

主页 > 陕西省 > 西北工业大学


姓名 潘书诚
学校 西北工业大学
部门 航空学院
学位 工学博士学位
学历 博士研究生毕业
职称 正高
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个人经历 personal experience 工作经历 教育经历 2021年5月-,西北工业大学航空学院流体力学系,教授2018年9月-2021年4月,西北工业大学航空学院流体力学系,副教授 2013年12月-2018年7月,慕尼黑工业大学机械工程系空气动力学与流体力学所,博士,Summa Cum Laude2010年9月-2013年4月,  西北工业大学航空学院流体力学系,硕士2006年9月-2010年7月,  西北工业大学航空学院飞行器设计与工程专业, 学士


科学研究 Scientific Research 研究工作获得慕尼黑工业大学博士最高荣誉Summa Cum Laude,得到了中组部海外高层次人才计划青年项目的资助。主要研究方向为空气动力学、多相流和计算流体力学等。主持了自然科学基金青年基金项目、国防科技重点实验室基金、国防科技重点实验室稳定支持项目、工信部民用飞机专项科研项目专题、JKW基础加强项目子课题等研究项目,并参与了欧洲研究理事会重大项目和自然科学基金重大研究计划重点支持项目。在《Journal of Computational Physics》、《Combustion and Flame》、《SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing》、《Physical Review Fluids 》等领域内权威期刊上发表19篇SCI文章(9篇中科院1区文章,7篇中科院2区文章),其中2篇被《Physical Review Fluids》和《Physics of Fluids》选为研究亮点和编辑推荐。目前为《气体物理》编委和《气动研究与实验》青年编委,并担任第8届国际流体物理研讨会(ISPF8)、2019年度全球动力与推进协会大会(GPPS2019)、第32届国际航空科学大会(ICAS2021)、2022年度全球动力与推进协会大会(GPPS2022)等国际著名学术会议的分会场主席。目前研究兴趣为复杂流动如多相流、反应流和多尺度流中的物理机理,具体包括:1. 高能量多物质流动,如惯性约束核聚变过程2. 气液两相流和肥皂泡动力学3. 激波驱动生物医疗治疗4. 详细反应机理燃烧5. 飞机结冰过程和防护6. 可压缩多相流的界面演化和不稳定性


教育教学 Education and teaching 教育教学 招生信息 多相流基础,本科课程,32学时流体力学数值方法,博士研究生课程,32学时 1. 长期招收博士后、待遇除学校规定外,额外给予导师配套+奖励绩效+其他项目,具体可面谈;2. 每年计划招收博士研究生2名、硕士研究生3名;3. 依托“飞行器复杂流动”111引智基地为学生提供出国开会、学术交流和继续深造的充足机会。欢迎对空气动力学、流体力学、科学计算、飞机结冰、多相流、高超声速飞行器感兴趣的同学随时联系:Email: shucheng.pan@nwpu.edu.cn


荣誉获奖 Awards Information 中组部国家海外高层次人才引进计划(青年项目),2020Summa Cum Laude, 2018, TU Munich


