

主页 > 陕西省 > 西北工业大学


姓名 樊养余
教师编号 6199
学校 西北工业大学
部门 电子信息学院
学位 工学博士学位
学历 博士研究生毕业
职称 正高
联系方式 【发送到邮箱】
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急速申请 包写包过 办事快、准、稳

个人经历 Personal experience 工作经历 教育经历 1982.9-1989.7:在西北轻工业学院机电工程系任教。 1992.9-1996.7:在西北轻工业学院机电工程系任教。 2000.3-2002.3:在南京航空航天大学博士后流动站工作。学科:控制科学与工程;专业:控制理论与控制工程;研究方向:信号中噪声抵消方法研究。 2002.4-2005.3:在西北工业大学电子信息学院从事科研与教学工作。 2005.3-2005.9:在英国华威大学工程学院电力电子系开展合作研究,研究方向:无线光通信中信号去噪方法研究。 2005.9-2009.9:在西北工业大学电子信息学院从事科研与教学工作,于2007.01-2007.2因学术合作出访法国、德国、英国。 2009.10-2009.12:在美国纽约州立大学Binghamton分校工程学院计算机系开展合作研究,研究方向:虚拟人技术研究。 2009.12-2012.12:在西北工业大学电子信息学院从事科研与教学工作。  2012.12-2013.02:在澳大利亚新南威尔士大学开展合作研究,研究方向:无线光通信技术 。    2013.02 -至今:在西北工业大学电子信息学院从事科研与教学工作,于2015.01-2015.2因学术合作短期出访澳大利墨尔本大学、悉尼大学、亚新南威尔士大学、悉尼科技大学 。  1978.10-1982.7:在西北轻工业学院机电工程系读书,获学士学位。 1989.9-1992.7:在西北轻工业学院机电工程系学习,获硕士学位。 1996.9-1999.12:在西北工业大学航海工程学院水声工程专业学习,获博士学位,研究方向:“水声信号与信息处理”。


教育教学 Education and teaching 教育教学 开设课程 1. 数字图象处理 2. 模式识别 3. 虚拟现实基础 4. 现代信号处理高级论题 5. 无线光通信系统


科学研究 Scientific Research 研究方向: 现主要从事多媒体与虚拟现实、信号处理与无线光通信方面的研究工作。多媒体与虚拟现实方面有:虚拟人建模及情感表达,虚拟人情感计算,虚拟人自我行为仿真和智能化建模仿真,战场虚拟推演、效能仿真、虚拟武器训练系统仿真,建筑漫游,虚拟城市漫游,3维场景重构,数字化人体透明漫游,医学可视化等;信号处理与无线光通信的具体方向有:相控阵雷达信号处理,波束形成与波达方向估计,基于水声信号的水中目标定位、识别,水、陆、空等区域的声目标定位、识别,基于听视觉融合的多模态信号处理、多模态情感识别,复杂强电磁干扰下的抗干扰通信技术等;空间光通信、大气光通信、水下光通信、室内光通信、室内光定位、可见光通信等。


学术成果 Academic Achievements  主要论著及代表性论文(论文节选)Fangjing Shi, Yangyu Fan, Xinyuan Wang, Wu Zhang, and Yongsheng Gao*. High performance dual-band radio-over-fiber link for future 5G radio access applications. Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, 14(4):267-277, 2022. (SCI Q2:000768028700001)史芳静, 樊养余, 王鑫圆, 康博超, 陈博, 高永胜*. 基于PDM-DPMZM的大动态范围微波光子I/Q下变频系统. 电子学报, 50(04):782-788, 2022-04(EI:20222012124083).Fangjing Shi, Yangyu Fan, Yongsheng Gao. A dual-channel microwave photonic mixer with large dynamic range. Optik, 262, 2022-05, (SCI Q3:000840839600009).Xing Li, Yangyu Fan, Zhibo Rao, Zhe Guo, and Guoyun Lv, "Improving Stereo Matching Generalization via Fourier-Based Amplitude Transform,"  IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 29, pp. 1362-1366, 2022 (SCI Q2:000814608700003)Ruiqiong Wang, Yangyu Fan et al. Bidirectional colorless WDM-PON RoF system with large spurious free dynamic range. Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, 14(5), 2022. (SCI Q2:000795873600002, IF: 3.984).Ruiqiong Wang, Yangyu Fan et al. A linearized optical single-sideband modulation RoF link with tunable optical carrier-to-sideband ratio. Optics Communications, 511, 127991, 2022. (SCI Q3:000794865800005,IF: 2.310).Wuying Wang, Yangyu Fan, Xichun Liu, Zhe Guo, Guo Liu, Longchao Wei and Guoyun Lv. Photonic generation of frequency-tunable biphase and quadriphase coded pulse signals without background interference enabled by vector modulation and balanced detection [J]. Optics Express, 30(2): 1410-1421, 2022. (SCI Q2: 000745037500058)Anam Zaman, Fan Yangyu, Muhammad Irfan, Muhammad Saad Ayub, Lv Guoyun, and Liu Shiya. LifelongGlue: Keypoint matching for 3D reconstruction with continual neural