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姓名 支绍韬
教师编号 60503
学校 上海师范大学
部门 信息与机电工程学院
学位 工学博士学位
学历 研究生教育
职称 讲师(高校)
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姓名:支绍韬 (1) 基本信息 研究方向 学术成果 教学工作 社会兼职 基本信息 性别:男 聘任技术职务:讲师(高校) 学历:研究生教育 联系电话: 电子邮箱:zhist@shnu.edu.cn 通讯地址:上海市奉贤区海思路100号 部门:信息与机电工程学院 学位:工学博士学位 毕业院校:上海交通大学 办公地址:奉贤校区科技楼A703 荣誉奖励 研究方向 研究方向:磁传感器芯片技术MEMS器件设计与制造弱磁场检测技术生物传感技术学术成果:[1] Zhi,Shaotao; Sun, Xuecheng*; Zhang, Qiaozhen; Chen, Jie; Zhang, Xiangfen; Chen, Hongyu; Lei, Chong*; Demagnetization Effect in a Meander-Core Orthogonal Fluxgate Sensor, Micromachines, 2021, 12(8): 937.[2] Zhi, Shaotao*; Sun, Xuecheng; Feng, Zhu; Lei, Chong*; Zhou, Yong; An innovative micro magnetic separator based on 3D micro-copper-coil exciting soft magnetic tips and FeNi wires for bio-target sorting, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 2019, 23(3): 43.[3] Zhi, Shaotao*; Feng, Zhu; Lei, Chong*; Improved Performance of Fundamental Mode Orthogonal Fluxgate Using a Micro-Patterned Meander-Shaped Ribbon Core, Sensors, 2019, 19(23): 5058.[4] Zhi, Shaotao*; Lei, Chong*; Yang, Zhen; Feng, Zhu; Guo, Lei; Zhou, Yong*; Effect of Field Annealing Induced Magnetic Anisotropy on the Performance of Meander-Core Orthogonal Fluxgate Sensor , Physica Status Solidi A-Applications and Materials Science, 2018, 215(21): 1800400.[5] Zhi, Shaotao; Feng, Zhu; Guo, Lei; Lei, Chong*; Zhou, Yong*; Investigation of a novel MEMS orthogonal fluxgate sensor fabricated with Co-based amorphous ribbon core, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 2017, 267: 121-126.[6] Feng, Zhu; Zhi, Shaotao; Sun, Xuecheng; Yan, Lili; Liu, Cui; Lei, Chong*; Investigation the influence of structure parameters on giant-magnetoimpedance effect measured by non-contact method, Sensor Review, 2020.[7] Feng, Zhu*; Zhi, Shaotao; Guo, Lei; Zhou, Yong; Lei, Chong*; An integrated magnetic microfluidic chip for rapid immunodetection of the prostate specific antigen using immunomagnetic beads, Microchimica Acta, 2019, 186(4): 252.[8] Feng, Zhu; Zhi, Shaotao; Guo, Lei; Lei, Chong*; Zhou, Yong; Investigation of magnetic field anneal in micro-patterned amorphous ribbon on giant magneto-impedance effect enhancement, Sensor Review, 2019, 39(3): 309-317.[9] Feng, Zhu*; Zhi, Shaotao; Wei, Mingchen; Zhou, Yong; Liu, Cui; Lei, Chong*; An integrated three-dimensional micro-solenoid giant magnetoimpedance sensing system based on MEMS technology, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 2019, 299: UNSP 111640.[10] Feng, Zhu*; Zhi, Shaotao; Guo, Lei; Wei, Mingchen; Zhou, Yong; Lei, Chong; A novel integrated microfluidic platform based on micro-magnetic sensor for magnetic bead manipulation and detection, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 2018, 22(8): 86.[11] Guo, Lei*; Yang, Zhen; Zhi, Shaotao; Feng, Zhu; Lei, Chong; Zhou, Yong; A sensitive and innovative detection method for rapid C-reactive proteins analysis based on a micro-fluxgate sensor system, PLos One, 2018, 13(3): e0194631.[12] Guo, Lei; Zhi, Shaotao; Sun, Xuecheng; Lei, Chong*; Zhou, Yong*; Ultrasensitive detection of bioanalytes based on signal amplification of coil-integrated giant magnetoimpedance biosystems, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2017, 247: 1-10.[13] Sun, Xuecheng; Feng, Zhu; Zhi, Shaotao; Lei, Chong*; Zhang, Di; Zhou, Yong*; An integrated microfluidic system using a micro-fluxgate and micro spiral coil for magnetic microbeads trapping and detecting, Scientific Reports, 2017, 7(1): 12967.[14] Guo, Lei*; Yang, Zhen; Zhi, Shaotao; Feng, Zhu; Lei, Chong; Zhou, Yong*; Sensitive detection of cardiac troponin T based on superparamagnetic bead-labels using a flexible micro-fluxgate sensor, RSC Advances, 2017, 7(82): 52327-52336.[15] Sun, Xuecheng; Zhi, Shaotao; Lei, Chong*; Zhou, Yong*; Investigation of contactless detection using a giant magnetoresistance sensor for detecting prostate specific antigen, Biomedical Microdevices, 2016, 18(4): 60.[16] Wang, Tao; Zhou, Yong; Lei, Chong; Zhi, Shaotao; Guo, Lei; Li, Hengyu; Wu, Zhizheng; Xie, Shaorong; Luo, Jun; Pu, Huayan*; The Disturbing Effect of the Stray Magnetic Fields on Magnetoimpedance Sensors, Sensors, 2016, 16(10): 1723.科研项目:校一般项目:基于巨磁阻抗效应进行磁珠富集和检测的集成微流控芯片研究,主持,在研,2021.教学工作:[1] 2021-2022第一学期   单片机系统应用综合设计 学术成果(以下信息源于科研管理系统) 教学工作 教职工课程信息开课学年开课学期课程名称2021-20222电子基本技能(一)2021-20221单片机系统应用综合设计2020-20213见习实习2021-20223单片机系统设计 社会兼职