学术成果 Academic Achievements Journal PapersTian Long, Jinsheng Cai, Shucheng Pan*, “A fully conservative sharp-interface method for compressible multiphase flows with phase change", Journal of Computational Physics, 2023Jingchao ZHANG, Chunsheng NIE, Jinsheng CAI, Shucheng PAN*, "A reduced-order model for fast predicting ionized flows of hypersonic vehicles along flight trajectory", Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2023Hongmin Su, Jinsheng Cai, Kun Qu, Shucheng Pan*, "A sufficient condition for free-stream preserving WENO schemes on curvilinear grids of complex geometries", Computers & Fluids, 2023Hongmin Su, Jinsheng Cai, Shucheng Pan*, Xiangyu Hu, "Reformulated Dissipation for the Free-Stream Preserving of the Conservative Finite Difference Schemes on Curvilinear Grids", Journal of Scientific Computing, 2023Cheng Wang*, Wanli Wang, Shucheng Pan, Fuyu Zhao, "A Local Curvature Based Adaptive Particle Level Set Method", Journal of Scientific Computing, 2022Tian Long, Jinsheng Cai, Shucheng Pan*, “An accelerated conservative sharp-interface method for multiphase flows simulations”, Journal of Computational Physics, 2021Hongmin Su, Jinsheng Cai, Kun Qu, Shucheng Pan*,“Numerical simulations of inert and reactive highly underexpanded jets”,  Physics of Fluids, 2020 (Editor's Pick)Chang Xu, Shu-Cheng Pan*, “Shock-induced bubble collapse near a tissue-like material”, International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2020 (Conference Proceeding)Tong Liu, Jin-Sheng Cai, Kun Qu, Shu-Cheng Pan*, “In-flight icing simulation for two-dimensional configurations”, International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2020 (Conference Proceeding)Tong Liu, Jinsheng Cai, Kun Qu, Shucheng Pan*,“A three-dimensional aircraft ice accretion model based on the numerical solution of the unsteady Stefan problem”,  Aerospace Science and Technology, 2019Changqiang Cao, Chunsheng Nie, Shucheng Pan*, Jinsheng Cai, Kun Qu,“A constrained reduced-order method for fast prediction of steady hypersonic flows”,  Aerospace Science and Technology, 2019Jian-Hang Wang, Shucheng Pan*, Xiangyu Y. Hu*, Nikolaus A. Adams, “A species-clustered ODE solver for large-scale chemical kinetics using detailed mechanisms”, Combustion and Flame, 2019Jian-Hang Wang, Shucheng Pan*, Xiangyu Y. Hu*, Nikolaus A. Adams, “A split random time-stepping method for stiff and nonstiff detonation capturing”, Combustion and Flame, 2019Jian-Hang Wang, Shucheng Pan*, Xiangyu Y. Hu*, Nikolaus A. Adams, “Partial characteristic decomposition for multi-species Euler equations”, Computers & Fluids, 2019Shucheng Pan, Stefan Adami*, Xiangyu Hu, Nikolaus A. Adams, “Phenomenology of bubble-collapse-driven penetration of biomaterial-surrogate liquid-liquid interfaces”, Physical Review Fluids, 2018 (Highlights, Editors' Suggestion)Shucheng Pan, Xiangyu Hu*, Nikolaus A. Adams, “A consistent analytical formulation for volume-estimation of geometries enclosed by implicitly defined surfaces”, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 2018Shucheng Pan, Xiangyu Hu*, Nikolaus A. Adams, “High-resolution method for evolving complex interface networks”, Computer Physics Communications, 2018Shucheng Pan, Xiuxiu Lyu, Xiangyu Hu*, Nikolaus A. Adams, “High-order time-marching reinitialization for regional level-set functions”, Journal of Computational Physics, 2018Shucheng Pan, Luhui Han, Xiangyu Hu*, Nikolaus A. Adams, “A conservative interface-interaction method for compressible multi-material flows”, Journal of Computational Physics, 2018 (Invited Special Issue paper)Xiuxiu Lyu, Shucheng Pan, Xiangyu Hu*, Nikolaus A. Adams, “Numerical investigation of homogeneous cavitation nucleation in a microchannel”, Physical Review Fluids, 2018Jinsheng Cai*, Shucheng Pan, Wenfeng Li, Zhengke Zhang, “Numerical and experimental investigations of a nonslender delta wing with leading-edge vortex flap”, Computers & Fluids, 2014Jiangnan Hao*, Balin Tian, Yulin Wang, Yahui Song, Shucheng Pan, Wenfeng Li, “Dielectric barrier plasma dynamics for active aerodynamic flow control”, Science China Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy, 2014Shucheng Pan, Jinsheng Cai*, “Investigation of vortical flow over bluff bodies with base cavities”, Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2012PreprintShucheng Pan, Xiangyu Hu*, Nikolaus A. Adams, “A variational-level-set based partitioning method for block-structured meshes”, arXiv:1801.03685, 2018Shucheng Pan, Jianhang Wang, Xiangyu Hu*, Nikolaus A. Adams, “A network partition method for solving large-scale complex nonlinear processes”, arXiv:1801.06207, 2018Shucheng Pan, Xiangyu Hu*, Nikolaus A. Adams, “Positivity-preserving method for multi-resolution simulations of compressible flows”, arXiv:1807.07053, 2018Conference talksShucheng Pan, “Computing multiphase flows with interface networks”, Aerodynamisches Institut, RWTH Aachen, Germany, Apr, 2018 (invited)Shucheng Pan, Xiangyu Hu, Nikolaus A. Adams, “Numerical methods for multi-region interfacial problems”, GAMM, Munich, Germany, Mar, 2018Shucheng Pan, “Numerical methods and physical models for multi-region interfacial flows”, Xi’an, China, Feb, 2018 (invited)Shucheng Pan, Xiangyu Hu, Nikolaus A. Adams, “On positivity-preserving for multi-resolution and multi-phase simulations”, 3rd International Conference on Numerical Methods in Multiphase Flows (ICNMMF-III), June 26-29 2017, Tokyo, JapanShucheng Pan, Xiangyu Hu, Nikolaus A. Adams, “A multi-resolution conservative sharp-interface method for compressible multi-material flows based on the multi-region level-set method”, 3rd International Conference on Numerical Methods in Multiphase Flows (ICNMMF-III), June 26-29 2017, Tokyo, JapanShucheng Pan, Xiangyu Hu, Nikolaus A. Adams, “On positivity-preserving for multi-resolution high-order schemes”, European Workshop on High Order Nonlinear Numerical Methods for Evolutionary PDEs: Theory and Applications, March 27-31, 2017, Stuttgart, GermanyShucheng Pan, Xiangyu Hu, Nikolaus A. Adams, “Multiscale simulation of soap bubbles rupture”, 24th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM), Montreal, Canada, August 2016


社会兼职 Social Appointments 《气体物理》编委《气动研究与实验》青年编委Journal of Computational Physics等期刊审稿人
