

主页 > 陕西省 > 西北工业大学


姓名 薛红前
教师编号 6120
学校 西北工业大学
部门 机电学院
学位 理学博士学位
学历 博士研究生毕业
职称 正高
联系方式 【发送到邮箱】
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个人经历 personal experience 工作经历 教育经历 2013.05 -  至今,西北工业大学,机电学院,教授,博导/硕导 2011.11-2013.05,西北工业大学,机电学院,副教授,硕导2011.09-2011.11,法国ENSAM大学,访问学者2008.0-2011.09,西北工业大学,机电学院,副教授,硕导2007.12-2008.07,法国巴黎十大,能源与动力实验室,访问学者2006.04-2007.12 西北工业大学 机电学院, 副教授,硕导2001.10-2006.04 Conservatoire national des arts et métier(法国)力学专业,博士、博士后1993.06-2001.10,西北工业大学飞行器制造工程系 讲师 2001.10-2005.10,Conservatoire national des arts et métier (法国)力学专业 博士2000.3-2006.6,西北工业大学,航空宇航制造工程专业,博士1986.09-1993.6,西北轻工业学院,机械工程系,学士、硕士


教育教学 Education and teaching 招生信息 教育教学 博士生招生专业:【机电学院】航空宇航制造工程(082503)硕士生招生专业:【机电学院】航空宇航制造工程(082503),航空工程(085232),咨询电子邮箱:xuedang@nwpu.edu.cn 飞机装配原理与工艺  本科生结构材料疲劳断裂分析  研究生Mechanical assembly technology 本科生


科学研究 Scientific Research 主要研究方向1. 结构材料疲劳断裂分析2. 超声疲劳试验技术3. 疲劳强化理论与技术4.飞机装配与连接技术 5. 材料成形工艺与数值模拟


荣誉获奖 Awards Information 1. “移动式电磁铆接设备”陕西省科技进步二等奖2011年,(排名第3)2.  陕西省国防科技进步二等奖,2010年,(排名第3)


团队信息 Team Information 指导学生情况 Team Information ○  硕士生种子基金4人, ○  优秀硕士位论文2人,优秀本科毕设论文4人  ○  学生在国外大学攻读博士学位2人(美国斯蒂文森大学、法国特鲁瓦技术大学) 研究生毕业去向    厦门航空公司、华为公司、中兴通讯、航天802所、航天304所、西安法斯特、中车集团(青岛)、中航西飞、长安大学、兵器212所等


