姓名 | 李俊杰 |
教师编号 | 5844 |
性别 | 男 |
学校 | 西北工业大学 |
部门 | 材料学院 |
学位 | 博士 |
学历 | 博士研究生毕业 |
职称 | 副高 |
联系方式 | 【发送到邮箱】 |
邮箱 | 【发送到邮箱】 |
人气 | |
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个人经历 Personal experience 教育经历 工作经历 2005/9 - 2010/4,西北工业大学,材料加工工程,博士,导师:杨根仓 2004/9 –2005/7,西北工业大学,材料加工工程,硕士,导师:杨根仓 2000/9 - 2004/7,西北工业大学,材料成形与控制,学士 2014/5 - 至今, 西北工业大学,材料学院,副教授 2010/5 – 2014/4,西北工业大学,材料学院,讲师 教育教学科学研究 Scientific Research 李俊杰,男,1982年生,工学博士,副教授。主要从事凝固理论、材料微观组织数值模拟等方面研究工作。先后主持国家自然基金青年项目、教育部博士点基金新教师项目、陕西省自然基金、西北工业大学基础研究基金项目、凝固技术国家重点实验室自主课题等多个项目。作为主要成员参与国家重点基础研究计划(973计划)专题项目、国家自然基金面上项目等4项。获陕西高等学校科学技术一等奖1项(排名第二)。在Acta Materialia、Scripta Materialia、Phys Rev E、物理学报等国内外重要学术期刊发表论文40余篇,SCI收录30余篇,其中第一作者论文16篇(JCR一区5篇),论文被他引100余次,2012年获西北工业大学顶级论文专项资助。 近年来本人主要研方向有:(1)单晶叶片定向凝固制备过程中不同取向晶粒的竞争生长与淘汰;(2)两相混合体系内颗粒相的非稳态粗化动力学;(3)材料三维微观组织的分析表征;(4)金属增材制造过程中激光熔池内的微观组织演化行为。 荣誉获奖学术成果 Academic Achievements 本人一直从事凝固基础理论及材料微观组织演化相场法模拟的研究工作,取得的主要成果有:(1)建立了包含相场、取向场、浓度场及温度场并耦合形核动力学的多晶凝固相场模型;(2)发展了多晶凝固动力学理论,明晰了阻挡效应对转变动力学的影响规律及机制;(3)提出了溶质拖拽下的晶界非稳态运动规律;(4)建立了具有明确物理意义的胞/枝转变模型;(5)揭示了定向凝固反常枝晶淘汰的内在机制;(6)阐明了初始颗粒尺寸分布对非稳态阶段粗化动力学的影响规律。近年来发表的主要文章如下: [1]. Junjie Li, Chunwen Guo, Yuan Ma, Zhijun Wang, Jincheng Wang. (2015). Effect of initial particle size distribution on the dynamics of transient Ostwald ripening: A phase field study. Acta Materialia, 90:10-26. [2]. Junjie Li, Yacong Zhang, Jincheng Wang and Zhongming Zhang. (2014). Microstructure evolution of Mg-4.3Zn-0.7Y-0.6Zr alloy during solution heat treatment. Materials Transactions, 55:264-269. [3]. Honglei Yu, Junjie Li, Xin Lin, Lilin Wang, Weidong Huang. (2014). Anomalous overgrowth of converging dendrites during directional solidification. Journal of Crystal Growth, 402: 210-214. [4]. Sai Tang, Yan-Mei Yu, Jincheng Wang, Junjie Li, Zhijun Wang, Yaolin Guo, Yaohe Zhou. (2014). Phase-field-crystal simulation of nonequilibrium crystal growth. Physical Review E, 89: 012405. [5]. Zhijun Wang, Jincheng Wang, Lilin Wang, Junjie Li, Yaohe Zhou. (2014). Quasi-two-dimensional equilibrium solid/liquid interface of colloids at low osmotic pressure. Journal of Crystal Growth, 385: 106-110. [6]. Gao Ang, Hu Yansu, Wang Zhijun, Mu Dejun, Li Junjie, Wang Jincheng. (2014). GPU-accelerated phase field simulation of directional solidification. Science in China-Series E: Technological Sciences, 2014, 57(6):1191-1197. [7]. Zhijun Wang, Junjie Li, Yao Lin, Sai Tang, Jincheng Wang. (2013). Unique visualization of multiply oriented lattice structures using a continuous wavelet transform. Computer Physics Communications, 184:2489-2493. [8]. Junjie Li, Zhijun Wang, Yaqin Wang, Jincheng Wang. (2012). Phase-field study