networks,Expert Systems with Applications,195,116613,2022,(SCI Q1: 000787281000012(WOS)). Anam Zaman, Fan Yangyu, Muhammad Saad Ayub, Muhammad Irfan, Lv Guoyun, and Liu Shiya. CMDGAT: Knowledge extraction and retention based continual graph attention network for point cloud registration. Expert Systems with Applications, 119098, 2022, (SCI Q1:000880040200003 (WOS)). Anam Zaman, Fan Yangyu, Muhammad Saad Ayub, L. V. Guoyun, and Liu Shiva. Brain Inspired Keypoint Matching for 3D Scene Reconstruction, IEEE 8th International Conference on Virtual Reality (ICVR), May, 2022. Yang Liu,Yangyu Fan,Guoyun Lv,Shiya Liu,Anam Zaman    "Full Face Texture Generation of Virtual Human",IEEE 24th International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP2022).陈博, 樊养余,王武营, 高永胜*. 一种镜像抑制双输出的微波光子信道化接收机 [J]. 电子与信息学报,2022,44(3):1067-1074. W. Wang, Y. Fan, R. Wang, D. Wang, Q. Tan, and Y. Gao, Analog radio-over-fiber links with a high SFDR for passive distributed antenna system applications using Lagrange multiplier optimization[J]. Optics Letters, 2021, 46(3):596-599. (SCI Q2: 000614608700036, IF: 3.776).W. Wang, Y. Fan, R. Wang, B. Chen, B. Kang, and Y. Gao, Linearity optimization of multi-octave analog photonic links based on power weighting, polarization multiplexing and bias control[J]. Optics Express, 2021, 29(2):2077-2089. (SCI Q2: 000609227300120, IF: 3.894).樊养余,王武营,刘曦春. 光载无线通信链路拉格朗日乘子线性度优化 [J]. 电子学报, 2021, 49(10): 1927-1933. (EI: 20214711202768).Wang Wuying, Fan Yangyu, Gao Yongsheng. Linearity Optimization Modelling and Analysis of Multi-octave Analog Photonic Links; proceedings of the 2021 Photonics North (PN), 31 May-2 June 2021, 2021 [C]. Xing Li,Yangyu Fan,Guoyun Lv, and Haoyue Ma. Area-based Correlation and Non-local Attention Network for Stereo Matching. The visual computer, 2021: 1-15. (SCI Q3: 000674546600003)Xing Li,Yangyu Fan,Zhibo Rao, Guoyun Lv, and Shiya Liu. Synthetic-to-real domain adaptation joint spatial feature transform for stereo matching. Signal processing letters, 2021: 1-5. (SCI Q2: 000745491900013)Bochao Kang, Xu Li, Yangyu Fan, Jian Zhang, Dong Liang, Yongsheng Gao. Wideband microwave Doppler frequency shift measurement system and I/Q receiver based on acousto-optic frequency shift and DP-QPSK receiver [J]. Measurement 178 (2021) 109388.Yongsheng Gao*, Bochao Kang, Yangyu Fan, et al. A simple and all-optical microwave Doppler frequency shift and phase measurement system based on Sagnac loop and I/Q detection. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, (中科院 1 区, IF: 3.658).Fangjing Shi, Yangyu Fan, Xinyuan Wang, Qinggui Tan, Yongsheng Gao*. RF Self-Interference Cancellation for Radio-Over-Fiber Link Based on Dual Phase Modulation in Sagnac Loop, IEEE Photonics Journal, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 1-15, April 2021, Art no. 7800315, (SCI Q3:000638399500005, IF:2.833).Fangjing Shi, Yangyu Fan, Xinyuan Wang, Yongsheng Gao*. A Dual-Band Radio-Over-Fiber Link for Future 5G Communication System, The 2021 IEEE 94th Vehicular Technology Conference(VTC2021-Fall), 2021.12.