fan, J. M. Heintz, N. Chandra, Y. S. Zhou, J. F. Silvian, Y. F. Lu, J. L. Battaglia, “Thermal characterization of diamond films through modulated photothermal radiometry”, ACS Applied Material Interfaces 6(3) 2095-2102 (2014). (IF=8.758)(1区TOP)H. Rabiee Golgir, Y. Gao, Y. S. Zhou, L. Fan, P. Thirugnanam, K. Keramatnejad, L. Jiang, J. F. Silvain, Y. F. Lu*, “Low-temperature growth of crystalline gallium nitride films using vibrational excitations of ammonia molecules in laser-assisted metalorganic chemical vapor deposition”, Crystal Growth & Design 14, 6248-6253 (2014). (IF=4.089)(2区)W. Xiong, Y. S. Zhou, W. J. Hou, L. J. Jiang, Y. Gao, L. Fan, L. Jiang, J. F. Silvain, and Y. F. Lu*, “Direct writing of graphene patterns on insulating substrates under ambient conditions”, Scientific Report 4, 4892 (2014). (IF=4.044)(3区)L. Liu#, S. Li, X. He, X. Huang, C. Zhang, L. Fan, M. Wang, Y. Zhou, K. Chen, L. Jiang, J. F. Silvain, and Y. F. Lu*, “Flame-enhanced laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy”, OpticsExpress 22, 7686-7693 (2014). (IF=3.669)(2区)2013年P. Thirugnanam#, W. Xiong, M. Mahjouri-Samani, L. Fan, R. Raju, M. Mitchell, Y. Gao, B. Krishnan, Y. S. Zhou, L. Jiang, and Y. F. Lu*, “Rapid Growth of m-plane Oriented Gallium Nitride Nanoplates on Silicon Substrate Using Laser-Assisted Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition”, Crystal Growth & Design 13(7), 3171–3176 (2013). (IF=4.089)(2区)M. Mahjouri-Samani, Y. S. Zhou, L. Fan, Y. Gao, W. Xiong, K. L. More and Y. F. Lu*,“Laser-assisted  solid-state  synthesis  of  carbon  nanotube/silicon  core/shell  structures”, Nanotechnology 24, 255604 (2013). (IF=3.551)(2区) Y. Gao#, Y. S. Zhou, M. Qian, H. M. Li, J. Redepenning, L. Fan, X. N. He, W. Xiong, X. Huang, M. Majhouri-Saman, Y. F. Lu*, “High performance flexible solid-state supercapacitor based on MnO2-decorated nanocarbon electrodes”, RSC Advances 3, 20613 (2013). (IF=3.236)(3区)2012年 L. Fan#, Z. Q. Xie, J. B. Park, X. N. He, Y. S. Zhou, L. Jiang, Y. F. Lu*, “Synthesis ofnitrogen-doped diamond films using vibrational excitations of ammonia molecules in laser-assisted combustion flames”, Journal of Laser Applications 24, 022001 (2012). (IF=1.410)(4区)会议论文[1]   L. Fan, Y.S. Zhou, M.X. Wang, Y. Gao, L. Liu, J.F. Silvain, Y.F. Lu, “Influence of laservibrational excitations of ethylene molecules in laser assisted combustion diamond synthesis”, MRS proceedings 1734, 1-6 (2015)[2]   L. Fan, Y.S. Zhou, Y. Gao, J. F Silvain, M.X. Wang, L. Liu, Y.F. Lu, “On and off-resonance vibrational excitations of ethylene molecules in laser-assisted combustion diamond synthesis”, Proc. of the 33th International Congress on Applications of Lasers andElectro-Optics, (2014)[3]   L. Fan, W. Xiong, L.J. Jiang, W.J. Hou, X. Huang, L. Liu, Y.S. Zhou, Y.F. Lu,“Fabrication of Graphene Patterns Directly on SiO2/Si Substrates Using Laser-Induced Chemical Vapor Deposition”, Proc. of the 33th International Congress on Applications ofLasers and Electro-Optics, (2014)[4]   H Rabiee Golgir, Y. Gao, Y. S. Zhou, L. Fan, K. Keramatnejad, Y. F. Lu, “Effect-assisted resonantn excitation on the growth of GaN films”, Proc. of the 33th International Congresson Applications of Lasers and Electro-Optics, (2014)[5]   L. Liu, X. Huang, C.F. Zhang, L. Fan, Y.S. Zhou, Y.F. Lu, “Enhancement of Optical Emission from Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy by Plasmas Generated in Flames”, Proc. of the 33th International Congress on Applications of Lasers and Electro-Optics,(2014)[6]   Y. F. Lu, Z. Q. Xie, L. Fan, Y. S. Zhou, ” Laser resonant excitation of precursor molecules in chemical vapor deposition of diamond thin films and crystals”, Proceedings ofthe 37th International MATADOR 2012 Conference, 433-444 (2013)[7]   L. Fan, W. Xiong, Y. Gao, J. Park, Y. S. Zhou, L. Jiang, Y. F. Lu, “Laser direct writinggraphene patterns on SiO2/Si substrates”, Proc. of SPIE 8608, 8608J-1 (2013)会议报告[2]   L. Fan, Z.Q. Xie, J.B. Park, X.N. He, Y.S. Zhou, and Y.F. Lu, “Synthesis of Nitrogen-DopedDiamond Films by Vibrational Excitation of Precursor Molecules using CO2 Laser in a Combustion Flame Process”, Proc. of the 30th International Congress on Applications ofLasers and Electro-Optics, 1217-1221 (2011)[3]   L. Fan, Y.S. Zhou, M.X. Wang, Y. Gao, L. Liu, J.F. Silvain, Y.F. Lu, “Influence of laservibrational excitations of ethylene molecules in laser assisted combustion diamond synthesis”, MRS Fall Meeting, 2014, Boston, MA, USA[4]   L. Fan, Y.S. Zhou, Y. Gao, J. F Silvain, M.X. Wang, L. Liu, Y.F. Lu,“On and off-resonance vibrational excitations of ethylene molecules in laser-assisted combustion diamond synthesis”, ICALEO, 2014, San Deigo, CA, USA[5]   L. Fan, W. Xiong, Y. Gao, J. Park, Y.S. Zhou, L. Jiang, Y. F. Lu,“Laser direct writinggraphene patterns on SiO2/Si substrates”, Photonics West, 2013, San Francisco, CA, USA[6]   L. Fan, Z.Q. Xie, J.B. Park, X.N. He, Y.S. Zhou, and Y.F. Lu, “Synthesis of Nitrogen-Doped Diamond Films by Vibrational Excitation of Precursor Molecules using CO2 Laser in a Combustion Flame Process”, International Congress on Applications of Lasers andElectro-Optics (ICALEO), 2011, Orlando, FL, USA
