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姓名 刘嘉涵
教师编号 60229
学校 上海师范大学
部门 建筑工程学院
学位 工学博士学位
学历 博士研究生毕业
职称 讲师(高校)
联系方式 【发送到邮箱】
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急速申请 包写包过 办事快、准、稳

刘嘉涵 (1) 基本信息 性别:女 聘任技术职务:讲师(高校) 学历:博士研究生毕业 联系电话: 电子邮箱:liujh@shnu.edu.cn 通讯地址: 部门:建筑工程学院 学位:工学博士学位 毕业院校:浙江大学 办公地址:建筑工程学院319 研究方向 研究方向水泥基材料多尺度力学性质、准脆性材料断裂测试和计算、均匀化理论分析代表性成果[1]      Liu Jiahan, Zeng Qiang*, Xu Shilang*. Is scratch test proper to characterize microstructure and mechanical properties of cement-based materials? The effects of loading level and routine[J]. Cement and Concrete Research, 2020, 133:106072. [2]      Liu Jiahan, Zeng Qiang*, Xu Shilang*. The state-of-art in characterizing the micro/nano-structure and mechanical properties of cement-based materials via scratch test[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 254:119255. [3]      Xu Shilang, Liu Jiahan, Zeng Qiang*. Towards better characterizing thermal conductivity of cement-based materials: The effects of interfacial thermal resistance and inclusion size[J]. Materials & Design, 2018, 157:105-118. [4]      Liu Jiahan, Xu Shilang*, Zeng Qiang. A multi-scale micromechanical investigation on thermal conductivity of cement-based composites[J]. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. IOP Publishing, 2017, 167(1):012069.[5]      刘嘉涵, 徐世烺*, 曾强. 基于多尺度细观力学方法计算水泥基材料的导热系数[J].建筑材料学报, 2018, 21(2):293-298. [6]      Zeng Qiang, Jike Nidu, Liu Jiahan, Wang Zhendi, Wang Jiyang*. Fractal analysis of stress-dependent diffusivity of porous cementitious materials[J]. Fractals-complex Geometry Patterns and Scaling in Nature and Society, 2020, 28(6):2050117. [7]      Xu Shilang, Feng Ying, Liu Jiahan, Zeng Qiang*. Micro indentation fracture of cement paste assessed by energy-based method: The method improvement and affecting factors[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 231:117136. [8]      Xu Shilang, Feng Ying, Liu Jiahan, Zeng Qiang*, Peng Yu. Microfracture characterization of cement paste at early age by indentation test[J]. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2018, 30(6):04018110.  学术成果(以下信息源于科研管理系统) 教学工作 教职工课程信息开课学年开课学期课程名称2022-20233结构设计课程设计2022-20231建筑材料2021-20222结构设计2021-20221建筑材料2023-20241建筑材料2022-20232房屋建筑学课程设计2023-20242房屋建筑学课程设计 荣誉奖励 社会兼职
