姓名 | 王斑 |
教师编号 | 6265 |
性别 | 男 |
学校 | 西北工业大学 |
部门 | 航空学院 |
学位 | 工学博士学位 |
学历 | 博士研究生毕业 |
职称 | 副高 |
联系方式 | 【发送到邮箱】 |
邮箱 | 【发送到邮箱】 |
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综合介绍 General Introduction 王斑(1989-),男,工学博士,副教授,硕士生导师,博士毕业于加拿大康考迪亚大学(Concordia University),主要从事飞行器容错与抗扰控制、多模式垂直起降飞行器总体设计与飞行控制、动基座平台自主对接控制等方面的研究工作。主持国家自然科学基金、装备预研、XX特区、教育部中国高校产学研创新基金等国家级/省部级纵向科研项目10项,重点型号攻关项目6项。发表SCI、EI论文46篇,授权/受理国家发明专利7项,获软件著作权1项。担任《海军航空大学学报》青年编委,受邀在飞行器控制领域国际高水平会议作大会报告4次,担任《International Journal of Aerospace Engineering》、《Drones》等期刊专栏执行主编,获2022年ICAUS国际会议“Best Organizer Award”。作为指导教师,指导学生获得2023年中国国际大学生创新大赛金奖、2023年“挑战杯”国赛一等奖、2023年第四届全国高等学校航空航天类专业本科毕业设计特等奖、2021年美国大学生数学建模竞赛特等奖、2023年“挑战杯”省赛特等奖、2023年第九届中国国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛陕西赛区冠军。招生信息:欢迎对飞行器控制、飞行器设计、智能飞行等研究方向感兴趣的同学联系报考。 个人相册 教育教学科学研究 Scientific Research 主要研究方向1.飞行器智能容错与自适应抗干扰控制研究;2.过驱动垂直起降飞行器安全控制方法研究;3.多模式垂直起降飞行器总体设计与飞行控制研究;4.强干扰下动基座平台自主对接控制方法研究;5.多机协同避障与自主编队控制方法研究;6.飞行器动力学建模与飞行仿真研究;科研项目1.XX无人机技术,主持;2.XX无人平台,主持;3.空中无人XX对接控制技术研究,主持;4.多源扰动下无人机控制系统复合故障可靠容错控制方法研究,主持;5.XX飞行控制技术研究,主持;6.XX风环境无人机多模态智能控制研究,主持;7.XX飞行器容错飞行控制技术研究,主持;8.无人机飞控系统自动化的故障用例生成与安全测试评估技术,主持;9.海浪安全影响与XX无人机降载策略仿真系统研制,主持;10.多机协同避障与自主编队控制方法研究,主持;11.无人机大机动航迹跟踪控制技术,主持;12.针对高放宽静稳定度布局的角加速度信号使用技术研究,主持;13.XX飞机操纵特性和XX特性研究,主持;14.XX舱飞控技术研究及演示验证平台研制,主持;15.倾转构型垂直起降飞行器全模态鲁棒控制研究,主持;16.XX布局无人机自主XX控制研究,主持;17.基于 CCAR25 部的性能操稳试飞中的舵面容差仿真计算研究,主持;18.无人机容错与抗干扰控制研究,主持;19.XX飞行器飞行动力学建模技术研究,参与;20.某子弹技术研究,参与;21.拒止环境下无人机集群冲突规避与消解研究,参与;22.智能环境感知与自主任务协同的无人机集群研制,参与; 荣誉获奖学术成果 Academic Achievements https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ban_Wang期刊文章:28. Jing Huang, Baihui Du, Youmin Zhang*, Quan Quan, Ban Wang*, Lingxia Mu. A pesticide spraying mission allocation and path planning with multicopters. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Early Access, 2024. 27. Peng Xiao, Ni Li, Feng Xie, Hailong Ni, Min Zhang, Ban Wang. Clustering-based multi-region coverage-path planning of heterogeneous UAVs. Drones, 7(11):664, 2023. 26. Huimin Zhao, Ban Wang*, Yanyan Shen, Yinong Zhang, Ni Li, Zhenghong Gao. Development of multimode flight transition strategy for tilt-rotor VTOL UAVs. Drones, 7(9):580, 2023. 25. Xinyue Hu, Ban Wang*, Yanyan Shen, Yifang Fu, Ni Li. Disturbance observer-enhanced adaptive fault-tolerant control of a quadrotor UAV against actuator faults and disturbances. Drones, 7(8):541, 2023.24. Jing Huang, Yao Luo, Quan Quan, Ban Wang*, Xianghong Xue, Youmin Zhang*. An autonomous task assignment and decision-making method for coverage path planning of multiple pesticide spraying UAVs. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 212:108128, 2023. 23. 穆凌霞,王斑*,李青亮,曹少玮,张媛,谢雪嵩.无人机空中加油锥套识别与对接导引模拟实验设计与实现,实验技术与方法,2023. 22. Yu Pan, Ni Li, Wanyong Zou, Ban Wang, Kaibo Wang, Xiaojun Tang, Shuhui Bu, Ling Qin. An augmented sliding mode control for fixed-wing UAVs with external disturbances and model uncertainties. Drones, 7(7):440, 2023. 21. 付一方,胡欣悦,黄与陆,王斑*,黄江涛.基于双目视觉的无人机自主空中对接系统设计.航空学报,2023.20. Ni Li, Wanyong Zou, Yongning Zhu, Ban Wang, Shuhui Bu, He Shen. A compact embedded flight parameter detection system for small soaring UAVs. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2023.19. Wanyong Zou, Ni Li, Ban Wang, Kaibo Wang, Shuhui Bu, Ming Zhou, He Shen. Parallel crosschecking neural network based fault-tolerant flight parameter estimation and faulty sensor identification. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 123:106446, 2023. 18. Lingxia Mu, Qingliang Li, Ban Wang*, Youmin Zhang, Nan Feng, Xianghong Xue, Wenzhe Sun. A vision-based autonomous landing guidance strategy for a micro-UAV by the modified camera view. Drones, 7(6):400, 2023. 