

主页 > 陕西省 > 西北工业大学


姓名 朱继宏
教师编号 5744
学校 西北工业大学
部门 发展规划处
学位 博士
学历 博士研究生毕业
职称 正高
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综合介绍 General Introduction 朱继宏,1981年生,西北工业大学教授、博导、比利时列日大学航空航天工程科学博士、英国伦敦玛丽女王大学客座教授、国家科技创新领军人才、青年拔尖人才、国家优秀青年科学基金获得者。航空学报、电子机械工程、航空制造技术等期刊编委、火星探测项目天问一号技术审查专家、空天某重大专项专家组成员、某重大装置副总师。主要从事飞行器新概念整体结构技术、空天飞行器防热-承载一体化、智能结构与机器人技术研究。获国家自然科学二等奖、第十六届中国青年科技奖、中国青年“五四”奖章团队、三项陕西省科学技术一等奖,以及航空学会青年科技奖、邓稼先青年科技奖、钱令希计算力学青年学者奖等。 个人相册


个人经历 personal experience 工作经历 教育经历 2009.01-2012.04 西北工业大学机电学院 副教授2012.04 至今 西北工业大学机电学院 教授2013.04-2016.01 西北工业大学机电学院 航空宇航制造工程系主任2016.01-2018.01 西北工业大学机电学院 副院长 主管科研2017.07 至今 伦敦玛丽女王大学工程与材料学院 客座教授2018.01-2018.12 西北工业大学机电学院 党委副书记 主持工作2019.01-2020.05 西北工业大学机电学院 党委书记2019.05-2021.05 国家国防科技工业局探月与航天工程中心 首次火星探测技术审查专家2020.05-2021.11 西北工业大学机电学院 院长2021.11 至今 西北工业大学发展规划处 处长 1996.09-1999.06 江苏省扬州中学1999.09-2003.06 西北工业大学教育实验学院 本科2003.09-2006.11 西北工业大学机电学院 研究生2006.11-2008.12 比利时列日大学航空航天技术实验室 工学博士


教育教学 Education and teaching 招生信息 招收智能制造大类、航空航天大类、飞行器制造、机械设计与制造、飞行器设计、工程力学相关专业毕业生攻读硕士、博士学位。学生研究方向:1、飞行器结构设计理论与方法,服务于军民用飞机、运载火箭、高超飞行器结构的高性能、轻量化研制;2、飞行器智能变体材料与结构技术,开展下一代变体飞行器自感知、自适应新概念机械结构技术预先研究;3、太空原位增材制造,面向未来轨道/月球/行星长期驻留开展太空材料、月壤复合材料的增材制造工艺与装备探索研究。学生就业单位:高校:西北工业大学(西安)5人、华中科技大学(武汉)1人、吉林大学(长春)1人科研院所:工程物理研究院(绵阳核九院)5人、航空工业623所(西安)2人、航天科技一院(北京)2人、航天科技二院(北京)1人、航天科工三院三部(北京)1人、军事科学院(北京)1人、中科院空间应用工程与技术中心(北京)1人、航空工业618所(西安)1人、航天科技九院16所(西安)1人、中电20所(西安)1人、兵器203所(西安)1人、兵器205所(西安)1人、商飞设计院(上海)1人、中国兵器科学研究院宁波分院(宁波)1人。企业:中铝集团(深圳)1人、吉利科技集团太力飞车(杭州)1人、法士特汽车传动集团(西安)1人其他:出国深造X人


获奖信息 The winning information 2015年度国家自然科学二等奖机械结构系统的整体式构型设计理论与方法研究 2020年度第十六届中国青年科技奖飞行器结构设计2019年度陕西省自然科学一等奖飞行器结构高性能设计制造的 特征保形理论与方法研究2012年度陕西省科学技术一等奖复杂薄壁结构整体设计与切削制造的优化理论与方法2020年度第十七届邓稼先青年科技奖飞行器结构优化设计2017年度中国航空学会青年科技奖飞行器结构设计2016年度钱令希计算力学青年学者奖计算固体力学与结构优化2019年度陕西省教学成果一等奖服务国之重器,培养卓越人才,创建有情怀、大视野、强本领的飞行器制造人才培养平台2009年度陕西省科学技术二等奖结构轻量化设计的创新构型优化方法研究其他荣誉:2021年度国家级创新领军人才2017年度国家级青年拔尖人才2017年度国家优秀青年科学基金获得者2023年度第27届中国青年五四奖章集体“空天结构技术创新攻坚团队”2019年度中共中央、国务院、中央军委“庆祝中华人民共和国成立70周年”纪念章2019年度“弘扬爱国奋斗精神、建功立业新时代”优秀青年科技新星2016年度EDP Science杰出贡献奖International Journal for Simulation and Multidisciplinary Design Optimization 2014年度中日韩机械结构系统优化青年科学家Topology Optimization of Assembled Aircraft Structure with Joint Load Constraints2014年度陕西省科技新星称号飞行器整体式结构构型优化设计技术2008年度国家留学基金委优秀留学生奖多组件结构系统布局优化设计研究2007年度法国CADLM年轻优化设计人才奖CADLM Young Researcher Prize 2007: Intelligent Optimal Design


科学研究 Scientific Research 从事飞行器结构轻量化设计、智能/功能/灵巧结构技术、太空原位制造技术研究。2023.01-2026.12 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划重点支持项目 跨域飞行器多维度智能变构型机构系统设计理论与关键技术 92271205-FF2872022.12-2025.11 国家重点研发计划 高超飞行器异质异形构件多场耦合下的材料-结构-性能一体化设计与成形理论 2022YFB3402200-FF-6002021.01-2023.12 XX基础项目 XXX无人机共形共功能结构设计与制造 XXXX-FF2002020.06-2022.06 XX创新项目 仿生点阵分布式变体结构设计与应用 XXXX-FF2202018.01-2022.12 国家自然科学基金重大项目课题 高性能构件材料-结构一体化设计方法 51790171-FF2182018.01-2018.12 XXX专项课题 运载火箭传力结构优化设计 XXXX-FF178 2018.01-2020.12 国家自然科学基金中巴国际合作重点项目 基于超弹性形状记忆合金和轻质点阵的冲击防护复合结构优化设计方法 5171101743/51761145111-FF2002018.01-2020.12 国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金 结构优化设计 11722219-FF130 2017.07-2020.12 国家重点研发计划课题 面向增材制造的产品创新设计技术 复杂载荷工况下增材制造整体结构拓扑优化技术 2017YFB1102800-FF3152017.01-2019.12 XX基础科研项目 XX飞行器气动-控制-结构耦合分析与优化设计 XXXX-FF602017.01-2019.12 陕西省重点研发计划重点项目 高档数控机床功能部件结构的动力学响应拓扑优化设计与应用 2017ZDXM-GY-059-FF45  2017.01-2021.12 国家自然科学基金国际合作重点项目 面向增材制造的高性能整体结构构型设计理论与方法 11620101002-FF2402016.10-2017.05 XXX预研项目 XXXX防热-承载一体化研究 XXXX-FF402016.10-2020.12 