

主页 > 陕西省 > 西北工业大学


姓名 董云卫
教师编号 5680
学校 西北工业大学
部门 软件学院
学位 博士
学历 博士研究生毕业
职称 正高
联系方式 【发送到邮箱】
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综合介绍 General Introduction 董云卫博士,西北工业大学计算机学院教授,博士生导师,西安市大学生创业导师,IEEE可靠性性协会执委会委员、西安分会主席,CCF嵌入式系统专委会常委、形式化专委会常委、软件工程专委会委员。1991年毕业于哈尔滨工业大学数学系,1994年于哈尔滨工业大学获得硕士学位,2004年于西北大学获得软件工程博士学位。2006年至2007年间在澳大利亚Swinbourne科技大学从事博士后研究工作,与T.Y.Chen教授合作开展嵌入式软件测试研究。主要研究方向:软件智能合成理论理论、基于机器学习的程序自动推荐与代码补全技术、嵌入式系统架构设计与分析技术、信息物理融合系统、人工智能系统的测试技术、人工智能算法的错误定位与自动修复技术。曾任航天科工集团第210研究所高级工程师、西安协同软件股份有限公司总工程师、西安协同数码股份有限公司总工程师、西安软件工程中心总工程师。目前主持国家自然基金重大项目课题、国家自然基金面上课题、国防预研计划集成项目、国家重大研发科技专项计划课题、国家“核高基”专项计划等近10多项课题,与航天科技集团502研究、航空工业集团631和601研究所、国家电网南瑞集团、华为公司、上海风电集团公司和航天自动化股份有限公司等国家企事业单位建立了比较紧密的科研合作平台与合作课题。2000年获陕西省首届软件杰出青年人才奖、2001年获首届中国软件杰出青年提名奖,省部级科技成果三等奖2项,发表学术论文近近百篇,获批技术发明专利20余件、出版专著2部。 个人相册


荣誉获奖 Awards Information 2000年获首届“陕西省软件青年杰出”奖2001年获首届“中国软件行业杰出青年人才”提名奖。2009年陕西省科技成果三等1奖项: SyNPU企业服务总线2011年国防科技成果三等奖1项:网络化嵌入式系统开发运行平台


科学研究 Scientific Research Selected publications1.Xiaomin Wei, Yunwei Dong, Pengpeng Sun, and Mingrui Xiao. Safety analysis of AADL models for grid cyber-physical systems via model checking of stochastic games. Electronics, 8(2):212, 2019.2.Xiaomin Wei, Yunwei Dong, Xuelin Li, W. Eric Wong: Architecture-level hazard analysis using AADL. Journal of Systems and Software, vol. 137, pp. 580- 604, 2018.  3.Dong Y, He Y, Lu Y, et al. A Model Driven Approach for Device Driver Development, 2017 IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security Companion (QRS2017), 2017: 122-129.4.Tingting Wu, Yunwei Dong, Tsong Yueh Chen, Mingyue Jiang, Man Lau, Fei-Ching Kuo and Sebastian Ng. Integration of Metamorphic Testing with Program Repair Methods Based on Adaptive Search Strategies and Program Equivalence. In Formal Methods and Software Engineering: 19th International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods( ICFEM 2017),November 2017.5.Dave Towey, Yunwei Dong, Chang-ai Sun, Tsong Yueh Chen: Metamorphic testing as a test case selection strategy. SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences59(5): 050108:1-050108:2 (2016)6.Ehsan Ahmad, Yunwei Dong, Brian Larson, JiDong Lü, Tao Tang, NaiJun Zhan, Behavior modeling and verification of movement authority scenario of Chinese Train Control System using AADL, Science China Information Sciences, v 58, n 11, September 25, 2015.Ehsan Ahmad, Yunwei Dong,Shuling Wang,Naijun Zhan,Liang Zou, Adding formal meanings to AADL with Hybrid Annex, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, v 8997, p 228-247, 2015.7.葛永琪, 董云卫, 张健, 顾斌. “一种能量收集嵌入式系统自适应调度算法”. 软件学报, 2015, 26(4): 819-834.8.顾斌,董云卫,王政,面向航天嵌入式软件的形式化建模方法,软件学报, 2015,26(2):321?331.9.Xiaomin Wei, Yunwei Dong, Hong YE, QaSten: Integrating Quantitative Verification with Safety Analysis for AADL Model, 10.The 9th Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering Conference (TASE), 2015.Yunwei Dong, Zhe Li, Dave Towey. On the Relationship between Model Coverage and Code Coverage using MATLAB’s Simulink. 2015 IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security (QRS), 2015, 213-218. 11.Gu Bin, Yunwei Dong and Xiaomin Wei. "A Qualitative Safety Analysis Method for AADL Model." The 8th Software Security and Reliability-Companion (SERE-C), 2014.12.Yongqi Ge, Yunwei Dong and Hongbing Zhao. "An energy management strategy for energy-sustainable Cyber-physical system." The 9th Computer Science & Education (ICCSE), 2014.13.Yu Zhang, Yunwei Dong and Fei Xie. "Bounded Model Checking of Hybrid Automata Pushdown System." The 14th International Conference on Quality Software (QSIC), 2014.14.Yongqi Ge, Yunwei Dong and Hongbing Zhao. Energy-Efficient Task Scheduling and Task Energy Consumption Analysis for Real-Time Embedded Systems. Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering Conference (TASE), 2014. Xiaomin Wei, Yunwei Dong, Mengmeng Yang, et al. "Hazard analysis for AADL model." The 20th Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA), 2014. 15.Ehsan Ahmad, Yunwei Dong, Shuling Wang, Naijun Zhan, Liang Zou:  Adding Formal Meanings to AADL with Hybrid Annex. FACS 2014: 228-24716.Ehsan Ahmad, Brian R. Larson, Stephen C. Barrett, Naijun Zhan, Yunwei Dong. Hybrid annex: an AADL extension for continuous behavior and cyber-physical interaction modeling. Proceedings of the 2014 ACM SIGAda annual conference on High integrity language technology. ACM, 2014.17.Yu Zhang, Fei Xie, Yunwei Dong, Xingshe Zhou, Chunyan Ma, Cyber/Physical Co-Verification for Developing Reliable Cyber-Physical Systems, The 37th Annual International Computer Software & Applications Conference, Kyoto, Japan,July 22-26, 2013.18.Zhang, Yu; Xie, Fei; Dong, Yunwei; Yang, Gang; Zhou, Xingshe, High fidelity virtualization of cyber-physical systems,International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing,World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore, June 2013.19.Xiaona WU, Yunwei DONG, Yongqi GE, Honbin ZHAO:A High Reliable Communication Technology in Electric Vehicle Charging Station. The 7th international conference on software security and reliability (SERE 2013) Washington, D.C., USA, SERE-C 2013, p 198-20. 20.Dong Yunwei, Cheng Yao, Wu Tingting, Ye HONG: On Schedulability Analysis for Embedded Systems with AADL Model, 13th international conference on Quality Software (QSIC2013) Nanjing, China, , QSIC 2013, p 320-325, 2013 2013. 21.Yibo Cheng, Yunwei Dong, Zhe Li,A Transformation from Simulink/Stateflow to Hierarchical Interface Automata,2013 International Conference on Information Technology and Applications,  ITA 2013, p 414-418, 2013.


社会兼职 Social Appointments IEEE高级会员、中国家算机学会杰出会员、中国计算机学会形式化专委会常委、嵌入式专委会常委和软件工程专委会会员、IEEE可靠性协会西安分会主席和陕西省计算机学会理事。


