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姓名 王晓东
教师编号 5861
学校 西北工业大学
部门 数学与统计学院
学位 博士
学历 博士研究生毕业
职称 正高
联系方式 【发送到邮箱】
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急速申请 包写包过 办事快、准、稳

综合介绍 General Introduction 王晓东,数学与统计学院教授,硕博士导师,从事复杂流体相关的建模与计算研究。近年来,主要围绕高性能聚合物制品精密制造中的宏观成形和介观成性两大问题开展数学建模与高性能计算研究。研究方向涉及偏微分方程数值求解的高性能算法、粘弹流动模拟的稳定数值格式、聚合物结晶问题的数学建模、气固两相系统的可计算建模、基于机器学习算法的复杂流体模拟等。先后主持国家自然科学基金面上项目2项、青年项目1项、省部级课题4项,并参与国家重大科研项目3项。与企业和科研院所合作,主持完成横向课题9项。在Int J Heat Mass Tran, J Chem Phys, Soft Matter, J Sci Comput等期刊上发表论文60余篇。获陕西省优秀博士论文奖、陕西省高等学校科学技术一等奖(第1完成人)、军队科技进步三等奖等。入选陕西省高校科协青年人才托举计划。 个人相册


个人经历 personal experience 工作经历 教育经历 2021.10——           西北工业大学,教授2015.05—2021.09   西北工业大学,副教授2016.07—2018.05   北京大学,博士后2016.04—2016.06   北京大学,访问学者2012.05—2015.04   西北工业大学,讲师2010.04—2012.04   西北工业大学,助教 2009.9—2014.6 西北工业大学应用数学专业,博士2007.9—2010.4 西北工业大学应用数学专业,硕士2003.9—2007.7 西北工业大学信息与计算科学专业,学士


教育教学 Education and teaching 招生信息 学生信息 教育信息 本人招收计算数学和应用数学方向博士/硕士研究生,欢迎广大学子报考!报考联系方式:xiaodongwang@nwpu.edu.cn 学生姓名 学号 学历 专业 1. 承担本科生《高等数学》、《计算方法》、《线性代数》、《偏微分方程数值解》、《数据库原理及应用》等的教学工作;2. 承担研究生《Numerical Analysis》、《Modern Numerical Analysis》、《随机模拟方法》、《科学计算中的现代数值方法》、《偏微分方程的有限差分法》等的教学工作;3. 承担本科“教学模式与考核模式”改革课程1门;4. 参与省部级教改项目“基于微信交互平台的高等数学泛在教学”;5. 参与校级教改项目“高等数学分层次教学的改革目标、要求与措施研究”。


获奖信息 The winning information 1.   西北工业大学优秀青年教师特等奖(2022年);2.     陕西省高等学校科学技术一等奖(2019年,第一完成人);3.     陕西省高校科协青年人才托举计划(2017年);4.     陕西省优秀博士学位论文(2017年);5.     中国人民解放军科学技术进步奖三等奖(2013年,第五完成人);6.     教育部博士研究生学术新人奖(2010年);7.     陕西省计算数学研究生学术论坛优秀论文一等奖(2009年);8.     西北工业大学顶尖博士研究生奖励(2013年);9.     西北工业大学理学院先进工作者(2013年);10.     西北工业大学理学院先进个人(2010年).


科学研究 Scientific Research 研究方向:     1. 复杂流体相关的建模与计算;     2. 偏微分方程的数值求解方法;     3. 计算流体力学;     4. 计算流变学;     5. 基于机器学习算法的复杂流体模拟。


