
主页 > 陕西省 > 西北工业大学


姓名 罗俊
学校 西北工业大学
部门 机电学院
学位 博士
学历 博士研究生毕业
职称 正高
联系方式 实用新型1875包写包过
邮箱 软件测试报告2199包写包过
集群智慧云企服 / 知识产权申请大平台
急速申请 包写包过 办事快、准、稳

个人经历 personal experience 工作经历 2022.9至今           西北工业大学     教授2019.10至今         西北工业大学     博士生导师2015.3-2016.3     荷兰屯特大学     访问学者(合作导师为Detlef Lohse院士,孙超教授,合作伙伴Claas Villem Visser 副教授 )2012.5-2022.9     西北工业大学     副教授2010.5-2012.5     西北工业大学     博士后


教育教学 Education and teaching 教育教学 2003.9-2010.5     西北工业大学    硕士(导师:杨方副教授)、博士(硕博连读,导师:齐乐华教授 )1999.9-2003.7     西安石油大学    学士


荣誉获奖 Awards Information 基于均匀微滴3D打印基础理论的研究获:  1.陕西省自然科学一等奖:基于均匀金属微滴喷射的3D打印技术基础研究,2021年,排名二;  2.陕西高等学校科学技术一等奖:基于均匀金属微滴喷射的3D打印技术基础研究,陕西省教育厅,2019年,排名二。创新研究成果反哺机械制造及其自动化专业本科教学,部分支撑了:  1.国家教学成果二等奖,打造一流资源,融通德知能创,国防特色机械类创新人才培养模式创建与实践,2023年,排名三;  2.陕西省教育教学成果特等奖:打造一流资源,融通德能创知,机械类创新人才培养模式创建与实践,2021年,排名二;  3.全国首届优秀教材二等奖,《工程材料与机械制造基础》高等教育出版社,2021,副主编。


科学研究 Scientific Research 研究方向为微小特殊零件直接成形技术及微电子快速打印技术研究,主要研究内容包括:金属微滴喷射装置的设计与研发,均匀金属微滴可控喷射机理研究,铝微滴可控喷射成形的关键技术,微小零件及非均质件的直接成形;均匀微焊球按需喷射系统开发,微电子封装件的快速制备。 部分项目列表1.国家自然科学基金面上项目,面向载人航天用均匀微滴按需喷射金属增材制造技术基础研究,51675436,西北工业大学,罗俊,2017,国家自然基金委,主持,72万,结题2.国家自然科学基金青年项目,结构功能一体化金属件数控喷射直接成形基础研究,51105314,西北工业大学,罗俊,2012,国家自然基金委,主持,26万,结题3.陕西省杰出青年科学基金项目,可变形异质点阵均匀金属微滴4D打印技术研究,2024JC-JCQN-56,2024,主持,50万,在研4. 军口国家级项目,xxx打印技术,西北工业大学,罗俊,2022,主持,100万,在研5. 深圳市基础研究基金面上项目,太赫兹波调制用金属/石墨烯异质微结构均匀,JCYJ20210324121002006,主持,30万,在研6.军口国家级项目,xxx4D打印技术,西北工业大学,罗俊,2022,第二完成人,450万(共三期),结题7.2018KC050193,航空科学基金,机载雷达用高效风冷散热多枝状铝异形件均匀微滴增材制造研究,西北工业大学,罗俊,2017,航空基金委,主持,12万,结题8.2017-HT-XG,航天科学技术基金,微重力环境金属微滴3D打印物理模拟方法研究,西北工业大学,罗俊,2017,主持,8万,结题9.2015JQ5123,陕西省自然科学基金,金属微针肋阵列均匀微滴快速打印技术研究,西北工业大学,罗俊,2015,陕西省自然基金委,主持,3万,结题