学术成果 Academic Achievements 论著: 薛红前,飞机装配工艺学,2015薛红前,孙志丹,Fatigue Analysis of Materials and Structures, 2020代表性论文1. Bin Li, Chen Chen, Zhi Qin , Hongqian Xue*,  An energy-CP-combined model for predicting the fatigue life of  polycrystalline materials under high cycle and very high  cycle fatigue,Engineering Fracture Mechanics 291 (2023) 1095642. S. Wang, M. Liu, S. Araby, X. Wang, A. Abdelsalam, H. Xue*, Q. Meng, Reinforcing interlaminar interface of carbon fiber reinforced metal laminates by graphene, Composite Structures, 2023.3. S. Wang, C. Qian, X. Cui, P. Wang, H. Zheng, Z. Wang, H. Xue*, Accurate damage localization and enhanced mechanical performance of self‐sensing epoxy nanocomposites using graphene platelets, Polymers for Advanced Technologies, 2023.4. Zhi Qin, Bin Li, Chen Chen, H. Xue*. Crack initiation mechanisms and life prediction during high and very high cycle fatigue of Ni-based superalloys. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2023. 5. Zhi Qin, Bin Li, Tianyue Chen, H.Xue*. Comparative study of the effects of ultrasonic shot peening and conventional shot peening on very high cycle fatigue of GH4169 superalloy. International Journal of Fatigue, 2023. 6. Han Zhang, Hongqian Xue*, Zhi Qin, Bin Li, Tianyue Chen, Chen Che, Fatigue fracture failure investigation of splitter in engine  intermediary casing,Engineering Failure Analysis 143 (2023) 106905  7. Han Zhang, Hongqian Xue*, Zhi Qin, Bin Li, Failure analysis of an aeroengine intermediate case splitter, Engineering Failure Analysis 146 (2023) 1070708. Chen Chen, Tao  Gao, Tianyue Chen, Bin Li, Zhi Qin, Rui Chen,  Hongqian Xue*, Experimental investigation and crystal plasticity simulation for  the fatigue crack initiation of the equiaxed Ti-6Al-4V alloy in the  very high cycle regime, Engineering Failure Analysis 152 (2023) 107427 9. Rui Chen, Hongqian Xue*,Bin Li, Comparison of SP, SMAT, SMRT, LSP, and UNSM Based on  Treatment Effects on the Fatigue Properties of Metals in the  HCF and VHCF Regimes,Metals 2022, 12, 64210. Bin Li, Tao Ga1 , Hongqian Xue* , and Zhidan Sun,Estimation of fatigue crack initiation in the very high cycle fatigue regime for AA7075-T6 alloy using crystal plasticity finite element method,journal material science,202211. Zhi Qin, Bin Li, Rui Chen, H. Xue*. Effect of shot peening on high cycle and very high cycle fatigue properties of Ni-based superalloys. International Journal of Fatigue, 2022. 12. Zhi Qin, Bin Li, Xia Huang, H.Xue*. The effect of laser shock peening on surface integrity and high and very high cycle fatigue properties of 2024-T351 aluminum alloy. Optics & Laser Technology, 2022.13. Bin Li , Zhi Qin , Han Zhang , Hongqian Xue *,The effects of laser peening treatment on the very high cycle  fatigue properties for AA2024-T351 alloy using a crystal  plasticity framework, Engineering Fracture Mechanics 275 (2022) 108840 14. Bin Li, Tao Gao, Zhi Qin, Hongqian Xue*, Zhidan Sun, Investigation of the Fatigue Life Scatter for AA7075?T6 Using Crystal  Plasticity Finite Element Method in the High to Very High Cycle Fatigue  Regime,Integrating Materials and Manufacturing Innovation15. S. Wang, M. Cao, G. Wang, F. Cong, Hongqian Xue*, Q. Meng, M. Uddin, J. Ma, Effect of graphene nanoplatelets on water absorption and impact resistance of fibre-metal laminates under varying environmental conditions, Composite Structures, 2022.16. S. Wang, M. Cao, H. Xue*, S. Arby, F. Abbassi, Y. He, W. Su, Q. Meng, Investigation on graphene addition on the quasi-static and dynamic responses of carbon fibre-reinforced metal laminates, Thin-Walled Structures, 2022. 17. S. Wang, M. Liu, F. Cong, H. Xue*, X. Cui, Prediction of process-induced deformation in thick composite laminates using a path-dependent constitutive mode, Composites: Mechanics, Computations, Applications: An International Journal, 2022.18. S. Wang, B. Zhao, F. Cong, H. Xue*, M. Cao, F. Teng, W. Su, X. Cui. Study on the Synergistic Effect of Carbon Nanofillers on the Interlaminar Toughness of Fibre Metal Laminates, Materials Today Communications, 2022. 