

主页 > 陕西省 > 西北工业大学


姓名 杨峰
教师编号 6194
学校 西北工业大学
部门 自动化学院
学位 工学博士学位
学历 博士研究生毕业
职称 副高
联系方式 【发送到邮箱】
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急速申请 包写包过 办事快、准、稳

个人经历 Personal experience 工作经历 2020.06 - 至今        西北工业大学自动化学院   副教授,博导2011.05 - 2020.06  西北工业大学自动化学院   副教授,硕导2014.02 - 2015.02  加拿大Concordia大学      公派访问学者2013.03 - 2015.04  西北工业大学人事处         副处长(挂职)2011.05 - 2013.03  西北工业大学自动化学院   院长助理(科研)2007.03 - 2011.05  西北工业大学自动化学院   讲师


教育教学 Education and teaching 教育教学 招生信息     本科课程:信息融合、估值理论、数据结构、Matlab软件及应用等    研究生课程:最优估计理论及应用,信息融合,Python大数据分析与机器学习 每年招收博士生2-3名,硕士生3-4名,要求具有责任心,专心科研。


荣誉获奖 Awards Information      2021年获得陕西省自然科学奖二等奖(第四完成人)     2020年获国家某挑战赛科目第1名(第二完成人)     2014年获得陕西省科学技术奖二等奖(第八完成人)     2010年获得陕西省科技进步二等奖(第四完成人)     2010年获得陕西省高等学校科学技术一等奖(第四完成人)     2015年获得西北工业大学教学成果奖二等奖(第一完成人)     2013年获得西北工业大学“吴亚军奖教金”二等奖     2009年获得西北工业大学 “翱翔之星”(不分等级)


科学研究 Scientific Research 研究方向:多源信息融合、目标跟踪与识别、无人系统智能信息处理、机器学习与大数据分析、复杂系统建模与仿真、组合导航与控制、机器人智能信息处理等。承担项目国家自然基金面上基金、青年基金、航天基金、航空基金、各类型预研基金等20余项省部级以上纵向项目,同时,还与航天、航空、兵器、中船、中电等科研院所建立项目合作关系,承担了30余项合作项目。


学术成果 Academic Achievements 第一作者及通信作者文章:[1].Feng Yang, Lihong Shi, Liang Yan, Litao Zheng, Global state estimation under sequential measurement fusion for clustered sensor networks with cross-correlated measurement noises[J], Automatica, DOI: 10.1016/j.automatica.2022.110392,2022,142:110392.(SCI 2区,SCI:000833419800002,EI:20222212186750)[2].Feng Yang, Litao Zheng, Tiancheng Li, Lihong Shi , A computationally efficient distribute d Bayesian filter with random finite set observations[J], Signal Processing, 2022, 194: 108454(SCI 2区,SCI:000788154800001 ,EI: 20220311460985)[3].Feng Yang, Lihong Shi, Litao Zheng, Event-triggered globally sequential fusion estimation for clustered wireless sensor networks with variational Bayesian[J]. IEEE Sensors Journal. 2021, 21(18), 1558-1748. (SCI 3区,SCI:000703056000071,EI:20213310762820)[4].Feng Yang, Wentong Li, Haiwei Hu, Wanyi Li, Peng Wang, Multi-Scale Feature Integrated Attention-Based Rotation Network for Object Detection in VHR Aerial Images[J]. Sensors 2020, 20(6): 1686. (SCI 3区,SCI:000529139700145, EI:20202008656144)[5].Feng Yang, Yongqi Wang, Hao Chen, Pengyan Zhang, and Yan Liang, Adaptive Collaborative Gaussian Mixture Probability Hypothesis Density Filter for Multi-Target Tracking[J], Sensors, 2016,16(10):1666; doi: 10.3390/s16101666(SCI 2区,SCI:000386131600118, EI: 20164302932926)[6].Feng Yang, Xi Shi, Keli Liu, Yan Liang, and Hao Chen, Global track extraction for probability hypothesis density filter[J], Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2016, 27(6): 1151-1157 (SCI 4区,SCI: 000391724800003, EI: 20170503294764)[7].Feng Yang, Litao Zheng, Yujuan Luo. A Novel Particle Filter Based on Hybrid Deterministic and Random Sampling[J], IEEE Access, 2018, 6: 67536-67542. (SCI 2区,SCI: 000452367100001, EI:20184606058119)[8].Feng Yang, Weikang Tang, Yan Liang. A novel track initialization algorithm based on random sample consensus in dense clutter[J], International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 2018, 15(6): 1-11. (SCI 4区,SCI: 