学术成果 Academic Achievements 第一作者/通讯作者论文30篇,其中SCI收录29篇,包括Int. J. Mach. Tools Manuf. 5篇,Small1篇,Addit. Manuf.1篇,J. Mater. Process. Technol. 6篇,Appl. Surf. Sci.2篇。Luo, J., Pohl, R., Qi, L., Romer, G. W., Sun, C., Lohse, D., & Visser, C. W.*. Printing Functional 3D Microdevices by Laser-Induced Forward Transfer. Small, 2017139, 201602553   SCI  EI 中科院一区  Top 期刊Luo, J., Wang W, Xiong W, Qi, L.*, . Formation of uniform metal traces using alternate droplet printing. Int. J. Mach. Tools Manuf., 2017. 122:47-54. SCI  EI  中科院一区  Top 期刊Luo, J.*, Qi, L.*, Tao, Y., Ma, Q., Visser, C.W.,. Impact-driven ejection of micro metal droplets on-demand. Int. J. Mach. Tools Manuf., 2016: 106, 67–74. SCI  EI  中科院一区 Top 期刊Luo, J., Qi, L.*, Jiang X. S., et al. Research on lateral instability of the uniform charged droplet stream during droplet based freeform fabrication. Int. J. Mach. Tools Manuf., 2008 483-4: 289–294 SCI  EI 中科院一区 Top 期刊Huang J.G., Qi L.H.*, Luo J.*, Zhao L. et al,  Suppression of gravity effects on metal droplet deposition manufacturing by an anti-gravity electric field. Int. J. Mach. Tools Manuf., 2020,148, 103474,SCI  EI IF=7.880  中科院一区  Top 期刊H. Yi, L. Qi*, Luo J.*, et al, Effect of the surface morphology of solidified droplet on remelting between neighboring aluminum droplets, Int. J. Mach. Tools Manuf., 2017, 130–131, 1–11, SCI  EI IF=7.880中科院一区  Top 期刊AIE报道Luo J.*, Qi Le Hua, Zhou Ji Ming, et al. Modeling and characterization of metal droplets generation by using a pneumatic drop-on-demand generator.  J. Mater. Process. Technol., 2123 2012: 718–726 SCI, EI IF=5.57 中科院一区 Top 期刊Luo J.*, L. H. Qi, S. Y. Zhong, J. M. Zhou, and H. J. Li, Printing solder droplets for micro devices packages using pneumatic drop-on-demand DOD technique, J. Mater. Process. Technol.,  2012,212(10): 2066–2073. SCI, EI IF=5.57 中科院一区 Top 期刊Zhang D., L. Qi*, Luo J.*, et al, Parametric mapping of linear deposition morphology in uniform metal droplet deposition technique,” J. Mater. Process. Technol., 2019, 264:234–239, 2019. IF= 5.551SCI, EI IF=5.57 中科院一区 Top 期刊Xiong, Wei, Qi, Lehua*, Luo Jun.*, Zhang Daicong, Liang Junhao, Yi Hao. Experimental investigation on the height deviation of bumps printed by solder jet technology. J. Mater. Process. Technol., 2017, 243:291–298.  SCI, EI IF=5.57 中科院一区 Top 期刊Zhang, Daiocng, Qi, Lehua*, Luo Jun*, Yi Hao , Hou Xianghui , Li Hejun. Geometry control of closed contour forming in uniform micro metal droplet deposition manufacturing. J. Mater. Process. Technol., 2017, 243: 474–480. SCI  EI IF= 5.551中科院一区Top 期刊Luo J.*, Lyu S. N, Qi L. H. and Li N., Generation of the small tin-droplet streams with a manipulable droplet spacing via the forced velocity perturbation, Phys. Fluids 2023: 35 (1): 013612, SCI, EI IF=5.584中科院一区 Luo J.*, Zhao Z. X., Qi, L. H*, Lian H. C. and Zhao Y. F. Direct Fabrication of Micron-Thickness PVA-CNT Patterned Films by Integrating Micro-PenWriting of PVA Films and Drop-on-Demand Printing of CNT Micropatterns. Nanomaterials., 2021, 11, 2335. SCI, EI IF=5.57 中科院二区 Luo J.*, Qi LeHua, Li Li, Yang Fang, XiaoShan Jiang. Numerical simulation of jet breakup due to amplitude-modulated A-M disturbance. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China.183, 2008: 686-690 SCI, EI IF=2.917 中科院二区 Luo J.*, Qi Lehua, Zhou Jiming, Xiao Yuan , Yang Fang. Study on stable delivery of charged uniform droplets for freeform fabrication of metal parts. Sci China Tech Sci, 2011(54).7: 1833-1840. SCI, EI IF=3.572  中科院二区Dou Y. B., Luo J.*, Qi L.H, Su L., Lian Hongcheng and Huang Jieguang. Quantitatively characterizing the evolution of hole defects between overlapped aluminum droplets by a two-dimensional solidification model, Addit. Manuf., 2022(60): 103202, SCI,EI IF=11.632,中科院一区, Top 期刊Huang, Jieguang, Lehua Qi, Luo J. *, and Hongcheng Lian. Evolution mechanism and elimination strategy for the directional effect in metal droplets horizontal deposition on vertical substrates. Int. J. Heat. Mass. Tran., 2023: 203: 123785.Dou Y. B., Luo J.