

主页 > 陕西省 > 西北工业大学


姓名 张富利
教师编号 5995
学校 西北工业大学
部门 党委宣传部
学位 博士
学历 博士研究生毕业
职称 正高
联系方式 【发送到邮箱】
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急速申请 包写包过 办事快、准、稳

个人经历 Personal experience 工作经历 教育经历 现任西北工业大学国际合作处处长兼国际教育学院院长2015.5-目前,西北工业大学理学院 教授2012.5-2015.4 西北工业大学理学院 副教授2009.5-2012.4 西北工业大学理学院 讲师2006.5-2009.4 西北工业大学理学院 助教  1999.9-2003.7,西北工业大学材料学院 材料科学与工程 本科学习 2003.9-2006.4,西北工业大学理学院 光学工程 硕士研究生学习 2005.9-2007.1 西北工业大学理学院 光学工程 提前攻读博士学位 2007.1-2009.1 法国里尔科技大学高频半导体系 通讯声学与微纳米技术 博士研究生学习 2009.11 获得法国里尔科技大学通讯声学与微纳米技术博士学位


教育教学 Education and teaching 招生信息 1、博士后2、博士研究生、硕士研究生,欢迎光学工程、光学、物理、材料等专业学生报考。


荣誉获奖 Awards Information 陕西省青年科技新星 2015 校优秀班主任  2014 校优秀青年教师 2013 校讲课比赛一等奖 2013 吴亚军青年教师奖教金 2012 校翱翔之星人才计划 2011 校奖教金  2010


科学研究 Scientific Research 教授(破格),陕西省青年科技新星。主要研究方向为人工微结构、超材料的电磁/光学性能、制备及其在射频器件应用。主持国家自然科学基金3项,863课题1项,省部级课题2项。近年来在Advanced Materials, Physical Review Letters, Physics Review X, Applied Physics Letters,New Journals of Physics,Optics Express等国际知名学术期刊上发表科研论文50余篇,SCI他引1142余次,H因子21次。科研项目 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目2项  国家自然科学基金青年项目1项 国家863子课题(单位负责人)教育部留学回国人员启动基金1项航空科学基金1项西北工业大学新人新方向1项西北工业大学基础研究基金2项


