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个人简介 邢白夕,浙江工业大学工业设计研究院副研究员,硕士生导师。聚焦于情感计算、计算美学及人机交互研究,先后主持了国家社会科学基金一般项目、国家自然科学青年基金、浙江省自然科学基金一般项目、浙江省博士后基金等课题,参与国家级及省部级项目10余项;在CHI、Siggraph Asia、Sigcomm等期刊或会议上发表论文二十余篇;任浙江省计算机学会人机交互专委会委员,入选浙江工业大学青年英才计划、浙江省151人才第三层次培养人员。Baixi Xing is an associate researcher and master's supervisor at the Industrial Design Institute of Zhejiang University of Technology. Her research involved affective computing, computational aesthetics, and human-computer interaction. She has successively led projects such as the National Social Science Foundation, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Zhejiang Provincial Natural Science Foundation, and the Zhejiang Provincial Postdoctoral Fund, and participated in more than 10 national and provincial academic projects. She has published more than 20 papers in journals or conferences such as CHI, Siggraph Asia, Sigcomm, etc. She also served as a member of the Human Machine Interaction Research Committee of the Zhejiang Computer Science Society. Besides, she was selected for the Young Talent Program of Zhejiang University of Technology and the Zhejiang Province's 151 talent program. 教学与课程 本科核心课程:《产品设计形态》研究生课程:《设计创新创业实践》 育人成果 1.浙江省大学生科技创新活动计划暨新苗人才计划,小陪驾-驾驶情感化智能交互机器人,指导老师,1/2,2022.2.浙江省大学生工业设计竞赛,三等奖,指导老师,2/2,2022.3.浙江省第十四届“挑战杯”大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛/瞳孔真实情感智能交互应用研究,省赛二等奖,指导老师,1/2,2016.4.浙江省大学生科技创新活动计划暨新苗人才计划,瞳孔真实情感智能交互应用研究,指导老师,1/2,2015.5.教育部高教司-谷歌校企合作专业综合改革项目,Eyechat基于瞳孔特征的情感交互应用,指导老师,1/1,2014. 科研项目 1. 共同富裕背景下创建未来社区场景融合的新模式新业态与政策体系研究(22BSH021),国家社会科学基金一般项目/纵向/Ⅲ类,负责人2022.9~2025.6,20,1/9,在研.2. 基于多维特征分析的音画情感联觉检索研究(61402141)国家自然科学基金青年项目/纵向/Ⅳ类,负责人2015.01~2017.12,24,1/9,2017.12 已结题3. 积极情感驱动的正念教育智能反馈决策机制研究(LY19F020047)浙江省自然科学基金一般项目/纵向/Ⅵ类,负责人2019.01~2021.12,10,1/7,已结题4. 基于情感的城市安全智能监控研究浙江省博士后科研择优资助/纵向/Ⅶ类,负责人2016.12~2018.125. 情感驱动的中国民族音画联觉检索研究(Y201430757)浙江省教育厅一般科研项目/纵向/Ⅶ类,负责人2014.10~2016.106. 大数据环境下跨媒体信息情感挖掘及检索应用研究(17YJC870018)教育部人文社科研究一般项目/纵向/Ⅴ类,2/5,参与,2018.01~2020.12 科研成果 [1] Baixi Xing,Kejun Zhang,Lekai Zhang,Xinda Wu,Huahao Si,Hui Zhang, Kaili Zhu, Shouqian Sun,And the nominees are: Using design-awards datasets to build computational aesthetic evaluation model, PlOS ONE, ISSN:1932-6203, 15(1):No.e0227754,2020.01.[2] Baixi Xing,Xiang Zhang,Kejun Zhang,Xinda Wu,Shouqian Sun, PopMash: an automatic musical-mashup system using computation of musical and lyrical agreement for transitions,Mutlimedia Tools and Applications, ISSN:1380-7501, 79(29-30):21841-21871,2020.08.[3] Baixi Xing,Huahao Si, Junbin Chen, Minchao Ye, Lei Shi, Computational model for predicting user aesthetic preference for GUI using DCNNs,CCF Transactions on Pervasive Computing and Interaction, 3(2):147-169, June 2021.[4] Baixi Xing, Jian Dou, Qing Huang, Huahao Si,Stylized image generation based on music-image synesthesia emotional style transfer using CNN network, KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems,ISSN:1976-7277, 15(4):1464-1485, 2021.04.[5] Baixi Xing, Hanfei Cao, Lei Shi, Huahao Si, Lina Zhao,AI-driven user aesthetics preference prediction for UI layouts via deep convolutional neural networks, Cognitive Computation and Systems, 4(3):250-264, September 2022.09.[6] Baixi Xing, Kejun Zhang, Shouqian Sun, Lekai Zhang, Zenggui Gao, Jiaxi Wang, Shi Chen, Emotion-driven Chinese folk music-image retrieval based on DE-SVM, Neurocomputing, ISSN:0925-2312, 148:619-627, 2015.01[7] 邢白夕,谢磷海,朱伯翰,黄庆,陈榕,田虹虹,基于情感特征的中华诗词-民乐跨媒体联觉匹配的研究, 复旦学报(自然科学版) ,ISSN: 0427-7104, 59(5):558-564, 2020.10.[8] Baixi Xing, Xiaoying Shi, Bohan Zhu, Linhai Xie,Jiaxi Wang, Lekai Zhang, Intelligent Assessment of Design Layout Based on Eye-Tracking Data Analysis, International Conference on Intelligent Human-Machine Systems and Cybernetics,pp.275-278, 2019.[9] Baixi Xing, Lekai Zhang, Junyin Gao, Ritai Yu, Ruimin Lyu, Barrier-free affective communication in MOOC study by analyzing pupil diameter variation,Siggraph Asia, Symposium on Education, Article No.7: pp.1-8, 2016.11. 社会服务 |