史芳静,樊养余,王鑫圆,高永胜.基于相位调制器的光子射频自干扰消除系统 [J].电子学报,2021,49(10):1900-1907.(EI:20214711202781)王瑞琼,樊养余,王鑫圆,谭佳俊,高永胜*.一种高线性度的全双工光载射频系统[J].电子学报,2021,49(10),1913-1919.(EI: 20214711202820)陈博, 樊养余, 高永胜*. 基于相干双光频梳的微波光子信道化接收技术研究 [J]. 通信学报, 2020, 41(12):94-99. (EI: 20210409825712).Bochao Kang, Xu Li, Yangyu Fan, et al. All-optical and Broadband Microwave Image-Reject Receiver Based on Phase Modulation and I/Q Balanced Detection. Journal of Lightwave Technology. 2020 38(21): 5962-5972. (SCI Q1: 000577714900010,IF: 4.288). 蒋国峰, 樊养余, 周刚. 电磁干扰环境下的航空通信距离计算. 测控技术, 2020, 39(7): 57-62.Bochao Kang, Yangyu Fan, Wuying Wang, Zhaoxu Wang, Qinggui Tan, Wei Jiang, You He, Yongsheng Gao*. 6–40 GHz photonic microwave Doppler frequency shift measurement based on polarization multiplexing modulation and I/Q balanced detection. Optics Communications, Feb. 2020, 456: 124579. (SCI Q3:0004955905 00001, IF:2.125,EI:20193807456433) Chen Bo, Fan yangyu, Gao yongsheng, etc. An Ultra-Wideband Microwave Photonic Channelized Receiver with Zero-IF Architecture. Applied Sciences, Jan 2020, vol(1): (SCI Q3: 000509398900030, IF:2.47)Fangjing Shi ; Yangyu Fan ; Bochao Kang ; Jie Tao ; Qinggui Tan ; Wei Jiang ; Yongsheng Gao. Wideband Dual-Channel Photonic RF Repeater Based on Polarization Division Multiplexing Modulation and Polarization Control. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2019,38(6):1275-1285. (SCI Q2: 000522169400020)Chen Bo, Fan yangyu,Yongsheng Gao*. Wideband Coherent Optical RF Channelizer With Image-Reject Down-Conversion [C]. 2020 Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP2020).(EI: 20211110067627).Fan Yangyu, Yang Hansen, Li Zuhe. Predicting Image Emotion Distribution by Learning Labels' Correlation。IEEE Access,2019, 7: 129997-130007. (SCI Q2:000487541200003, IF:4.098)Jiang Guofeng,Fan YAangyu. A Method for Analyzing the Impact of Intra-System and Inter-System Interference on DME Based on Queueing。 Theory Sensors. 2019(2):348. (SCI Q3: 000458569300131, EI:20190406423063)Jiang Guofeng,Fan YAangyu.A Method for the Analysis of Interference from DME to ATCRBS in the Time Domain。 Electronics。2019,8(4):393. (SCI Q3: 000467751100024)Kang Bochao, Fan Yangyu, Yongsheng Gao*. Wideband Photonic Image-Reject RF Receiver Based on Phase Modulation and I/Q Balanced Detection。2019 International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics (MWP 2019) 会议:出版时间:07 November 2019,会议地点:Ottawa, ON, Canada(EI: 20194807734646)Fangjing Shi,Yangyu Fan, Yongsheng Gao*。Polarization-controlled flexible dual-channel photonic RF repeater。2019 International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics (MWP 2019),93-97, 07 November 2019, Ottawa, ON, Canada. (EI: 20194807734927)王剑书, 樊养余, 杜瑞等. 适用于二维阵列的无格稀疏波达方向估计算法. 电子与信息学报, 2019, 41(2): 447-454. (EI:20192106955895) 王剑书,樊养余,杜瑞等. 一种用于矩形阵列的二维波达方向估计方法[J/OL].