学术成果 Academic Achievements 部分代表性论文(Selected Paper)1.      F. Zhang*, C. Li, Y. Fan, R. Yang, NH. Shen, Q. Fu, W. Zhang, Q. Zhao, J. Zhou, Thomas Koschny, Costas M. Soukoulis, “Phase‐Modulated Scattering Manipulation for Exterior Cloaking in Metal–Dielectric Hybrid Metamaterials,” Adv. Mater. 1903206 (2019). ( 影响因子:25.806).   2.    D. Lan, M. Qin, R. Yang, S. Chen, H. Wu, Y. Fan, Q. Fu, and F. Zhang*, "Facile synthesis of hierarchical chrysanthemum-like copper cobaltate-copper oxide composites for enhanced microwave absorption performance,” J. Colloid Interface Sci. 533 , 481-491 (2019). ( 影响因子 : 6.361).   3.    R. Yang, Q. Fu, Y. Fan*, W. Cai, K. Qiu, W. Zhang, and F. Zhang*, “Active control of EIT-like response in a symmetry-broken metasurface with orthogonal electric dipolar resonators,” Photon. Res. 7 ,955-960 (2019). ( 影响因子 : 5.522).   4.      X. Sun, Q. Fu, Y. Fan, H. Wu, K. Qiu, R. Yang, W. Cai, N. Zhang, and     F. Zhang*, “Thermally controllable Mie resonances in a water-based metamaterial,” Sci. Rep. 9. 5417 (2019). ( 影响因子:4.011).   5.    J. Xu, Y. Fan, R. Yang, Q. Fu, and F. Zhang*,  "Realization of switchable EIT metamaterial by exploiting fluidity of liquid metal,"  Opt. Express. 27(3), 2837-2843 (2019). ( 影响因子:3.561).   6.      Y. Fan*, NH. Shen, F. Zhang, Q. Zhao, Z. Wei, P. Zhang, J. Dong, Q. Fu, H.  Li, and Costas M. Soukoulis,  "Photoexcited graphene metasurfaces: significantly enhanced and tunable magnetic resonances,” ACS Photonics. 5(4) , 1612-1618 (2018). ( 影响因子:7.143).   7.      Y. Fan*, NH. Shen, F. Zhang, Q. Zhao, H. Wu, Q. Fu, Z. Wei, H. Li, and Costas M. Soukoulis,  "Graphene plasmonics: a platform for 2D optics,"  Adv. Opt. Mater. 7(3) , 1800537 (2018). ( 影响因子:7.125).   8.      W. Zhu, R. Yang, Y. Fan*, Q. Fu, H. Wu, P. Zhang, NH. Shen, and F. Zhang*,   "Controlling optical polarization conversion with Ge2Sb2Te5-based phase-change dielectric metamaterials,” Nanoscale. 10(25), 12054-12061 (2018). ( 影响因子:6.97).   9.    Y. Fan*, L. Tu, F. Zhang, Q. Fu, Z. Zhang, Z. Wei, H. Li,  "Broadband Terahertz Absorption in Graphene-Embedded Photonic Crystals,”  Plasmonics. 13(4) , 1153-1158. (2018). ( 影响因子:2.926).   10.  Y. Fan*, F. Zhang, NH. Shen, Q. Fu, Z. Wei, H. Li, and Costas M. Soukoulis, "Achieving a high-Q in metamaterials by manipulating the toroidal excitations,"  Phys. Rev. A. 97(3) , 033816  (2018). ( 影响因子:2.907).   11.S. Chen, Y. Fan*, Q. Fu, H. Wu, Y. Jin, J. Zheng, F. Zhang*, “A Review of Tunable Acoustic Metamaterials,” Appl. Sci. 8(9) , 1480 (2018). ( 影响因子:2.217).   12.  R. Peng, Z. Xiao, Q. Zhao*, F. Zhang, Y. Meng, B. Li, J. Zhou, Y. Fan, P. Zhang, NH. Shen, Thomas Koschny, and Costas M. Soukoulis, "Temperature-controlled chameleonlike cloak,"  Phys. Rev. X. 7(1), 011033 (2017). ( 影响因子:12.211).   13.  K. Qiu*, J. Jin, Z. Liu, F. Zhang, and W. Zhang,  "A novel thermo-tunable band-stop filter employing a conductive rubber split-ring resonator,"  Mater. Design. 116 , 309-315 (2017). ( 影响因子:5.77).   14.  Y. Fan*, T. Qiao, F. Zhang, Q. Fu, J. Dong, B. Kong, and H. Li,         "An electromagnetic modulator based on electrically controllable metamaterial analogue to electromagnetically induced transparency,"  Sci. Rep. 7 , 40441 (2017). (影响因子:4.011).   15.  Q. Fu, F. Zhang*, Y. Fan, J. Dong, W. Cai, W. Zhu, S. Chen, and R. Yang,  " Weak coupling between bright and dark resonators with electrical tunability and analysis based on temporal coupled-mode theory," Appl. Phys. Lett. 110(22) , 221905 (2017). ( 影响因子:3.521).   16.  