000451268200001,EI:20184806152114)[9].Feng Yang, Yujuan Luo, Litao Zheng. Double-Layer Cubature Kalman Filter for Nonlinear Estimation[J], Sensors, 2019,19(5):986, doi: 10.3390/s19050986(SCI 3区,SCI:000462540400005 , EI:20191606805629)[10].Feng Yang, Cheng Cheng etal,Practical integrated navigation fault detection algorithm based on sequential hypothesis testing[J],Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics,2011,22(1):142-149 (SCI:728PR,EI: 20111113752102)[11].Lihong Shi, Feng Yang, Litao Zheng, Novel event-triggered distributed state estimation algorithm for nonlinear systems over wireless sensor networks[J],International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control,2022,DOI: 10.1002/rnc.6321 (SCI 1区,SCI:000834680100001, EI:20223212532694)[12].Wanying Zhang, Yan Liang, Feng Yang, Shun Liu. Set-valued mode recognition based Bayesian estimation for nonlinear stochastic systems with unknown sensor mode[J]. ISA Transactions, 2022,123:303-311.(SCI 2区,SCI:000796023400010, EI:20212310451997)[13].Wanying Zhang, Feng Yang, Yan Liang. A Bayesian framework for joint target tracking, classification and intent inference[J]. IEEE Access, 2019 (7): 66148-66156. (SCI 3区,SCI:000471330300001,EI:20192507060598)[14].杨峰, 郑丽涛, 王家琦, 潘泉. 双层无迹卡尔曼滤波[J]. 自动化学报, 2019, 45(7). 1386-1391. (EI: 20193507386527)[15].杨峰, 郑丽涛. 一种面向弹道再入目标跟踪的HPD-SRCQSPF算法[J], 宇航学报, 2018(6):51-59(EI:20183305699439)[16].杨峰, 张婉莹. 一种多模型贝努利粒子滤波机动目标跟踪算法[J]. 电子与信息学报, 2017, 39(3):634-639 (EI:20171903645868)[17].杨峰,王永齐,梁彦,潘泉,面向快速多目标跟踪的协同PHD滤波器[J],系统工程与电子技术, 2014, 36(11): 2113-2121(EI:20144800253656)[18].杨峰,王碧垚,赵慧波,吴俊,基于云模型的战略预警信息系统效能评估[J],系统工程与电子技术,2014,36(7): 1334-1338(EI:20143218048479)[19].杨峰,王永齐,梁彦,潘泉, 基于全局时空信息的SMC-PHD多目标跟踪算法[J],信息与控制, 2014, 43(3):324-333 (CSCD:519223)[20].杨峰, 王永齐,梁彦,潘泉. 基于概率假设密度滤波方法的多目标跟踪技术综述[J],自动化学报, 2013, 39(11): 1944-1956(EI:20135017073928)[21].杨峰,王永齐,梁彦等.面向OTHR多目标跟踪的多路径标记PHD滤波算法[J],中国电子科学研究院学报,2013,8(3): 233-239(CSCD:)[22].杨峰,程承,张共愿,程咏梅,一种亚轨道飞行器再入段组合导航方法,宇航学报,2010,31(3):729-733( EI: 20101912923046)[23].杨峰,潘泉,梁彦,叶亮, 多源信息空间配准中的UT变换采样策略研究, 系统仿真学报, 2006.18(3): 713-717. (EI: 06169832142)[24].杨峰,潘泉,梁彦,叶亮,张洪才, 利用地理信息的广义对地跟踪研究, 系统工程与电子技术,2005,27(8):1475-1480. (EI: 05389375914)[25].杨峰,梁彦,潘泉,程咏梅,机载多传感器跟踪与融合算法的仿真系统[J],火力与指挥控制,2007,32(6):10-14[26].Feng Yang, Yumeng Wang., Haiwei Hu., Rotated Fusion Network (RFN) Algorithm for Aerial Vehicle Detection[C], 2021 36th Youth Academic Annual Conference of Chinese Association of Automation (YAC). 2021 (EI:20213210755458)[27].Feng Yang, Xinyi Tang,TIancheng Li,Litao Zheng.Learning-based Gaussian Mixture Reduction for Distributed Bayesian Filter[C],10th International Conference on Control, Automation and Information Sciences, ICCAIS 2021 Proceedings,Xi’an, China.2021,782-787(EI:20220611596141)[28].Feng Yang, Yuwei Ying, Litao Zheng. A Novel Distributed Adaptive Cubature Kalman Filter with Variational Bayesian Approach[C],10th International Conference on Control, Automation and Information Sciences, ICCAIS 2021 - Proceedings,Xi’an, China.2021,817-823(EI:20220611596272)[29].Feng Yang, XingLe Zhang, Shuxing Zhang,Chao