西安电子科技大学学报, 2019, 46(4). (20194207550467) Wang Jianshu, Fan Yangyu, Du Rui, et al. Grid-less two-dimensional DOA estimation methods using uniform or sparse rectangular array[C]. IEEE 8th Joint International Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence Conference, Chongqing, China: IEEE, 2019. (EI:20193507359503) Fan Y Y, Zhao Q, Kang B C, et al. Equivalent ZF precoding scheme for downlink indoor MU-MIMO VLC systems [J]. Optics Communications, 2018, 407:402-409. (SCI, IF:1.588, WOS:000415607200064)Wang Junmin, Fan Yangyu, Li Zuhe, et al. Texture classification using multi-resolution global and local Gabor features in pyramid space[J]. Signal, Image and Video Processing, 2018. (SCI 4:,IF=1.643;EI:20183005596152).Lijun Deng, Yangyu Fan, Qiong Zhao. A Novel PAPR Reduction Scheme for VLC DCO-OFDM Systems[J]. Optics Communications, 2018, 426(1): 164-169.(SCI 3:000437381300027, EI:20182105236118)Fan Yangyu, Wang Jianshu,Du Rui. Sparse Method for Direction of Arrival Estimation Using Denoised Fourth-Order Cumulants Vector. Sensors, 2018, 18(6): 1815-1825. (SCI: 000436774300149;EI:20182305291660)Y.-Y. Fan, S. Liu, B. Li, Z. Guo, A. Samal, J. Wan, S. Z. Li. Label distribution-based facial attractiveness computation by deep residual learning[J]. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2018, 20(8): 2196-2208.  (SCI1: 000439378600022, IF=3.977;EI: 20175104565091) Du Rui, Fan Yangyu, Wang Jianshu. Pedestrian and Bicyclist Identification through Micro Doppler Signature with Different Approaching Aspect Angles. IEEE Sensors Journal [J], 2018, 18(9):3827-3835. (SCI 3 , EI: 20181204926779)Fan Yangyu, Du Rui, Wang Jianshu. Pedestrian and Bicyclist Identification through Range Micro Doppler Signature [J]. IEICE Transactions on Information and System, 2018,  E101-D(2) :552-555.(SCI 4, EI: 20180704785550)Li Zuhe, Fan Yangyu, Liu Weihua, Wang Fengqin. Image sentiment prediction based on textual descriptions with adjective noun pairs, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2018, 77(1): 1115-1132. (SCI 3:000419995400047 ,EI:20170203237429)王剑书,樊养余,吕国云. 适用于二维阵列的无格稀疏波达方向估计算法. 电子与信息学报, 2018, 46(9):Wang Junmin, Fan Yangyu, Li Ning. Combining fine texture and coarse color features for color texture classification[J]. Journal of Electronic Imaging, 2017.11, 26(6),. (SCI 4:000419961800040,IF=0.754;EI:20180904840232)Wang Junmin, Fan Yangyu, Li Ning. Dominant color and texture feature extraction for banknote discrimination. Journal of Electronic Imaging, 2017, 26(4). (SCI 4:000413982300011,IF=0.754;EI:20173104013356)樊养余、王军敏、余建明. 高效的光照、旋转、尺度不变纹理分类算法. 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报,2017 , 29 (11) :1989-1996 (EI检索:20175104564486)杜瑞, 樊养余, 王剑书. 水基附着介质罩对毫米波衰减的理论分析与实验研究[J]. 电子学报, 2017, 45(9): 2143-2148.(EI:20174404325856)Zhao Q, Fan Y, Deng L, et al. A joint precoding scheme for indoor downlink multi-user MIMO VLC systems. Optics Communications, 2017, 384:101-106. (SCI 3: 000410638900056)黄炎辉, 樊养余, 苏旭辉.基“基于单目RGB摄像机的三维人脸表情跟踪算法”.