姓名 | 尹剑波 |
教师编号 | 6052 |
性别 | 男 |
学校 | 西北工业大学 |
部门 | 物理科学与技术学院 |
学位 | 博士 |
学历 | 博士研究生毕业 |
职称 | 正高 |
联系方式 | 【发送到邮箱】 |
邮箱 | 【发送到邮箱】 |
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个人经历 personal experience 工作经历 教育经历 尹剑波,1976年生。材料物理与化学/物理学博士生导师,材料物理与化学/凝聚态物理/声学/材料工程硕士生导师。2010年入选教育部新世纪优秀人才。Materials (SCI IF: 3.623) 编委(2021-)、Scientific Reports (SCI IF: 4.379) 编委(2017-)、Journal of Nanomaterials (SCI IF: 2.986) 编委(2017-)、Current Smart Materials 中国区编辑(2016-)、Frontiers in Materials (Smart Materials分辑)(SCI IF: 3.515) 评审副主编(2015-)、Nano Progress副主编(2019-)。教育部大学物理课程教指委大学物理实验专项委员会委员(2018-),中国高校物理实验教学研究会常务理事(2018-),中国化学会高级会员,IAAM Fellow。主要从事智能软材料、软超材料与表面、智能界面材料等领域研究,发表SCI论文100余篇,被SCI他引3000余次,H因子=36,学术会议邀请报告30余次,出版学术中文专著1部,外文专著章节3章,获授权中国发明专利15项。先后教授本科课程3门,研究生课程1门。毕业博士7人(毕业去向:上海光机所、北京理工大学特聘副教授、西安工程大学特聘副教授、航天三院、兵器工业213所、204所等),在读博士生8人;毕业硕士30人(毕业去向:腾讯、华为、小米、中兴、中国试飞研究院、航天四院、航天三院、兵器工业、5720工厂、中电10所、瑞声科技、华星光电、天马微电子、山西交通研究院、运城学院、国外深造等),在读硕士生8人。 工作经历:2020/01 - 现在,西北工业大学,物理科学与技术学院,教授2011/05 - 2019/12,西北工业大学,理学院应用物理系,教授2006/05 - 2011/04,西北工业大学,理学院应用物理系,副教授2003/05 - 2006/04,西北工业大学,理学院应用物理系,讲师 2001/04 - 2003/04,西北工业大学,应用物理系,助教 2003/9 - 2010/1,西北工业大学,材料物理与化学,博士,导师:赵晓鹏教授1998/9 - 2001/3,西北工业大学,材料物理,硕士,导师:赵晓鹏教授1994/8 - 1998/7,西北工业大学,化学工程,学士,导师:梁国正教授 教育教学教育教学 Education and teaching 教育教学 招生信息 2022年-至今,研究生课程“研究生综合与创新物理实验” (32学时,秋季)2022年-至今,研究生校企联合课“电介质材料及工程应用” (40学时,秋季)2017年-至今,本科生课程“材料结构与性能” (40学时,春季)2010年-至今,本科生课程“物理化学” (40学时,秋季)2009年-至今,研究生课程“智能材料结构与化学设计” (40学时,春季)2006年-2016年,本科生课程“功能材料” (40学时,秋季)2001年-至今,本科生课程“大学物理实验”(50学时,全年) 博士招生专业:材料物理与化学(工学博士)、物理学(理学博士)、材料工程(工程博士)硕士招生专业:材料物理与化学(工学硕士)、凝聚态物理(理学硕士)、声学(理学硕士)、材料工程(专业硕士) 荣誉获奖荣誉获奖 Awards Information IAAM Fellow(2023年)陕西高等学校科学技术奖一等奖(2021年)陕西省第九届青年科技奖-青年科技标兵(2012年)西北工业大学“三航科技奖”-学术贡献奖(2012年)西北工业大学“吴亚军优秀青年教师奖”一等奖(2012年)西北工业大学“优秀青年教师”(2011年)教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划(2010年)西北工业大学“三航科技奖”-青年学者奖(2010年)西北工业大学“三育人”先进个人(2007年)陕西省科学技术一等奖(第3完成人)(2006年)国防科学技术二等奖(第3完成人)(2005年)陕西省科学技术二等奖(第2完成人)(2003年)第二届“中国流变学青年奖”(2002年) 科学研究科学研究 Scientific Research 1、 研究课题(近五年主持、在研)国家自然科学基金面上项目:半导性聚合物壳层限域的聚离子液颗粒的离子-电子耦合、极化与电流变效应研究(52272305),研究期限2023/01-2026/12,54万元,在研,主持国家自然科学基金面上项目:具有电子/离子双载流子的共轭聚离子液的界面极化与电流变效应研究(51872243),研究期限2019/01-2022/12,60万元,在研,主持国家自然科学基金面上项目:聚离子液基非水聚电解质电流变材料的微波合成与电响应行为研究(51572225),研究期限2016/1-2019/12,64万元,结题,主持深圳市自然科学基金:电流变智能抛光液的皮克林细乳液聚合制备、性能与机理研究(JCYJ20190806153009355),研究期限2020/01-2023/01,40万,结题,主持中国船舶工业系统工程研究院:XXX课题,研究期限2022-2024,在研,主持 2、研究方向方向一:智能软材料智能材料(Smart Materials)能对外场或环境做出主动连续的结构和行为变化,应用上均具有重要研究价值和意义。电流变流体和磁流变流体是最重要的智能驱动材料,其流动和变形能被电场和磁场快速可逆地调控,被认为是实现电-力转换效率最高的驱动媒介之一,在传统机械、机器人、医疗器械、微纳米机电系统、智能制造等领域具有重要应用价值。本方向侧重研究电流变智能软材料的新材料设计与制备、多场耦合下的流变行为测试及计算、在精密抛光领域应用等。方向二:智能超材料与超表面超材料(Metamaterials)又称特异介质,是本世纪物理学领域提出的一个新概念,它具有天然材料所不具备的反常物理性质,如负的折射率、反常Doppler效应、反常Goos-Hanchen位移等。当前超材料的设计与构筑主要基于硬物质,但硬物质构筑超材料也存在不足:1)单元尺寸小的光频超材料很难 “自上而下”大范围制备;2)结构成型后较难调整,对环境变化缺乏自适应性,如移频、变焦、偏折等;3)柔性相对较差,对开发实用柔性制品(如隐身衣)产生限制。本方向侧重研究可电磁调控的智能超材料与超表面的设计与制备、电磁调控下的反常微波-光学-声学行为计算模拟与测试、在电磁吸收与声吸收中的应用等。方向三:智能表界面材料智能界面材料(Smart Interface Materials)能模仿人体皮肤系统对外场或环境做出主动感应和行为变化,在机器人、Haptic感触系统中有重要应用。本方向侧重研究基于电活性聚合物、凝胶、弹性体的软智能界面材料的设计、制备及其在力电耦合下的物理行为测试及模拟。 