F. Zhang*, C. Li, X. He, L. Chen, Y. Fan, Q. Zhao, W. Zhang, and J. Zhou, "Magnetically coupled Fano resonance of dielectric pentamer oligomer,"  J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 50(27) , 275002 (2017).  ( 影响因子:2.829).   17.  Y. Fan*, NH. Shen, F. Zhang, Z. Wei, H. Li, Q. Zhao, Q. Fu, P. Zhang, Thomas Koschny, and Costas M. Soukoulis,  "Electrically tunable Goos–H?nchen effect with graphene in the terahertz regime,"  Adv. Opt. Mater. 4(11) , 1824-1828 (2016). ( 影响因子:7.125).   18.  Q. Fu, F. Zhang*, Y. Fan, X. He, T. Qiao, and B. Kong,  "Electrically tunable Fano-type resonance of an asymmetric metal wire pair,"  Opt. Express. 24(11) , 1708-1715 (2016). ( 影响因子 : 3.561).   19.  K. Qiu, N. Jia, Z. Liu, C. Wu, Y. Fan, Q. Fu, F. Zhang*, and W. Zhang,  "Electrically reconfigurable split ring resonator covered by nematic liquid crystal droplet,"  Opt. Express. 24(24), 27096-27103 (2016) . ( 影响因子: 3.561).   20.  黄新朝, 付全红, 张富利, 超表面研究进展, 航空兵器, 2016, 2016(1): 28-34.21.Q. Zhao*, Z. Xiao, F. Zhang, J. Ma, M. Qiao, Y. Meng, C. Wen, B. Li, J Zhou, P. Zhang, NH. Shen, Thomas Koschny, Costas M. Soukoulis, “Tailorable Zero-Phase Delay of Subwavelength Particles toward Miniaturized Wave Manipulation Devices,” Adv. Mater. 27(40), 6187-6194 (2015). ( 影响因子:25.806).   22.  Y. Fan*, Z. Liu, F. Zhang, Q. Zhao, Z. Wei, Q. Fu, J. Li, C. Gu, and H.Li, "Tunable mid-infrared coherent perfect absorption in a graphene meta-surface,"  Sci. Rep. 5 , 13956 (2015).(影响因子:4.011)    23.  F. Zhang*, S. Feng, K. Qiu, Z. Liu, Y. Fan, W. Zhang, Q. Zhao, and J. Zhou, “Mechanically stretchable and tunable metamaterial absorber,” Appl. Phys. Lett.  106(9),091907 (2015). (影响因子:3.521).    24.   F. Zhang*, Z. Liu, K. Qiu, W. Zhang, C. Wu, and S. Feng, “Conductive rubber based flexible metamaterial,”Appl. Phys. Lett. 106(6),  061906 (2015).(影响因子:3.521)    25.  Q. Fu*, F. Zhang*, and Y. Fan, “Reconfigurable-focus flat lens based on gradient index metamaterials,” J. Optics. 17(8) , 085103 (2015).  ( 影响因子:2.753).    26.   Y. Fan*, F. Zhang, Q. Zhao, Z. Wei, and H. Li, “Tunable terahertz coherent perfect absorption in a monolayer graphene,”  Opt. Lett. 39(21) , 6269-6272 (2014). ( 影响因子:3.866).   27.  F. Zhang*, L. Chen, Y. Wang, Q. Zhao, X. He, and K. Chen, “Thermally tunable electric mie resonance of dielectric cut-wire type metamaterial,” Opt. Express. 22(21) , 24908–24913 (2014). ( 影响因子: 3.561).   28.   F. Zhang*, X. Huang, Q. Zhao, L. Chen, Y. Wang, Q. Li, X. He, C. Li, and K. Chen, “Fano resonance of an asymmetric dielectric wire pair,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 105(17) , 172901 (2014). (影响因子:3.521).   29.   F. Zhang*, Q. Zhao, C. Lan, X. He, W. Zhang, J. Zhou, and K. Qiu, “Magnetically coupled electromagnetically induced transparency analogy of dielectric metamaterial,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 104(13) , 131907 (2014). (影响因子:3.521).   30.  F. Zhang*, Q. Zhao, J. Zhou, and S.Wang, “Polarization and incidence insensitive dielectric electromagnetically induced transparency metamaterial,”  Opt. Express. 21(17) , 19675-19680 (2013). ( 影响因子: 3.561).   31.  F. Zhang*, X. He, X. Zhou, Y. Zhou, S. An, G. Yu, and L. Pang, “Large group index induced by asymmetric split ring resonator dimer”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 103(22) , 221904 (2013). (影响因子:3.521).   32.  X. Li, W. Zhang*, F. Zhang, K. Qiu, and J. Sun, “S-type metamaterial operating under normal incidence,” Phys. Lett. A. 377(12) , 940-943 (2013). ( 影响因子: 2.087).   33.  A. L. Borja, J. R. Kelly, F. Zhang, and E. Lheurette, “Metamaterial,” Inter. J. Antennas Propag. 5, 16939 (2013).   34.  