Li, Haiwei Hu. Design of real-time vehicle detection based on YOLOv4[C],10th International Conference on Control, Automation and Information Sciences, ICCAIS 2021 - Proceedings,Xi’an, China.2021,824-829(EI:20220611596188)[30].Feng Yang., Yujuan Luo., Qiang Li, Yyuming Yin. A Hypothesis-Optimized RANSAC Algorithm for Track Initiation[C], the 23rd International Conference on Information Fusion,Virtual Conference, July 6 - 9, 2020. (EI: 20204309373753)[31].Feng Yang, Mengting Yan, Bo Jin, Litao Zheng. SLAM Based on Double Layer Unscented Kalman Filter[C]. International Conference on Control, Automation and Robotics (ICCAR). IEEE. Beijing, China, 19-22 Apr. 2019, 663-668. (EI:20193807454687).[32].Feng Yang, Bo Jin, Mengting Yan, Yujuan Luo. SLAM Based on Double Layer Cubature Kalman Filter[C]. 2019 22th International Conference on Information Fusion,Ottawa, Canada,3-7 July. 2019,  2019.( EI:20201208323297)[33].Feng Yang, Wentong Li, Wanyi Li, et al. S3OD: Single Stage Small Object Detector from Scratch for Remote Sensing Images[C]. International Conference on Image and Graphics. Springer, Cham. Beijing, China, 23-25 Aug. 2019, 347-358. ( EI:20195207924731)[34].Feng Yang, Litao Zheng. Wentong Li, Yongting Wang, Pengxiang Wang. Unscented Particle Double Layer Filter[C], 2018 21th International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION), Cambridge, United kingdom, 2018, 2059-2064 (EI: 20184005894702)[35].Feng Yang, Weikang Tang, Yongting Wang, Shaodong Chen. A RANSAC-Based Track Initialization Algorithm for Multi-Sensor Tracking System[C], 2018 International Conference on Control, Automation and Information Sciences (ICCAIS), Hangzhou, China, 2018,96-101 (EI: 20190406414390)[36].Feng Yang, Pengxiang Wang, Yizhai Zhang. Multi-Frame Multi-Sensor Multi-Target Task Allocation Method Based on Improved Wolf Colony Algorithm[C], 2018 International Conference on Control, Automation and Information Sciences (ICCAIS), Hangzhou, China, 2018,84-89 (EI: 20190406414382)[37].Feng Yang, Wentong Li, Weikang Tang, Xinliang Wu. The Analysis Between Traditional Convolution Neural Network and CapsuleNet[C], 2018 International Conference on Control, Automation and Information Sciences (ICCAIS), Hangzhou, China, 2018 210-215 (,EI: 20190406414334)[38].Feng Yang, Miaozang Zhang, Pengyan Zhang. SMC-PHD Target State Extraction Based on CFSFDP Clustering Algorithm[C], 2018 International Conference on Control, Automation and Information Sciences (ICCAIS), Hangzhou, China, 2018,157-162 (,EI: 20190406414349)[39].Feng Yang, Yujuan Luo, Litao Zheng, Shaodong Chen, Jie Zou. Double-layer Cubature Kalman Filter [C], 2018 International Conference on Control, Automation and Information Sciences (ICCAIS), Hangzhou, China, 2018,49-54 (EI: 20190406414369)[40].Feng Yang, Miaozang Zhang, Jinming Cao, Yongting Wang. Multi-sensor distributed fusion based on CFSFDP clustering algorithm[C]. 2018 33rd Youth Academic Annual Conference of Chinese Association of Automation (YAC), Nanjing, China, 2018,1023-1027 (EI: 20183105631862)[41].Feng Yang, Jinming Cao, Kuang Zhou, Pengyan Zhang, Yongting Wang. An adaptive clustering algorithm based on CFSFDP[C]. 