*, Qi L.H and Lian H.C., A vertex-arc path planning method for metal droplet-based 3D printing of thin-walled parts with sharp corners, J. Mater. Process. Technol., 2023, 312: 117852, SCI,EI IF=5.551 中科院一区  Top 期刊Dou Y. B., Luo J.*, Qi L. H., Lian H. C. and Huang J. G., Drop-on-demand printing of recyclable circuits by partially embedding molten metal droplets in plastic substrates. J. Mater. Process. Technol., 2021, 2974:117268.SCI,EI IF=5.551 中科院一区  Top 期刊Dou Y. B., Luo J.*, Qi L. H. Lian H.C., and Hou X. H., Generation mechanism and suppression method of landing error of two successively deposited metal droplets caused by coalescence and solidification. Int. J. Heat. Mass. Tran. 2021, 172:121100.SCI, EI IF=5.584 中科院一区 Top 期刊,AIE报道Zhao L., Qi L., Luo J.*, Huang J., Huang X.H., Three-dimensional numerical analysis and experimental confirmation for investigating the ground-based lateral droplet ejection toward microgravity simulation, Phys. Fluids 2022: 34 (10): 103317 SCI, EI IF=5.584 中科院一区  H. Lian, L. Qi*, Luo J. *, et al. Uniform droplet printing of graphene micro-rings based on multiple droplets overwriting and coffee-ring effect. Appl. Surf. Sci., 2020, 499: 143826. SCI  EI IF=5.155 中科院一区  Top 期刊Huang JG, Qi Lehua*, Luo J.*, et al, Insights into the impact and solidification of metal droplets in ground-based investigation of droplet deposition 3D printing under microgravity, Appl. Therm. Eng., 2021, 183: 116176. SCI, EI IF=5.295 中科院一区Zhang Ruirui, Qi Lehua*, Lian Hongcheng, Luo J.*, Fabricating patterned microstructures by embedded droplet printing on immiscible deformable surfaces, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2022,105:138–145.SCI, EI IF=6.064  中科院二区Huang JG, Qi Lehua*, Luo J.*, et al, A ground based work of droplet deposition manufacturing toward microgravity: Fine pileup of horizontally ejected metal droplets on vertical substrates, J. Manuf. Process. 2021, 66: 293–301.SCI, EI IF= 5.501 中科院二区Lian H.C., Qi L.H.*, Luo J.*, et al, Drop-on-demand printing of edge-enhanced and conductive graphene twin-lines by coalescence regulation and multi-layers overwriting, 2D Mater., 2020,83:035004SCI, EI IF=7.103 中科院二区Zhang R, Qi L, Luo J.*, Lian H. A novel method to improve the line resolution of stretchable graphene-based line by embedded uniform droplet printing. J Phys D Appl Phys. 2020,5338:385301. SCI  EI IF=2.711中科院三区 H. Yi, L. Qi, Luo J. *, et al, Hole-defects in soluble core assisted aluminum droplet printing: Metallurgical mechanisms and elimination methods, Appl. Therm. Eng., 2019(148): 1183–1193. SCI  EI IF=5.295 SCI, EI IF=5.295 中科院一区,Top 期刊, ESI高被引 H. Lian, L. Qi*, Luo J *, Hu Kewenl, Uniform nitrogen-doped graphene lines with favorable outlines printed by elaborate regulation of drying and overlapping, Appl. Surf. Sci., 2019:473, 614-621. SCI  EI IF=5.155 中科院一区 Top 期刊Lian Hongcheng, Qi Leua*, Luo Jun*, Hu Kewen, Experimental study and mechanism analysis on the effect of substrate wettability on graphene sheets distribution morphology within uniform printing droplets, J. Phys. Condens. Matter., 2018,3033:335001,. SCI  EI IF=2.711中科院三区授权国家发明专利:1ZL202011455849.X一种气液通道分离式均匀金属微滴稳定喷射装置2020年第一2ZL201910264406 .3一种均匀微滴打印电镀快速制备高导电微电路装置2021年第一3ZL201810808738.9  均匀金属液滴打印电路的方法2021年第一4 ZL201810378200.9模拟微重力环境中金属液滴 3D 打印的物理系统及打印方法2020年第一5ZL201610961470.3均匀金属微滴选域择向沉积3D打印方法2018年第一6ZL201310713252.4金属微滴轨道控向三维打印成形装置及方法2015年第一7ZL201310713251.X微小铝合金波导件的3D打印方法2015年第一专著:出版专著2部(中英文各一部:国防工业出版社,2019年,排名2;Springer出版社,2023年,排名2)。1.齐乐华,罗俊,基于均匀金属微滴喷射的3D打印技术,国防工业出版社,2019.42.Qi Lehua, Luo Jun, Shen He, Lian Hongcheng. Metal Micro-Droplet Based 3D Printing Technology,Springer,National Defense Industry Press,2023


社会兼职 Social Appointments 陕西省3D打印创新联盟理事、塑性加工学会微纳成形委员会委员,Int. J. Machin. Tools Manuf. Additive Manuf. Engineering等Top期刊审稿专家。