F. Zhang*, L. Kang, Q. Zhao, J. Zhou, and D. Lippens, “Magnetic and electric coupling effects of dielectric metamaterial,” New J. Phys. 14, 033031 (2012). ( 影响因子:3.773).   35.   F. Zhang*, Q. Zhao, J. Sun, J. Zhou, and D. Lippens, “Coupling effect of split ring resonator and its mirror image,” Progress In Electromagnetics Research-PIER. 124 , 233-247 (2012). ( 影响因子:2.322).   36.   F. Zhang*, V.Sadaune, L. Kang, Q. Zhao, J. Zhou, and D. Lippens, “Coupling effect for dielectric metamaterial Dimer,” Progress In Electromagnetic Research-PIER. 132 , 587-601 (2012). ( 影响因子:2.322).   37.   F. Zhang*, W. Zhang, Q. Zhao, J. Sun, K. Qiu, J. Zhou, and D. Lippens, “Electrically controllable fishnet metamaterial based on nematic liquid crystal,” Opt. Express. 19(2) , 1563-1568 (2011). ( 影响因子:3.561).   38.   F. Zhang*, Q. Zhao, W. Zhang, J. Sun, J. Zhou, and D. Lippens, “Voltage tunable short wire-pair type of metamaterial infiltrated by nematic liquid crystal”  Appl. Phys. Lett. 97(13) , 134103 (2010) ( 影响因子:3.521).   39.   Q. Zhao, J. Zhou*, F. Zhang, and D. Lippens, “Mie resonance-based dielectric metamaterial,”Mater. Today . 12 , 36 (2009). ( 影响因子:24.372).   40.  F. Zhang, Q. Zhao, L. Kang, J. Zhou, and D. Lippens*, “Experimental verification of isotropic and polarization properties of high permittivity-based metamaterial,” Phys.Rev.B.  80(19) , 195119 (2009). ( 影响因子:3.736).   41.   F. Zhang, L. Kang, Q. Zhao, J. Zhou, X. Zhao, and D. Lippens*, “Magnetically tunable left handed metamaterials by liquid crystal orientation,” Opt. Express. 17(6) , 4360-4366 (2009). ( 影响因子:3.561).   42.  E. Lheurette*, G. Houzet, J. Carbonell, F. Zhang, O.Vanbésien, and D. Lippens,  “Omega-type balanced composite negative refractive index materials,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. 56(11) , 3462-3469 (2008).  ( 影响因子:4.435).  43.   D. P. Gaillot, C. Croenne, F. Zhang, and D. Lippens*, “Transformation optics for the full dielectric electromagnetic cloak and metal–dielectric planar hyperlens,” New J. Phys. 10 , 115039 (2008).  ( 影响因子:3.773).   44.  F. Zhang*, S. Potet, J. Carbonell, , E. Lheurette, O. Vanbésien, X. Zhao, and D. Lippens, “Negative-zero-positive refractive index in a prism-like omega-type metamaterial,” IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech. 56(11) , 2566-2573 (2008). ( 影响因子:3.756).   45.   F. Zhang, D. P. Gaillot, C. Cro?nne, E. Lheurette, X. Mélique, and D. Lippens*, “Low-loss left-handed metamaterials at millimeter waves,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 93(8) , 083104 (2008). ( 影响因子:3.521).   46.   F. Zhang, Q. Zhao, L. Kang, D. P. Gaillot, X. Zhao, J. Zhou, and D. Lippens*, “Magnetic control of negative permeability metamaterials based on liquid crystals,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 92(19) , 193104 (2008). ( 影响因子:3.521).    47.   F. Zhang, G. Houzet, E. Lheurette, D. Lippens*, M. Chaubet, and X. Zhao, “Negative-zero-positive metamaterial with omega-type metal inclusions,” J. Appl. Phys. 103(8) , 084312 (2008). ( 影响因子:2.328).   48. F. Zhang, Q. Zhao, D. P. Gaillot, X. Zhao, and D. Lippens*, “Numerical investigation of metamaterials infiltrated by liquid crystal,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B. 25(11) , 1920-1925 (2008). ( 影响因子:2.284).


社会兼职 Social Appointments 担任Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium国际会议分会主席国际期刊International Journal of Antenna and Propagation客座编辑Nature Communications, IEEE Access, Applied Physics Letters,Optics Express,Applied Optics,Progress In Electromagnetics Research -PIER等国际期刊通讯审稿人。