2018 33rd Youth Academic Annual Conference of Chinese Association of Automation (YAC), Nanjing, China, 2018,404-408. (EI: 20183105631799)[42].Feng Yang, Bo Jin. An Overview of SLAM[C]. Global Intelligence Industry Conference, (GIIC), Beijing, China, 2018,108350Z (EI: 20183805842573)[43].Feng Yang, Jiaqi Wang, Ya Wang, et al. Design of a general battlefield situation scenario editing software[C]. Chinese Automation Congress, (CAC). Xi,an, China, 2018. (EI:20191106632785)[44].Feng Yang, Haiwei Hu, Litao Zheng. The Application of Improved Particle Filtering in Ballistic Reentry Target Trajectory Tracking. Chinese Automation Congress(CAC). Xi,an, China, 2018. (EI:20191106632980)[45].Feng Yang, Pengxiang Wang, Yizhai Zhang, Litao Zheng, Jianchun Lu. Survey of swarm intelligence optimization algorithms[C], 2017 IEEE International Conference on Unmanned Systems(ICUS), Beijing, China, 2017, 544-549 (EI: 20183205649328)[46].Feng Yang, Weikang Tang, Hua Lan. A density-based recursive RANSAC algorithm for unmanned aerial vehicle multi-target tracking in dense clutter[C], 13th IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation(ICCA), Ohrid, Macedonia, 2017, 23-27 (EI: 20173904220058)[47].Feng Yang, Cangan Sun, Yumei Hu, Litao Zheng, Jianchun Lu. The comparison of PHD algorithms with adaptive target birth[C], 2017 IEEE International Conference on Unmanned Systems(ICUS), Beijing, China, 2017, 438-443 (EI: 20183205652573,BestPaper)[48].Feng Yang, Pengyan Zhang. EMDs with amplitude information for distributed fusion[C], 2017 International Conference on Control, Automation and Information Sciences(ICCAIS 2017), Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2017, 117-122 (EI: 20181705109101)[49].Feng Yang, Litao Zheng, Pengxiang Wang, Chenying Jing. The application of SRCQMMSPF in ballistic reentry target trajectory tracking[C], 2017 International Conference on Control, Automation and Information Sciences(ICCAIS 2017), Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2017, 92-97 (EI: 20181705108867)[50].Feng Yang, Wanying Zhang, Yan Liang, et al. Cardinality Balanced Multi-Target Multi-Bernoulli filter for target tracking with amplitude information[C], Information Fusion (FUSION), 2016 19th International Conference on. ISIF, German 2016,958-964. (EI:20164302955998)[51].Feng Yang, Wanying Zhang, Yan Liang,et al. Multiple model box-particle cardinality balanced multi-target multi-Bernoulli filter for multiple maneuvering targets tracking[C], Control, Automation and Information Sciences (ICCAIS), 2016 International Conference on. IEEE, Korea, 2016: 70-75. (EI: 20170903393271 )[52].Feng Yang, Wanying Zhang, Yazhe Su, Xuanzheng Yao. An adaptive mode transition probability IMM Bernoulli filter[C], Information and Automation (ICIA), 2016 IEEE International Conference on. IEEE,Ningbo,China, 2016,211-215. (EI:20171203484937 )[53].Feng Yang, Keli Liu, Hao Chen, Wanying Zhang. Passive multi-sensor box particle PHD based on boundary constraint[C], Information and Automation (ICIA), 