19. Tao Gao, Hongqian Xue*, Zhidan Sun, Characteristics and micromechanisms of fish-eye crack initiation of a Ti-6Al-4V alloy in very high cycle fatigue regime, journal of materials research and technology 2022;21:3140 e315320. Zhi Qin, Bin Li, Han Zhang, H.Xue*. Effects of shot peening with different coverage on surface integrity and fatigue crack growth properties of 7B50-T7751 aluminum alloy. Engineering Failure Analysis, 2021. 21. S. Wang, H. Xue*, S. Arby, M. Demiral, S. Han, C. Cui, R. Zhang, Q. Meng, Thermal conductivity and mechanical performance of hexagonal boron nitride nanosheets-based epoxy adhesives, Nanotechnology, 2021.22. Bin Li, Zhi Qin , Hongqian Xue* , Zhidan Sun , Tao Gao,Optimization of shot peening parameters for AA7B50-T7751 using  response surface methodology,Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 115 (2022) 102426 23. S. Wang, R. Cai, H. Xue*, T. Liu, S. Han, Z. Zhou, Z. Hu, Q. Meng, Development of high thermally conductive and electrically insulated epoxy nanocomposites with high mechanical performance, Polymer Composites, 2021.24. S. Wang, H. Xue*, S. Guo, M. Cao, F. Cong, S. Araby, Graphene/nanorubber reinforced electrically conductive epoxy composites with enhanced toughness, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2021.25.S. Wang, M. Cao, H. Xue*, F. Cong, X. Li, C. Zhao, W. Su, Nano-silica reinforced epoxy resin/nano-rubber composite material with a balance of stiffness and toughness, High Performance Polymers, 2021.26.S. Wang, M. Cao, F. Cong, H. Xue*, X. Li, C. Zhao, X. Cui, Mechanical and thermal properties of graphene and carbon nanotube reinforced epoxy/boron nitride adhesives, Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 2021.27.Tao Gao, Hongqian Xue*, Zhidan Sun, Delphine Retraint, Yanli He, Micromechanisms of crack initiation of a Ti-8Al-1Mo-1V alloy in the very high cycle fatigue regime, International Journal of Fatigue (2021) 106314. 28.Tao Gao, Hongqian Xue*, Zhidan Sun, Delphine Retraint, Investigation of crack initiation mechanism of a precipitation hardened TC11 titanium alloy under very high cycle fatigue loading, Materials Science & Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing 776 (2020) 138989. 29.Tao Gao, Zhidan Sun, Hongqian Xue*, Delphine Retraint, Effect of surface mechanical attrition treatment on high cycle and very high cycle fatigue of a 7075-T6 aluminium alloy, International Journal of Fatigue 139 (2020) 105798. 30. Tao Gao, Hongqian Xue*, Zhidan Sun, Effect of transformed β phase on fish-eye ductile crack initiation of a Ti-6Al-4V alloy in very high cycle fatigue regime, Materials Letters (2020) 129283 31.Tao Gao, Zhidan Sun, Hongqian Xue*, Emin Bayraktar, Zhi Qin, Bin Li and Han Zhang, Effect of Turning on the Surface Integrity and Fatigue Life of a TC11 Alloy in Very High Cycle Fatigue Regime. Metals 2020, 10, 1507. 32.秦志, 黄晴, 靳泓睿, 薛红前*. 提升钢丝绳多体动力学仿真及股丝应力分析. 西北工业大学学报, 2020.33.A.Wang, H.Xue*, Y.Yang, S.Saud,P.Chen, E.Bayraktar,Numerical Simulation and Experimental of Twist Defects in Roll-bending Process for Z/L-shaped Profiles with Large Cross-section, International Conference on Advances in Materials & Processing Technologies, Taipei, Taiwan,2019  34. Y. Li, D. Retraint, H. Xue*, T. Gao, Z. Sun, Fatigue properties and cracking mechanisms of a 7075 aluminum alloy under axial and torsional loadings, Structural Integrity Procedia,201935.王安恒,薛红前*,杨艳丽,魏耀光,基于中性层偏移的Z 型材滚弯成形回弹预测,航空学报,2019.36. B.Shen, H. Yan, H. Xue, G. Xiea The effects of geometrical topology on fluid flow and thermal performance in Kagome cored sandwich panels, Applied Thermal Engineering 142,201837. Q. Huang, Z. Li, H. Xue*, Multi-body dynamics co-simulation of hoisting wire rope, J Strain Analysis 53,201838. H. Xue, Z. Sun, X. Zhang, T. Gao, Z. Li, Very High Cycle Fatigue of a Cast Aluminum Alloy: Size Effect and Crack Initiation, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance,201839. H. Xue, T. Gao, Z. Sun, X. Zhang, Fatigue crack initiation and propagation of 100Cr6 steel under torsional loading in very high cycle regime, FATIGUE 201840. T.Gao, Z. Sun, H. Xue*, D.Retraint, Effect of Surface Mechanical Attrition Treatment on the very high cycle fatigue behavior of TC1, FATIGUE 201841. B. Shen, H. Yan, B. Sunden, H. Xue, G. Xie, Forced convection and heat transfer of water-cooled microchannel heat sinks with various structured metal foams, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,201742. 