山东大学学报,2017, 8,1442-1448.J Wang, Y Fan, N Li. Dominant color and texture feature extraction for banknote discrimination. Journal of electronic imaging,2017, 26(4): 043011. (SCI:,JCR4,IF= 0.754)樊养余,李祖贺,王凤琴,马江涛,基于跨领域卷积稀疏自动编码器的抽象图像情绪性分类, 电子与信息学报, 2017, 39(1): 167-175 (EI:20171103437750)Zuhe Li,Yangyu Fan, Weihua Liu, Zeqi Yu, Fengqin Wang, Emotional textile image classification based on cross-domain convolutional sparse autoencoders with feature selection, Journal of Electronic Imaging, 2017,26(1): 013022 (SCI: 000397059800052,JCR4,IF= 0.754)S. Liu, Y.-Y. Fan, Z. Guo, A. Samal, A. Ali. A Landmark-based Data –driven Approach on 2.5D Facial Attractiveness Computation. Neurocomputing, 2017.05, 238: 168-178. (SCI2: 000397372100016, JCR2,IF= 3.317, EI: 20170703358026) Zhao Q, Fan Y, Deng L, et al. A power-efficient ZF precoding scheme for multi-user indoor visible light communication systems[J]. Optics Communications, 2017, 384:101-106.(SCI2: 000386870900017, JCR3,IF=1.588)Du Rui, Norouzian Fatemeh, Marchetti Emidio, et al. Characterisation of attenuation by sand in low-THz band[C]// Radar Conference. IEEE, 2017:0294-0297. (EI:20172703874188)Li Zuhe, Fan Yangyu, Wang Fengqin, et al. Unsupervised Feature Learning Assisted Visual Sentiment Analysis[J]. International Journal of Multimedia and  Ubiquitous Engineering, 2016, 11(10): 119-130.( SCI 1:  , IF= 6.035, EI:20164502998638)Li Zuhe, Fan Yangyu, Wang Fengqin. Visual Sentiment Analysis with Network in Network[J]. International Journal of Signal Processing, Image Processing and  Pattern Recognition, 2016, 9(9): 205-214.(EI:20164102884358)Shu Liu, Yang-Yu Fan, Ashok Samal, Zhe Guo. Advances in computational facial attractiveness methods[J]. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2016, 75(23): 16633-16663. (SCI: 000388121700078, IF= 1.331, EI: 20163302717986)李祖贺,樊养余,王凤琴. YUV空间中基于稀疏自动编码器的无监督特征学习[J]. 电子与信息学报, 2016, 38(1): 29-37. (EI: 20160801961894)马 健, 樊养余。机载预警雷达作用距离对探测效能的影响。火力与指挥控制,2015,40(11):131-134.WeiLiang Wang, YangYu Fan, RuiHu Li. New binary quantum stabilizer codes from binary extremal self-dual [48,24,12] code. Quantum Information Processing, 2015, 14(8):2761-2774 (SCI2: 000358068600004 ,大类3区,小类2区,IF=2.960; EI: 20152200883264)王剑书,樊养余,杜瑞,吕国云。改进的基于本征滤波的时域宽带波束形成。北京航空航天大学学报,2015,41(10):(EI:20154701563145)Li Zuhe, Fan, Yangyu, Liu Weihua. The effect of whitening transformation on pooling operations in convolutional autoencoders. Eurasip Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2015,2015(1):. (SCI3: 000353207700001, IF=1.05; EI: 20151800798181)Yu Zeqi, Fan Yangyu, Longfei Shi, et al. A pseudo-natural sampling algorithm for low-cost low-distortion asymmetric double-edge PWM modulators. Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing. 2015,34:831–849.(DOI: 10.1007/s00034-014 -9877-3.(SCI3: 000350352300008, IF=1.264)Weihua Liu,Yangyu Fan,Zuhe Li, Zhong Zhang. RGBD Video Based Human Hand Trajectory Tracking and Gesture Recognition System. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, vol. 2015,1-15 Article ID 863735,15 pages, 2015.( SCI3: 000351545800001,IF=0.762;EI: 20151100639877)王唯良, 樊养余, 寇光兴, 闫龙. 最优二元自正交码. 空军工程大学学报:自然科学版, 2015,16(1):85-88.YangYu Fan · WeiLiang Wang · RuiHu Li.  