2016 IEEE International Conference on. IEEE, Ningbo,China, 2016,216-221. (EI: 20171203484938)[54].Feng Yang, Hao Chen, Pengyan Zhang, Keli Liu. EMDs-PHD algorithm for OTHR multi-target tracking[C], 2016 International Conference on information and Automation, Ningbo, China, July31-Augst 4, 2016,287-292 (EI: 20171203484950) [55].Feng Yang, Xuanzheng Yao, Wanying Zhang, Yazhe Su, Research and Analysis of Performance Evaluation Metrics for Estimation Algorithms[C], Proceedings of the 35th Chinese Control Conference, Chengdu, China, July 27-29, 2016, 5195-5199.( EI: 20163802827399)[56].Feng Yang, Yazhe Su, Wanying Zhang, Xuanzheng Yao, A track extraction method based on target topology for PHD filter[C], Chinese Association of Automation (YAC), Youth Academic Annual Conference of. IEEE, China, 2016: 449-453. (EI: 20170603319664)[57].Feng Yang, Wanying Zhang. Bernoulli filter with linear equality constraints[C], Proc. of the 18th Conference on Information Fusion, Washington, DC, USA, July 6-9, 2015, 2015:515-520. (EI: 20161202113098).[58].Feng Yang, Hao Chen, Keli Liu. A Collaborative GMPHD filter for fast multi-target tracking[C], Proc. of the International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems, St, Denver, Colorado,USA, 9-12 June 2015, 2015:559-566. (EI: 20153701265195).[59].Feng Yang, Biyao Wang, Jun Wu. Effectiveness evaluation of information fusion system oriented to Fusion ability[C],2013 International Conference on Mechatronic Sciences, Electric Engineering and Computer, MEC 2013, Shenyang, China, 2013,1399-1403 (EI:20145100346802)[60].Feng Yang, Xi Shi, Yan Liang, Quan Pan, Yongqi Wang. Constrained Multiple Model Probability Hypothesis Density Filter for Maneuvering Ground Target Tracking[C] Chinese Automation Conference (CAC). IEEE, China, 2013,759-764. (EI: 20141817640234)[61].Feng Yang, Yongqi Wang, Yan Liang, Quan Pan. A multipath Gaussian mixture PHD filter algorithm for OTHR multi-target Tracking[C], China Control Conference(CCC),China, 2013, 4607-4612 (EI: 20135217122737)[62].Feng Yang, Baibing Jie., Huanxuan Song., Targetless Extrinsic Calibration for LiDAR and Camera Based on Multi-scale Adaptive Voxelization[C],2022 International Conference on Guidance, Navigation and Control (ICGNC). Harbin China,2022.[63].Feng Yang, Haotian Li, Huanxuan Song. Baibing Jie., Environmentally Robust Laser-inertial SLAM System Under Multiple Constraints [C],2022 International Conference on Guidance, Navigation and Control (ICGNC). Harbin China,2022.[64].Feng Yang, Changshun Shao, Baoyin Shen. Zhi Li., A Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning method for UAVs cooperative pursuit problem [C],2022 International Conference on Guidance, Navigation and Control (ICGNC). Harbin China,2022.[65].Feng Yang, Jie Zou, and Yanbo Yang, Multi-UAVs Multi-Target Location Algorithm Based on Multi-frame Hypothesis Testing[C], 2014 International Conference on Intelligent Unmanned Systems(ICIUS), Montreal,Canada,2014 [66].