李智,薛红前*, 超声疲劳裂纹扩展与摩擦生热研, 机械工程学报,201543. Z. Sun, L. Benabou, H. Xue, Numerical modeling and simulation of intergranular fracture due to dynamic embrittlement for a Cu Ni Si alloy, Mechanics Research Communications, 201644.薛红前,高涛,徐阳,超声疲劳载荷下球墨铸铁裂纹扩展速率,固体力学学报,2014 45. H.Q.Xue, P.L.Liu, P.Chen et al, Fatigue life assessment of a high strength steel 300M in the gigacycle regime,Theoretical & Applied mechanics letters, 2(3)201246. H. Q Xue, T.Y.Wu and Bathias, C. Gigacycle fatigue behavior of cast aluminum in tension and torsion loading, Transactions of nanjing university of aeronautics & astronautics, 2011,28(1).47. H. Q Xue, Bathias, C. Crack path in torsion loading in very high cycle fatigue regime。Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2010,77(11).48. H.Xue, E.Bayraktar,C.Bathias.Damage mechanism of a nodular cast iron under the very high cycle fatigue regime. Journal of Materials Processing Technology,2008, 202.49. H.Xue, H.Tao, R.Shao, C.Bathias,Effect of stress ratio on long life fatigue behavior of Ti-Al alloy under flexural loading. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China,18: 200850. H.Xue. Torsional fatigue behaviour in gigacycle regime and damage mechanism of the perlitic steel. Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, 200851. H.Xue, Development of a three-point bending fatigue testing methodology at 20kHz frequency. International Journal of Fatigue, 2007,29.52. H.Xue, E.Bayraktar, C.Bathias. Thermographic analysis in ultrasonic fatigue tests. Fatigue Fract Engng Master Struct. 2006,53. H.Xue, E.Bayraktar and C. Bathias. Fatigue behavior and energy dissipation characteristic of a nodular cast iron subjected to ultrasonic fatigue loading, Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, 2006. 54. H.Q.Xue, E.Bayraktar, H.Tao, C.Bathias. Very High Cycle Fatigue Behaviour of Two-phase (α2+γ) Ti-Al Alloy. “The 3rd International Conference on Very High Cycle Fatigue”, Tokyo, Japan, Sept. 2004.55. H.Q.Xue, H.Tao, C.Bathias The Analysis of Specimen Design for Fatigue Test at Ultrasonic Frequency.“The 3rd International Conference on Very High Cycle Fatigue”, Tokyo, Japan, 2004.56. E. Bayraktar, C. Bathias, H. Xue. On the giga cycle fatigue behaviour of two-phase TiAl alloy. International Journal of Fatigue, 2004.57.薛红前,陶华。一种球墨铸铁的超高周疲劳行为研究。航空学报,2004,58.薛红前,陶华,王泓。超声振动载荷下LY12合金的超声疲劳性能研究。西工大学报,200459.薛红前,陶华。超声疲劳试验方法在铸铝疲劳试验中的应用。机械强度,200460.薛红前,陶华,C. BATHIAS。超声疲劳试样设计。航空学报,2004,  61. H.Q. Xue E. Bayraktar I. Marines G. and C. Bathias Design and application of ultrasonic torsion fatigue device: Torsion fatigue behaviour of the perlitic steel (D38MSV5S) in very high cycle regime. “The International Conference on Very High Cycle Fatigue”, Atlanta, USA, July. 2006.62. H.Q. Xue, E. Bayraktar and C. Bathias Effect of ultrasonic fatigue specimen geometry on its strain field and heat response, CAM3S’ 2005 Contemporary Achievements in Materials, Mechanical and Manufact.  2005 Poland.63. H.Q.Xue, H.Tao, F.Montembault, Q.Y.Wang and C. Bathias Development of a three-point bending fatigue testing methodlogy at 20kHz frequency.  “the international conference on fatigue damage of structural materials VI”,  2006.64. H.Xue, E.Bayraktar and C. Bathias  Gigacycle fatigue of a Ti-Al intermetallic alloy in bending loading conditions.  “the international conference on fatigue damage of structural materials VI”, Hyannis, USA. September 2006.65. H.Xue, E.Bayraktar and C. Bathias. Fatigue behavior and energy dissipation characteristic of a nodular cast iron subjected to ultrasonic fatigue loading , Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, 2006.