Binary construction of pure additive quantum codes with distance five or six. Quantum Information Processing, 2015, 14(1):183-200. (SCI2: 000347533600011,大类3区,小类2区,IF=2.960 ;EI:20150200418946)刘伟华,樊养余,雷涛. 基于深度图像的运动人手检测与指尖点跟踪算法.计算机应用,2014,34(5),1442-1448.于泽琦, 樊养余, 史龙飞等. 一种用于数字D类功放的伪自然采样算法[J]. 电子与信息学报, 2014, 36(3): 758-762. (EI: 20141517566588)Weiliang Wang, Yangyu Fan, Ruihu Li. Optimal binary codes and binary construction of quantum codes. Frontiers of Computer Science, 2014,8(6): 1024-1031.( SCI Q4: 000352068400007,IF=0.434; EI: 20144800267835)Huang Yanhui, Fan Yangyu, Liu Weihua, Wang Liangliang.  “3D human face modeling for facial animation using regional adaptation”. 2014 IEEE China Summit and International Conference on Signal and Information Processing, IEEE ChinaSIP 2014 - Proceedings (ChinaSIP 2014), Xi'an, China, 2014: 533-537. (EI:20152100870692)Wang Y, Liu YC, Fan YY, Niu YL. Adaptive Hormone Regulation Operator For Genetic Algorithm. 2013 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF IEEE REGION 10 (TENCON). (ISTP: 000334921600091)Lei Tao, Fan Yangyu, Zhang Chenrui, Wang Xiaopeng. Vector mathematical morphological operators based on fuzzy extremum estimation. 2013 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP 2013-Proceedings. (EI: 20141117461916)Zhang, Kai; Fan, Yangyu; Xu, Jiadong.  Design of Broadband, Low Cost Single Layer Reflectarray Using Phoenix Cell。2013 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF IEEE REGION 10 (TENCON). (ISTP: 000334921600271)Zhang, K;Li, JZ;Wei, G;Fan, YY;Xu, JD. Design and Optimization of Broadband Single-Layer Reflectarray. 2013 PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION (ISAP), VOLS 1 AND 2. (EI: ISTP: 000334924900289)Nadeem, Abdul, Fan Yangyu. Subband configuration of adaptive synthesis filter banks for image compression. 8th International Conference on Digital Information Management, ICDIM 2013. (EI:20140717327921,  ISTP: 000330770800056 )in HSV color space. Science China Information Sciences,2013, 56(1): 1-12。(SCI Q4:000314426900013,IF = 0.850)雷涛, 樊养余, 王毅, 王小鹏。基于视觉感知模型修正的彩色图像边缘检测。电子学报,2013 (10):1903-1910。(EI:20134917057577)He Renjie, Wang Zhiyong, Fan Yangyu, Dagan Feng David.  Multiple scattering model based single image dehazing.  IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications, 2013, Melbourne, 2013: 733-737  (EI: 20133416633932)刘斌; 樊养余; 周军伟。通过数字增益控制提高激光脉冲测距精度。探测与控制学报,2013, 35(2):1-4樊养余,李利品,党瑞荣。基于随机共振的任意大频率微弱信号检测方法研究。仪器仪表学报, 2013, 34(3): 566-572.(EI:20131616220529)Shahida Ghulam Qadir, Fan Yangyu. Two-Dimensional Superresolution Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging Using Hybridized SVSV Algorithm. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2013, 61(2):1012-1015. (SCI Q2: 000314681200068, IF = 2.324;  EI: 20130616004488)Shahida Ghulam Qadir, Fan Yangyu. Modi?ed two-stage separated virtual steering vector-based algorithm for high resolution inverse synthetic aperture radar imaging. Signal Processing, Elsevier, 2013, 93(1): 297-303. (SCI Q2: 000309849400026,IF = 1.567; EI: 20123915460526)


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