XX重大专项课题 XX飞行器热结构拓扑优化设计方法研究 XXXX-FF2002015.07-2016.06 863-XXX 某型在轨平台的结构样机研制 XXXX-FF38 2015.01-2015.12 XXXX 面向3D打印的飞行器翼面结构优化设计 XXXX-FF54 2015.01-2018.12 国家自然科学基金重点基金项目 结构拓扑优化的工程特征设计理论与方法研究 11432011-FF3302014.05-2015.12 XXXX 某型飞行器结构拓扑优化设计 XXXX-FF25 2014.05-2015.12 XXXX 某型运载火箭结构动力学性能优化设计技术 XXXX-FF302013.01-2015.12 973项目子课题 结构化超轻多孔材料的多功能化设计基础  2011CB610304-FF402012.07-2014.06 西北工业大学基础研究基金 快速原型的热结构耦合拓扑优化设计方法研究 NPU-FFR-JC20120229-FF152012.01-2015.12 国家自然科学基金面上基金项目 快速铸造原型内腔设计机理及其拓扑优化 11172236-FF682011.09-2012.11 XXXX 某型运载火箭结构轻量化设计研究 XXXX-FF292011.07-2012.11 XXXX 某型飞机结构轻量化设计研究 XXXX-FF312011.01-2013.12 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目 整体式结构系统的协同布局优化设计技术研究 11002113-FF242009.03-2011.12 高档数控机床与基础制造装备科技重大专项子课题 面向快速精铸的结构优化设计与精度控制软件 2009ZX04014-75-FF48本工作获得了国家重点研发计划(2022YFB3402200)国家自然科学基金重点基金(92271205)的支持,在此一并表示感谢。This work is supported by National Key R&D Program of China (2022YFB3402200) and Key Project of NSFC (92271205). 支撑单位:航宇材料结构一体化设计与增材制造装备技术国际联合研究中心State IJR Center of Aerospace Design and Additive Manufacturing金属高性能增材制造与创新设计工信部重点实验室MIIT Lab of Metal Additive Manufacturing and Innovative Design陕西省空天结构技术重点实验室Shaanxi Key Lab of Aerospace Stucture Technologies无人系统技术研究院-智能材料与结构研究所Institute of intelligence material and structure, Unmanned system technologies西北工业大学-伦敦玛丽女王大学先进材料结构联合研究院NPU-QMUL Joint Research Institute of Advance Materials & Structures 陕西省飞行器结构优化与应用工程实验室Shaanxi Engineering Laboratory of Aerospace Structure Design and Application


学术成果 Academic Achievements Zhu J.H., Integrated Layout and Structural Topology Optimization Design of Multi-component Systems. VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, ISBN-10: 3639346513 ISBN-13: 978-3639346510Zhang W.H., Zhu J.H., Gao Tong, Topology Optimization in Engineering Structure Design. ISTE Press & ELSEVIER. ISBN: 978-1785482243SCI & EI***************Zhou Y., Jiu L.P., Gao T., Zhu J.H., Zhang W.H.*, Worm-like highly deformable Multi-Section B-Spline Offset Feature for topology optimization. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 2023, 412: 116108 (SCI & EI)Hou J., Wei C., Wang J., Gu X.J., Zhu J.H.*, Zhang W.H., Topology optimization for energy dissipation structures based on shape memory alloys. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. 2023, 66(3): 55 (SCI & EI)Zhao H., Zhu J.H.*, Yuan S.Q.*, Li S.Y., Zhang W.H., Development of lunar regolith-based composite for in-situ 3D printing via high-pressure extrusion system. Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering. 2023, 18(2): 29 (SCI & EI)Wang J.T., Zhu J.H.*, Liu T., Wang Y.L., Zhou H., Zhang W.H., Topology optimization of gradient lattice structure under harmonic load based on multiscale finite element method. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. 2023, 66(9): 202 (SCI & EI)Zhang B.*, Zhu J.H., Gong L.F., Jia K.X., Gao L.M., Topology optimization of heat sink in turbulent natural convection using k-ω turbulent model. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 2023, 118: 272-302 (SCI & EI)Lu L., Yuan S.Q.*, Yao X.L., Li Y.M. Zhu J.H., Zhang W.H., In-situ process evaluation for continuous fiber composite additive manufacturing using multisensing and correlation analysis. Additive Manufacturing. 2023, 74: 103721 (SCI & EI)Zuo Y.C., Zhang J.S.