
主页 > 陕西省 > 西北工业大学


姓名 刘东
学校 西北工业大学
部门 材料学院
学位 工学博士学位
学历 博士研究生毕业
职称 正高
联系方式 实用新型1875包写包过
邮箱 软件测试报告2199包写包过
集群智慧云企服 / 知识产权申请大平台
急速申请 包写包过 办事快、准、稳

个人经历 personal experience 工作经历 1999年至今,西北工业大学材料学院1999-2002年分别赴香港科技大学、英国伯明翰大学、德国亚琛工业大学作访问学者。


教育教学 Education and teaching 教育教学 本科生课程《金属塑性成形原理》研究生课程《有色金属与合金钢锻造》博士生课程《塑性加工过程物理基础》


荣誉获奖 Awards Information 2019年获国家科技进步二等奖1项;享受国务院特殊津贴。国防科技进步一等奖1项、二等奖2项,省部级科技进步一、二等奖8项


科学研究 Scientific Research 主持和主持完成国家自然科学基金、航空基金、型号攻关项目等70余项,主持和参与完成112项国内首件航空航天用钛合金、高温合金、超高强度钢、高强铝合金关键锻件研制。


学术成果 Academic Achievements 1. Wang, Hai,Liu, Dong,Yuan, Yingjing,et al. Improving the ultimate tensile strength without loss of plasticity of quenching-partitioning steel by introducing hot deformation[J]. Materials Letters,2022,306.2. Wang, Haiping,Liu, Dong,Wang, Jianguo,et al. Study on the Evolution of the gamma ' Phase and Grain Boundaries in Nickel-Based Superalloy during Interrupted Continuous Cooling[J]. CRYSTALS,2021,11(12).3. Gao, Qiang,Pang, Yuhua,Sun, Qi,et al. Modeling approach and numerical analysis of a roller-hearth reheating furnace with radiant tubes and heating process optimization[J]. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering,2021,28.4. Gao, Qiang,Pang, Yuhua,Sun, Qi,et al. Numerical Analysis of the Effects of Oxygen-Enriched and Different Inlet Conditions on Performance of an Indirect Reheating Furnace with Pulse Combustion[J]. ACS OMEGA,2021,6(45):30627.5 .Chen, Xiaofei,Tang, Bin,Liu, Dong,et al. Dynamic recrystallization and hot processing map of Ti-48Al-2Cr-2Nb alloy during the hot deformation[J]. Materials Characterization,2021,179.6. Zhang, Zhe,Liu, Dong,Li, Zhenfei,et al. Study on the shear-torsion deformation of rotary tube piercing process for nickel base superalloy[J]. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2021,295.7. Li, Ronghan,Wang, Lifang,Jiang, Zejun,et al. Incremental BERT with commonsense representations for multi-choice reading comprehension[J]. MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS,2021,80(21-23):32311.8. Dong, Ruifeng,Liu, Dong,Zhang, Tiebang,et al. Hot-corrosion behavior associated with the evolution of corrosion scales of a Ni-based superalloy in molten salts[J]. PROGRESS IN NATURAL SCIENCE-MATERIALS INTERNATIONAL,2021,31(3):486-492.9. Wang, Hai,Liu, Dong,Zhang, Fuxiang,et al. A comparative study on the evolutions of thermal and mechanical parameters and microstructure of 30Si2MnCrMoVE steel during hot ACDR and upsetting deformation[J]. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY,2021,114(1-2):579-589.10. Gao, Qiang,Pang, Yuhua,Sun, Qi,et al. Numerical analysis of the heat transfer of radiant tubes and the slab heating characteristics in an industrial heat treatment furnace with pulse combustion[J]. International Journal of Thermal Sciences,2021,161.11. Lv, Nan,Liu, Dong,Yang, Yanhui,et al. Studying the residual stress homogenization and relief in aerospace rolling ring of GH4169 alloy using ageing treatment[J]. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY,2021,112(11-12):3415-3429.12. Hu, Yang,Liu, Dong,Yang, Yanhui,et al. Experimental and numerical analysis on bulge forming process of GH4738 thick-walled ring[J]. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY,2021,113(5-6):1591.13. Wang, Haiping,Liu, Dong,Wang, Jianguo,等. Role of size and amount of γ′ phase on creep properties of Waspaloy[J]. materials characteristic,2021,181.14. Zhang, Zhe,Liu, Dong,Wang, Yushan,et al. A novel method for preparing bulk ultrafine-grained material: Three dimensional severe plastic deformation[J]. Materials Letters,2020,276.15. Pang, Yuhua,Lin, Pengcheng,Sun, Qi,et al. Experimental and numerical analyses of 45 steel during three dimensional severe plastic deformation (3D-SPD)[J]. ARCHIVES OF CIVIL AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERING,2020,20(4).16. Zhang, Fuxiang, Liu, Dong,Yang, Yanhui,et al. Investigation on the influences of δ phase on the dynamic recrystallization of Inconel 718 through a modified cellular automaton model[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2020,830.17. Wang, Hai, Liu, Dong,Wang, Jian-guo,et al. Characterization of hot deformation behavior of 30Si2MnCrMoVE low-alloying ultra-high-strength steel by constitutive equations and processing maps[J]. Journal of Iron and Steel Research International,2020,27(7):807-819.18. Zhang, Zhe, Liu, Dong,Zhang, Runqiang,et al. Experimental and numerical analysis of rotary tube piercing process for producing thick-walled tubes of nickel-base superalloy[J]. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2020,279.19.Wang, Jianguo,Liu, Dong,Ding, Xiao,et al. Microstructure Heredity of Inconel 718 Nickel-Based Superalloy during Preheating and Following Deformation[J]. CRYSTALS,2020,10(4).20. Zhang, Fuxiang,Liu, Dong,Yang, Yanhui,et al. Investigation on the meta-dynamic recrystallization behavior of Inconel 718 superalloy in the presence of δ phase through a modified cellular automaton model[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2020,817.21.Tian, Nan,Wang, Tingting,Tu, Xiaoqing,et al. Cyclic tensile machine with wide speed range for in situ neutron/X-ray scattering study on elastomers[J]. REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS,2020,91(1).22. Wang, Hongbo,Liu, Dong,Chen, Tianyu,et al. A Robust State Estimation Method for Unknown, Time-Varying and Featureless Aircraft Sensor Failures[J]. IEEE ACCESS,2020,8:118125-118134.23. Wang, Tingting,Tian, Nan,Chen, Jie,et al. Revisiting flow-induced crystallization of polyethylene inversely: An in situ swelling SANS study[J]. POLYMER,2019,184.24. Ma, Jun,Gong, Lele,Shen, Yang,et al. Detrimental Effects and Prevention of Acidic Electrolytes on Oxygen Reduction Reaction Catalytic Performance of Heteroatom-Doped Graphene Catalysts[J]. FRONTIERS IN MATERIALS,2019,6.25. Wang, Haiping,Liu, Dong,Shi, Yongzhao,et al. Matrix-Diffusion-Controlled Coarsening of the gamma ' Phase in Waspaloy[J]. METALS AND MATERIALS INTERNATIONAL,2019,25(6):1410-1419. 26. Zheng, Yong,Liu, Dong,Qiu, Shaoyu,et al. Effect of deformation routes on torsion behavior via ACDR process[J]. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,2019,104(9-12):4105-4116. 27. Zhang, Zhe,Liu, Dong,Yang, Yanhui,et al. Microstructure evolution of nickel-based superalloy with periodic thermal parameters during rotary tube piercing process[J]. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY,2019,104(9-12):3991-4006. 28. Zhang, Fuxiang,Liu, Dong,Yang, Yanhui,et al. Modeling and simulation of dynamic recrystallization for Inconel 718 in the presence of delta phase particles using a developed cellular automaton model[J]. MODELLING AND SIMULATION IN MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING,2019,27(3). 29. Wang, Haiping,Liu, Dong,Wang, Jianguo,et al. Investigation on the Thermal Deformation Behavior of the Nickel-Based Superalloy Strengthened by gamma ' Phase[J]. CRYSTALS,2019,9(3). 30. Zhang, Si-Mei,Wang, Hai-Peng,Liu, Dong,et al. Method of Behavioral Correlated Stress Perception in Smart Driving[J]. Ruan Jian Xue Bao/Journal of Software,2018,29:86-95. 31. Li, Bingqiang,Shi, Beibei,Liu, Dong,et al. Research on Sensorless Control of Brushless DC Motor for Aircraft Air Conditioning Compressor[C]//Jeju Convention and Visitors Bureau (Jeju CVB), Korea Tourism Organization (KTO):Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., United States,2018:1580-1584. 32. Zhang, Zhe,Liu, Dong,Yang, Yanhui,et al. Explorative study of rotary tube piercing process for producing titanium alloy thick-walled tubes with bi-modal microstructure[J]. Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering,2018,18(4):1451-1463. 33. Zhou, Li,Liu, Dong,Wang, Zhanxue. Influence of inlet guide vanes type on core driven fan stage[J]. Hangkong Dongli Xuebao/Journal of Aerospace Power,2018,33(7):1676-1684. 34. Cai, Jian-Ming,Tian, Feng,Liu, Dong,et al. Research Progress in Manufacturing Technology of 600 High Temperature Titanium Alloy Dual Property Blisk Forging[J]. Cailiao Gongcheng/Journal of Materials Engineering,2018,46(5):36-43. 