学术成果 Academic Achievements 部分发表论文:Xuekai Dong, Xiaodong Wang, Jie Ouyang. An active learning SPH method for generalized Newtonian free surface flows. Physics of Fluids, 36: 013105, 2024. IF: 4.6Qadeer Raza, Xiaodong Wang, et al. Role of nanolayer on the dynamics of tri-hybrid nanofluid subject to gyrotactic microorganisms and nanoparticles morphology vis two porous disks. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 103534, 2023. IF: 6.8Qadeer Raza, Xiaodong Wang, et al. Mathematical modeling of nanolayer on biological fluids flow through porous surfaces in the presence of CNT. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering,45: 102958, 2023. IF: 6.8Mengxia Ma, Jie Ouyang, Xiaodong Wang. Numerical study of viscoelastic flow around an oscillating circular cylinder. Physics of Fluids, 35: 033108, 2023. IF: 4.6Liping Ma, Lijing Zhao, Xiaodong Wang. An iteration free semi-Lagrangian meshless method for Burgers' equations, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 150: 482-491, 2023. IF: 3.3Mengxia Ma, Jie Ouyang, Xiaodong Wang. A high-order SRCR-DG method for simulating viscoelastic flows at high Weissenberg numbers, Engineering with Computers, 2022. IF: 8.7 Xiaodong Wang, Haidan Wang, Ying Liu. A semi-Lagrangian meshfree Galerkin method for convection-dominated partial differential equations, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 391: 114546, 2022. IF: 7.2Yi Wang, Jie Ouyang, Xiaodong Wang. Machine learning of lubrication correction based on GPR for the coupled DPD-DEM simulation of colloidal suspensions, Soft Matter, 17: 5682-5699, 2021. IF: 3.4 Chenhui Zhang, Jie Ouyang, Xiaodong Wang, et al. Highly accurate, linear, and unconditionally energy stable large time-stepping schemes for the Functionalized Cahn–Hilliard gradient flow equation. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 392: 113479, 2021. IF: 2.4Chenhui Zhang, Jie Ouyang, Xiaodong Wang, et al. Analysis of the Energy Stability for Stabilized Semi-implicit Schemes of the Functionalized Cahn-Hilliard Mass-conserving Gradient Flow Equation. Journal of Scientific Computing, 87(1): 1-25, 2021. IF: 2.5Xin Li, Jie Ouyang, Xiaodong Wang, Panpan Zhu. A drag force formula for heterogeneous granular flow systems based on finite average statistical method. Particuology, 55: 94-107, 2021. IF: 3.5 Chuntao Jiang, Xiaodong Wang, Qingsheng Liu, et al. Investigation of the relationship between nanochannel width and mass transfer characteristics for dense methane nanofluidics. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 118: 104879, 2020. IF: 7.0Xiaodong Wang, Ying Liu, Jie Ouyang. A meshfree collocation method based on moving Taylor polynomial approximation for high order partial differential equations. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 116: 77-92, 2020. IF: 3.3Puyang Gao, Xiaodong Wang, Jie Ouyang. Numerical investigation of non-isothermal viscoelastic filling process by a coupled finite element and discontinuous Galerkin method. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 140:227-242, 2019. IF: 5.2Xiaodong Wang, Jie Ouyang, Ying Liu. Prediction of Flow Effect on Crystal Growth of Semi-Crystalline Polymers Using a Multi-Scale Phase-Field Approach. Polymers, 9(12), 634, 2017. IF: 5.0Xiaodong Wang, Hongxi Zhang, Wen Zhou, Jie Ouyang. A 3D phase-field model for simulating the crystal growth of semi-crystalline polymers, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 115:194-205, 2017. IF: 5.2Chuntao Jiang, Jie Ouyang, Wuming Li, Xiaodong Wang, Lihua Wang. The effects of wall roughness on the methane flow in nano-channels using non-equilibrium multiscale molecular dynamics simulation, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 21:92, 2017. IF: 2.8Chuntao Jiang, Jie Ouyang, Lihua Wang, Qingsheng Liu, Xiaodong Wang. Transport properties and structure of dense methane fluid in the rough nano-channels using non-equilibrium multiscale molecular dynamics simulation, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 110:80-93, 2017. IF: 5.2 Wen Zhou, Jie Ouyang, Xiaodong Wang, Jin Su, Binxin Yang. Numerical simulation of viscoelastic fluid flows using a robust FVM framework on triangular grid, Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 236: 18–34, 2016. IF: 3.1 Xiaodong Wang, Jie Ouyang, Wen Zhou, Zhijun Liu. A Phase Field Technique for Modeling and Predicting Flow Induced Crystallization Morphology of Semi-Crystalline Polymers, Polymers, 8(6): 230, 2016. IF: 5.0Zhijun Liu, Jie Ouyang, Xiaodong Wang. Numerical simulation of the polymer crystallization during cooling stage by using level set method, Computational Materials Science, 97: 245–253, 2015. IF: 3.3Xiaodong Wang, Jie Ouyang, Jin Su, Wen Zhou. Investigating the role of oriented nucleus in polymer shish-kebab crystal growth via phase-field method, Journal of Chemical Physics, 140: 114102, 2014. IF: 4.4Jin Su, Jie Ouyang, Xiaodong Wang, Binxin Yang. Lattice Boltzmann method coupled with the Oldroyd-B constitutive model for a viscoelastic fluid, Physical Review E, 88: 053304, 2013. IF: 2.4Jin Su, Jie Ouyang, Xiaodong Wang, Wen Zhou. Lattice Boltzmann method simulation for viscoelastic flows over a wide range of Weissenberg number, Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 194: 42–59, 2013. IF: 3.1