*, Liu L.,Zhu J.H., Zhang W.H., Tunable electromechanical properties of double-layer stacked anisotropic dielectric elastomer actuators. Smart Materials and Structures. 2023, 32(10): 10LT01 (SCI & EI)Zhang Y.H.*, Chai X.L., Ju X.F., You Y.J., Zhang S.B., Zheng L., Moumni Z.*, Zhu J.H.*, Zhang W.H., Concentration of transformation-induced plasticity in pseudoelastic NiTi shape memory alloys: Insight from austenite–martensite interface instability. International Journal of Plasticity. 2023, 160: 103481 (SCI & EI)Zhu J.H.*, Yang J.N., Zhang W.H.*, Gu X.J., Zhou H., Design and applications of morphing aircraft and their structures. Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering. 2023, 18(3): 34 (SCI & EI)Meng L., Zhong M.Z., Huo D., Gao T.*, Zhu J.H., Hou Y.L., Zhang W.H.*, Links between material pair and energy absorbing capacity of lattice-cored sandwich: A comparison study. Advances in Engineering Software. 2023, 186: 103531.(SCI & EI)Lu L., Hou J., Yuan S.Q.*, Yao X.L.*, Li Y.M., Zhu J.H., Deep learning-assisted real-time defect detection and closed-loop adjustment for additive manufacturing of continuous fiber-reinforced polymer composites. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 2023, 79: 102431 (SCI & EI)Zhou H., Zhu J.H.*, Wang C., Gu X.J., Yang J.N., Wang J., Zhang W.H.,  Optimization design for 3D-braided composite structure under thermo-mechanical load. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. 2023, 66(8): 193 (SCI & EI)Li X.J., Zhu J.H.*, Wang J., Zhang W.H., Topology optimization for prestressed cable-truss structure considering geometric nonlinearity. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. 2023, 66(9): 201 (SCI & EI)Meng F.W., Zhu J.H., Hou J., Wang B.P., Prediction for Antiresonant and Extremum Response Frequencies of Undamped Structures. AIAA Journal. 2023: 1-14 (SCI & EI)Li Y.M., Yuan S.Q., Zhang W.H., Zhu J.H.*, A new continuous printing path planning method for gradient honeycomb infill structures. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2023, 126(1-2): 719-734 (SCI & EI)Wang H.*, Wang Z.L., Zhu J.H.*, Zhang W.H., Ming P.W., Thermal-fluid-structural topology optimization of coolant channels in a proton exchange membrane fuel cell. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer. 2023, 142: 106648 (SCI & EI)Zhang B.*, Zhu J.H., Gong L.F., Jia K.X., Gao L.M., Topology optimization of heat sink in turbulent natural convection using k-ω turbulent model. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 2023, 118: 272-302 (SCI & EI)Liu T., Yuan S.Q.*, Wang Y.H., Xiong Y., Zhu J.H., Lu L., Tang Y.L.*, Stress-driven infill mapping for 3D-printed continuous fiber composite with tunable infill density and morphology. Additive Manufacturing. 2023, 62: 103374 (SCI & EI)Meng L.*, Zhang J., Hou Y.L.*, Piotr B., Zhu J.H., Zhang W.H., Revisiting the Fibonacci spiral pattern for stiffening rib design.  International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 2023, 246: 108131 (SCI & EI)Zhu W., Moumni Z.*, Zhu J.H.*, Zhang Y.H.*, Li S.Y., Zhang W.H., A multi-scale experimental investigation for fatigue limit and fatigue crack initiation behavior of powder bed fusion-laser beam 316L stainless steel. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 2023, 866: 144692 (SCI & EI)Li S.Y., Wei H.K., Yuan S.Q., Zhu J.H.*, Li J., Zhang W.H., Collaborative optimization design of process parameter and structural topology for laser additive manufacturing. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2023, 36(1): 456-467 (SCI & EI)Cui L., Fang K., Cao J., Hao E.K., Zhu J.H.,* Liu G.*, Hao J.J., A practical method to improve mechanical and electrical properties of ADS copper prepared by cold spray additive manufacturing through powder pretreatment. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2023, 965: 171319 (SCI & EI)崔烺, 刘光, 冯胜强, 朱继宏, 李文亚, 赵健, 贾利, 冷喷涂增材制造技术研究现状及应用与挑战. 稀有金属材料与工程. 2023,52(1):351 (SCI)Zhao H., Meng L., Li S.Y., Zhu J.H.*, Yuan S.Q.*, Zhang W.H., Development of lunar regolith composite and structure via laser-assisted sintering. Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering. 2022, 17(1): 6 (SCI & EI)Chen F., Zhu J.H.*, Zhang W.H., Radar cross section minimization for step structures using topology optimization. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. 2022, 65(2): 51 (SCI & EI)Wang L.D., Wang J*, Xu Y.J., Zhu J.H., Zhang W.H., Free vibration of pseudoelastic NiTi wire: finite element modeling and numerical design. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures. 2022: 1-14 (SCI & EI)Zhou H., Zhu J.H.*, Wang C., Zhang Y.F., Wang J., Zhang W.H., Hierarchical structure optimization with parameterized lattice and multiscale finite element method. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. 2022, 65(1): 39 (SCI & EI)Luo Y., Qiu K.P.*, Moumni Z., Zhang W.H., Zhu J.H., Zhang F.L., Chiral metasurface design with highly efficient and controllable asymmetric transmission and perfect polarization conversion of linearly polarized electromagnetic waves in the THz range. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 2022, 55(29): 295303 (SCI & EI)Deng Y.B.*, Zhang W.H.*, Liu Z.Y.*, Zhu J.H.*, Jan G. K.*, Topology optimization for surface flows. Journal of Computational Physics, 2022, 467: 111415 (SCI & EI)Cao Y.F., Moumni Z.*, Zhu J.H.*, Gu X.J., Zhang W.H.*, A multiscale high cycle fatigue approach based on shakedown and cohesive zone theories—Application for additive-manufactured 316L steel. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 2022, 851: 143598 (SCI & EI)Chen F., Zhu J.H.*, Du X.X., Zhang R.T., Zhang W.H., Shape preserving topology optimization for structural radar cross section control. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics. 2022, 35(6): 198-210 (SCI & EI)Wang Y.L., Zhu J.H.*, Li Y., Liu T., Wang J.T., Zhang W.H., Shape preserving design with topology optimization for structures under harmonic resonance responses. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. 2022, 65(5): 145 (SCI & EI)Zhang Y.H., Chai X.L., Ju X.F., Zhu J.H.*, Moumni Z.*, Zhang W.H., The upper bound of low cycle fatigue life of pseudoelastic polycrystalline NiTi shape memory alloys. Smart Materials and Structures. 2022, 31(10): 105007 (SCI & EI)Wang J., Huang B., Gu X.J., Zhu J.H.*, Zhang W.H., Actuation performance of machined helical springs from NiTi shape memory alloy. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2022, 236: 107744 (SCI & EI)Chen F., Zhu J.H.*, Zhang W.H., Topology optimization for the layout design of radar absorbing coatings in cavities. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. 2022 (SCI & EI)Wang C., Zhu J.H., Zhang W.H.*, Simultaneous optimization of structural topology and build direction using B-spline parameterized density method. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2022, 65(11): 313 (SCI & EI)Li S.Y., Yuan S.Q.*; Zhu J.H., Zhang W.H., Tang Y.L., Wang C., Li J., Optimal and adaptive lattice design considering process-induced material anisotropy and geometric inaccuracy for additive manufacturing. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. 2022, 65(1): 35 (SCI & EI)Li Y.M.*, He D., Yuan S.Q., Tang K., Zhu J.H.*, Vector field-based curved layer slicing and path planning for multi-axis printing. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing. 2022, 77: 102362 (SCI & EI)Gao J., Gu D.D.*, Ma C.L., Dai D.H., Xi L.X., Lin K.J., Gao T., Zhu J.H., Du Y.X., Formation Process and Mechanical Deformation Behavior of a Novel Laser-Printed Compression-Induced Twisting-Compliant Mechanism. Engineering. 2022, 15: 133-142 (SCI & EI)Li J., Yuan S.Q.*, Zhu J.H.*, Zhang W.H., Li S.Y., Wang C., Numerical investigation of novel process planning in the polymeric powder bed fusion. Journal of Manufacturing Processes. 2021, 67: 195-211 (SCI & EI) Zhu J.H.*, Liu T.*, Zhang W.H., Wang Y.L., Wang J.T.,  Concurrent optimization of sandwich structures lattice core and viscoelastic layers for suppressing resonance response. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. 2021, 64: 1801-1824 (SCI & EI)Gu D.D.*, Shi X.Y., Poprawe R., Bourell D.L., Setchi R., Zhu J.H., Material-structure-performance integrated laser-metal additive manufacturing. Science. 2021, 372(6545): eabg1487 (SCI & EI)Zhan H.F.*, Zhou Y., Zhang G.*, Zhu J.H., Zhang W.H., Lu C.F., Gu Y.T.*, Carbon Nanothreads Enable Remarkable Enhancement in the Thermal Conductivity of Polyethylene. Nanoscale. 2021, 14: 6934-6943 (SCI & EI)Li S.Y., Yuan S.Q.*, Zhu J.H.*, Zhang W.H.*, Zhang H., Li J., Multidisciplinary topology optimization incorporating process-structure-property-performance relationship of additive manufacturing. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. 2021, 63: 2141-2157 (SCI & EI)Wang J., Gu X.J., Xu Y.J., Zhu J.H.*, Zhang W.H., Thermomechanical modeling of nonlinear internal hysteresis due to incomplete phase transformation in pseudoelastic shape memory alloys. Nonlinear Dynamics. 2021, 103: 1393-1414 (SCI & EI)Wang C., Zhu J.H.*, Wu M.Q., Hou J., Zhou H., Meng L., Li C.Y., Zhang W.H.*, Multi-scale Design and Optimization for Solid-Lattice Hybrid Structures and Their Application to Aerospace Vehicle Components, Chinese Journal of Aeronautics. 2021, 34(5): 386-398 (SCI & EI)Zhang Z.J., Zhang R.T., Zhu J.H.*, Gao T., Chen F., Zhang W.H., Integrated Batteries Layout and Structural Topology Optimization for A Solar-Powered Drone. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics. 2021, 34(7): 114-123 (SCI & EI)Zhang B.*, Zhu J.H., Xiang G.X., Gao L.M., Design of nanofluid-cooled heat sink using topology optimization. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics. 2021, 34(2): 301-317 (SCI & EI)Zhu J.H.*, Zhou H.,  Wang C., Zhou L., Yuan S.Q., Zhang W.H., A Review of Topology Optimization for Additive Manufacturing: Status and Challenges. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics. 2021, 34(1): 91-110 (SCI & EI)Gu X.J., Yang K.K., Wu M.Q., Zhang Y.H., Zhu J.H.*, Zhang W.H., Integrated optimization design of smart morphing wing for accurate shape control. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics. 2021, 34(1): 135-147 (SCI & EI)Li S.Y., Yuan S.Q.*, Zhu J.H.*, Wang C., Li J., Zhang W.H., Additive Manufacturing-driven Design Optimization: Building Direction and Structural Topology. Additive Manufacturing. 2020, 36: 101406 (SCI & EI)Shi Z.M., Su T.C., Zhang P., Lou Z.H., Qin M.J., Gao T., Xu J., Zhu J.H., Gao F.*, Enhanced Thermoelectric Performance of Ca3Co4O9 Ceramics through Grain Orientation and Interface Modulation. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2020, 8: 19561-19572 (SCI & EI)Wang J., Zhu J.H.*, Hou J., Wang C., Zhang W.H., Lightweight design of a bolt-flange sealing structure based on topology optimization. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. 2020, 62: 3413-3428 (SCI & EI)Zhou Y., Zhan H.F., Zhang W.H.*, Zhu J.H., Bai J.S., Wang Q.X., Gu Y.T., A new data-driven topology optimization framework for structural optimization. Computers and Structures. 2020, 239: 106310 (SCI & EI)Gu X.J., Su X.Z., Wang J.*, Xu Y.J., Zhu J.H., Zhang W.H., Improvement of the impact resistance of plain-woven composite by embedding superelastic shape memory alloy wires. 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Special Issue: Fiber bundle topology optimization of hierarchical microtextures for wetting behavior in Cassie-Baxter mode, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. 2020, 61: 2523-2556 (SCI & EI)Gu X.J., Cao Y.F., Zhu J.H.*, Wang J., Zhang W.H., Moumni Z., Shape optimization of SMA structures with respect to fatigue, Materials & Design, 2020, 108456 (SCI & EI)Shi Z.M., Xu J., Zhu J.H., Zhang R.Z., Qin M.J., Lou Z.H., Gao T., Reece M., Gao F.*, High thermoelectric performance of Ca3Co4O9 ceramics with duplex structure fabricated via two-step pressureless sintering. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics. 2020, 31: 2938-2948 (SCI & EI)Zhu J.H.*, Li Y., Wang F.W., Zhang W.H., Shape preserving design of thermo-elastic structures considering geometrical nonlinearity. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. 2020, 61: 1787-1804 (SCI & EI)Xu Z., Zhang W.H.*, Gao T., Zhu J.H., A B-spline multi-parameterization method for multi-material topology optimization of thermoelastic structures. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. 2020, 61: 923-942 (SCI & EI)Wang S., Wang J.*, Xu Y.J.*, Zhang W.H., Zhu J.H., Compressive behavior and energy absorption of polymeric lattice structures made by additive manufacturing. Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering. 2020, 15: 319-327 (SCI & EI)Wang C., Gu X.J.*, Zhu J.H.,* Zhou H., Li S.Y., Zhang W.H., Concurrent design of hierarchical structures with three-dimensional parameterized lattice microstructures for additive manufacturing. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. 2020, 61: 869-894 (SCI & EI)Gu X.J., Zhang Y.H.*, You Y.J., Ju X.F., Zhu J.H., Moumni Z., Zhang W.H., Evolution of transformation characteristics of shape memory alloys during cyclic loading: transformation temperature hysteresis and residual martensite. Smart Materials and Structures. 2020, 29(9): 095011 (SCI & EI)Hou J., Gu X.J.*, Zhu J.H, Wang J., Zhang W.H., Topology optimization of joint load control with geometrical nonlinearity. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics. 2020, 33(1): 372-382 (SCI & EI)Meng L., Zhang W.H.