

主页 > 陕西省 > 西北工业大学


姓名 郭睿
教师编号 5808
学校 西北工业大学
部门 自动化学院
学位 博士
学历 博士研究生毕业
职称 副高
联系方式 【发送到邮箱】
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综合介绍 General Introduction 欢迎同学们报考和联系! 个人相册


个人经历 personal experience 工作经历 教育经历 2019.06 ——                西北工业大学自动化学院 副教授2014.12 —— 2019.06  西北工业大学自动化学院 讲师2012.11 —— 2014.10  德国宇航中心(DLR) 研究员 2007.08 —— 2012.06  西安电子科技大学 雷达信号处理国家重点实验室 硕博连读 获工学博士学位(信号与信息处理)2003.08 —— 2007.07  西安电子科技大学 电子工程学院 获工学学士学位(电子信息工程)


教育教学 Education and teaching 招生信息 教育信息 招生学科:控制科学与工程、电子信息(专硕)欢迎独立进取、乐观积极、喜欢探索的同学们(有一定英文阅读能力和编程能力)联系!相互学习和不断进步 雷达系统及其信号处理的Matlab实现,本科选修课程 机载和地面监控系统,本科生课程            信息检测与处理,本科生课程SAR成像原理及应用,研究生课程 目前承担2门本科课程,2门研究生课程


社会兼职 Social Appointments 16个国际SCI期刊审稿人,8个国内期刊审稿人


科学研究 Scientific Research 研究方向:雷达信号/图像/点云处理及各种应用(如遥感测绘、智能驾驶等等)、激光探测技术及应用多模式极化合成孔径雷达(SAR)/逆合成孔径雷达(ISAR)系统设计、信号处理;SAR图像解译及其陆地海洋遥感应用;先进干涉合成孔径雷达(InSAR)技术及其陆地遥感应用;层析合成孔径雷达(TomoSAR)技术及其三维点云的遥感应用;激光探测成像;固态激光雷达及其三维点云用于智能驾驶环境感知重建涉及信息与信号处理、遥感测绘、模式识别机器学习、计算机视觉、计算机技术、电磁散射与雷达技术、人工智能、统计应用数学等技术及方法 主持项目:国家自然科学基金青年项目、陕西省自然科学基金青年项目、 上海航天科技创新基金项目、航天科学技术基金等,以及研究所、企事业单位、公司等横向课题(均可推荐工作)