杨峰,王碧垚,么渲正,面向随机有限集MTT算法评估的性能指标研究[C],中国控制会议2015,杭州,中国,2015,4888-4894[67].Feng Yang, Keli Liu, Hao Chen, Yan Liang. Multi-Plat IRST Tracking System with Radar Assistance [C]. The 11th International Conference on Intelligent Unmanned Systems. Bali Indonesia, 2015.[68].Feng,Yang,Yan,Liang etal. Performance evaluation of multiple-target tracking systms. CCDC 2010,2010,pp 2923-2927(EI:20103213140031)[69].Feng Yang, Yan Liang, Quan Pan, YongMei Cheng, The Design of a Multi-sensor Tracking and Fusion Algorithms Test-Bed, CCC08,2008,768-772 (EI:20084011616585  ISTP:BII52)[70].Feng Yang, Quan Pan, Yan Liang, Liang Ye, and Yongmei Cheng, Combined Interacting Multiple Model Map-Tuned Variance Method for Ground Target Tracking, IKE '05: Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Information and Knowledge Engineering,Las Vegas, USA,2005: 278-282. (ISTP: 000236397300039)[71].Yang Feng, Pan Quan, YE Liang, Liang Yan, Interacting Multiple Model Unscented Kalman Filter, The 24th Chinese Control Conference, Guang Zhou, China. 2005:314-317. (ISTP: 000238019100068)[72].Lihong Shi, Feng Yang, Litao Zheng, Xiaoxu Wang, Liang Chen, Multiple Basic Proposal Distribution Model Based Sampling Particle Filter[C], the 23rd International Conference on Information Fusion,Virtual Conference, July 6 - 9, 2020. (EI:20204309374002)[73].Pengxiang Wang, Feng Yang, Yizhai Zhang, Litao Zheng. Multi-sensor and multi-target task allocation method based on improved firefly algorithm. Global Intelligence Industry Conference, (GIIC), Beijing, China, 2018,108350. (EI: 20183805842564 )[74].Xi Shi, Feng Yang, Yan Liang, Quan Pan, Yongqi Wang, Global space-time association for Probability Hypothesis Density Filter[C], The 16th International Conference on Information Fusion. Istanbul, Turkey, 2013. (EI: 20135217141555)[75].Yongqi Wang, Feng Yang, Yan Liang, Quan Pan, A strong tracking cubature kalman filter for nonlinear estimation[C], Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2013,313-314: 1115-1119. (EI: 20131816290921 )[76].王永齐,杨峰等,一种SMCPHD多目标跟踪算法. 第四届全国信息融合学术年会,武汉,2012.9.(优秀会议论文一等奖)[77].王永齐,杨峰等,基于全局时空信息的SMCPHD多目标跟踪算法[C]. 第24届中国过程控制会议, 内蒙古, 2013.8.(优秀论文张贴奖)[78].王永齐,杨峰等,基于多模型多路径GMPHD滤波的OTHR机动目标跟踪算法[C]. 第五届全国信息融合学术年会,深圳, 2013.9 (优秀会议论文一等奖)[79].陈昊,杨峰等, 面向OTHR多目标跟踪的MUKF-GMPHD融合算法研究[C]. 第五届全国信息融合学术年会,深圳, 2013.9.(优秀会议论文一等奖)[80].陈昊,杨峰等,基于EMDs的天波超视距雷达多路径融合算法[C], 七届中国信息融合大会, 青岛, 2015.(优秀会议论文一等奖)[81].张婉莹,杨峰,苏亚哲,具有状态相关转移阵的交互式多模型贝努利滤波[C],第七届中国信息融合大会, 青岛, 2015.(优秀会议论文二等奖)[82].杨峰,潘泉,梁彦,叶亮,利用地理信息的C-IMM地图调整方差法,17届控制与决策年会,哈尔滨, 中国, 2005: 647-651. (被评为会议优秀论文)学术专著、教材及译著:[1].杨峰,潘泉,梁彦等,情报、监视、侦察系统综合仿真验证与评估[M],兵器工业出版社:北京, 2016.6。(西北工业大学专著出版基金) 31.8万字[2].梁彦,杨峰,兰华等,天波超视距雷达数据处理[M],国防工业出版社:北京,2017.3(科技图书出版基金) 16.5万字[3].潘泉, 程咏梅, 梁彦, 杨峰, 王小旭.多源信息融合理论及应用. 清华大学出版社,北京,2012 (全国高等学校自动化专业系列教材,普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材) 87.3万字[4].Gerald Cook著,赵春晖,潘泉,杨峰,靳珍露译,移动机器人导航、控制与遥感[M],国防工业出版社:北京,2015.(科技译著出版基金) 25.1万字[5].Mahendra Mallick等著,乔向东,梁彦,杨峰等译,目标跟踪、分类与传感器管理理论及应用[M],国防工业出版社:北京,2017.4(科技译著出版基金) 83.9万字[6].潘泉、梁彦、杨峰、程咏梅,现代目标跟踪与信息融合[M],国防工业出版社,2009[7].梁彦、潘泉、杨峰、张磊,复杂系统的现代估计理论及应用[M],科学出版社,2009[8].赵春晖、潘泉、梁彦、杨峰、李耀军,视频图像运动目标分析[M],国防工业出版社,2011


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