35. Tian, Nan,Liu, Dong,Wei, Hanghang,et al. Crystallization of polycaprolactone with reduced entanglement[J]. European Polymer Journal,2018,102:38-44. 36. Xie, Chuan,Zhao, Xin,Ki, Kai,et al. Phase Compensated Reduced Order Generalized Integrators for Grid-Tied VSCs With Harmonics Compensation Capability[J]. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS,2018,54(3):2568-2578. 37. Hu, Yang,Liu, Dong,Zhu, Xinglin,et al. Effect of rolling passes on thermal parameters and microstructure evolution via ring-rolling process of GH4738 superalloy[J]. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,2018,96(1-4):1165-1174. 38. Zheng, Yong,Liu, Dong,Yang, Yanhui,et al. PDZ evolution of hot ACDR and forging processes during titanium alloy disc forming[J]. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,2018,95(5-8):1635-1643. 39. Cui, Kunpeng,Ma, Zhe,Tian, Nan,et al. Multiscale and Multistep Ordering of Flow-Induced Nucleation of Polymers[J]. CHEMICAL REVIEWS,2018,118(4):1840-1886. 40. Zheng, Yong,Liu, Dong,Yang, Yanhui,et al. Microstructure evolution of Ti-6Al-4V with periodic thermal parameters during axial closed die rolling process[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2018,735:996-1009. 41. Xie, Chuan,Zhao, Xin,Ki, Kai,et al. Phase Compensated Reduced Order Generalized Integrators for Grid-Tied VSCs With Harmonics Compensation Capability[C]. 445 HOES LANE, PISCATAWAY, NJ 08855-4141 USA:IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC,2018:2568-2578. 42. Zheng, Yong,Liu, Dong,Zhang, Zhe,et al. The flow line evolution of hot open ACDR process for titanium alloy discs[J]. Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering,2017,17(4):827-838. 43. Yang, Yanhui,Zhao, Xingdong,Liu, Dong,et al. Vibratory stress relief of rolling formed GH4169 alloy ring[J]. Zhendong yu Chongji/Journal of Vibration and Shock,2017,36(4):105-109. 44. Zhang, Fuxiang,Liu, Dong,Yang, Yanhui,et al. Study of factors affecting simulation of static recrystallization of Ni-based superalloy through cellular automaton model[C]:Elsevier Ltd,2017:2131-2136. 45. Zheng, Yong,Liu, Dong,Yang, Yanhui,et al. Investigation on metal flow during the hot axial closed die rolling process for titanium alloy discs[J]. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,2016,87(9-12):2445-2458. 46. Zhu, Xinglin,Liu, Dong,Hu, Yang,et al. Influences of Preformed Blank Defects on Deformation Homogeneity of Inconel 718 Alloy During Conical-Section Ring Rolling Process[J]. Science of Advanced Materials,2016,8(11):2089-2096. 47. Yang, Yanhui,Zhao, Xingdong,Zhu, Xinglin,et al. Flow behavior and stress analysis of materials during canned hot extrusion process of dissimilar alloys[J]. Xiyou Jinshu Cailiao Yu Gongcheng/Rare Metal Materials and Engineering,2016,45(10):2710-2716. 48. Zhu, Xing-lin,Liu, Dong,Xing, Li-juan,et al. Microstructure Evolution of Inconel 718 Alloy during Ring Rolling Process[J]. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRECISION ENGINEERING AND MANUFACTURING,2016,17(6):775-783. 49. Zhu, Xinglin,Liu, Dong,Yang, Yanhui,et al. Effects of blank dimension on forming characteristics during conical-section ring rolling of Inco718 alloy[J]. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,2016,84(9-12):2707-2718. 50. Zhu, Xinglin,Liu, Dong,Yang, Yanhui,et al. Optimization on cooperative feed strategy for radial-axial ring rolling process of Inco718 alloy by RSM and FEM[J]. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics,2016,29(3):831-842. 51. Wang, Jianguo,Liu, Dong,Hu, Yang,et al. Effect of Grain Size Distribution on Processing Maps for Isothermal Compression of Inconel 718 Superalloy[J]. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance,2016,25(2):677-686. 52. Yang, Yan Hui,Liu, Dong,Peng, Jian Bing,et al. Study on hot deformation behavior of cast-and-homogenized superalloy GH706[C]:Trans Tech Publications Ltd,2015:648-654. 53.Yang, Yan Hui,Liu, Dong,Gao, Guo Jie,et al. 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社会兼职 Social Appointments 国防科技工业精密锻造与环轧技术创新中心主任,中国航发科技委委员,兵器工业先进挤压技术重点实验室学术委员,国家重型锻压装备咨询委员会委员,MSE、JMPT等国际期刊编委。