学术成果 Academic Achievements 1.   专利6项,软著1项(均来自项目并投入使用)2.   参与编写德国宇航中心与中科院电子所“创新团队国际合作伙伴计划”先进微波探测与信号处理高阶研修班课件3.   作为联合导师指导慕尼黑工业大学(TUM)硕士研究生毕业论文、及Remote Sensing Seminar等4.   被邀请进行EUSAR(欧洲合成孔径雷达会议)特邀报告会场 专题报告5.   指导本科生大三下及大四上进行科研工作并撰写SCI论文发表及录用论文100余篇,第一及通讯作者50余篇,部分论文如下:Rui Guo, Xiaopeng Zhao, Guanzhong Zuo, et al. Polarimetric synthetic aperture radar image semantic segmentation network with Lovasz-softmax loss optimization. Remote Sensing, 2023, 15(19).任子帅,张照,高雨欣,郭睿. 基于自适应高程约束的TomoSAR三维成像. 雷达学报,2023.  doi: 10.12000/JR23111Rui Guo, Zhihan Jin, Zheyi Jiang, et al. Lidar reflective tomography of the target under incomplete view state. IEEE Journal of Miniaturization for Air and Space Systems. 2023, 4(1): 25-32.Rui Guo, Xiaopeng Zhao, Bo Zang, et al. A refined model for quad-polarimetric reconstruction from compact polarimetric data. Remote Sensing, 2022. doi:10.3390/rs14205226.Zhao Zhang, Zheyi Jiang, Hui Wang, Junyi Xu, Rui Guo. Absolute phase estimation for spaceborne InSAR data. The 3th CISS conference, IEEE, 2022.Xiaopeng Zhao, Rui Guo, Hui Wang, Liang Guo. Quad-polarimetric reconstruction with an adaptive volume scattering model from compact PolSAR data. 第八届高分辨对地观测学术年会. 2022.Zishuai Ren, Rui Guo. Wind direction retrieval of ocean/desert with Gaofen-3 data. The 3th CISS conference, IEEE, 2022.Guo Rui, Gao Yuxin, Zhang Zhao, Ren Zishuai, et al. Efficient tomographic inversion based on refined scatterer pre-estimation. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2022. doi: 10.1109/LGRS.2022.3203037Rui Guo, Zheyi Jiang, Zhihan Jin, Zhao Zhang, et al. Reflective tomography lidar image reconstruction for long distance non-cooperative target. Remote Sensing, 2022, 14(14). doi: 10.3390/rs14143310杨文坤,原晓佩,陈小锋,郭睿. 三维激光雷达点云空间多特征分割. 计算机科学, 2022.高雨欣,郭 睿,王 辉,张双喜. 基于SURE准则的参数自适应InSAR相位非局部滤波. 上海航天,3: 46-53, 2022.Guo Rui, Zhang Zhao, Gao Rui, Jing Guobin, et al. Ocean target investigation using spaceborne SAR under dual-polarization strip-map mode. The 2th CISS conference, IEEE, 2021.Rui Guo, Zheyi Jiang, Rui Gao, Wenkun Yang, et al. Unmanned vehicle 3D lidar point cloud segmentation. The 40th CCC conference, IEEE, 2021.Zheyi Jiang, Shuangxi Zhang, Rui Guo, et al. An adaptive subpixel coregistration for high resolution InSAR image data. IGARSS 2021 Conference, IEEE, 2021.Gao Yuxin; Guo Rui; Jiang Zheyi; Zhang Zhao, et al. Using SURE principle for adaptive nonlocal filtering of InSAR phase imagery. The 2th CISS conference, IEEE, 2021.Shuangxi Zhang; Zheyi Jiang; Junli Chen; Shaojie Li; Rui Guo, et al.  An effective clutter suppression approach based on null-space technique for the space-borne multichannel in azimuth high-resolution and wide-swath SAR system. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 60, 2021.Shuangxi Zhang, Yuxin Gao, Mengdao Xing, Rui Guo, et al. Ground moving target indication for the geosynchronous-low earth orbit bistatic multichannel SAR system. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observaitons and Remote Sensing, 14, 5072-5090, 2021.Rui Guo, Jingyu Cui, Bo Zang, Guobin Jing, et al. Validating GEV model for reflection symmetry-based ocean ship detection with Gaofen-3 dual-polarimetric data. Remote Sensing, 12(7), 1148-1170, 2020.Rui Guo, Bo Zang, Shuangxi Zhang, et al. Interferometric SAR phase filtering with SURE-based nonlocal method. IEEE Access, 8, 66722-66730, 2020.Rui Guo, Fan Wang, Guobin Jing, et al. High-rise building 3D reconstruction with the wrapped interferometric phase, Sensors, 19(6): 1439-1453, 2019.