of competitive dendritic growth of converging grains during directional solidification. Acta Materialia, 60:1478-1493. [9]. Zhijun Wang, Junjie Li, Jincheng Wang, Yaohe Zhou. (2012). Phase field modeling the selection mechanism of primary dendritic spacing in directional solidification. Acta Materialia, 60: 1957-1964. [10]. Junjie Li, Zhijun Wang, Yujuan Yang, Jincheng Wang. (2012). Competitive grain growth in directional solidification investigated by phase field simulation. IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 33:012098. [11]. Zhijun Wang, Junjie Li, Jincheng Wang, Gencang Yang, Yaohe Zhou. (2012). Predicting growth direction of tilted dendritic arrays during directional solidification. IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 27: 012009 [12]. Zhijun Wang, Junjie Li, Jincheng Wang.(2011). Predicting growth direction of tilted dendritic arrays during directional solidification. Journal of Crystal Growth, 328: 108–113. [13]. Zhijun Wang, Jincheng Wang, Junjie Li, Gencang Yang, Yaohe Zhou. (2011). Quantitative investigation of cellular growth in directional solidification by phase-field simulation. Physical Review E, 84: 041604. [14]. Zhijun Wang, Junjie Li, Jincheng Wang, Gencang Yang. (2011). What happens to the initial planar instability when the thermal gradient is increased during directional solidification, Chinese Physics B, 10: 108104. [15]. Junjie Li, Jincheng Wang, Gencang Yang. (2010). Phase field simulation of grain growth with grain boundary segregation. International Journal of Materials Research, 101(4):555-559. [16]. Li JJ, Wang JC, Wu LY, Yang GC. (2010).Phase field simulation of equiaxed dendritic growth during non-isothermal polycrystalline solidification. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 24: 2762-2767. [17]. Zhijun Wang, Jincheng Wang, Junjie Li, Gencang Yang. (2010). Phase field investigation on the initial planar instability with surface tension anisotropy during directional solidification of binary alloys, Chinese Physics B, 2010, 19(1): 017305 [18]. Junjie Li, Jincheng Wang, Gencang Yang. (2009). Phase field modeling of grain boundary migration with solute drag. Acta Materialia, 57: 2108-2120. [19]. Junjie Li, Jincheng Wang, Gencang Yang. (2009). On the stagnation of grain growth in nanocrystalline materials. Scripta Materialia, 60: 945-948. [20]. Junjie Li, Jincheng Wang, Gencang Yang. (2009). Investigation into microsegregation during solidification of a binary alloy by phase-field simulations. Journal of Crystal Growth, 311: 1217-1222. [21]. Yujuan Yang, Jincheng Wang, Yuxiang Zhang, Yaochan Zhu, Junjie Li, Gencang Yang. (2009). Three-Dimensional Multi-Phase Field Simulation of the Lamellar Growth Stability in a Directionally Solidified Hypereutectic. Journal of Crystal Growth, 311: 2496-2500. [22]. Yujuan Yang, Jincheng Wang, Yuxiang Zhang, Yaochan Zhu, Junjie Li, Gencang Yang. (2009). Three-Dimensional Multi-Phase Field Modeling of the Effect of Lamellar Thickness on the Eutectic Growth. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 40: 1670-1674. [23]. Wang Jincheng, Zhang Yuxiang, Yang Yujuan, Li Junjie, Yang Gencang. (2009). Phase field modeling for dendritic morphology transition and micro-segregation in multi-component alloys,Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences, 52: 344-351. [24]. Li JJ, Wang JC, Yang GC. (2008). Phase Field Simulation of the Columnar Dendritic Growth and Microsegregation in a Binary Alloy. Chinese Physics B, 17: 3516-3522. [25]. WANG Jincheng, LI Junjie, YANG Yujuan, ZHANG Yuxiang, YANG Gencang. (2008). Phase Field Simulation of the Interface Morphology Evolution and its Stability during Directional Solidification of Binary Alloys. Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences. 51: 362-370. [26]. JunJie Li, JingCheng. Wang, Quan Xu, GenCang Yang. (2007). Comparison of Johnson-Mehl-Avrami-Kologoromov (JMAK) Kinetics with a phase field simulation for polycrystalline solidification, Acta Materialia, 55: 825-832. [27]. Junjie Li, Jincheng Wang, Gencang Yang. (2007). Phase-field simulation of microstructure development involving nucleation and crystallographic orientations in alloy solidification,Journal of Crystal Growth, 309: 65–69. [28]. 郭春文, 李俊杰, 马渊, 王锦程。定向凝固过程中枝晶侧向分枝生长行为与强制调控规律。物理学报,2015, 64 (14): 148101. [29]. 罗海滨,李俊杰,马渊,郭春文,王锦程。粗化过程中颗粒界面形状演化的三维多相场法研究。物理学报,2014,63(2):026401. [30]. 王陶,李俊杰,王锦程。界面润湿性及固相体积分数对颗粒粗化动力学影响的相场法研究。物理学报,2013,62(10):106402. [31]. 王雅琴,王锦程,李俊杰。定向倾斜枝晶生长规律及竞争行为的相场法研究。物理学报,2012, 61(11): 118103. [32]. 李俊杰,王锦程,杨根仓。含第二相颗粒的晶粒长大过程相场法。稀有金属材料与工程, 2008, 37 (10): 1746-1750. [33]. 李俊杰,王锦程,许泉,杨根仓。外来夹杂物颗粒对枝晶生长形态影响的相场法研究。物理学报,2007,56(3):1514-1519. 科学研究团队信息 Team Information 材料微观组织计算及合金设计课题组以培养创造性人才为已任,以凝固技术国家重点实验室的学科发展为依托,长期开展材料微观组织计算及合金设计方面的研究工作,主要研究方向为凝固过程及其微观组织数值模拟、纳米多晶组织演化及其变形机制、胶体凝固及多孔功能陶瓷材料及高性能金属材料及合金设计等。目前,课题组教师包括王锦程教授、李俊杰副教授和王志军副教授等,现有在读博士研究生7人、硕士研究生10余人,是一支富有创新性和凝聚力的学术团队。课题组近五年来先后承担国家自然科学基金项目、973计划项目等国家及省部级科研项目20余项。获陕西省科学技术二等奖1项,陕西省高等学校科学技术一等奖1项,授权国家发明专利5项。近年来,课题组共发表SCI收录学术论文120余篇,其中大部分发表在Acta Mater,Scripta Mater,PRE,J Cryst Growth等本研究领域核心期刊上。课题组非常注重国际与国内交流与合作,与日本物质材料研究机构(NIMS)、日本宇宙航空研究开发机构(JAXA)、德国卡尔斯鲁厄理工大学(KIT)、德国德累斯顿工业大学(DTU)、韩国浦项理工大学(POSTECH)、香港城市大学等国际知名研究机构保持密切的国际合作关系。在国内,与浙江大学、上海交通大学、中南大学、中科院北京物理所、中科院沈阳金属研究所等国内外著名大学与科研机构有广泛合作与交流。 学术成果综合介绍 |