*, Quan D.L., Shi G.H., Tang L., Hou Y.L., Breitkopf P., Zhu J.H., Gao T.*, From topology optimization design to additive manufacturing: Today's success and Tomorrow's roadmap. Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering. 2020, 27: 805-830 (SCI & EI)Xu Z., Zhang W.H.*, Zhou Y., Zhu J.H., Multiscale topology optimization using feature-driven method. 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Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics. 2019, 31(5): 1387-1399 (SCI & EI)Wang J., Zhang W.H.*, Zhu J.H.*, Xu Y.J., Gu X.J., Moumni Z., Finite element simulation of thermomechanical training on functional stability of shape memory alloy wave spring actuator. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. 2019, 30(8): 1239-1251(SCI & EI)Li Y.*, Zhu J.H.*, Wang F.W., Zhang W.H., Sigmund O., Shape preserving design of geometrically nonlinear structures using topology optimization. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. 2019, 59(4): 1033-1051 (SCI & EI)Zhang Y.H., Moumni Z.*, You Y.J., Zhang W.H.*, Zhu J.H., Anlas G., Multiscale TRIP-based investigation of low-cycle fatigue of polycristalline Ni-Ti shape memory alloys. International Journal of Plasticity. 2019, 115: 307-329 (SCI & EI)Liu T., Zhu J.H.*, Zhang W.H.*, Zhao H., Kong J., Gao T., Integrated layout and topology optimization design of multi-component systems under harmonic base acceleration excitations. 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Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials. 2019, 1(3): 460-477 (SCI & EI)Zhu J.H.*, Zhao Y.B., Zhang W.H.*, Gu X.J., Gao T., Kong J., Shi G.H., Xu Y.J., Quan D.L., Bio-Inspired Feature-Driven Topology Optimization for Rudder Structure Design, Engineered Science. 2019, 5: 46–55 (SCI & EI)Liu T., Guessasma S.*, Zhu J.H.*, Zhang W.H.*, Belhabib S. Functionally graded materials from topology optimisation and stereolithography. European Polymer Journal. 2018, 108: 199-211 (SCI & EI)Wang C., Zhu J.H.*, Zhang W.H., Li S.Y., Kong J. Concurrent topology optimization design of structures and non-uniform parameterized lattice microstructures. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. 2018, 58(1):35-50 (SCI & EI)Zhang Y.H.*, Moumni Z., Zhu J.H., Zhang W.H.. Effect of the amplitude of the training stress on the fatigue lifetime of NiTi Shape Memory Alloys. 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Ceramics International. 2018, 44(1): 452-458 (SCI & EI)Guessasma S.*, Liu T., Belhabib S., Zhu J.H., Zhang W.H., Nouri H. Analysis of microstructure and mechanical performance of polymeric cellular structures designed using stereolithography. European Polymer Journal, 2018, 98: 72-82. (SCI & EI)Liu T., Guessasma S.*, Zhu J.H.*, Zhang W.H., Nouri H., Belhabib S. Microstructural defects induced by stereolithography and related compressive behaviour of polymers. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 2018, 251: 37-46. (SCI & EI)Hou J., Zhu J.H.*, He F., Zhang W.H., Topology Optimization of Stiffeners Layout with Constraints on the Multi-Fastener Joint Loads. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics. 2017, 30(4): 1441-1450 (SCI & EI)Zhang W.H.*, Zhou Y., Zhu J.H., A comprehensive study of feature definitions with solids and voids for topology optimization. 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