学术成果学术成果 Academic Achievements 1、代表论文 更多内容请访问如下网址:https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=7401693709https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jianbo_YinPublication (Selected)1) Xue BX, He F, Zhao XP, Yin JB*, Electro-responsive electrorheological effect and dielectric spectra analysis of topological self-crosslinked poly(ionic liquid)s, European Polymer Journal, 170(2022)1111602) Lei Q, He F, Zhao XP, Yin JB*, Preparation of Poly(Ionic Liquid) Microbeads by Evaporation-Assisted Phase Separation, Macromol. Chem. Phys. 2022, 223, 2100379 (Front Cover)3) Lei Q, He F, Zhao XP, Yin JB*, Inorganic Reinforced Poly(ionic liquid) Microcapsules: Confined Cooling-Assisted Phase Separation Self-Assembly and Enhanced Electroresponsive Properties, Macromol. Rapid Commun. 2022, 43, 21007694) Xue BX, He F, Lei Q, Zhao XP, Yin JB*, Electrorheology and dielectric polarization of backbone, pendant and cross-linked poly(ionic liquid)s , Polymer 241(2022)1245595) He F, Lei Q, Xue BX, Zhao XP, Yin JB*, Evaporation-assisted phase separation preparation and electrorheological effect of poly(ionic liquid) microspheres with dual and mixed counterions, Polymer 243(2022)1246476) Li Y, Liu YC, Liu LY, Zhao XP, Yin JB*, Mechanical property and dielectric spectra analysis of solvent-free poly (ionic liquid)/poly(ethyl acrylate) double network elastomers under tensile deformation, Polymer 245(2022)1246727) Wang YD, Yuan JH, Zhao XP, Yin JB*, Electrorheological Fluids of GO/Graphene-Based Nanoplates, Materials 2022, 15, 311.8) Ma RJ, Xiang LQ, Zhao XP, Yin JB*, Progress in Preparation of Sea Urchin-like Micro-/Nanoparticles, Materials 2022, 15, 2846.9) Wang JC, Sun H, Yang ZY, Wang YD, Zhao XP, Yin JB*, Improved Electrorheological Polishing Property of Poly(Ionic Liquid)/Al2O3 Composite Particles Prepared via Pickering Emulsion Polymerization, ACS Appl. Polym. Mater. 2021, 3, 5778?578710) Yuan JH, Wang YD, Xiang LQ, Zhao XP, Yin JB*, Understanding the enhanced electrorheological effect of reduced graphene oxide‐supported polyaniline dielectric nanoplates by a comparative study with graphene oxide as the support core, IET Nanodielectr. 2021;4:143–154.11) Lei Q, Zhao J, He F, Zhao XP, Yin JB*, Preparation of Poly(Ionic Liquid) Microbeads via Cooling-Assisted Phase Separation Method, Macromol. Rapid Commun. 2021, 42, 210027512) He F, Xue BX, Lei Q, Liu Y, Zhao XP, Yin JB*, Influence of molecular weight on electro-responsive electrorheological effect of poly(ionic liquid)s: Rheology and dielectric spectroscopy analysis, Polymer 234(2021)12424113) Zhao J, Lei Q, He F, Zheng C, Liu Y, Zhao XP, Yin JB*, Nonmonotonic influence of size of quaternary ammonium countercations on micromorphology, polarization, and electroresponse of anionic poly(ionic liquid)s, J. Phys. Chem. B 2020, 124, 292014) Zhao J, Lei Q, He F, Zheng C, Zhao XP, Yin JB*, Influence of geometry of mobile countercations on conductivity, polarization and electrorheological effect of polymeric anionic liquids at ice point temperature, Polymer 2020, 205, 12282615) He F, Wang B, Zhao J, Zhao XP, Yin JB*, Influence of tethered ions on electric polarization and electrorheological property of polymerized ionic liquids, Molecules 2020, 25, 289616) Zheng C, Lei Q, Zhao J, Zhao XP, Yin JB*,The effect of dielectric polarization rate difference of filler and matrix on the electrorheological responses of poly(ionic liquid)/polyaniline composite particles, Polymers 2020, 12, 70317) Wang YD, Yang M, Chen H, Zhao XP, Yin JB*, Dielectric