17. Ban Wang, Dehai Zhu, Linying Han, Honggang Gao, Zhenghong Gao, Youmin Zhang. Adaptive fault-tolerant control of a hybrid canard rotor/wing UAV under transition flight subject to actuator faults and model uncertainties. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 59(4):4559-4574, 2023.16. Ban Wang, Yanyan Shen, Ni Li, Youmin Zhang, Zhenghong Gao. An adaptive sliding mode fault-tolerant control of a quadrotor unmanned aerial vehicle with actuator faults and model uncertainties. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 1-17, 2023.15. Ao He, Yinong Zhang, Huimin Zhao, Ban Wang*, Zhenghong Gao. Adaptive fault-tolerant control of a hybrid VTOL UAV against actuator faults and model uncertainties under fixed-wing mode. International Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 8191154, 2022.14. Ban Wang, Youmin Zhang, Wei Zhang. Integrated path planning and trajectory tracking control for quadrotor UAVs with obstacle avoidance in the presence of environmental and systematic uncertainties: Theory and experiment. Aerospace Science and Technology, 120:107277, 2022. 13. Ban Wang, Youmin Zhang, Wei Zhang. A composite adaptive fault-tolerant attitude control for a quadrotor UAV with multiple uncertainties. Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 35(1):81-104, 2022. 12. Lingxia Mu, Guo Xie, Xiang Yu, Ban Wang, Youmin Zhang. Robust guidance for a reusable launch vehicle in terminal phase. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 58(3):1996-2011, 2022. 11. Ban Wang, Peng Huang, Wei Zhang. A robust fault-tolerant control for quadrotor helicopters against sensor faults and external disturbances. Complexity, 6672812, 2021.10. Ban Wang, Xiang Yu, Lingxia Mu, Youmin Zhang. A dual adaptive fault-tolerant control for a quadrotor helicopter against actuator faults and model uncertainties without overestimation. Aerospace Science and Technology, 99:105744, 2020. 9. Ban Wang, Yanyan Shen, Youmin Zhang. Active fault-tolerant control for a quadrotor helicopter against actuator faults and model uncertainties. Aerospace Science and Technology, 99:105745, 2020. 8. ShiXin Cheng, Hao Zhan, Zhaoxin Shu, Huayu Fan, Ban Wang. Effective optimization on Bump inlet using meta-model multi-objective particle swarm assisted by expected hyper-volume improvement. Aerospace Science and Technology, 87:431-447, 2019. 7. Lidong Zhang, Ban Wang, Zhixiang Liu, Youmin Zhang, and Jianliang Ai. Motion planning of a quadrotor robot game using simulation-based projected policy iteration method. Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, 20(4):525-537, 2019. 6. Ban Wang, Xiang Yu, Lingxia Mu, Youmin Zhang. Disturbance observer-based adaptive fault-tolerant control for a quadrotor helicopter subject to parametric uncertainties and external disturbances. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 120:727-743, 2019. 5. Ban Wang, Youmin Zhang. An adaptive fault-tolerant sliding mode control allocation scheme for multirotor helicopter subject to simultaneous actuator faults. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 65(5):4227-4236, 2018. 4. Ban Wang, Youmin Zhang. Adaptive sliding mode fault-tolerant control for an unmanned aerial vehicle. Unmanned Systems, 5(4):209-221, 2017. 3.张友民,余翔,王斑,刘丁.四旋翼无人系统的容错控制算法设计与实现.控制工程,23(12):1874-1882,2016.2.王斑,詹浩,黄晶.旋转机翼无人机巡航状态飞行力学模型辨识.飞行力学,32(2):179-184,2014.1.王斑,詹浩.遥控缩比验证模型及其飞控系统设计准则.计算机仿真,31(6):108-113,2014.会议文章:18. Xinyue Hu, Yifang Fu, Yulu Huang, Ban Wang*, Ni Li, Youmin Zhang. Adaptive fault-tolerant trajectory tracking and attitude control of a quadrotor UAV subject to actuator faults. 2023 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), 2023. 