郭睿,臧博,邢孟道. 基于机载 InSAR 干涉相位的高层建筑重构. 电子科技大学学报,48(5): 717- 721,2019.郭睿,景国彬,臧博. 高分辨 InSAR 中的城市高层建筑特征提取. 西安电子科技大学学报,46(4):137- 143,2019.景国彬,孙光才,邢孟道,郭睿,保铮. 一种新的步进频MIMO-SAR带宽合成的处理方法. 西安电子科技大学学报, 2, 148-153, 2018.Jialian Sheng, Rui Guo, Chaowei Fu, Gang Xu. A cross-range scaling method for ISAR non-uniformly rotating targets based on sharpness maximization, IGARSS 2018 Conference, IEEE, 2018.Rui Guo. High-Rise Building Reconstruction Using Airborne InSAR Phase Imagery. The 12th European SAR conference (EUSAR 2018), IEEE, 2018. (特邀报告)郭睿,景国彬,邢孟道. 星载条带模式下的双极化海洋目标分析. 海洋环境下信 息技术交流大会,2017.Rui Guo. Polarimetric-scattering similarity in PolSAR denoising, ACES symposium, IEEE, 2017.Shuangxi Zhang, Mengdao Xing, Xianggen Xia, Rui Guo, et al. A robust imaging algorithm for squint mode multi-channel high-resolution and wide-swath SAR with hybrid baseline and fluctuant terrain. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, 9(8): 1583-1598, 2015.Jingliang Hu, Rui Guo, Xiao Xiang Zhu, Gerald Baier, et al. Non-local means filter for polarimetric SAR speckle reduction-experiments using TerraSAR-X data. ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, II-3 (W4), 71-77, 2015.Xiao Xiang Zhu, Xiaoming Li, Rui Guo. Compressive sensing for super-resolving SAR imging to support target detection in coastal zone. The 10th European SAR Conference (EUSAR 2014), 2014. (特邀报告)Rui Guo, Wei He, Shuangxi Zhang, Bo Zang, Mengdao Xing. Analysis of three-component decomposition to compact polarimetric synthetic aperture radar. IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation, 8(6): 685-693, 2014.Shuangxi Zhang, Mengdao Xing, Xianggen Xia, Rui Guo, et al. Robust clutter suppression and moving target imaging approach for multichannel in azimuth high-resolution and wide-swath synthetic aperture radar. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 53(2), 2014.Rui Guo, Xiao Xiang Zhu. High-rise building feature extraction using high resolution spotlight TanDEM-X data. The 10th European SAR Conference (EUSAR 2014), 2014.何伟,郭睿,臧博,张双喜,邢孟道. 简缩极化SAR模式下极化方向角的估计. 电子科技大学学报,1:49-53,2014.Shuangxi Zhang; Mengdao Xing; Xianggen Xia; Lei Zhang; Rui Guo, et al. Multichannel HRWS SAR imaging based on range-variant channel calibration and multi-Doppler-direction restriction ambiguity suppression. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 52(7): 4306-4327, 2013.Shuangxi Zhang; Mengdao Xing; Xianggen Xia; Rui Guo, et al. A novel moving target imaging algorithm for HRWS SAR based on local maximum-likelihood minimum entropy. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 52(9): 5333-5348, 2013.Shuangxi Zhang; Mengdao Xing; Xianggen Xia; Yanyang Liu; Rui Guo, et al. A robust channel-calibration algorithm for multi-channel in azimuth HRWS SAR imaging based on local maximum-likelihood weighted minimum entropy. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 22(12): 5294-5305, 2013.Shuangxi Zhang; Guo Rui; Letian Zeng; Mengdao Xing. Based on Minimum-entropy HRWS SAR channel-calibration method. IET International Radar Conference 2013.L Zhang, M Xing, J Sheng, R Guo, Z Bao. High resolution ISAR imaging by exploiting sparse apertures. IEEE Transcations on Antennas and Propagation, 2012. R Guo, B Zang, S Zhang, M Xing. Applying H/Alpha to compact polarimetric modes. IET Radar Sonar & Navagation, 6(2), 61-70, 2012.R Guo, L Zhang, J Li, M Xing et al. A novel stragegy of nonnegative-matrix-factorizaiton-based polarimetric ship detection. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 8(6), 1085-1089, 2011. R Guo, S Zhang, B Zang, M Xing. PolSAR image classification based on deorientation theory.  Proceedings of IEEE CIE International Conference on Radar, 2011.郭睿,刘艳阳,臧博,邢孟道. 一种保持散射特性的极化SAR图像滤波方法. 西电学报,38(1), 90-95, 2011.郭睿,臧博,张龙等. 一种联合极化的距离瞬时多普勒ISAR成像方法研究. 系统工程与电子技术,33(4), 764-768 , 2011.臧博,郭睿,张磊,邢孟道. 基于ISAIL稀疏性的相位校正新算法. 电子学报, 39(6), 1272-1277, 2011. 包敏,郭睿,李亚超,邢孟道. 基于实测数据的广域三通道ScanSAR-GMTI算法研究. 系统工程与电子技术,33(9), 2011. S Zhang, R Guo, L Zhang, M Xing. Azimuth dependence of quadratic range cell migration correction for the high squint synthetic aperture radar. Proceedings of IEEE CIE International Conference on Radar, 2011. Y Liu, M Xing, R Guo, L Zhang et al. Sandglass Transformation for SAR Detection and Imaging of Ship at Low Signal-to-Clutter-Plus-Noise Ratio. IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation, 5(3), 361-373, 2011.S Zhang, M Xing, R Guo, L Zhang et al. Interference suppression algorithm for SAR based on time-frequency transform. IEEE Transcations on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 49(10), 3765-3779, 2011. Y Quan, L Zhang, R Guo, M Xing et al. Generating dense and super-resolution ISAR image by combining bandwidth extrapolation and compressive sensing. Science China in F, 54(10), 2158-2169, 2011.郭睿,孙光才,王玉等. 极化SAR中的有源干扰抑制分析. 宇航学报,32(6), 1365-1372, 2011. 郭睿,包敏,李军等. 极化SAR图像中的弱小舰船目标检测. 系统工程与电子技术,33(6), 1253-1256, 2011.张双喜,周鹏,郭睿,邢孟道. 基于小波变换的合成孔径雷达窄带干扰抑制算法. 西电学报,38(5), 108-114, 2011. T Xiong, M Xing, Y Wang, R Guo, Z Bao. Using derivatives of an implicit function to obtain the stationary phase of the 2–D Spectrum for Bistatic SAR Imaging. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 8(6), 1165-1169, 2011. 包敏,周鹏,李亚超,郭睿,邢孟道. 基于乘积型高阶相位函数的复杂运动目标ISAR成像. 系统工程与电子技术,33(5), 1018-1022, 2011.R Guo, L Zhang, M Xing, J Li. Polarimetric SAR image fusion using nonnegative matrix factorization and improved-RGB model. IET Electronic Letters, 46(20), 1399-1041, 2010. M Xing, R Guo, C Qiu et al. Experimental research of unsupervised Cameron/ML classification method for fully polarimetric SAR data. IET Radar Sonar & Navigation, 4(1), 85-95, 2010.臧博,郭睿,唐禹,邢孟道. 逆合成孔径成像激光雷达实包络成像算法. 光子学报,39(12), 2152-2157, 2010. 臧博,陈士超,郭睿,邢孟道. 星载逆合成孔径成像激光雷达空间碎片观测研究. 空工大学报, 2010.李军,刘亚波,邢孟道,郭睿,李亚超. 基于窄带步进频率的旋转目标三维ISAR成像. 电子与信息学报,32(7), 1674-1678, 2010. 郭睿,孙光才,周峰,邢孟道. 双通道极化SAR干扰抑制. 电子与信息学报,32(6), 1343-1349, 2010. 郭睿,白雪茹,邢孟道. 基于去取向理论的全极化SAR图像非监督分类. 现代雷达,32(4), 35-38, 2010.郭睿,臧博,张双喜等. 高分辨SAR复杂场景中的人造目标检测.电子与信息学报,32(12), 3018-3021, 2010.郭睿,何伟,张双喜等. 非负矩阵分解在极化SAR图像滤波中的应用.雷达年会, 2010.Guangcai Sun,Rui Guo,Feng Zhou,Mengdao Xing. Comparison of several methods for high-speed detection target with narrow bandwidth. Proceedings of Asia-Pacific Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, 767-770, 2009.R Guo, G Sun, F Zhou, M Xing. Jamming suppression in dual-channel PolSAR. Proceedings of Asia-Pacific Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, 540-543, 2009.