polarization and electrorheological response of poly(ethylaniline)-coated reduced graphene oxide nanoflakes with different reduction degrees, Polymers 2020, 12, 252818) Liu Y, Zhao J, He F, Zheng C, Zhao XP, Yin JB*, Influence of alkyl spacer length on ion transport, polarization and electro-responsive electrorheological effect of self-crosslinked poly(ionic liquid)s, Polymer, 2019.5.8, 171:161~172, SCIE19) Liu Y, Zhao J, He F, Zheng C, Lei Q, Zhao XP, Yin JB*, Ion transport, polarization and electro-responsive elelctrorheological effect of self-crosslinked poly(ionic liquid)s with different counterions, Polymer, 2019.8.26, 177:149~15920) Wang ZY, Zhao J, Zheng C, Liu Y, Zhao XP, Yin JB*, Enhanced interfacial polarization and electro-responsive characteristic of di-ionic poly(ionic liquid)s, Polymer, 2019.09.27, 182:121847, SCIE21) Zhao J, Lei Q, He F, Zheng C, Liu Y, Zhao XP, Yin JB*, Polarization and electroresponsive electrorheological effect of anionic and cationic poly(ionic liquids), ACS Appl. Polym. Mater., 2019.10.08, 1:2862~287422) Zheng C, Liu Y, Dong YZ, He F, Zhao XP, Yin JB*, Low-temperature interfacial polymerization and enhanced electro-responsive characteristic of poly(ionic liquid)s@polyaniline core-shell microspheres, Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 2019.9, 40(17):0~1800351, SCIE23) Lei Q, He F, Zhao J, Liu Y, Zhao XP, Yin JB*, Enhancing electroresponsive electrorheological effect and temperature dependence of poly(ionic liquid) particles by hard core confinement, Langmuir, 2018.11.30, 34:15827~15838, SCIE, 24) Liu Y, Wang B, Dong YZ, Zhao XP, Yin JB*, Distinctly different electroresponsive electrorheological effect in low-molecular-weight and polymerized ionic liquids: rheological and dielectric relaxation studies, J. Phys. Chem. B, 2018.11.20, 122:12184~12193, SCIE, 25) Liu Y, Yuan JH, Dong YZ, Zhao XP, Yin JB*, Enhanced temperature effect of electrorheological fluid based on cross-linked poly(ionic liquid) particles: rheological and dielectric relaxation studies, Soft Matter, 2017,13:1027-1039.26) Dong YZ, Yin JB*, Yuan JH, Zhao XP, Microwave-assisted synthesis and high-performance anhydrous electrorheological characteristic of monodisperse poly(ionic liquid) particles with different size of cation/anion parts, Polymer, 2016, 97: 408-41727) Su ZX, Yin JB*, Song K, Lei Q, Zhao XP, Electrically controllable soft optical cloak based on gold nanorod fluids with epsilon-near-zero characteristic, Optics Express, 2016, 24(6): 6021-6033. 28) Su ZX, Yin JB*, Zhao XP, Soft and broadband infrared metamaterial absorber based on gold nanorod/liquid crystal hybrid with tunable total absorption, Scientific Reports, 2016, 5: 16698 | DOI: 10.1038/srep1669829) Yin JB*, Wang XX, Zhao XP*, Silicone-grafted carbonaceous nanotubes with enhanced dispersion stability and electrorheological efficiency, Nanotechnology, 2015, 26(6): 065704 (9pp) (Highlighted by Nanotechweb)30) Su ZX, Yin JB*, Zhao XP, Terahertz dual-band metamaterial absorber based on graphene/MgF2 multilayer structures, Optics Express, 2015, 23(2): 1679-1690.31) Dong YZ, Liu Y, Yin JB*, Zhao XP, Preparation and enhanced electro-responsive characteristic of graphene/layered doublehydroxide composite dielectric nanoplates, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2014, 