17. Dehai Zhu, Yinong Zhang, Huimin Zhao, Ban Wang*, Zhenghong Gao. Adaptive fault-tolerant control of a canard rotor/wing VTOL aircraft. Adcances in Guidance, Navigation and Control: Proceedings of 2022 International Conference on Guidance, Navigation and Control, 2023. 16. Jing Huang, Ban Wang, Yangping Deng, Youmin Zhang. Nonlinear modeling of fixed-wing mode for a ducted-fan tiltrotor UAV by DATCOM. Adcances in Guidance, Navigation and Control: Proceedings of 2022 International Conference on Guidance, Navigation and Control, 2023. 15. Jing Huang, Xiaotian Ma, Ban Wang, Yulong Zhang, Guangcheng Xin, Youmin Zhang. Trajectory tracking control of a quadrotor UAV by cascaded inner-outer-loop backstepping sliding mode control. 34th Chinese Control and Decision Conference, 2022. 14. Wenbin Huang, Jing Huang, Ban Wang, Yulong Zhang, Youmin Zhang. Cascaded trajectory tracking control of a quadcopter UAV with consideration of actuator dynamics. 34th Chinese Control and Decision Conference, 2022. 13. Jing Huang, Ban Wang, Yangping Deng, Kaikai Ning, Youmin Zhang. Aerodynamic design of a fixed-wing mode for a ducted-fan tiltrotor UAV by digital DATCOM. 2022 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems, 2022. 12. Ban Wang, Youmin Zhang. Adaptive fault-tolerant control allocation of an over-actuated hybrid fixed-wing UAV. AIAA SciTech Forum, January 3-7, San Diego, CA, USA, 2022. 11. Dehai Zhu, and Ban Wang*. Path planning and following control of a quadrotor helicopter in three-dimensional space with limited information. The 33rd Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC), May 22-24, Kunming, China, 2021. 10. Ban Wang, Wei Zhang, Lidong Zhang, Youmin Zhang. Adaptive fault-tolerant control of a quadrotor helicopter based on sliding mode control and radial basis function neural network. International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS 2020), 2020.9. Honggang Gao, Zhenbao Liu, Ban Wang, Chao Pang. Flight dynamics and control of a new VTOL aircraft in fixed-wing mode. International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS 2020), 2020.8. Ban Wang, Youmin Zhang. Fault-tolerant control for a quadrotor helicopter with parametric uncertainty. International Conference on Sensing, Diagnostics, and Control (SDPC), 2018.7. Lingxia Mu, Xiang Yu, Ban Wang, Youmin Zhang, Xinmin Wang, Ping Li. Second-order sliding mode guidance for 3D gliding motion. 33rd Youth Academic Annual Conference of Chinese Association of Automation (YAC), 2018. 6. Lingxia Mu, Xiang Yu, Ban Wang, Youmin Zhang, Xinmin Wang, Ping Li. Sliding mode guidance for 3D gliding motions with bank limitations. IEEE/CSAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference, 2018. 5. Ban Wang, Youmin Zhang, Jean-Christophe Ponsart, Didier Theilliol. Fault-tolerant adaptive control allocation for unmanned multirotor helicopter. 20th IFAC World Congress, 2017. 4. Ban Wang, Lingxia Mu, Youmin Zhang. Adaptive robust control of quadrotor helicopter towards payload transportation applications. 36th Chinese Control Conference (CCC), 2017. 3. Ban Wang, Youmin Zhang. Fuzzy adaptive fault-tolerant control for quadrotor helicopter. International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), 2017. 2. Ban Wang, Lingxia Mu, Youmin Zhang. Adaptive robust tracking control of quadrotor helicopter with parametric uncertainty and external disturbance. International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), 2017.1. Ban Wang, Khaled A. Ghamry, Youmin Zhang. Trajectory tracking and attitude control of an unmanned quadrotor helicopter considering actuator dynamics. 35th Chinese Control Conference (CCC), 2016. 科学研究学术成果综合介绍 |