2: 1038632) Su ZX, Yin JB*, Guan YQ, Zhao XP, Electrically tunable negative refraction in core/shell-structured nanorod fluids, Soft Matter, 2014, 10, 7696 (Front Cover)33) Dong YZ, Yin JB*, Zhao XP, Microwave-synthesized poly(ionic liquid) particles: a new material with high electrorheological activity, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2014, 2: 9812-9819.34) Yin JB*, Shui, TJ, Dong YZ, Zhao XP*, Enhanced dielectric polarization and electro-responsive characteristic of graphene oxide-wrapped titania microspheres, Nanotechnology, 2014, 25(4): p045702.35) Yin JB*, Chang RT, Shui YJ, Zhao XP*, Preparation and enhanced electro-responsive characteristic of reduced graphene oxide/polypyrrole composite sheet suspensions, Soft Matter, 2013, 9: 7468-7478.36) Yin JB*, Chang RT, Kai Y, Zhao XP*, Highly stable and AC electric field-activated electrorheological fluid based on mesoporous silica-coated graphene nanosheets, Soft Matter, 2013, 9: 3910-3914.37) Yin JB*, Zhao XP, Electrorheological materials based on graphene/polymer nanocomposites, Acta Polymerica Sinica, 2012, 12: 1355 (in Chinese) 38) Yin JB*, Shui YJ, Runtian Chang, Xiaopeng Zhao, Graphene-supported carbonaceous dielectric sheets and their electrorheology, Carbon, 2012,50: 5247-525539) Yin JB*, Xiaoxiao Wang, Runtian Chang, Xiaopeng Zhao, Polyaniline decorated graphene sheet suspension with enhanced electrorheology, Soft Matter, 2012, 8 (2), 294 – 29740) Yin JB*, Xia Xiang, Xiaopeng Zhao, The electrorheological effect and dielectric properties of suspensions containing polyaniline@tutania nanocable-like particles, Soft Matter, 2011, 7 (22): 10978 – 10986 41) Yin JB*, Xia X, Xiang LQ, Zhao XP*, Temperature effect of electrorheological fluids based on polyaniline derived carbonaceous nanotubes, Smart Mater. Struct., 2011, 20: 015002 (8pp) 42) Xia X, Yin JB*, Qiang PF, Zhao XP*, Electrorheological properties of thermo-oxidative polypyrrole nanofibers, Polymer, 2011, 52: 786-792 43) Yin JB*, Xia X, Xiang LQ, Zhao XP*, Coaxial cable-like polyaniline@titania nanofibers: facile synthesis and low power electrorheological fluid application, J. Mater. Chem., 2010, 20: 7096–7099 44) Yin JB, Xia X, Xiang LQ, Zhao XP*, Conductivity and polarization of carbonaceous nanotubes derived from polyaniline nanotubes and their electrorheology when dispersed in silicone oil, Carbon, 2010, 48: 2958–2967 45) Yin JB, Zhao XP*, Xia X, Xiang LQ, Qiao YP, Electrorheological fluids based on nano-fibrous polyaniline, Polymer, 2008, 49: 4413-4419. Book Chapters 1) Yin JB*, Lei Q, Dong YZ, Zhao XP, Chapter X: Stimuli Responsive Smart Fluids Based on Ionic Liquids and Poly(ionic liquid)s, in SMART IONIC LIQUIDS, Ed. Ali Eftekhari, The Royal Society of Chemistry, ISBN: 978-1-78262-960-32) Yin JB*, Zhao XP, Chapter 14: Polyaniline nanocomposites for smart electrorheological fluid applications, in CONJUGATED POLYMERS, BLENDS AND NANOCOMPOSITES, Ed. Parveen Saini, Wiley–Scrivener, ISBN: 9781118549490 综合介绍社会兼职 Social Appointments Materials编委(IF=3.623)Scientific Reports编委(IF=4.379) Journal of Nanomaterials编委(IF=2.986)Current Smart Materials 中国区编辑(欢迎投稿给Current Smart Materials 网址http://www.benthamsciencepublisher.org/journals/current-smart-materials)Frontiers in Materials-Smart Materials 分辑评审副主编(IF=3.515)NanoProgress 副主编《功能材料》编审委员会成员 |